单词 | 很远 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 很远 adverb —far away advSee also:远 adj—distant adj 远 adv—far adv 远—distance oneself from (classical)
现在的趋势是缩短商业中心 与消费者居住区的距离,而不是强迫他们走 很远的路 到郊区的大型购物中心去购物。 paiz.gov.pl | Now, the trend is to minimize the distance from customers living areas instead of forcing them to travel long distances to the suburban hypermarkets and malls. paiz.gov.pl |
联合国系统对《联合国系统会 计准则》(UNSAS)的运用已考虑到了应计会计制的某些内容,但现在被认为离完全应计 会计制的要求还很远。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The use of UNSAS by the United Nations system has taken into consideration some aspects of accrual accounting but is now considered to fall significantly short of full accruals accounting. unesdoc.unesco.org |
应对海洋噪音结果的挑战之一源自这样一个事实,即噪音传播距 离很 远,具有跨国界性质,一些受影响的物种是洄游类的。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the challenges in addressing ocean noise results from the fact that noise has a long range and is transboundary in nature and that some impacted species are migratory. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 全球共同道德伦理的基础上实现社会融合的理想,距离我们 还 很远。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The world remains far from the [...] ideal of social cohesion based on shared global ethics. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些航线的边界以锚定在地面上的浮标为标志 , 很远 就 可 以看见。 voith.com | The boundaries of these lanes are marked by buoys anchored to [...] the ground and visible from afar. voith.com |
在图尔卡纳,人们基本上过着半游牧式的生活,必须为自己、也为家里的牲口而前 往 很远 的 地 方寻找水源。 unicef.org | Here in Turkana, people live a predominately semi-nomadic life, as families must travel great distances in search of water – not only for themselves, but also for their animals. unicef.org |
遗憾的是,从高级代表的报告(S/2010/235) [...] 以及我们刚才听取的通报的语气和内容来看,我们距 离这一点还很远。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, judging from the High [...] Representative’s report (S/2010/235) and the tone and substance of the briefing we have just heard, [...] we are still far from that point. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果猫咪逃跑,应当在附近放上水和食物,逃跑的猫咪一般会躲藏一段时间,但它们不 会跑的很远,持续提供食物和水可以帮助它们回来。 animalsasia.org | If the cat escapes it will not go far, so you should provide food and water near by to help encourage it back. animalsasia.org |
妇女及其家庭面临许多与安全和健康有关的挑战,每天必须 走 很远 的 路 ,花 上几个小时去取水,而那水往往是受到污染的有害身体健康的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women and their families experience multiple challenges relating [...] to security and health when they [...] have to travel considerable distances and spend several [...]hours a day collecting water, which [...]is often polluted and dangerous to their health and well-being. daccess-ods.un.org |
在进行私密谈话的时 候,取出你的电池(不要只是关掉 手机)或者去离你手机很远的地方。 tibetaction.net | Take out your battery (don’t just turn the phone off) or go far away from your phone while having private conversations. tibetaction.net |
2009 年 4 月 19 日,奥巴马的顾问大卫·阿克塞尔罗德在 CBS 电视台接受采 访时被问到,白宫是否有任何解除“禁运”的想法,他回答说:“我们离这个还 很远”。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 19 April 2009, President Obama’s advisor, David Axelrod, in a television interview with CBS News, when asked if there was any thought in the White House of lifting the embargo, answered: “... we’re a long way from that”. daccess-ods.un.org |
蒲公英来见埃利纳并告诉她,有些妖精麻烦飞行,黄玉走了,最近的监护人是Azura的,和她距 离 很远 , 在 Fairytown。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Dandelion comes to see Elina and tells her that some of the [...] fairies are having trouble flying, and Topaz is gone; the closest guardian is Azura, [...] and she is far away, in Fairytown. seekcartoon.com |
在每个位置我们有两个冗余 IT 架,彼此相隔很远, 并为每个 IT 架配备了专用的维护终端。 igel.com | At each location we have two redundant IT racks that are located far apart from each other along with dedicated maintenance terminal for each one. igel.com |
Spaun代表的意思是语义指向架构统一网络,它与人相 差 很远。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Spaun, which stands for Semantic Pointer Architecture Unified Network, is far from human. chinese.eurekalert.org |
然后,我终于明白了,对所有关系 很远 的 远 房 亲 戚说,我的成功以及我们全家人在美国的成功要感谢村子里的每个人的贡献。 embassyusa.cn | And then I finally realized in talking to all the distant, distant relatives, that my success and the success of our whole family in America was thanks to the contributions of everybody in the village. eng.embassyusa.cn |
但若我们面对他们的处境, 诚实的想想,或许我们也会做 出和他们相差不很远的决定。 ccineurope.org | But if we can be honest, under the same circumstances, maybe we would have made similar decisions. ccineurope.org |
到这里,距离海岸很远的地方,大海形成了惊天巨浪。 voith.com | And carry away anything that hasn't been secured. Out here, far from the shore, the sea forms towering waves. voith.com |
其中许多种影响,如果没有得到妥善处理,对于住在采矿业务 附近、有时候与采矿地点距离很远的 穷 苦和脆弱群体的健康和生计,可能产生不 良的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | If not managed well, many of these can adversely affect the health and livelihood of the poor and vulnerable groups living near mining operations and sometimes at significant distances from extraction sites. daccess-ods.un.org |
如 果音箱离墙壁很远,就 选择+2dB或0dB的设定,这取 决于其它的设备和个人的喜好。 dynaudioprofessional.com | If positioned far from walls use the +2dB or 0 position, depending on other equipment, and personal taste. dynaudioprofessional.com |
瑞典的几个地 区已经在增加清洁交通工具数量、减排和倡导使用 公共交通和自行车的目标上走了很远。 ebuilder.com | Several regions in Sweden has gotten far in their aim to increase the amount of clean vehicles, reduce emissions and promote the use of public transportation and bicycles. ebuilder.com |
这么说吧,我们现在是与大海面对面、大眼瞪小眼,在我们背 后 很远 的 地 方,才是所有那些住在距离大陆更近的岛上的居民们。 visitfinland.com | We’re looking the sea straight in the face, so to speak, and far behind us are all those people who live on islands much nearer to the mainland. visitfinland.com |
如果这个诊所很远,他们可能会决定先睡过这一晚,等第二天再带孩子去看医生,但这也许为时已晚。 unicef.org | If nothing changes in three days, he says, Awesha should be brought back for further assessment. unicef.org |
马吉安形成不是学校,而是一个教会,他的基督是 从 很远 的 传 统中删除。 mb-soft.com | Marcion formed not a school, but a Church; his [...] Christology was very far removed from [...]tradition. mb-soft.com |
例如在许多酒店客房中, 交流电插座用于照明,可从离客房 很远 的 位置进行开关操作。 vertu.com | For example, in many hotel rooms, AC outlets are used for lighting and may be [...] switched on and off from remote locations in the room. vertu.com |
在波涛汹涌的大海里的安全:情况通常很恶劣,庇护港离 得 很远。 coupling-service.eu | Safety in heavy seas: Conditions are often rough and the shelter of port far away. coupling-service.eu |
特别令人关切的是便携式防空系统(肩射导弹) 和导弹发射器的流动,它们不仅威胁到萨赫勒-撒哈 拉地区而且也威胁到其境外很远地区 的民用航空活 动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of particular concern is the flow of man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS) and missile launchers, which threaten civil aviation not only in the Sahelo-Saharan region but far beyond its borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
矿井常位于很远的 地 方,无法进行定期劳动监察,而且没有工会,造成所谓“边缘社区”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The mines are often too remote to have regular labour [...] inspections, and they do not have unionized workers, resulting in [...]the so-called “frontier communities” where traditional social structures of society and ethical value systems have broken down. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如秘书长题 为“履行诺言:促进到 2015 年实现千年发展目标商定行动议程的前瞻性审查” [...] 的报告(A/64/665)所承认的,今天看来,到 2015 年实现千年发展目标离成为现 实还差得很远。 daccess-ods.un.org | As recognized in the Secretary-General’s report entitled “Keeping the Promise: a forward-looking review to promote an agreed action agenda to achieve the [...] Millennium Development Goals by 2015” (A/64/665), meeting the Millennium Development [...] Goals by 2015 is far from a reality today. daccess-ods.un.org |
雷莫拉雷莫拉或者是共同的名字鱼的家庭Echeneidae,背鳍转化成吸盘,连接到其他 动物 鲨鱼和海龟,因此,可以走很远的距 离。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Remora remora or is the common name of the fish family Echeneidae, having the dorsal fin transformed into a sucker, to which are attached to other animals as sharks and turtles, and can thus travel great distances. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
由于大多数 SAN 覆盖距离很远且光 纤通道具有必须遵守的严 格性能属性,因此在网络部署的每个阶段都必须进行测试 以确保适合的服务级别。 exfo.com | Since most SANs cover large distances and Fibre Channel has stringent performance attributes that must be respected, it is imperative to test at each phase of network deployment to ensure appropriate service levels. exfo.com |