


dawn (archaic)








External sources (not reviewed)

斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、 的宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the
requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a
[...] small number of believersand theform of [...]
discrimination to be avoided.
Tourism activities to provide work for young people include development of hiking trails and local birdwatching groups, which are likely to be accepted in the tourism programme of the private sector.
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
在这方面,委员会邀请缔约国考虑不仅建 造新的监狱设施,并且还应更广泛地采用其他非监
In this regard, the Committee invites the State party to consider not only the construction of new prison facilities, but also the wider application of alternative non-custodial sentences.
中国详细介绍 了通过立法决定和加强反恐工作的情况,包括为此参照中国已经加入的国际公约而 确定了有关恐怖主义活动、恐怖主义组织及其成员的法律定义;在预防和惩治经济 欺诈问题上采取多头出击的做法;在预防侵害儿童行为的犯罪和加强保护其权利方
面取得进展;推动开展打击腐败行为的国际合作;加强为有效打击跨国有组织犯罪 提供刑事司法援助;改进网上安全以加强预防和打击网络犯罪的能力;并修订相关
[...] 法规,将法律援助的范围从仅仅涉及审判阶段扩大至也包括审判前阶段以及嫌疑犯 可能面临无案件。
China elaborated on the adoption of legislative decisions and the strengthening of anti-terrorism efforts, including through the establishment of legal definitions of terrorist activities, organizations and their members by reference to the international conventions to which China had acceded; the adoption of a multi-pronged approach to the prevention and punishment of economic fraud; the progress made in the field of prevention of crimes against children and the strengthening of the protection of their rights; the promotion of international cooperation to combat corruption; the strengthening of criminal justice assistance to combat transnational organized crime effectively; the improvement of online security to enhance capacity to prevent and combat cybercrime; and the amendment of legislation to extend the scope of legal
aid from trials only to pretrial proceedings and to cases where the suspect might
[...] face a sentence of life imprisonment.
爱沙尼亚的,至今都 是在欧盟灯塔项目和欧洲社会基金试验项目的框架内开展的。
Apprenticeship trainingin Estonia [...]
has so far been carried out within the framework of EU Phare and ESF pilot projects.
建造业议会正与香港机电工程商联会、电梯业协会及职业训练局(职训局)积极 商讨,为建造业机电工种(包括升降机及自动梯行业)提供更多培训,各方已原
[...] 则上同意为机电工种推行「承建商合作培训计划」,并为有志於完成职训局的机 电基本工艺课程後,投身成为机电员提供资助,以提升机电工种的人力 资源。
To increase the manpower for the trade, they have agreed in principle to introduce the Contractor Cooperative Training Scheme for the electrical and mechanical trade and provide subsidy to those
trainees who intend to join as electrical
[...] and mechanical apprenticesafter completing [...]
VTC's basic craft courses in electrical and mechanical engineering.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知[假救世主]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见] 上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
Check the length and degree of difficulty of your planned walk.
说:“安理会的历史记录的情况是,一个学说的信条没有申报,而父亲并没有一致的见证,和一些着名的在设置方面的反对,而整个东没有拒绝作为一种象征,一次,而是两次,元老的元老,第一大城市的都市,由1 [...]
100口以上,然后由被强迫600口以上的主教,并要求其拒绝的理由,以作为一个另外的信条,呼吁安理会,而不是作为一个信条的确,然而,另一方面,不只是认购,但它的信仰接受,作为一个定义下的一个诅咒制裁,安理会被迫通过该决议的教宗一天,通过他的legates和代理的支持下,民间的力量“(新民”发展“,五,§ 3,第1版。
"The historical account of the Council is this, that a doctrine which the Creed did not declare, which the Fathers
did not unanimously witness, and which some
[...] eminent Saintshad almost in set [...]
terms opposed, which the whole East refused
as a symbol, not once, but twice, patriarch by patriarch, metropolitan by metropolitan, first by the mouth of above a hundred, then by the mouth of above six hundred of its bishops, and refused upon the grounds of its being an addition to the Creed, was forced upon the Council, not indeed as a Creed, yet, on the other hand, not for subscription merely, but for its acceptance as a definition of faith under the sanction of an anathema, forced on the Council by the resolution of the Pope of the day, acting through his Legates and supported by the civil power" (Newman, "Development", v, §3, 1st ed., p. 307).
代表 团看到一些被拘留者需要医治,例如因为他们被送他们到宪兵队的,但 是他们既没有要求看医生,也没有获得接触医生的机会。
The delegation observed detainees who were in need of medical treatment, for example because the mob whohad brought them to the gendarmerie had beaten them, but who had either not asked to see a doctor, or had not been provided with access to a doctor.
事实上,亚美尼亚总统通过赞美他的武装部队(这支部队在任何文明社会中 都将成为羞辱和蔑视的对象),以及讴歌一小撮应对战争期间对阿塞拜疆平民犯 下的残暴罪行负责的亡命全世界再清楚不过地表明,在他看来,“亚美 尼亚品牌”和“亚美尼亚价值体系”到底意味着什么。
In reality, by glorifying his armed forces, which would be an object of shame and contempt in any civilized society, as well as eulogizing a handful of desperadoes who are responsible for atrocious crimes committed against Azerbaijani civilians during the war, the President of Armenia makes it absolutely clear what, in his view, “the Armenian brand” and “the Armenian system of values” mean.
该协定是双方于 2009 年 6 月 21
[...] 日在联合国索马里政治事务处(联索政治处)的主持下签署初步声明之后签 订的,作出下述安排:(a) 过渡联邦政府部队和“先知的织的部队合并, 后者将部队交给过渡联邦政府指挥和控制;(b) 为“先知的织分配若干 部长级职位以及高级公务员和外交官职位;(c) 酌情整合过渡联邦政府已建立的 地方行政部门;(d) [...]
的力量;以及(e) 建立一个监测该协定实施情况的机构,成员包括联索政治处、 非洲联盟以及政府间发展管理局(伊加特)。
The accord, which followed an initial declaration signed on 21 June 2009 by the two parties under the auspices of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), stipulates the following arrangements: (a) the merging of
Transitional Federal
[...] Government and ASWJ forces, with the latter bringing its troops under the command and control of the Government; (b) the allocationto ASWJ of ministerial [...]
posts and senior
positions in the civil and foreign services; (c) the integration of local administrations already established by the Government, wherever applicable; (d) the formation of an advisory council of religious leaders as a counterweight to Al-Shabaab’s radical doctrine; and (e) the establishment of a body to monitor implementation of the agreement, comprising UNPOS, the African Union, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
世人的嘲 笑越来越激烈,因为那些“基督再临论者” 一次又一次地预言失事事件和世界的毁灭, 但是他们的预言一次又一次地落空了——直 到现在,特别提及的日期预言一般都遭受到
[...] 怀疑的微笑和公开的轻蔑,一些熟知预言和 年表是上帝启示重要组成部分的基也这样对待。
The scorn of the world grew more and more intense, as time after time they foretold a wreck of matter and a crush of worlds, and time after time their predictions failed—until now the very mention of prophetic time is received very generally
with an incredulous smile, or with open
[...] contempt, even by Christians who well know [...]
that prophecy and chronology constitute
a large proportion of God’s revelation.
反腐败战 略依靠的是公众态度、预防措施、有效管制机构、惩罚不法回被盗资 产等的相互配合。
Anti-corruption strategies are based on a combination of public attitudes, preventive measures, effective institutions of control, punishment of wrongdoers and recovery of stolen assets.
(h) 加紧迫害未得到承认的宗教少数群体,尤其是巴哈括利用国营 新闻媒体等手段,攻击巴哈 越来越多的迹象表明国家在竭力查找、监 视和任意拘留巴哈让巴哈学和谋生;没收和毁坏其财产;破 坏其墓地;屡次剥夺七名巴哈教领导人受到宪法保障的适当法律程序权利,包 括及时、充分地接触自选的法律代理人及得到公正、公开审判的权利,将他们 判处十年监禁
(h) Increased
[...] incidents of persecution against unrecognized religious minorities, particularly members of the Baha’ifaith,including attacks on Baha’is, including in State-sponsored media, increasing evidence of efforts by [...]
the State to identify,
monitor and arbitrarily detain Baha’is, preventing members of the Baha’i faith from attending university and from sustaining themselves economically, the confiscation and destruction of their property, the vandalizing of their cemeteries and the sentencing of seven Baha’i leaders to ten years’ imprisonment despite being repeatedly denied the due process of law that they are constitutionally guaranteed, including the right to timely and adequate access to legal representation of their choice and to a fair and open trial
但是,只是轻判了缓 期执行没有给予受害人任何赔偿,而且未触及这次袭击可能具有的种族 主义因素。
However, only light suspended jail sentences were ordered, no compensation was granted to the victims, and the possible racist element of the attack was not addressed.
在 这一点上,鉴于最高法院已两次拒绝审其关于督察复审的申请,提交人最后认
[...] 为,进一步尝试全面复查先前的诉讼益的,因此他没有进一步提起法律 [...]
At this point, and in view of the fact that the Supreme Court had twice declined to consider his application for supervisory review, the author concluded that
further attempts to obtain a thorough review of the earlier
[...] proceedingswerefutile,and hepursued [...]
no further legal action.
当进 行或户外探索时,应大量饮水(每步行一小时至少饮水一升)。
When walking or exploring outdoors drink plenty of water (allow at least one litre of water per hour of walking).
成员们很清楚我国和我国人民所经历的困难,但 这些困难并未能动摇我们在同一个家园中共同生活的
[...] 意志,多样性和开放是我们的财富,我们对基斯林伙伴合作设计国家共同未来和命运感到骄傲。
Members are well aware of the difficulties that have tested our country and people, but that have not shaken our will to live together in one homeland, enriched by its
diversity and openness and proud of its
[...] partnership between Christians andMuslims [...]
in designing a common national future and destiny.
(4)如果因本《刑法典》第 327 条第 4 款、第 328 条第 3 款和第 4 款、 第 329 条第 3 款和第 330 条第 2 款所述的行为,造成 1 人或多人死亡,犯罪 者须处以 1 年至 8 年的有
(4) If as a result of acts referred to in Articles 327, paragraph 4, 328, paragraphs 3 and 4, 329, paragraph 3, and Article 330, paragraph 2 of the present Code one or more persons died, the offender shall be punished by animprisonment sentence of one to eight years.
受到保护,其信仰免受仇恨言论和行 为的伤害,但这种保护最好通过保护个人和团体的 [...]
宗教自由权来实现,《世界人权宣言》、《公民及政治 权利国际公约》以及《消除基于宗教或信仰原因的 一切形式的不容忍和歧视宣言》对此做了阐述。
Believers had tobe protected [...]
from hate speech and acts against their convictions, but the protection could best be achieved
by insuring the right of individuals and communities to religious freedom, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.
[...] 的政府采取各种措施降低失业率,以应对经济危机,一些国家还针对青年人就业 问题提供补贴的 习计划,并向新就业者提供工资补贴或减少社会税。
Governments in the ECE region have responded to the economic crisis with various measures aiming to reduce unemployment, while some countries have also targeted the
employment of young people with the
[...] aid of subsidizedapprenticeship andinternship [...]
programmes as well as wage subsidies
or social tax reductions for new entrants.
改善技术与职业教育和培训(TVET)的相关性和质量项目:该项目(定于 2010 年 12 月结束)由德国通过联合国发展集团信托基金提供资金(530 万美元),合作伙伴有国际劳
[...] 工组织和联合国人类住区规划署,主要成果包括开发了技术与职业教育和培训治理模式,实 施了示范
Improving the Relevance and Quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET): Major outputs of this project (due to close in December 2010), funded by Germany under the UNDG Trust Fund ($5.3 million) with ILO and United Nations
Habitat as partners, include the development of a TVET Governance Model and the
[...] delivery of a model apprenticeshipprogramme.
在安全理事会关于题为“恐怖行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的项目的 通报会期间,阿塞拜疆总统作为一个在其旨在消灭纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民的战 争中猖狂利用数以千计的与国际上臭名昭着的恐怖网络密切关联的雇佣军的国 家的领导人企图将自己与恐怖团体保持联系的责任强加给别人。
During the Security Council briefing on the item “Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts”, the President of Azerbaijan made an unsuccessful attempt to lay its own responsibility for links with terrorist groups on others, being the leader of a country that actively used thousands of mercenaries closely linked to notorious international terrorist networks in its war aimed at the annihilation of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh.




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