

单词 律条

External sources (not reviewed)

In the other sectors, the situation is more complex, because
implementation requires the amendment or revision of a considerable
[...] number of different legal texts and guidelines [...]
for application.
因此,除了拟订电子可转移记 录的律条文,发展适当的基础设施对于顺利使用这些记录极为重要。
Therefore, in addition to the
[...] preparation of legal provisions for electronic [...]
transferable records, the development of an
adequate infrastructure was of great importance for the successful use of those records.
政府打算对有关严重危害人身完 整和严重危害妇女人身完整的律条 款 进 行评估,以确定这些条款过去如何适 用、是否取得预期的效果,以及是否需要对法律进行调整。
The Government intends to evaluate the provisions concerning gross violation of integrity and gross violation of a woman’s integrity, to determine how the provisions have been applied, whether they have had the desired effect and whether the law needs to be changed.
一旦出现 基于某个种族或族裔群体优越的思想或理念设立的政治党派、社团、组织或基于 此种理念进行活动,或试图为种族仇恨或歧视寻找理由或进行煽动的情况,当局 即根据相关律条款,采取行动。
In cases where political parties, associations, organizations are established or function on the basis of ideas or doctrines of superiority of one race or ethnic group, or attempt to justify or promote
racial hatred or
[...] discrimination, legal action is taken by the authorities in line with the provisions of the relevant [...]
该报告应至少包括下列信息:向每个公共机构提出的请求申请数 目,受到拒绝的请求申请数目,依据的 律条 款 以 及每条条款的被援引次数,向信息委员会 [...]
提起申诉的次数及结果,每次对官员采取的纪律活动的详情,收费的规定,可说明相关机构 按照立法精神实施法律的事实以及任何改革建议。
The report shall at least include the following information: the number of requests made to each public body, the number
of requests that were rejected, as
[...] well as the provisions of the Law relied upon [...]
and the number of times each provision
was invoked, the number of appeals to Information Commissions and their outcomes, the particulars of any disciplinary action against officers, the fees collected, facts which indicate an effort to implement the Law in the spirit intended, and any recommendations for reform.
[...] 非曲直,与此同时一方面考虑到向一审法官提交的证据,另一方面并根据适用于 相关案例的律条款检 验审理的开展方式。
Such review, in the frame of a decision regarding a leave to appeal, must be examined on its merits, taking into consideration on one the hand the evidence presented before the first instance judge,
and on the other hand the conduct of the trial on
[...] the basis of the legal provisions applicable [...]
to the case in question.
公共社团登 记规则》和《非盈利性非政府组织法》所载的 律条 款 与 《公约》完全不符,因 为这些条款授予了国家当局如正在审查的案件所示的完全任意的决策权。
The legal provisions contained in both the Public Association Registration Rules and the Act on Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations are in outright contradiction to the Covenant in that they grant the State authorities decision-making powers which, as demonstrated in the case under review, are entirely arbitrary.
对被批准的 申请,这个通知可能会包含收费信息以及同意查询申请所须填写的表格,也许还包括对这些
[...] 处理决定进行申诉的权利;而对于被拒绝的申请,这个通知通常会包括拒绝的原因,比较好 的情况下还会附上具体的相关律条 文 , 以及对查询被拒如何行使申诉权利的信息。
For requests which are being granted, the notice may include any fees and the form in which the request is to be granted, perhaps along with the right to appeal against these; where the request is refused, the notice normally includes the reasons
for such refusal, preferably by reference
[...] to a specific legal provision, along with [...]
information about the right to appeal against the refusal.
关于草拟律条文,特别委员会大力建议大会应尽可能利用小型起草委 员会。
With regard to
[...] the drafting of legal texts, the Special [...]
Committee strongly recommends that small drafting committees should
be resorted to whenever possible.
(e) 审查并酌情修订、修正或废除任何歧视妇女或对妇女有歧视性影响的律、条例、 政策、做法和习俗;如果存在多种法律制度,确保这些制度的规定符 [...]
(e) To review and, where appropriate, revise,
[...] amend or abolish any laws, regulations, policies, [...]
practices and customs that discriminate
against women or have a discriminatory impact on women, and to ensure that provisions of multiple legal systems, where they exist, comply with international human rights obligations, commitments and principles, in particular the principle of non-discrimination.
二、本条规定概不影响根据公共当局有关预定运输的 律 、 条 例 或 其他要求, 提供有关货物的某些信息、指示和文件的任何特定义务。
2. Nothing in this article affects any specific obligation to provide certain information, instructions and documents related to the goods pursuant to law, regulations or [...]
other requirements
of public authorities in connection with the intended carriage.
联合国从各方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的行动纲领》 (A/CONF.192/5)第二节强调了越界海关合作的重要性,鼓励必要时采取区域和次
[...] 区域行动,以便采用、遵守、实施或加强有关的 律 、 条 例 和 行政程序(第 27 段 和第 28 段)。
The United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (A/CONF.192/5), in its section II, highlights the importance of transborder customs cooperation, encouraging, where needed, regional and subregional action
to introduce, adhere, implement or
[...] strengthen relevant laws, regulations and [...]
administrative procedures (paras. 27 and 28).
根据意大利国内实施欧盟《利息和特许权使用费指令》(2003/49/EC)的 律条 文 , 如果特许权使用 费的实益所有人是其它欧盟成员国的公司或一个欧盟成员国在其它欧盟成员国常设机构,在意大利发 [...]
生的特许权使用费支付将豁免支付意大利就此等款项施加的任何税项(无论是通过源头扣减还是评 税)。
Under the domestic law provisions implementing [...]
the European Union (EU) Interest and Royalties Directive (2003/49/EC), royalty
payments arising in Italy are exempt from any Italian tax imposed on those payments, whether by deduction at source or by assessment, provided that the beneficial owner of the royalties is a company of another EU Member State or a permanent establishment situated in another EU Member State of a company of an EU Member State.
如果外国适用 于就业合同的律条款, 对派驻工人来说比爱沙尼亚的法律有利,就适用对工人 [...]
If the provisions of the laws of a foreign country [...]
that apply to employment contracts are more favourable towards the posted
workers than the Estonian laws, the provision that is more favourable to the worker is applied.
然而,批准的内容没有改变有关对古巴封锁的任何 律条 文 , 从本质上讲只 是放宽一些限制,不向美国政府机构提供资金来实施在 2000 年商业制裁与促进 贸易改革法框架下通过的制裁措施以及布什政府通过的极端措施。
However, the foregoing did not modify any legislative provision relating to the embargo against Cuba. They merely eased some restrictions and failed to provide funds to United States Government agencies for the implementation of the measures adopted under the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 and extreme measures adopted by the Bush Administration.
[...] 没有特别影响,因为这方面做出的努力还在继续,尤其是在伊斯兰 律条 款 提供 的有利基础上继续做出努力。
The wording of the reservation did not, however, have any particular effect on national legislation and policy to promote child protection because
the efforts already under way in this direction were continued, notably on
[...] the favourable basis provided by Islamic law.
虽然中国律条文有相关规定,但实际上中国社会在环境保护方面缺乏公共磋商和公众 [...]
Despite the promises one finds in the
[...] letter of Chinese laws, Chinese society [...]
lacks public consultation and engagement,
even in the area of environmental protection (Li, Liu et al. 2012).
我们欣见,自《行动纲领》和《国际追查文书》通过以来,在执行方面取得 了相当大的进展,包括各国制订、加强和执行了关于防止非法贩运和非法制造小 武器和轻武器的国家律、条例和 行政程序,制订了国家行动计划,建立了国家 联络点,自愿提交了国家报告,加强了区域合作,并且在执行确保储存安全、收 集和销毁非法小武器和轻武器、小武器和轻武器标识和进行技术培训等广泛的具 体措施方面取得了进展。
We welcome the considerable progress that has been made in implementing the Programme of Action and the International Tracing Instrument since their adoption, including on the establishment, strengthening and enforcement of national laws, regulations and administrative procedures to prevent the illicit trafficking and illegal manufacture of small arms and light weapons, the development of national action plans, the establishment of national points of contact, the submission of voluntary national reports and the strengthening of regional cooperation, as well as the progress made in implementing a wide range of specific measures, including on stockpile security, the collection and destruction of illicit small arms and light weapons, the marking of small arms and light weapons, and technical training.
(b) 向金伯利进程主席提供关于该国相关 律 、 条 例 、 细则、程序和做法的 资料。
(b) Provide the Chair with information on the
[...] State’s relevant laws, regulations, rules, procedures [...]
and practices.
这是与以前的波兰律条款非常重要的不同 之处,因为以前的条款规定只有当居民获得 了波兰国家银行(NBP)的批准,才可以用波 兰兹罗提以外的其他货币进行支付。
This is an important difference between the old regulations in Polish law, which stated that residents can pay in a currency other than polish zloty only with the approval of the Polish National Bank, the NBP.
关于 结社自由的《宪法》和律条款设 立了一个有利框架,促进活动的多样性,包括 人权领域的活动,以及在整个国土范围内的扩展。
The constitutional and legislative provisions on freedom of association have thus made it possible to create a more favourable framework for the diversification of their activities, including in the field of human rights, and their expansion throughout the whole country.
日本强调,已颁布更为简化的律条 款, 以更好地保护犯罪受害人的权利。
Japan stressed that
[...] more streamlined legal provisions had been enacted [...]
to better protect the rights of the victims of crime.
[...] 一种更普遍、同样令人担心的情况是,尽管正式制定了 律条 文 , 而且这些条文 在某些情况下声称高度保护生命权,但由于各种原因,这些条文并没有得到执行, [...]
A more widespread and equally worrying
situation, alluded to earlier, is where
[...] there are formal legal provisions in [...]
place, which in some cases purport to be highly
protective of the right to life, but, for a variety of reasons, they are not enforced or only partially enforced, or even used as a ruse to hide plainly illegal activity.
也可以 用它来提供一个标准,各国政府和立法机构可据此审查特定领域现有律、条例、 法令和类似立法案文是否适当,并修订这些法律或拟订新的 法律。
It could also be used to provide a standard against which Governments and legislative bodies could review the adequacy of existing laws, regulations, decrees and similar legislative texts in a particular field and update those laws or develop new laws.
另外,委员会还呼吁缔约国确保有关协商、影响评估、搬迁和赔偿的 律条 例,如2006年7月7 日的第192/PM [...]
号总理令,充分尊重居住在发展项目 执行地区的社区成员的权利。
Moreover, the Committee calls upon the State party to
[...] ensure that the laws and regulations [...]
pertaining to consultations, impact assessments,
displacement and compensations, such as Prime Minister Decree No. 192/PM of 7 July 2006, fully respect the rights of the members of communities living in the areas where development projects are to be implemented.
正如国际和国内与残疾人权利相关的现行 律条 文 中规定的那样:要将规定 落实到实际行动中,出台有效政策,真正营造一个倡导机会平等的包容性社会。
As provided for in existing international and domestic legislation on the rights of persons with disabilities, words need to be turned into action based on effective policies aimed at creating a genuinely inclusive, equal opportunity society.
然而,国际社会应帮助制定确保公 平分享生物多样性惠益的律条文, 从而实现《生 物多样性公约》的第三个目标。
However, the international community should help by adopting provisions ensuring the equitable sharing of the benefits accruing from biodiversity, thereby fulfilling the third objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
现行律条款明确规定,在全国领土上营业的所有雇主,无论所涉部门 [...]
是 什么性质,如 公 营 、本国私营或外国 私营部 门 , 也 不论什么行业, 都 必 须没有 任何歧视地为工人的一切工作按同等价值支付报酬。
The legal provisions currently [...]
in force clearly stipulate that all employers exercising an activity on the national territory,
regardless of the legal sector involved, such as the public, national private or foreign private sector, and regardless of the sector of activity, must pay their workers with no discrimination for all work of the same value.




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