

单词 很奇怪

See also:

奇怪 adv

surprisingly adv
strangely adv
curiously adv


be baffled


strange adj
odd adj

External sources (not reviewed)

很奇 怪當時 議論了一段這樣長時間,到了今天才有人提出誰人提出取消兩個市政 局便違反了一個嚴重的原則問題 ─ 造成民主大倒退。
I am really puzzled, because all these discussions actually went on for a very long time, [...]
but it is not until very recently,
not until today, that I hear people argue that he who proposes to abolish the two Municipal Councils is making a grave error of causing a big retrogression in democracy.
我真 的 覺很奇怪,我認為很少有 像 這個議 事堂般 的 地 方,我建議心 [...]
理學家多些來這裏 看看, 研究一 下為何 政 治 心 理學是如此奇怪。
I suggest that psychologists come more often to have a look
[...] here and study why there is such a strange [...]
thing in political psychology.
南華早 報 》內有一篇 文 章 提到立法會的議很 奇怪地突然 一 夜 之 間 全 部 成為環 保 人士。
There is a comment in an article of the South China Morning Post that how surprisingly all Members of the Legislative Council have instantly become environmentalists overnight.
很奇怪 的,以往的法例會清楚註明,我們是可以進入校董會的,但現時的法 [...]
There used to be a clear provision [...]
in law stipulating that we can sit on the Court, but this should not be clearly stipulated in law now.
其中有一很奇怪的個 案是,當局說有 關的廠戶並非把單位用作工業用途,所以不能獲得賠償。
There is a very bizarre case in which [...]
the authorities said that the tenant was not eligible for compensation because his
unit was not used for industrial purpose.
我們這個只是一個很謙卑的要求,我們覺得加入這點,即使政府認為是 不切實際,但在居民或議員的角度,當港鐵公司提交這份計劃書給署長的時
[...] 候,如果要連班次密度、經營路線及車輛編配也要列明,唯獨欠缺了車費水 平或資料,這令我覺很奇怪。
This is only a very humble demand and we think that if it is included in the Bill, even though the Government may consider it impractical, from the angle of the residents or Members, when the Corporation is required to include even the frequency of service, routes to be operated and vehicle allocation in the programme
of operations submitted to the Commissioner, I
[...] would find it very strange if the fare level [...]
or information is excluded.
很 奇怪, 香港是少 數 沒 有 存 款 保 險 [...]
計 劃 的 國 際 金 融 中 心 之一。
Oddly, Hong Kong is one of [...]
the few international financial centres without a deposit insurance scheme.
我認為這項政很 奇怪, 既然輕型貨車包括總 重 5.5 公 噸 的 貨車, 而 5.5 公 噸 的 貨車和 普通輕 型貨車在 重 量和長 度等各 方 面 都有顯著不同, 為 何政府要求 申 領輕型貨車駕 駛執照的人士只 須 通 過 總 重 不 少於 2.7 公 噸 的 貨車的 駕駛測試 , 而不是總 重 5.5 公 噸 的 貨車的 駕駛測試?
Since LGV covers vehicles with a permitted gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5.5 tonnes, but goods vehicles weighing 5.5 tonnes and ordinary LGVs are markedly different in terms of weight and length, why does the Government require that a person applying for an LGV driving licence only needs to be tested on a goods vehicle with a permitted gross vehicle weight of not less than 2.7 tonnes rather than 5.5 tonnes?
我們昨天召開記者會,一 位來自屯門的王伯伯說到很激動,他哭了出來;一些年輕的記者感 很奇怪, 只 是拿了他數百元而已,他何須激動至哭呢?
Some young reporters were quite surprised because he only lost a few hundred dollars and they did not understand why he cried over such a small sum of money.
很奇怪,社會福利 署回覆說該署沒有這方面的資料統計,顯示出政府對此問題已經不再重視,或政府已 [...]
Strangely though, the Social [...]
Welfare Department's reply is that no such statistics are available, indicating that the Government
no longer attaches importance to this issue, or the Government has dropped the issue, simply adopting an ostrich policy of pretending that there was no such problem, and letting the problem deteriorate.
關於租金援助方面,我仍然希望政府在條例草案獲得通過後進行檢討, 因為正如我發言時已簡略提及,在 14
[...] 萬戶中,大部分是低收入工作、貧窮 勞動的租戶,只有 10%人申請援助,其實是令人感 很奇怪 的。
In respect of rent assistance, I still hope that the Government will conduct a review after the enactment of the Bill because, as I mentioned briefly in my earlier speech, while the majority of the 140 000 tenants are
low-income earners and the working poor, only 10% of them have applied for rent
[...] assistance, which is quite strange indeed.
其實, 當局當時委任他們所做的工作 很奇怪 , 因 為港台是否要轉型已討論了很多 年,在主權移交前已開始,但當局卻突然建議委任一個委員會來檢討公營廣 播服務,不提港台,這很奇怪。
As the discussion on
[...] whether RTHK will undergo transformation has continued for years, which was actually started before the transfer of sovereignty, it was very strange to appoint a committee to review public service broadcasting (PSB) without touching on RTHK.
雖然 我不是這個標籤的法案委員會成員,但他們亦約我商談,令我感 很奇怪, 為何我會那麼受重視呢?
Although I am not a member of the Bills Committee on the Labelling Bill, they still
made an appointment to discuss the matter with
[...] me, which made me wonder why they attached [...]
so much importance to my views.
虽然这看起很奇怪,但 是 假设一个 PID 循环有一个指示其当前输出功率的只读属性,还有一个定义 手动输出功率的读写属性。
While this seems odd, imagine, for example, that a PID loop has a read-only property to indicate its current output power, and a read-write property to define the manual output power.
這可能聽起很奇怪,但 也有車主只有兩種:愛的舒適性和更大的保障,準備花大筆的,深深的愛的腎上腺素激增,是連接到他們的車,有時考慮作為朋友和在其他情況下,為自己或自己的個性的一部分。
This may sound strange, but there are [...]
only two types of car owners: the ones that love comfort and are prepared to spend
large sums for greater protection, and the ones that love the adrenaline surge and are deeply attached to their car, considering it sometimes as a friend and in other cases as a part of themselves or their personality.
在工時上限這問題上,我最近看到的一 很奇怪 的 現 象是,有一 個名為工聯會的團體表示唐英年和梁振英都沒有談及工時上限的問 題,對工人不夠關心,所以工聯會未能決定投票給哪位,尤其是唐英 年對工時上限的態度很差,比現任特首更差。
An organization named the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (FTU) said that both Henry TANG and LEUNG Chun-ying have not talked about the capping of working hours, showing that they are not adequately concerned about the workers, and for this reason, the FTU has not yet decided who the FTU will vote for, and particularly, Henry TANG's attitude towards the capping of working hours is so bad that it is even worse than that of the incumbent Chief Executive.
A 对啊,我喜欢打太极、滑直排轮,我常 常到海边去玩,大家看到我这个年纪还滑 轮,都觉很奇怪。
A: Yes I do, I love Tai Chi, and skating, and I often visit the beach to exercise.
我 們 覺很 奇 怪 , 特區政 府的高 層 好 像 已 達成共 識 , 並 且 堅 信我們 第 二 季 度的經濟會出 現 0.7%的 輕 微 增 長,可以放 下 心 頭大石, 更預測 第 三 季 有 2%或更高 的 增 長,可 靜 待 剛 萌 芽 的 經濟復甦,可以在不澆 水 或不施 肥 的 環境下自我催 生 。
Moreover, given that the problem as to how taxi owners whose assets have turned into liabilities could afford to switch to LPG vehicles has yet to be resolved, the trade has found the deadline set by the Government not only impractical but also unfair to them.
对在座许多人而言,听到我这 样说,也许很奇怪。很遗憾 ,我必须告诉大会,马 其顿共和国的经济发展正受到我们近邻的阻碍。
Unfortunately, I must tell the Assembly that [...]
the economic development of the Republic of Macedonia is being hampered by our immediate neighbour.
很奇怪的一 点是,以色列政府下达了一项决 定,不准在耶路撒冷开展任何巴勒斯坦文化活动,而 [...]
根据阿拉伯方面的一项决定,耶路撒冷被宣布为阿拉 伯文化之都。
It is also strange that the Israeli [...]
Government has issued a decision preventing any Palestinian cultural activity in Jerusalem,
which by an Arab decision was declared the Arab cultural capital.
再 者,我們也感很奇怪,他們說的是公眾娛樂牌照,即與娛樂有關, 而我們說的六四屠城並非娛樂活動。
We were also perplexed because they mentioned a public entertainment licence, which should be related to entertainment, while our exhibit was related to the Tiananmen Massacre which was not an entertainment activity in all senses.
我不知道妳們有多少人在玩夢幻足球聯賽,但是我不得不說最近幾輪真 很奇怪 , 前 鋒都不進球了,靠他們拿分越來越難。
I don’t know how many of you follow the various Fantasy football leagues, but I have to say that the last couple of group fixtures brought many surprises.
在辯論時,我一直追問局長,如果局長也不能舉出例子,而我們透過法 律專家或在議會進行審議時都不能在《基本法》內這兩項條文以外找到第三 項條文,卻又期望中央人民政府(“中央”)可以告訴我們還有另外一些情 況可以應用第三項條文,我便感 很奇怪 了。
During our debate, I told the Secretary that I would be really surprised if he fails to give any example and if we cannot find a third Article other than the two Articles of the Basic Law through legal experts or when deliberations are made in the Council but we expect the Central People's Government to tell us other circumstances under which the third Article can be applied.
比赛结果让从未输过的齐国目瞪口呆, 很奇怪 田 忌 从哪里得到了这么好的赛马。
The King surprised by the unusable lose asked Tian Ji where he got those good horses in such a short time.
可是很奇怪的是 最後離開的人,都不會關上電視,搞到電視開至深夜。
However, the last person who leaves the staff room would not turn off the TV, how strange.
主席 也應該記得,6月 22日卻發生了一很奇怪,也令很多人覺得被殺個措 手不及的事,便是行政長官曾蔭權先生表示,經過慎重考慮,決定接納 [...]
民主黨提出的立法會新增5席區議會功能議席的產生建議,行政會議原 則上同意以本地立法達致這個產生辦法,立法會將如期在今天審議和表
I guess the President should recall that many people were taken by surprise
[...] when something strange happened on 22 [...]
June ― Chief Executive Donald TSANG
indicated, after prudent consideration, that he decided to accept the proposal put forth by the Democratic Party on the method of returning the five new DCFC seats for the Legislative Council, that the Executive Council had agreed in principle to effect this method through local legislation, and that the Legislative Council would scrutinize and vote today on the resolutions regarding these two electoral methods as scheduled.
[...] 準薪級員工十多年,到了新的部門卻被人嫌他手腳慢、眼力不夠 很奇怪的 是 ,聘請他的舊部門從沒有嫌棄他手腳慢、眼力不夠,他在該處可以工作十 [...]
There was a MOD 1 staff who served in the Civil Service for more than 10 years, and though he was his same old self after his transfer to a new post, he was accused of being slow
and having poor eyesight in the new
[...] department. It was very strange that he had never [...]
been accused of being slow and having
poor eyesight in the former department where he had worked for 10 to 20 years, but he was being constantly transferred at the new department.
因此,很 奇怪為 何 監管者只要 求 投 資 創 業 板 的 客 人 簽 署 生 死狀, [...]
即 風 險 承 擔 聲 明書,但 是投資 同 樣 有 很大 波 動 的主板 公司的投 資 者 卻 為 何 無須這 樣做呢 ?
This is why I find it really strange for the regulator [...]
to ask only GEM investors to sign risk-bearing undertakings while
Main Board companies investors, similarly subject to great fluctuations, are not required to do so.
这个构想,我们似很奇怪,必 须是相当赞赏,一并采取的反对个人观点 [见第(3)本节 ]在国家和津贴也必须为它的教学价值进行对于像早期的希伯来人的人民。
This idea which
[...] to us seems so strange, must, to be fairly [...]
appreciated, be taken in conjunction with the national as opposed
to the individual viewpoint [see under (3) of this section]; and allowance must also be made for its pedagogic value for a people like the early Hebrews.




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