单词 | 很多人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 很多人 noun —many people plSee also:很多 adj—many adj • many of adj 很多 adv—much adv 很多 n—enough n • lump n 多人 n—multiplayer n
工商专业的学生 学习语言非常积极,其中很多人学习 了不止 一门外语。 paiz.gov.pl | Especially active are students of [...] business faculties, many of whom study more [...]than one foreign language. paiz.gov.pl |
2009 年 在埃及举行的互联网治理论坛(IGF)上,教科文组织为侧重表达自由和信息自由的活动争 取到了很多人的参与和支持。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the 2009 Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Egypt, UNESCO attracted substantial attendance and backing for events focusing on freedom of expression and the freedom of information. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们有很多人,把 门撞倒了,”盖嘎先生一边指着对着院子的各个卧室门一边说。 unicef.org | There were many of them and they [...] knocked down the doors," says Mr. Garga as he points to the various bedroom doors facing the courtyard. unicef.org |
最不发达国家的 城市人口中,有很多人居住 在往往缺乏基本环卫条件的贫民窟。 daccess-ods.un.org | Much of the urban population in least [...] developed countries live in slums that often lack basic sanitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前的 全球经济危机使很多人质疑 现今全球经济治理的成效,但它也带来了彻底改革和 [...] 果断转向绿色增长的契机,而绿色增长对于金融体系和实体经济中的可持续发展 都有裨益。 daccess-ods.un.org | The current global economic [...] crisis, which has led many to question the [...]performance of existing global economic governance, [...]offers an opportunity for root and branch reform and a decisive shift towards green growth, which contributes to sustainable development, not just in the financial system, but in the real economy as well. daccess-ods.un.org |
在尼日利亚爆发禽流感疫情之初,造成人心惶惶 , 很多人 不 再买鸡,许多家禽养殖场歇业,家禽养殖者和贩卖者都丢了工作。 unicef.org | At the onset of Nigeria’s avian influenza outbreak, widespread [...] panic had caused many people to stop consuming [...]chickens. unicef.org |
如 果 林局長能 證 實 會 做 點 事 便 最好不 過了, 因為可能 從 最高層至 最 基 層 , 很 多 人 也 覺 得 , 以這個局 現 時 如此辦 事的方式, 其 存 在 是 否有用呢 ? legco.gov.hk | It would be best if Secretary LAM can confirm [...] that he would do [...] something, because many people, perhaps from the highest to the lowest echelons, are wondering what use there will [...]be if this Bureau continues to [...]exist, judging from the way it is currently operating. legco.gov.hk |
不過,我們不要忘記有關住宅樓宇住 有 很多人 , 為免擾民, 除非我們有充分理據證明處所內確實有火警危險(例如處所內存放了 數百罐石油氣,因而有即時火警危險),否則消防處不會輕率行使進 入處所的權力。 legco.gov.hk | However, we must not forget [...] the fact that a lot of people live in the residential buildings concerned, so in order to avoid [...]causing disturbances [...]to the public, unless we have sufficient grounds to prove that there are indeed fire hazards on the premises, for example, that hundreds of LPG canisters are stored on the premises, thus posing an immediate fire hazard, the FSD would not exercise the power to enter the premises lightly. legco.gov.hk |
姑息关怀的概念和整体服务 的方法对他们之中的很多人来说 可能是很陌 生的。 thewpca.org | The concept of palliative care and the holistic [...] approach may be new to many of them. thewpca.org |
关于非指定研究,结果也取 决于研究人员的科研目标,其中 很多人 将 出版作为首要目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding non-commissioned research, the [...] outcome depended as well on the scientific goals of the [...] researchers, and many had publishing as [...]a first and primary target. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还对有很多人在等 待接受精神健康诊断和治疗表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also concerned that the waiting lists for mental health diagnosis and treatment are long. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,蘇鑰機亦指出,大部分市民對立法的意見都很一致,並呼籲政府及其執政聯盟認真地聽取民意:「不要再搞『請吃飯看戲』等小動作…製造『二分』、「有人反對、也 有 很多人 支 持 」的假象,更不要再說市民被人「誤導」,這只是在侮辱人民的智慧。 hkupop.hku.hk | Besides, So pointed out that most of the people did indeed share a common view regarding the legislation, he called for the government and its coalition to listen to public opinion carefully, and "not try stupid acts like offering free meals and movie tickets to the citizens on July 1… to create [...] false impression that the public is [...] divided… They should never say again the public [...]is "misled" as this only insults the intelligence of the people. hkupop.hku.hk |
Oubi 族人也与利比里亚大吉德州的 Krahn 人关系密切,他们中很多人在利 比里亚内战期间支持过武装团体利民运。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Oubi are also closely linked to [...] the Krahn population in Grand Gedeh [...] County, Liberia, and many supported the armed [...]MODEL group during the Liberian civil war. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会还是对以下情况感到关注:缔约国中 的很 多人仍然 认为体罚有时还是必要的;申诉专员办公室收到了儿童与青少年大量关 于受到教师虐待的投诉和咨询;只有在儿童因为体罚而受伤的情况下,才追究肇 事者的刑事责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it remains concerned that: corporal punishment is still perceived as sometimes necessary by a large percentage of the population; the Office of the Ombudsman has received a high number of complaints and queries from children and adolescents regarding mistreatment by teachers; and perpetrators are only being held criminally responsible when the corporal punishment has resulted in physical injuries. daccess-ods.un.org |
地震发生后,会有很多人关注减灾问题,救灾机构应该 利用这个机会推动减灾工作。 alnap.org | After an [...] earthquake there is a lot more interest in [...]disasterrisk reduction, and agencies should take advantage of this to promote risk reduction. alnap.org |
这就意味着,除了规范金融市场之外, [...] 还必须通过国际合作进程解决下列问题,包括:全世 界 很多人 处 于 欠发展和贫困 状况;贫富差距拉大(30 [...] 年前全世界人口中 20%最富有的和 20%最贫穷的之间的收 入差距是 30 倍,如今扩大到 60 倍);贩运毒品和武器;政治、种族和宗教冲突; [...]以及来自穷国的移民等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | This means that, beyond the need to regulate financial markets, it is essential to view international cooperation processes as a means of solving problems such as, [...] inter alia, the underdevelopment and extreme [...] poverty in which much of the world’s [...]people live; the widening gap between rich [...]and poor (the income gap between the richest and poorest 20 per cent of the global population is 30 to 60 times greater than it was 30 years ago); drug and arms trafficking; political, ethnic and religious conflicts; and migration from poor countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
除初级生产部门外,渔业及水产养殖还 为 很多人 提 供了在附属活动中就业的 机会,如加工、包装、销售、水产品加工设备制造、网具及渔具生产、制冰生产 [...] 及供应、船只建造及维修、科研和行政管理等。 fao.org | Apart from the primary production sector, fisheries and [...] aquaculture provide numerous jobs in ancillary [...]activities such as processing, packaging, [...]marketing and distribution, manufacturing of fish-processing equipment, net and gear making, ice production and supply, boat construction and maintenance, research and administration. fao.org |
在这方面,加拿大感到欣慰的是,加拿大除了增 加捐助 1 000 [...] 万美元的资金之外,还向联海稳定团增 派了很多人员 ,而上述资金将用于司法制度和国家 [...]警察主要基础设施的重建。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, Canada is pleased to have significantly increased its personnel deployed to MINUSTAH, in addition to having [...] increased by $10 [...] million funds that will be used to rebuild [...]key infrastructure of the judicial system and the National Police. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了害怕丢工作,这些 女性中有很多人都与 其雇主存在家庭关系,因而更不愿意投诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to their fear of [...] loosing their jobs, many of these women are [...]connected through family ties with their employers, [...]and therefore are even more reluctant to complain. daccess-ods.un.org |
小岛屿发展中国家的大部分居民生活在沿海或近海地区(如 80%的太平洋岛 屿居民),而且很多人依靠在珊瑚礁中进行捕捞谋生。 daccess-ods.un.org | The majority of the inhabitants of small island developing States live [...] in or near coastal areas (e.g., 80 per cent of Pacific [...] islanders), and many rely on the coral [...]reef for their livelihood. daccess-ods.un.org |
同一犯罪行为若造成人员死亡或对 很多人 的 生命和健康造成重大伤害或危险,可 处以 6 至 20 年监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The same criminal act, if it causes the death of a person, major damage or a danger to the life and health of a large number of people is punishable by 6 to 20 years’ imprisonment. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然存在这些巨大困难,马耳他仍继续履行我们 对真正的难民和有资格获得人道主义保护的人所承 担的国际义务,而且相对于我国的面积和人口而言, 我们已经给了很多人庇护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite those severe difficulties, Malta has continued to honour its international obligations towards genuine refugees and persons qualifying for humanitarian [...] protection, and has [...] awarded asylum to a very large number of persons seeking it, relative to our country’s size and population. daccess-ods.un.org |
各个不同专业领域内的很多人都已 接受了 知识产权科目的常规和专业训练。 iprcommission.org | Large numbers of people, from a variety [...] of professional backgrounds, have received general and specialised training in IP subjects. iprcommission.org |
3.2 申诉人提到某些人权组织的消息称,在2007年3月22日和23 日的事件中 逮捕了很多人,包 括刚果解运成员、让-皮埃尔·本巴的支持者和来自赤道省和 [...] 下刚果省的被捕者,都遭到了秘密拘留。 daccess-ods.un.org | 3.2 Referring in general to information from unspecified [...] human rights organizations, the [...] complainant alleges that many of those who were [...]arrested during the events of 22 and 23 [...]March 2007, including the members of MLC, followers of Jean-Pierre Bemba and those coming from the Provinces of Equator and Bas-Congo, have been subjected to secret detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,很多人都没 有察觉的是他们一生都在为自己制作预算 - 不仅是金 钱,还有其他;例如:如和家人或朋友相处的时间、或如何在多份同时 [...] 进行的工作中分配时间与资源,以取得希望的成果。 citibank.com.sg | But what many people fail to realise [...] is that they have been budgeting all their lives – not only with their money but also [...]with, for example, the time they spend with their family and friends, or the amount of effort they put in on concurrent projects at work to garner a desired outcome in each. citibank.com.sg |
我们建议根据需要加强社会保护制度和积极的劳动力市场政策,因为即使 在复苏过程稳定之后,包括最弱势群体在内 的 很多人 仍 会继续失业,其他人也 需要帮助,才能适应我们各种经济体的结构变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | We recommend that, where needed, social protection systems and active labour market policies be strengthened because significant numbers of people, including the most disadvantaged, will remain unemployed even after recovery takes hold and others will need help to adjust to structural changes in our economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
最 后,工作组认为最为有用的是重申 [...] 它关注任意剥夺自由,以及 仍然有 很 多人往往不能受益于他们在依 照 法律和适 [...]用的人权文书 进行辩护方面有权获取 的法律资源和保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the Working Group considers it most useful to reiterate its concern over the deprivation of [...] liberty imposed arbitrarily, and that a [...] still important number of persons are [...]frequently unable to benefit from legal resources [...]and guarantees to which they are entitled for the conduct of their defence by law and by applicable human rights instruments. daccess-ods.un.org |
鍾家輝醫生指出,雖然此研究並沒有發現床的大小與失眠或選擇獨睡有直接關係,但明顯地 , 很多人 希 望有多些睡眠空間。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr. Chung points out that the result does not indicate direct and causal relationships between bed sizes, insomnia and preference of sleeping alone, it adequately shows people's preference on more sleeping space. hkupop.hku.hk |
被很多人视为行业标准,可以自始至终贯穿是用于整个饲料生产中,用于控制和隔离进入的原材料、控制生产过程的一致性、确保最终成品满足用户和官方的要求。 foss.cn | Seen by many as the industry [...] standard, they are used throughout the animal feed industry to control and segregate incoming [...]raw material, control consistency in feed production and ensure finished products are in line with the demands of customers and authorities. foss.us |