

单词 徒劳无益

See also:

徒劳 adv

in vain adv

无益 adj

unhelpful adj
counterproductive adj


no good
not beneficial
not good for

External sources (not reviewed)

同样,如果脱离了理论与实践相结合,只向教师灌输理 论知识,而不帮助他们如何运用到实践中去,其结果 徒劳无益 的。
Similarly, using approaches that integrate theory and practice is more effective than merely teaching theoretical constructs to teachers without helping them translate those constructs into practice.
但是,如果我们放弃助长非对称性冲突的社会和 经济层面问题,所有努力都 徒劳无益。
If, however, we abandon the social and economic dimension, which fuels asymmetrical conflicts, all
[...] such efforts will be in vain.
这种参与有助于推动发展筹资国际合作进程摆徒 劳无益的质 疑和对抗而进入建设性的接触。
It helped to move the process of international
cooperation to finance development away
[...] from the arena of futile challenge and confrontation [...]
into the sphere of constructive engagement.
加拿大认为,在养护和可持续利用海洋资源方 面,如果不改善治理、履约、管制和执行,改进决策 过程徒劳无益。
Canada believes that improved decision-making will be fruitless without better governance, compliance, control and enforcement in the conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.
[...] 关重要的方面,武装冲突局势中保护平民的努力将变徒劳无益。
Efforts to protect civilians in armed conflict situations will
[...] be rendered futile should we lose [...]
sight of that paramount perspective.
我国代表团不想卷徒劳无益的讨论,只是希望 提及自我国与厄立特里亚之间的危机爆发以来各区 域和国际组织的实况调查团观察到的具体事实。
Without wishing to
[...] become involved in a sterile and futile discussion, my [...]
delegation simply wishes to refer to concrete
facts that various regional and international organizations were able to observe during their fact-finding missions, carried out since the beginning of the crisis between my country and Eritrea.
假如我们没有尽最大努力将其它干扰源的影响降至最低,我们对Kevlar防弹纤维振膜做出的所有精心改进 徒劳无益。
All our careful refinements of the Kevlar cone would count for nothing if we didn’t do all we can to minimise other sources of disturbance.
在 这一点上,鉴于最高法院已两次拒绝审其关于督察复审的申请,提交人最后认
[...] 为,进一步尝试全面复查先前的诉讼 徒劳无益 的 , 因此他没有进一步提起法律 诉讼。
At this point, and in view of the fact that the Supreme Court had twice declined to consider his application for supervisory review, the author concluded that
further attempts to obtain a thorough review of the earlier
[...] proceedings were futile, and he pursued [...]
no further legal action.
最后,制裁无论系何人以何种借口或掩盖实施, 都仍属非法徒劳无益,只会产生错误的惩罚效果。
In conclusion, sanctions, whosoever imposes them
[...] and under whatsoever pretext or guise, remain illegitimate, futile and misguidedly [...]
的确,如果我们的防治工作不能覆 盖最易感人群,防治努力将 徒劳无益。
Indeed, prevention efforts
[...] will be in vain if we cannot reach the [...]
most vulnerable populations.
不仅要阐明反对无效保留本身不产生任何效果这一原则,还要防止从阐述 这一原则中得出此种反对徒劳无益 的 任 何草率结论。
(13) Indeed, from all standpoints, it is very important for States and international organizations to formulate
an objection, when they deem it justified, in
[...] order to state publicly their position on the invalidity of a reservation.
[...] 为该资金不足以采购所需的所有设备,并且执行这一投资组成部分的任何进一步尝试都将 是徒劳无益的并会产生副作用”。
The Government of Kyrgyzstan wrote to UNIDO requesting a change in the project to remove the investment component because the funds were insufficient to procure all of the equipment
required, and any further attempts to implement the investment component
[...] would be both “useless and counterproductive”.
美国最终意识到向中国进行广播宣 徒劳无益 , 于 是今年(2011年)奥巴马政府计划关闭VOA在香港的广播站。
The US has
[...] finally realised the futility of broadcasting [...]
propaganda into China and this year (2011) the Obama Administration
is planning to shut down VOA broadcasts from Hong Kong.
989 这就是为什么准则 4.5.3
[...] 草案不仅要阐明反对无效保留本身不产生任何效果这一原则,还要防止从 阐述这一原则中得出此种反对 徒劳无益 的 任 何草率结论。
It is in the interests of the author of the reservation, the other contracting States and contracting organizations and, more generally, of a stable, clear legal situation, for objections to invalid reservations to be made and to be formulated as quickly as possible, so that the legal situation can be appraised rapidly by all the actors
and the author of the reservation can
[...] potentially remedy the invalidity within the framework [...]
of the reservations dialogue.
显 然,在国家间冲突旷日持久而且长期持续的谈判无法
取得成功的情况下,武装攻击的受害方——特别是在 其领土遭受非法占领而且侵略国不断采取措施以使
[...] 非法占领局面长期延续,从而致使它深受其害的情况 下——可以行使自卫权,而且只要它能够明确断定, 继续长时间进行谈徒劳无益,政治解决办法无法达 成,那么就可以进行自卫。
It is obvious that, in situations of protracted inter-State conflicts and long-continued unsuccessful negotiations, the victim of an armed attack, especially when it suffers from illegal occupation of its territory and consistent measures by the aggressor State to sustain the situation, is entitled to the right to self-defence and can resort to it as soon as it arrives at the
firm conclusion that prolonging the
[...] negotiations is an exercise in futility and that political settlement is unattainable.
然而,一些人拒绝接受证据,想要另辟 虚幻的蹊径,出于可疑、不客观和不诚实的意图,进徒劳无益、拜占庭式的诡辩。
Nevertheless, some who reject the evidence would like to open
[...] fictitious fronts for sterile, Byzantine argumentation [...]
of suspect, non-objective and dishonest intent.
[...] 比亚代表团今天寻求使国际社会重点关注解决巴勒 斯坦问题的正确办法,而非继续 徒劳无益 的 死 胡同 和沉浸在所谓“两国解决方案”的幻想之中。
Based on that premise, today the Libyan delegation seeks to focus the attention of the international community on the right approach to resolving the
question of Palestine, rather than
[...] continuing on a futile path of closed doors and dreaming [...]
of the mirage of the so-called two-State solution.
希族塞人方面通过再三的虚假主张欲把非法行政当局合法性的企图将徒 劳无益的, 因为土族塞人绝不会屈服于他们的不公正要求。
Attempts by the Greek Cypriot side, through often-repeated false claims, to
confer legitimacy upon an illegal
[...] administration will be futile, since the Turkish [...]
Cypriot people will never give in to their unjust demands.
[...] 讨论一个解决争端的制度,严格来说将转移对当前审议专题的注意力,引 徒劳无益 的 争 论, 并妨碍委员会在合理时限内完成工作。
II, Part One), the Special Rapporteur said that in his view, “the discussion of a regime for the settlement of disputes [in the draft articles prepared by the Commission] diverts
attention from the topic under consideration strictly
[...] speaking, gives rise to useless debates and is detrimental [...]
to efforts
to complete the work of the Commission within a reasonable period.
关于上述事实,提交人辩称已用尽了所有现有国内补救办法,并且进一步 尝试用尽国内补救办法将徒劳无益 的。
2.21 With reference to the facts described above, the author argues that all
available domestic remedies have been exhausted and that further attempts to exhaust domestic
[...] remedies would have been futile.
Chan Yu Ping 女士(新加坡)表示对马来西亚 的支持,她解释说每三年一次对暂停执行死刑进行 讨论会更显明智,因为这个问 徒劳无益 地 使 会员 国分为不同阵营,浪费联合国的时间和金钱。
Yu Ping (Singapore) expressed her support for the proposal of the representative of Malaysia; she believed that it would be more appropriate to discuss the moratorium on the use of the death penalty every three years, since the issue divided Member States unnecessarily and wasted the Organization’s time and money.
只是处理达尔富尔 冲突的表象终徒劳无益。
Merely addressing the symptoms of the
[...] conflict in Darfur would be in vain.
希族塞浦路斯代表一再提出虚假主张,企图给非法的行政当局披上合法的外 衣;但是,只要土族塞人不屈服于他们的要求,这种企图就 徒劳无益 的。
Attempts by the Greek Cypriot representatives, through often-repeated false claims, to
confer the legitimacy upon all illegal
[...] administration will be futile for as long as the [...]
Turkish Cypriot people refuse to give in to their demands.
尽管未向委员会提出退回第二份登记申请的问题,提交人指出,在法庭就 此退回提出质疑徒劳无益,因 为在缔约国当局就拒绝第二份请求给出的三个理 [...]
由中,有两个理由与区间法院和塔什干市法院作为退回第一份申请的合理依据而 核准的理由
Even though the return of the second registration application is not before
the Committee, the author notes that it
[...] would have been futile for him to challenge [...]
that return in court, because two of
the three reasons given by the State party‟s authorities for denying the second application were exactly the same as the reasons approved by both the Inter-District Court and the Tashkent City Court (and not objected to by the Supreme Court) as correct bases for returning the first application.
在没有明确规范、框架、 可信性和具体时间表的情况下即开始谈判 徒劳无 益的。
It is futile to go into negotiations [...]
without clear parameters, terms of reference, credibility or a specific timetable.
818 这就是为什么在建议列入实 践指南的导则草案 4.5.4 中,不仅要阐明反对无效保留本身不产生任何效果这一
[...] 确切无疑的原则,还要消除从阐明这一原则中可能得出的此种做 徒劳无益 的草 率结论。
On the contrary, in order to maintain stable treaty relations, they should be encouraged to do so, provided that they provide reasons for their position.818 This is why, in draft guideline 4.5.4, which is proposed for inclusion in the Guide to Practice, it would not be sufficient simply to set out the (undoubtedly correct) principle that an objection to an impermissible reservation does not, as such, produce effects; it is
also necessary to discourage any hasty inference, from the statement of that
[...] principle, that this is a futile exercise.
西方国家想通过对朝鲜民主主义人民共 和国施加压力来使朝鲜政府背离发展社会主义、保 障人权和基本自由的目标,这只能 徒劳无益 的空 想。
It was futile and unrealistic for the West to believe that by exerting pressure on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea it could make the Government deviate from its objective of developing socialism, which guaranteed the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
过去 19 年里,国际社会和来自世界每 个区域与每个地方的各国在本大会堂里,对通过迄今 18
[...] 份决议发出的要求取消针对古巴政府和人民实施的 非人道徒劳无益措施的呼吁,给予了压倒性支持。
This Hall has witnessed during the past 19 years the overwhelming support of the international community and countries — coming from every region and part of the world — to the call made
through 18 resolutions so far to annul
[...] the inhumane and futile measures imposed [...]
against the Government and people of Cuba.
围绕 针对每一个国家的普遍定期审议所进行的对话树立 了一个榜样,显示各国可如何建设性地相互合作和协 作,避免将问题政治化以徒劳无益 地 点 名羞辱对 方。
The dialogue around each country’s Universal Periodic Review has set an example of how States can cooperate and engage constructively with one another in avoiding the politicization of issues and the unproductive naming and shaming of one another.




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