单词 | 徒手画 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 徒手画 —freehand drawingSee also:徒手—with bare hands • unarmed • freehand (drawing) • fighting hand-to-hand 徒—apprentice • believer • disciple • on foot • no avail • prison sentence • bare or empty • surname Tu 画 n—painting n • picture n 画画 n—paint n
例如,場景模式中的 [徒手平移 ]) 本功能適合在確定了相機和被攝物體之間的距離時使用。 en.leica-camera.com | (e.g. [PANNING] in Scene Mode) This function is suitable when the distance between the camera and the subject is known and remains the same. us.leica-camera.com |
海鸥平静地站在巨浪不断冲击的岩石上 的 画 面 , 是基 督 徒 站 在 他的磐 石主耶稣基督上的美丽例证。 sallee.info | The picture of a seagull at peace, standing on a rock with waves crashing around it, is a beautiful illustration of the Christian standing on his rock, the Lord Jesus Christ. sallee.info |
她是土耳其歌剧的首批歌者之一,首席女 歌 手 、 画 家 , 是享誉国际的艺术家。 shanghaibiennale.org | She was one of the first [...] Turkish opera singers, the prima donna of the Turkish opera, a painter, and an internationally [...]acclaimed artist. shanghaibiennale.org |
運用包括所有徒手或機 械裝置鬆動、調整、手法操作、牽引、按摩等治療方法刺激或影響脊柱 [...] 和脊柱周圍組織以恢復患者健康的療法。 hkca.org | Includes all [...] procedures where the hands or mechanical [...] devices are used to mobilize, adjust, manipulate, apply traction, massage, stimulate or otherwise influence the spine [...] and paraspinal tissues with the aim of influencing the patient’s health. hkca.org |
利用各种艺术表达手段(例如绘画、 雕 塑、表演艺术、时尚、多媒体艺术),中心将向女艺 术家提供通过作品自由表达自己的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Using various vehicles of artistic expression (e.g. painting, sculpting, performing [...] arts, fashion, multimedia-based art), [...]the Centre will offer women artists the opportunity to express themselves freely through their creations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
宪法》第29条第(1)款(d) 项规定了与他人一起和平与徒手集会 和示威及请 愿自由的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitution, under Article 29 (1) (d), [...] prescribes the right to freedom to assemble and to demonstrate together with others [...] peacefully and unarmed and to petition. daccess-ods.un.org |
部分委員關注到上述"有合理理由懷疑"的門檻過低,並認為 應採用"有合理理由相信"此一較高的門檻,原因是有 關 手 令 是 為了 進入及搜查該處所以檢取證據;因此,有關法官在簽發有 關 手 令時 應加倍審慎。 legco.gov.hk | Some members have expressed concern that the above threshold of "reasonable grounds to suspect" is too low, and opine that a higher threshold of "reasonable grounds to believe" should be adopted instead considering that greater care should be exercised for issuing warrant for entering and searching premises to seize evidence. legco.gov.hk |
其它工具包括一个图像编辑器,综合性 的 画 面 捕 捉,一个独特的用户界面截图工具,一个为Visual Basic弹出帮助设计器和帮助上下文ID映射附加项,综合性任务管理,可定制的内容 助 手 库 ( 自动化创造通用帮助内容)所有这些都是你将拥有的帮助创建工具集。 evget.com | Additional tools include an image [...] editor, integrated screen capture, a unique user interface screenshot markup tool, a popup help designer and help context id mapping Add-in for Visual Basic, integrated task management, a customizable content helper library (for [...]automating the creation [...]of common help content) all add up to the only Help Authoring toolset you will ever need. evget.com |
他们有机会拜访我们在中国的同工所参与的许多计 画,也和当地信徒及在 中国事奉的外国信徒见面。 amccsm.org | They had opportunities to visit many of the [...] projects our China-based co-workers are [...] involved in, as well as meet with both local and foreign believers serving in China. amccsm.org |
持 卡 人 或 已 注 意 到 , 大 部分銀 行 已 在自動櫃 員 機 上 貼 上 告 示 , 籲 請 使用 櫃 員 機 的人士在 使用有關服 務時加 倍 小 心 , 以 避 免 載 於 卡 上 [...] 的 個 人 資料或 PIN 落 入不法 之 徒 手中。 legco.gov.hk | Cardholders will have noticed that most banks have already put notices on their ATMs asking users to exercise [...] caution whenever they use their cards, to prevent their personal card data or PIN numbers from [...] falling into the wrong hands. legco.gov.hk |
尽管他的国家的人权记录令人发指,但以色列代表 却站在这里,对我们指手画脚,横加指责,还为叙利亚 儿童洒下鳄鱼的眼泪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite his country’s heinous human rights record, the representative of Israel stands here and gives us advice, levels accusations and sheds crocodile tears over the children of Syria. daccess-ods.un.org |
71 41. 大赦国际报告说,一些被视为对事实上的当局 指 手画 脚 的法官经历了一系 列任意调任和职业惩戒程序。 daccess-ods.un.org | AI reported that some judges viewed as critical of the de facto authorities have experienced a series of arbitrary transferrals and disciplinary proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们 的责任和关心要求我们满怀信心随时支持这些事态 发展——不是为了指手画脚或是树立榜样,而是要帮 助各国人民建设自己的未来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Our duty and interest require us to support these developments with confidence and availability — not to teach lessons or set examples, but to help each people to build its own future. daccess-ods.un.org |
自称是人权捍卫者的国家实际上施行的是 双重标准:资本主义强国对伊拉克和阿富汗人民犯 下累累罪行,对加沙地带的无辜者进行屠杀,对古 [...] 巴的经济、金融和贸易实施封锁,同时打着“反恐 战争”的幌子对主权国家指手画脚, 这一切发人深 思。 daccess-ods.un.org | One had only to point to the crimes being committed by the imperialist Powers against the Iraqi and Afghan peoples, the massacres of innocents being perpetrated in the Gaza Strip, or the financial and commercial economic blockade being [...] imposed on Cuba at the same time as the [...] perpetrators pointed fingers at sovereign States [...]under the pretext of conducting a “war on terror”. daccess-ods.un.org |
爲保障個人資料的安全,請爲線上備份選擇高強度的密碼,防止資料落入不法 之 徒手 中 , 且應定期變更 密碼。 ftp.thecus.com | To keep your personal data secure, choose [...] a strong password for your online backups, guard it from [...] getting into the wrong hands, and change it from [...]time to time. ftp.thecus.com |
在我结束发言之前,我要就最近在摩加迪沙和刚 [...] 果民主共和国发生的袭击事件表示哀悼,还要缅怀两 周前发生在刚果民主共和国的徒手搏 斗 中为联合国 维和行动牺牲的三名印度维和人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before I conclude, I would like to offer my condolences on the recent attacks in Mogadishu and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to also salute [...] the memories of three Indian peacekeepers [...] who died in hand-to-hand combat under [...]the United Nations flag, two weeks ago, in [...]the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
过滤器部件更换,无需工具,徒手即 可 完成。 bauergroup.com | The filter element can be easily replaced without any tools. bauergroup.com |
上面的这段消息是远东广播公司的王姐妹寄来的,提醒我们将优良的圣经教导材料送到中国基 督 徒手 中 是 多麽重要的一件事。 amccsm.org | The above news, sent by Sister Wang to the Far East Broadcasting Company, is a reminder [...] to us of the vital importance of getting good Biblical teaching [...] materials into the hands of Christian believers in China. amccsm.org |
練習場並非一帆風順,最初施工完全仰賴人力,巴洛提到,最初現場一片零亂, 15 人 徒手 合 作 搬開一塊重達兩噸的水泥塊,「就好像埃及人在蓋金字塔」。 thisbigcity.net | Steve showed me where a team of 15 had [...] lifted and relocated the very first two-ton [...] concrete blocks by hand that had been misplaced [...]as the site originally fell into disrepair. thisbigcity.net |
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、 信徒 较少的宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the [...] requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a [...] small number of believers and the form of [...]discrimination to be avoided. daccess-ods.un.org |
整张手卷的风格,基本上是对中国古典绘画形式挪用的尝试;审美的情趣和画面经营上,受到了西方现代派,抽象派, 西方平面设计,日本传统艺术,中国绘 画 的 手 卷 的 装裱分隔和传统中国画特别是元代绘画(如:钱选)和明代绘画(如:仇英)的影响。 shanghaibiennale.org | In style, the scroll is an adaptation of traditional Chinese techniques. Its aesthetic and composition draw on western modern art, abstract approaches, advertising design, and traditional Japanese techniques, and the influence of traditional Chinese mounting and traditional painting are also clear, especially the styles of the Yuan Dynasty (e.g. Qian Xuan) and the Ming Dynasty (e.g. Qiu Ying). shanghaibiennale.org |
陈总统也参观了嘉庚堂内的字画、手 工 艺 品展示摊位,并与来宾们亲切交流。 sccci.org.sg | President Tony [...] Tan toured the handicrafts and arts demonstration [...]booths and mingled with guests. english.sccci.org.sg |
家庭成员普遍反映与病者沟通困难,例如,“我想帮妈妈变得更好,但每次我告诉她去做什 么时,她都很生气,她说我没资格指 手画 脚 ,因为她是妈妈”或者“当我告诉我丈夫不要坐在 家里,出去走走时,他根本不理我。 hongfook.ca | It’s common to hear family members express concerns about communication difficulties, such as, “I want to help Mom get better, but she’s so angry every time I tell her what to do – she says I’m in no position to give her instructions as she is the mother” or “My husband ignores me when I tell him to go out rather than sit at home doing nothing. hongfook.ca |
这种抄本通常是一份图画手稿, 打开后像屏幕一样——采用折叠的方式,而不是欧洲人习惯的装订方式。 wdl.org | A codex is [...] usually a drawn manuscript that opens like [...]a screen-fold rather than bound in the way to which Europeans were accustomed. wdl.org |
當然,脊骨神經醫師的徒手 治療 手段並不局限於手法或鬆動術,還包 括 徒手 牽 引 、被動拉伸、按摩、扳機點的缺血性擠壓 和用於止痛及緩解肌肉痙攣的反射技巧。 hkca.org | Of course, the [...] chiropractor’s scope in manual therapy extends beyond the use of manipulation or mobili zation and includes manual traction, [...]passive stretching, massage, [...] ischaemic compression of trigger points and reflex techniques designed to reduce pain and muscle spasm. hkca.org |
他呼吁各国增进与他们的合作,而不是对 其是否遵守任务规定指手画脚。 daccess-ods.un.org | He called on States to improve cooperation with them instead of criticizing their compliance with their mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
PocketCPR设备采用ADI公司的iMEMS [...] (集成微机电系统)技术,在救援人员对心脏骤停者进 行 徒手 C P R 的同时,向其提供实时分步式指导并根据具体救援表现给予反馈。 analog.com | The PocketCPR device uses Analog Devices' iMEMS (integrated micro-electromechanical systems) technology to provide rescuers with real-time, step-by-step [...] guidance and performance-specific [...] feedback while performing manual CPR on individuals [...]experiencing sudden cardiac arrest. analog.com |
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够 行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life. daccess-ods.un.org |
这对双人摄影组合希望通过作品向卡拉瓦乔的明暗对照法及著名 油 画 , 《 圣 徒 马 太 的召唤》(The Calling of Saint Matthew)、《酒神巴克斯》(Bacchus)、《诈赌人》(The Cardsharps)等作品致敬。 ba-repsasia.com | The photography duo pays homage to Caravaggio’s use of [...] light and dark with images [...] modeled after famous paintings such as The Calling [...]of Saint Matthew, Bacchus, and The Cardsharps. ba-repsasia.com |