单词 | 後退 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 后退adverb—backwardsadv后退verb—be backvretreatvrewindv后退—fall back draw back recoil See also:退v—retreatv withdrawv 退—move back
经过进一步的争论终於加里说,他不会帮助灼烧,然 後退出 BASA前灼烧可以解雇他。 zh-tw.seekcartoon.com | After further arguing finally Gary says that he won’t be helping Scorch and quits BASA before Scorch [...] can fire him. nl.seekcartoon.com |
不过,他们必须如21.7(b)所述继续後退、或 直到有队友从标点10公 尺後方跑到他们前方,他们才可参与比赛。 irblaws.com | However, [...] they mustcontinue to retireasdescribedin 21.7(b) [...]above or until a team-mate who was 10 metres from the mark [...]has run in front of them, before they take part in the game. irblaws.com |
(b) 球员在後退中,即使还没有退到「10公尺规则」假想线後方,也可因为 [...] 上述11.2所列举的同队的三项动作之一而成为在位。 irblaws.com | (b) Whileretiring,the player can [...] be put onside before moving behind the imaginary 10-metre line by any of the three actions [...]of the player’s team listed above in 11.2. irblaws.com |
滑鼠左侧的前进/後退按键,可以轻松快捷浏览网际网路。 btc.com.tw | Easy browse through the Internet [...] with Forward and Backward buttons on mouse [...]left side. btc.com.tw |
当研磨动作结 束後,砂轮会自动後退到设定位置,再次进给只须再按进给按键即可。 startech.com.tw | When the grinding cycle is finished, the grinding wheel will be retracted automatically till you press the infeed bottom again. startech.com.tw |
1990年底,英国的戴卓尔夫人在「认许率」跌至 25%後,退出保守党领袖的竞选,并辞去自1979年起出任的首相职务。 hkupop.hku.hk | The author will discuss this in future. [...] In late 1990, after the "approval rate" of Margaret Thatcher sank to 25%, she withdrew from the election [...]for the leader [...]of the British Conservative Party, thereby gave up her job as the Prime Minister of UK, a post which she held since 1979. hkupop.hku.hk |
冰河每一年都在後退,并且融化,慢慢会消失不见。 4tern.com | The glacier is disappearing every year, it will be gone one day. 4tern.com |
所缴付的按金将於账户结束後退还注册客户。 hkelectric.com | The deposit will be refundedtothe registered [...] customer upon termination of account. hkelectric.com |
从印表机控制面板变更此设定後退出功能表,会使印 表机重新启动。 cryptoman.com | Changing this setting from the printer control [...] panel and then exiting the menus causes [...]the printer to restart. cryptoman.com |
如果您:(1)将已损坏或使用过的产品退回, [...] (2)无OSHK退货参考号,(3)30天退货期(或者当地适用法律规定的更长时间) 後退货,(4 )未使用适当的包装或者未经包装,(5)其部件,包括元件、内含产品、配件、包装、盒子、文件和/或其他物品已损坏或遗失,或者(6)未预付运费,则 [...][...]OSHK保留(根据当地适用法律)拒绝支付退货购买价款或者向您索取维修、重新补货或相关费用和运费的权利。 hk.oregonscientific.com | If you return Products (1) which have been damaged or used, (2) [...] without a OSHK return [...] reference number, (3) after the 30day return period (or other period specified by [...]applicable law), (4) [...]without proper or with missing packaging, (5) parts of which, including components, included products, accessories, packaging, boxes, documents and/or other items are damaged or missing, or (6) without pre-paid delivery, OSHK retains the right either to refuse to refund Product purchase price (subject to applicable local law), or to charge you repair, restocking or related fees and delivery charges. hk.oregonscientific.com |
年龄在45岁以下,或於超过10年後退休之 人士。 jpmorganam.com.hk | Suitable age group: below 45 (or more [...] than 10years to retirementdate). jpmorganam.com.hk |
具备国家安全强度同时只需单人 IT 部门就可以轻松管理的 Seagate 企业级 [...] SED,能透过省去覆写或实际销毁硬碟机的必要、确保可在保固期和租约到期 後退还,以及让硬碟机可以安全无虞地移作他用等特点,简化汰换作业并保存退换货品及重新利用的硬体价值。 seagate.com | Strong enough for national security, yet easy enough for the [...] one-person IT department, Seagate enterprise [...] SEDs simplifydecommissioning and preserve [...]hardware value for returns and repurposing [...]by eliminating the need to overwrite or physically destroy the drive, securing warranty and expired lease returns, and enabling drives to be repurposed securely. seagate.com |
就像在 一个分界限上我们必须选择前进或者 後退,往左或者往右,往前或者往 後,剃刀边缘。 avatarepc.com | Maybe it’s the offer of a choice that draws us to the edge: advance or retreat, left or right, go on or go back, the razor’s edge. avatarepc.com |
主 要 为 先徵後 退的增值 税 及 发 展 基 金 和 新 产 品 财 政 补 助 等。 zte.com.cn | Government [...] grants mainly representedrefunds ofVATandcontributions [...]to development fund, as well as financial subsidy for new products. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
这解 释了为何他公开反对法国以武力干预西班牙﹐以及为何他在凡罗拿会议 後退出了会议制度。 hkahe.com | That’s why he openly opposed any military intervention in Spain by [...] France and withdrewthe Congress afterVerona. hkahe.com |
特地精心在滑轨加上解锁的结 [...] 构以避免键盘模组於使用时滑 动,而没有解锁结构的 LCD 多电 脑切换器,一旦不小心碰撞到,整 个 LCD 多电脑切换器/控制端的 键盘便因无法固定住,松动而往後退。aten.com.tw | Without the locking mechanism, the keyboard can slide away if accidentally bumped. aten.co.kr |
Michael R. Cannon 在进入高科技公司工作 35 年後退休。 seagate.com | Michael R. Cannon is retired after a 35 year career [...] in high technology companies. seagate.com |
键盘的上方整合了四个网际网路功能键、四个多媒体的快捷键,还可以快速开启Word、Excel、Power Point等应用软体;搭配的光学滑鼠更是使用安捷伦的800CPI 感应器,滑鼠除了一般的左右键及滚轮功能外更是新增了快速前进以及 後退键的功能配合着大滚轮的设计使用更是流畅顺利;优雅外观的接收器设计独特如水晶般质感的透明按键,更是绝妙的精致设计。 btc.com.tw | The matching mouse allows for highly accurate and reliable movements through its high precision optical 800dpi sensor and features newly designed buttons for forward and backwardbrowsing besides the usual left and right click buttons and ribbed scroll wheel. btc.com.tw |
金融危机引致全球衰退後,於二零零九年,收益减少24%,因为范围内产品在世界 [...] 各地均录得销售下跌,其中以巴西、俄罗斯、英国及法国的跌幅最大。 cre8ir.com | Following theglobal recession caused by the [...] financial crisis, in 2009, revenues decreased by 24% due to a world-wide sales [...]decline in the Scope Products that mainly incurred in Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom and France. cre8ir.com |
UNDER COVER向来跟写真家富永YOSHIE先生合作无间;自富永氏引 退後,工 作便交由弟子守本胜英担当。 think-silly.com | UNDER COVER regularly collaborated with photographer Mr. Yoshie Tominaga. think-silly.com |
此外,各国开始撤销自2009年深陷衰退後实施的 刺激经济政策。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | In addition, policy stimulus, provided [...] since the deep recession in2009, has [...]started to fade. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
在 2008 年经济衰退期间 产出缺口一路跌 至 -8% 比起过去 1980 年代初期大衰退时最低 的 -7.8% 还要低 此外 1980 年代後 其产出 缺口迅速缩小并有几季变为正值 但此次 2008 年经济衰退後的产出缺口却仍在 -8% 附近徘 徊 这意味着 即便是今日 产出缺口仍是前 所未有地巨大并挥之不去 也难怪在目前疲软 的经济下 美国企业不愿增聘员工 而失业率 高居不下 作者为美国南加州大学教授 台湾吉而好创立於 1983 年 是一间以创意 和设计为宗旨的公司 秉持着 精致 有趣 而富创意 的理念 吉而好让人们藉由产品 体验到生活中的小小乐趣 吉而好向消费者展 现绝佳实力 亦获得多项优良设计奖项并拥有 超过百项专利 产品外销世界各地 [...][...] 并为多家 国际精品品牌 如 Cerruti 1881 LAVIN 等知名 品牌设计并生产产品 品质深受肯定 apecscmc.org | During the recession of 2008, the output gap went all the way down to -8%, lower than the -7.8% achieved in the last large recession of the early 1980s. While during the early 1980s, the output gap recovered rapidly and turned positive in a few quarters, the output gap after the recession of 2008 is still hovering around -8%. apecscmc.org |
创意是都市更新的金鸡母,许多城市自觉经济停滞或衰 退後,都采行各种政策,鼓励居民发挥创意(并吸引「创意阶级」),期望藉此刺激经济复苏与都市更新,不过各地形式大不相同,例如各种社区带头的艺术计画(最近重生的「芝加哥文化方案」),或是经费庞大的基础建设计画(文化街区、媒体城),都由公私夥伴一同规划与出资。 thisbigcity.net | Cities that find themselves in economic stagnation (or decline) are now enacting policies to encourage the creativity of their inhabitants (and to attract the ‘creative class’), all with the prospect of stimulating economic recovery and urban renewal. thisbigcity.net |
所以为了顺应地球现实,我们得接受 退後或许是向前,开始在自家後院里种植部分食品,并用桌上游戏代替电视度过夜晚,若要达到这项目标,你我必须学着以更少资源获得更多快乐,人类若接受这项挑战,结果将也许会很值得。 thisbigcity.net | So maybe, in order to get in tune with the realities of planet Earth, we might have to accept that less might in fact be more, a place where we will grow some of our food in our backyard, and spend an evening playing board games instead of watching TV. thisbigcity.net |
(B) 倘本公司向有权收取人士寄发就股份所应付之支票、股息单或汇 票或其他应付款项连续两次未兑现,或该支票、股息单或汇票一度未能送达而被退回本公司,则本公司毋须再向该人士寄发就有关股份所应付之任何到期股息或其他款 项,直至该人士通知本公司一个为此目的而使用之地址为止。 asiasat.com | (B) If any cheques, warrants or orders for dividends or other moneys payable in respect of a share sent by the Company to the person entitled thereto are left uncashed on two consecutive occasions or on one occasion if such cheque, warrant or orderis returned to the Company undelivered, the Company shall not be obliged to send any dividends or other moneys payable in respect of that share due to that person until he notifies the Company of an address to be used for the purpose. asiasat.com |