

单词 很棘手

See also:


thorny (problem)


External sources (not reviewed)

所 以我很 希望新局長能 夠 採取開明 進取的 態 度 , 放 棄
[...] 一些舊 思 維 , 來處理 今天 這很 棘 手 的 貧窮勞工就 業 問 題 。
So I do hope very much that the new Secretary can take an open and
progressive attitude and throw away the old mentality
[...] to take up this thorny issue of the employment [...]
of the marginal workers.
这里又出现这样的问题,对于是否属于对项目进展情况实行正当的监管,是否属于巴西 当局现场直接管理,有时判断起 很棘手。
Here too it can be a fine distinction between a justified check on project progress and direct management on the premises and in the stead of the Brazilian authorities.
最后,特别是在处理低丰度对象时,数据分析也 很棘手 的。
Lastly, data analysis is tricky, particularly when dealing with low abundance targets.
创建一个噪声地图可以很简单,但是创建一个能用于沟通问题和制订未来政策的精确噪声地图却 很棘手 的 事 情。
Creating a noise map can be quite simple, but creating an accurate one that will be useful in communicating issues and defining future policy can be much more involved.
这两个国家的劳动力市场对经验丰富的公司来说 很棘手 , 联 想可能很快会发现,其面临的挑战比之前预想的要大。
Both  of these labor markets
[...] are famously difficult even for the most experienced companies, and Lenovo could soon discover it [...]
has taken on a bigger
challenge in both than it originally thought.
因此,這問題最後是一很棘手的問 題。
Hence, this issue remains extremely thorny.
我想問司長,你兩邊都做過了,在餘下一年你會如何改善立法和 行政的關係,幫助特區政府解決一些你剛才 很棘手 和 複 雜的問題, 令你的施政能夠很快而有效率地推行呢?
May I ask the Chief Secretary, since he has worked on both sides, what he will do in the remaining year to improve the relationship between the legislature and the executive, in order to
help the SAR Government
[...] resolve the difficult and complicated problems as mentioned by him earlier, so that he can implement [...]
policies expeditiously and efficiently?
俞局長,妳可以先在人事科 那裏坐一會,我知道公務員問 很棘手 , 妳慢慢坐一會,先行適應一下吧。
Secretary Denise YUE, you may first settle down in the personnel division.
技术分析对许多人来说似很棘手, 但的那一刻起,你注意到模式,伟大的怪物(图)只是给你珍贵的可能变动的迹象。
Technical Analysis
[...] for many seems tricky, but from the moment [...]
you notice patterns, the great monster (Charts) just giving
you precious signs of likely movements.
在 发生危机和突发事件时,受到影响的所有人员都需要心理急救和支持,这时的情很棘手;确 实,若不提供心理咨询支持,则会导致受影响人员出现创伤后应激 障碍。
Crises and other critical incidents are particularly delicate situations, and all those affected need psychological first aid and support; indeed, lack of counselling support may lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder.
我們議會也處理過一很棘手的問 題,有些是局長親手處理的,包括禁 煙的條例,當年就此出現很大爭議,我們花了很長的時間,還四出到卡拉 OK 等地察看,聆聽意見,看看能否有所改變。
They only wish to express what they think deep down in their heart and listen to the other party's opinions in order to see if any compromised option can be proposed for discussion.
我在 製造業經營廠務已二十多年,在生產上碰過不少大大小小的問題,亦處 理很多棘手問題
I have run a manufacturing factory for
more than 20 years and I have encountered a variety of problems in respect of
[...] production and handled many knotty problems.
第一點,政府提到雷曼債券事件的處理,亦所謂金融產品的銷售, 在金融海嘯爆發後帶很多棘手的問 題。
Firstly, the Government has mentioned how to handle the Lehman Brothers minibond incident, that is, the so-called sale of financial products.
尽管国际法保障各缔约国退出《条约》的权利, 但是如果《不扩散核武器条约》的某一缔约国,按 照推测是在行使开发核技术的和平用途,却在此过 程中形成了可疑的核技术,并且之后为避免对其履 行不扩散义务的核查而试图退出《条约》,这样事情很棘手。
Although the right of States parties to withdraw from treaties was guaranteed under international law, it was problematic when a State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons developed suspicious nuclear technology, supposedly in exercise of its right to develop peaceful uses of nuclear technology, and then sought to withdraw from the Treaty in order to avoid verification of its compliance with its non-proliferation obligations.
不過, 今次的經驗 , 很 明 顯 地 帶 出了一個 信 息 , 就是如果政府願 意 多 諮 詢 , 多 溝 通 , 大 家 能 夠互諒互讓, 大
[...] 家 用合理的態 度 來 處理問題,很多 棘 手 的 問題都 是 可 以 解決的。
Anyway, the experience this time brings out a clear message, that if the Government is willing to have more consultation and communication, if the parties involved can
be more understanding, accommodating and rational in dealing with problems,
[...] solutions can be found to many thorny issues.
當然港㆟不能以此自滿,特別是香港的主權在不足 六年後便要回歸㆗國,期間當會面 很 多 棘手 的 問題,我們實在有需要秉承㆒貫以往 務實穩健的處事態度。
Of course, the people of Hong Kong should not be complacent, especially when the sovereignty over the territory will revert to China in less than six years.
水文循环是气候系统棘手的部分, 很 可 能 对气候变化产生重要影响。
The hydrological cycle, being the most sensitive part of the climate system, will likely have serious responses to climate changes.
三个环礁岛位很分散 ,与外部世界的联系全靠海上运输,对各环礁岛居民 提供充分的保健服务永远是托克劳的 棘手 难 题
The provision of adequate health
[...] services to the populations of three dispersed atolls connected to the wider world by sea transport will always be one of the most important challenges for Tokelau.
然而,他们今天须面对多个难题,当中最 棘手 的 , 是 很 多 房屋协会因租金管制问题而无法以其现存房屋赚得利润,甚至无法达到收支平衡。
The biggest one is that many Housing Associations are unable to make a profit or break even on their existing stock, due to rent controls.
尼泊尔赞扬挪威以一种务实 的方式应对我们所在的时代面临的一些迫切 棘手 的 问 题。
It commended its efforts to develop a pragmatic approach to several pressing and difficult issues of our time.
它们 的意见大体上是,管理跨界石油和天然气储藏和跨界含水层是两 很 不 相同 的棘 手问题 ,引起不同的社会、经济和商业问题。
In the main, it was observed that the challenges of managing transboundary oil and gas reserves were quite different from those relating to transboundary aquifers, invoking different social, economic and commercial implications.
(a) 关于贸易法的法律咨询,着眼于增加小岛屿发展中国家 传统产品的增值和品牌潜力,尤其是在渔业方面,因为这是一个具有关键经济利 益的领域,通常被期待提供地理标识,而原产地规则问 很 可 能 是一 棘手 的问
The following two areas of technical assistance could be focused upon, inter alia, (a) legal advice on trade law aimed at enhancing the value added and branding potential of SIDS’ traditional products, particularly in relation to fisheries, an area of key economic interest in which geographical indications are often desirable, and where the question of rules of origin is likely to be a thorny issue; (b) technical advice to secure market entry for products of export interest, notably to facilitate compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary requirements, and legal advice on how to challenge action possibly aimed at restricting or banning imports of SIDS products.
它也在寻求解决自身遇到棘手问题 ,并欢迎就各代表团提出的问题作进一步讨论。
It was also seeking to resolve its difficulties and was open to any further discussion on the issues raised by delegations.
中低收入国家慢性病的增加尤其令 棘手 , 因 为在这些国家中,有许多国家的急 性传染病、孕产妇疾病和营养不良症的发病率仍 很 高。
The increase in chronic conditions in
[...] and low-income countries is particularly challenging because many of those countries still have a significant burden of disease from acute infectious [...]
diseases, maternal conditions and malnutrition.
两种选择同样都会造成工地的施工困难,但是 Coteba 公司的委派负责人承认 说,由于施工单位和工地上的承包企业关 很 近 , 所以联合国教科文组织与施工单 位脱离关系比与监理公司脱离关系显得更 棘手。
Either of those options would create problems in the management of the project, but the assistant director of Coteba acknowledged that, given the closeness of the architectural and engineering team to the companies
working on the site, it
[...] would be more complicated for UNESCO to terminate the team’s contract, rather than that of the Assistant to the Contracting Authority.
审计结果没有披露出大额的账目误差,但是手动调整的规模和数量蕴含着风险因素, 并使内部监督和外部监督的核准工作更 棘手。
However, the extent and the number of manual adjustments constitute risk factors and make the work of validation by internal and external oversight more complicated.
主席女士,至於東 江 供水問題 , 有些同事 剛 才也說過, 這 是 我們當前 感 到 非 常 困難棘 手 的 問很 明 顯 , 目 前 是 供大於求 , 現在, 很 多 時候可見 我們都花 不了那 麼 多水, 要把水“倒 落 鹹 水海”。
Madam President, on the supply of Dongjiang water, as some colleagues said earlier, this is a very difficult and knotty problem to us at the moment.
当消防喷头聚合物密封件的长期性能遭到质疑时,Bell 先生领导各方对材料基本性能和故障特点达成共识,并与行业、政府和监管机构密切合作,成功地解决了这 棘手 的 情 形。
When the long-term performance of polymer sprinkler seals came into question, Mr. Bell assumed leadership for developing an understanding of the fundamental performance and failure characteristics of the materials, and worked closely with Industry, Government and Regulatory Authorities to bring about successful resolution of the situation that might otherwise have become extremely contentious.
作为对伊拉克代表的回答,难民专员宣称在今 年夏天有 10 000 名流离失所者已经重返家园,这也 提出了归还财产和补偿棘手问题, 在 很 多 情 况下 归还财产几乎是不可能的。
Responding to the representative of Iraq, he said that, the previous summer, 10,000 displaced persons had returned home, and that had raised the crucial issue of the return of property and the payment of compensation in the many cases where it was not possible to return such property.
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全
[...] 国委员会分发光盘,发行《电视媒体操作技能》 手 册 及为全国委员会设计的网站模板,出 [...]
Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars (Bangkok, Riga, Dar es Salaam cluster), the
distribution of the CD-ROM for National
[...] Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills [...]
for Handling the TV Media” and the creation
of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth and fifth editions of the newsletter NCP Synergy.




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