

单词 後生



fig. find a way out of an impasse


will be redoubtable in later life (idiom); a young person's abilities must be respected, though inexperienced
the younger generations will surpass us in time


after the calamity, renewed life (idiom); new lease of life

External sources (not reviewed)

有关调整将紧随有 关发行记录日後生
Such adjustment shall be effective immediately afterthe Record Date [...]
for such issue.
主要是由於年内本集团淘 汰山东省邹平县魏桥镇生产基地的後生施,而其 减值损失於二零零九年一次性确认。
Such decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the Group overseas sales through intermediate traders which resulted in a drop in the commission paid.
(C) 在不违反上述(B)项规定之前提下,当任何联名帐户持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他丧失行为能
[...] 应向联名帐户持有人支付的所有款项及资产交予联名帐户持有人的生存者(若所有联名帐户持有 人全部身故,则应当交予後生联名帐户持有人的遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人),而吾等就以 [...]
(包括已身故的联名帐户持有人及其继承人),前提是吾等会要求提供身故证明文件及/或身故者 遗产的相关法律受让文件。
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint
Account holders, to the executors or
[...] administrators ofthe lastsurviving joint [...]
Account holder) and any payment by us above
shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge of us as against the joint Account holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
a) 就“除害剂”和其他相关词彚采用与食品法典委员会一致的定义; b) 制定最高残余限量和再残余限量名单,以食品法典委员会建议的最高残余限量 /再残余限量为骨干,并采纳食品法典委员会的食物分類方法; c) 对於没有订明最高残余限量/再残余限量的除害剂,除非食环署署长信纳检测
到的除害剂残余水平不会危害或损害公众健康,否则不容许输入和售卖含有这 類除害剂的食物; d) 制定获豁免物质名单; e) 接受增加/修订最高残余限量和获豁免物质的申请; f)
[...] 让拟议规例与《除害剂条例》(第133章)下用於糧食作物的除害剂注册作出配 合;以及 g) 拟议规例会在兩年宽限期届後生
a) To define “pesticide” and other related terms in a way consistent with Codex; b) To provide a list of maximum residue limits (MRLs) and extraneous maximum residue limits (EMRLs), to adopt MRLs/EMRLs recommended by Codex as the backbone as well as the Codex’s classification of foods; c) To prohibit the import and sale of the concerned food for which no MRL/EMRL had been specified, unless DFEH was satisfied that the detected level would not be dangerous or prejudicial to health; d) To provide a list of exempted substances; e) To accept applications for adding / revising MRLs and exempted substances; f) To dovetail the proposed Regulation with the registration of pesticides
for use on food crops under the PO, Cap. 133; and g) To commence the
[...] proposedRegulation afteratwo-year grace period.
(2) 在不影响第(1)款的一般性的原则下,任何批给训练局的租契、租赁、准许、许可或牌照如 在紧接指定日期前是有效的,或是在该日期当日或後生,则该等租契、租赁、准许、许可或 牌照具有的效力,犹如它们是批给议会一样。
(2) Without affecting the generality of subsection (1), any lease, tenancy, permit or licence granted
to the CITA that is
[...] in force or effective immediately before the appointed day or which is to take effect onor after that day has [...]
effect as if granted to the Council.
如任何「义务人」於任何时间被要求於向「「生」作出的付款中,作出任何 税务或其他的扣减或预扣,该「义务人」就该付款的应付款项应相应增加,以确保经过扣减或预扣该笔付款的到 期日收到(并在不附带扣减或预扣的任何责任的情况下予以保留)的净额,相当於如未经作出或规定作出扣减或预扣「「生」应可 收到的款额。
If at any time an obligor is required to make any deduction or withholding for or on account of tax or otherwise from any payment to Hang Seng, the sum due from that obligor in respect of such payment shall be increased to the extent necessary to ensure that, after the making of such deduction or withholding, Hang Seng receives on the due date for such payment (and retains, free from any liability in respect of such deduction or withholding) a net sum equal to the sum which Hang Seng would have received had no such deduction or withholding been made or required to be made and it shall be the sole responsibility of the obligors to effect payment of such deduction or withholding to the relevant authority within the applicable time limit.
Several epigenetic stratabound copper mineralisation (manto type) bodies with variable thicknesses between 20 to 40m are distributed along 900m strike length mineralised corridor named Cinabrio zone.
於 完 成 後 及 为 确 保 本 集 团 业 务 之 持 续 性 , 现 建 议 根 据 收 购 守
则 第 25 条 有 关 特 别 交 易 之 规 定 , 周 先
[...] 生 将 与 本 公 司 订 立 独 立 服 务 协 议 , 以 委 任 其 担 任 本 公 司 之 顾 问 , 自 周 先 生 辞 任 执 行 董後 生
Following Completion and for the purpose of ensuring continuity of the Group’s business, it is proposed that subject to compliance with the requirements under Rule 25 of the Takeovers Code with respect to special deal, Mr. Chow will enter into a separate service agreement with the Companyinrelationtohisappointment
as a consultant of the Company
[...] with effect upon the resignation of Mr. Chow as an executive Director becoming effective.
deco後生不符合「自用」或现金流量对冲会计原则下,若干固定价格远期煤炭销售合约有关的161百万美元按市价计算负差额调整,以及 与Glencore集团上市有关的258百万美元开支。
The net amount in 2011 primarily comprised $ 161 million of negative mark to market adjustments related to certain fixed priced forward coal sales contracts in respect of Prodeco’s future production that did not qualify for “own use” or cash flow hedge accounting and $ 258 million of expenses related to the Listing of the Glencore Group.
(1) 由训练局、对训练局或就训练局订立的任何协议、安排或合约或达成的其他交易或作出的 其他事情,如在紧接指定日期前是有效的,或是在该日期当日或後生,则该等协议、安排、 合约、交易及事情具有的效力,犹如它们是由议会、对议会或就议会订立、达成或作出一样。
(1) Any agreement, arrangement, contract made or entered into or other transaction effected or other thing done by, to or in
relation to the CITA that is
[...] in force or effective immediately before the appointed day or which is to take effect onor after that day has [...]
effect as if made, entered
into, effected or done by, to or in relation to the Council.
Sleep Mode(睡眠模 式)」将会在扫瞄机上次作业後 15 分钟後生
Sleep Mode will go into effect after 15 minutes after the last scanner operation.
(iv) 倘有关税务责任或申索因在生效日後生法律、规则及规例或香 港税务局或中国税务机关或任何其他有关机关(不论位於香港、中国或 全球任何其他地方)对有关法律、规则或规例的诠释或惯例之任何追溯 变动而产生或招致者,或因在生效日期後具追溯效力之税率或申索增 加而增加所致者;或
(iv) to the extentthat such taxation liabilities or claims arise or is incurred asaconsequence ofany retrospective change in law, rules and regulation or the interpretation or practice thereof by the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department or the taxation authority of the PRC, or any other relevant authority (whether in Hong Kong or the PRC or any other part of the world) coming into force after the Effective Date or to the extent that such taxation or claim arises or is increased by an increase in rates of taxation or claim after the Effective Date with retrospective effect; or
惟股东可就全部(但不是若干)所持股份行使有关选择或发出有关 通知,且有关选择或有关通知随时可以向本公司发出七日书面通知 予以撤回,有关撤回则於该七日到後生而直至有关撤回生 效,董事会没有责任向有关股东发出彼所具有选择权之通知书或寄 发任何选择表格
Provided that a shareholder may exercise such election or give such notice in respect of all but not some of the shares held by him and may at any time give seven days notice in writing to the Company of the revocation of such an election or such a notice which revocation shall take effect atthe expiry of such seven days, and until such revocation has taken effect, the Board shall not be obliged to give to such shareholder notice of the right of election accorded to him or send to him any form of election
董 事 会 宣 布 , 邓 颜 小 玫 女 士 已 退 任 其 独 立 非 执 行 董 事之职 位 , 根 据 本 公 司 之 公 司 细 则 第 86 (2) 条 於 股 东 周 年 大 会 结後 生且 彼 将 在 适 当 时 候 获 重 新 委 任 为 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 。
The Board announces that Ms. Deng Xiaomei has been retired from her post as independent non-executive Director with effect from the conclusion of the AGM pursuant to bye-law 86(2) of the Company, and she will be re-appointed as independentnon-executive Director in due course.
(c) 在符合上述(a)段的情况下,「「生」有权不时修改「本章则」。有关之修订将於「「生」向「会员」发出书面通後生有关 修订如影响「会员」之责任或义务,「「生」会於生效日期前不少於三十日向「会员」发出书面通知。
(c) Subject to paragraph (a) above, Hang Seng shall be entitled to revise these
Terms from time to time and any revision to
[...] these Termsshall become effective subject [...]
to Hang Seng’s written notice given to
the Cardmember for a period of not less than 30 days for any variations affecting the liabilities or obligations of the Cardmember or for such reasonable period as Hang Seng may prescribe in the case of any other variations.
总理拉霍(Mariano Rajoy)自从将增值税从18%增至21%得更加昂贵,也重创人民的荷包,加税措施自九月生效,许多家庭也在同个月采买开学用品。
The rise in value-added tax from 18 to 21 percent in Spain, which was not included in President Mariano Rajoy’s campaign platform, has made life even more expensive and dealt a hard blow to people’s wallets.
长江基建税务事件」 指 (a)基於百慕达或香港或其他任何有权力徵税之政治 分部或属下任何机关之法例或法规出现任何变动或修 订,或该等法例或法规(包括具司法管辖权法院之裁 决)之应用或官方诠释出现任何变动,而有关变动或 修订於二零一二年二月十七日或後生致使本公 司得须或将会有责任根据掉期协议所规定或所订明支 付额外款项及(b)该责任不能因本公司已采取合理规 避措施而可作规避之事件
CKI Tax Event” the event where (a) the Company has or would become obliged to pay additional amounts as provided or referred to in the Swap Agreement as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws or regulations of Bermuda or Hong Kong or any political subdivision or any authority thereof or therein having power to tax, or any change in the application or official interpretation of such laws or regulations (including a holding by a court of competent jurisdiction), which change or amendment becomes effective on or after 17th February, 2012 and (b) such obligation cannot be avoided by the Company taking reasonable measures available to it
怀孕雌鼠摄入甲基汞後,流产、胚胎被母体吸收和畸 形的比率增加,仔鼠生後活率亦下降。
Increased frequencies of abortions, resorptions and malformations, and reduced offspring viability have been observed in pregnant female rodents following treatment with MeHg.
whether the individual’s circumstances have changed since the offending behaviour or the other relevant matters.
英语学习生获准转为英语流利生後学 习进度必须进入为期两年的观察期。
After a student is reclassified, his/her academic progress must be monitored for two years.
[...] 向贷款人发出审核事件预付通知,则贷款人可於某一审核事件生後30日起,及在审核事件持续发生时和向借款人至少提前14日发出通知後,宣 [...]
If, at the end of the aforementioned 30-day period, the borrower has not given a Review Event Prepayment Notice to
the lender, the lender may, from the date
[...] falling 30daysafter the occurrence [...]
of a Review Event, while that Review Event
is continuing and on at least 14 days notice to the borrower, declare all of the outstanding moneys due and payable.
z 第 51(6)条 – 任何人士如停止经营行业、专业或业务,或停止担任职位或受雇工 作,或停止作为土地或建筑物或土地連建筑物的拥有人,而该等收入來源均为应 课税的项目,又或不再拥有任何按个人入息课税计算的收入來源时,须在此情况生後1月内,以书面通知税务局局长。
Section 51(6) - Any person who ceases to carry on a trade, profession or business, or ceases to hold an office or employment, or ceases to be the owner of any land or buildings or land and buildings, of which tax is chargeable; or ceases to have a source of income in respect of which he is personally assessed must inform the Commissioner of Inland Revenue in writing within 1 month of such cessation.
All airbags can deploy in milliseconds in the event of an accident, include front airbags for the driver and front passenger, front and rear sidebags, windowbags for the driver, front passenger and rear passengers.
Though majority of the mothers have a very low alertness of tackling baby allergy, almost all of them (97%) agreed that it is "important" to choose food carefully within the first year of life in order to prevent allergy. 70% even considered it as "very important".
因使用本「网站」及其内容或任何其他资料或因本「条款」所致任何法律诉讼,均须提呈加州 Santa Clara
[...] 法庭裁决,且须於索偿或诉讼理由生後内提请裁决,否则视为放弃诉讼。
Any legal proceeding arising out of the use of this Site, the Content or any other materials on this Site, or these Terms, must be brought in
Santa Clara, California and must be brought
[...] within one year afterthe claim or cause [...]
of action arises, otherwise it is barred.
Parker 生後开南区联邦检长办公室,在纽约州州长乔治·帕塔基(George E. Pataki)领导下的刑事司法处担任主任和刑事司法服务局的局长,负责州立刑事司法机构的协调,包括州警察局、狱政局和假释局。
Mr. Parker left the Southern District to serve for five years as the Director of Criminal Justice for New York State and Commissioner of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services under Governor George E. Pataki, where he oversaw all state criminal justice agencies, including the New York State Police, New York State Department of Correctional Services and New York State Parole.




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