

单词 很可


很可惜 adv

unfortunately adv

很可能 adv

easily adv

很有...可能的 adj

prone adj

External sources (not reviewed)

很难预测委员 会需要审查的报告数量,很可能报 告数会增加, 因为各会员国不仅受到激励向委员会提交报告,还 [...]
It was difficult to predict how many [...]
reports the Committee would have to examine but the number would no doubt increase
because States parties were encouraged to submit reports not only to the Committee but also in the context of the universal periodic review.
然而,鉴于解放军常援引南海 的战略重要性作为预算增长的依据, 很可 能 会 继续强 调更强硬政策的必要性(见第 IV 章,第 D 节)。
However, given the strategic importance of the area as a justification for the PLA’s budgetary growth, it is likely to continue to emphasise the need for more assertive policy (see Section IV.D).
这些项目的活动主要是为濒临辍学的学生建立跟踪系统(他们中 的许多很可能属于弱势群体)。
Among these projects are activities related to establishing a
tracking system for students at risk of dropping out of school
[...] (many of whom are likely to be from disadvantaged [...]
如差異並非由原材料不同引致, 很可 能 與 品質控制欠佳有關,業界應 檢討這方面。
If it was not due to variations in raw materials, it was likely attributed to deficiency in quality assurance and traders should review in this respect.
[...] 员会和地方财产调查委员会提供培训活动,并且,鉴于各维持和平特派团中工作 人员快速更替,各地方合同委员会和地方财产调查委员会的成员处理案件的能很可能不足。
Without the approval of the proposed post, the Headquarters Committee on Contracts secretariat would not be able to continue the training activities for the local committees on contracts and the local property and survey boards, and given the rapid staff turnover in peacekeeping missions,
it is likely that the membership of the committees and
[...] the boards would not have adequate capacity to handle the cases.
虽然强调条约的类别,很可能是 ,只有具体条文的主题事项载有其连续性的必要含义。
Although the emphasis is on categories of treaties, it may well be that only the subject matter of particular provisions of the treaty carries the implication of continuance.
她坚持 认为,如果她回国,就会面临真实和重大的危险,因为 很可 能 会 受到全面盘查 甚至可能受虐待。
She maintains that if returned to her country
[...] she would be in real and serious danger, since it was very likely that she would be subjected [...]
to thorough questioning
and possibly to ill-treatment.
[...] 称,未提出上诉的原因是移民事务法庭决定不暂缓执行驱逐,而且,鉴于上诉很可能不 会批准他上诉的请求,因此,他完全有理由认为,移民上诉庭也会拒绝 [...]
As reasons for his failure to appeal, the author submitted that the day before he was to be expelled from Sweden, the Migration Court decided not to stay the enforcement of his expulsion, and that he had good
reasons to believe that the Migration
[...] Court of Appeal would also reject his request [...]
for a stay of enforcement, in view of
the fact that the Court of Appeal would probably not grant him leave to appeal.
The forensic investigation
[...] findings could possibly confirm that she had been subjected [...]
to torture.
例如,一项经济措施对一个大型国际组织来说可能产生不了多 少影响,但对一个较小的组织而言 很可 能 严重影响其运行,藉此不符合相称性 标准。
For instance, an economic measure that might hardly affect a large international organization may severely hamper the functioning of a smaller organization and for that reason not meet the test of proportionality.
應收賬款發生減值的客觀證據,包括下列各項:(1)債務人發生嚴重財務困難;(2) 債 務 人 違 反 了 合 同 條 款,如 償 付 利 息 或 本 金 發 生 違 約 或 逾 期 等;(3)債 權 人 出 於 經 濟 或 法 律 等 方 面因素的考慮,對發生財務困難的債務人作出讓步;(4)債務 很可 能 倒 閉或進行其他財務重組; (5)因 發 行 債 務 人 破 產 或 死 亡,以 其 破 產 財 產 或 者 遺 產 清 償 後 仍 無 法 收 回 等。
Objective evidence for impairment includes: (1) significant financial difficulties experienced by the debtor; (2) default on or non-payment of due interest or principal payments; (3) concessions made to the insolvent debtor by creditors owing to economic or legal considerations; (4) probable bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation of the debtor; (5) inability to recover the debt after repayments from the bankruptcy assets or the estate upon the bankruptcy or death of the debtor.
越來越多的 3D 電視節目製作,加上 3D 電視機的供應增 加,中期來說很可能增 加對來自衛星行業服務的需求。
The increasing production of three-dimensional (3D) programming, coupled with a greater availability of 3D TV sets, is also likely to increase demand in our industry over the medium term.
因此,教科文组织应当采取纠偏行动,制定更加清楚地强调教科 文组织在国际社会中的作用和分清楚其他国际机构的职能与活动的蓝图,并强调采用真正的 跨部门和跨学科的方法很可能正 是本组织主要的相对优势。
UNESCO was consequently called upon to take corrective action by designing context maps more clearly outlining UNESCO’s role within the international community and delineating the role and activities of other international actors as well as by placing emphasis on a truly intersectoral and interdisciplinary approach, which eventually constitutes its main comparative advantage.
2) 對 於 與 子 公 司、合 營 企 業 及 聯 營 企 業 投 資 相 關 的 應 納 稅 暫 時 性 差 異,該 暫 時 性 差 異 轉 回 的 時 間 能 夠 控 制 並 且 該 暫 時 性 差 異 在 可 預 見 的 未很 可 能 不 會 轉 回。
2) for temporary differences of payable taxes relating to investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, the time for reversal of the said temporary differences can be controlled and the said temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable future.
这一里程很可能已 经有效地实现了,但是大量文件的最终印刷才是实现里程碑的更好证 明。
It is probable that this milestone has effectively been achieved however, final printing of a number of the documents would be better evidence of achievement.
除撥回暫時差額的時間可受本集團控制,而暫時差 很可 能 不 會於可見將來撥回外,投資於附屬公司 所產生的暫時差額將作出遞延所得稅撥備。
Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the Group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
然而,重要 的是应认识到,随着电信技术的不断发展演变,这些建议最 很可 能会成为昨日黄花。
It is important to realize, however, that, as telecommunications technology evolves, these recommendations may become obsolete.
在披露前,要求查阅的报告由两个人独立审查——通常为相关区域审计中心 主任及审调处处长或副处长——以确定它们是否含有“……某些涉及到第三方或 一个国家、政府或行政当局的被认为特别敏感的信息;或可能危及待采取的行动; 或这种行很可能危 及任何个人的安全、侵犯他或她的权利或侵犯其隐私”,从 而该报告将需要编辑,或在特殊情况下予以留置。
Prior to disclosure, the requested reports are independently reviewed by two people – normally the chief of the regional audit centre concerned, and the OAI Director or Deputy Director – to determine whether they contain “…certain information deemed particularly sensitive that relates to third parties or a country, Government or administration; or could compromise pending action; or where such is likely to endanger the safety and security of any individual, violate his or her rights or invade his or her privacy” so that the report would have to be redacted, or in extraordinary circumstances, withheld.
克服这方面障碍的良好做法是确保 很可 能 需 要寻求或提供 正式合作的人员提供必要的信息和资源,以便尽可能有效地提出请求或对请求 做出回应,并且确保其知道在正式合作之前何时去寻求非正式合作,或者甚至 用非正式合作代替正式合作。
A good practice in overcoming this obstacle is to ensure that personnel who are likely to need to seek or provide formal cooperation are equipped with the information and resources necessary to make or respond to requests as efficiently as possible, and are aware of when to seek informal cooperation prior to or even in lieu of formal cooperation.
再者,從另一 發電來源取得電力供應的用戶很可 能 要向本區的電力公 司支付額外輸電費。
Moreover, there would be transmission charges levied by the 'local' power company for transferring electricity supply obtained from the power company in another service area.
(q) 在适当情况下建立多机构组织,以确保采取综合办法处理毒品贩运网 问题,同时注意参与毒品贩运的有组织犯罪集 很可 能 也 从事其他形式的贩 运;多机构组织将有助于确保打击其他形式有组织犯罪的机构与禁毒执法机构 交流有关信息、情报、做法和资源。
(q) Establish, when appropriate, multi-agency bodies to ensure that a comprehensive approach is being taken in tackling drug trafficking networks, while remaining aware that organized criminal groups engaged in drug trafficking are likely to be engaged in other forms of trafficking; the multi-agency bodies will help to ensure that agencies fighting other forms of organized crime share relevant information, intelligence, practices and resources with drug law enforcement agencies.
经社会还注 意到,在俄罗斯联邦的财政支持下,有两个具体项目(关于小型水电设施的 安全评估和在中亚减少灾害风险)很可 能 在近期内完成,并于 2012-2013 年 开始实施。
The Commission also noted that two specific projects — related to safety assessment of small hydraulic installations and disaster risk reduction in Central Asia — were likely to be finalized in the near future and implemented in 2012-2013 with the financial support of the Russian Federation.
然而,如果没有在一定程度上获得 这些受禁物品,厄立特里亚空军甚至连目前这种低水平活动 很可 能 无法维持, 因此,这表明厄立特里亚能够在友好国家的援助下或借助国际黑市满足其某些 需求。
However, even the current, low level of air force activity could probably not be maintained without some access to these prohibited items, suggesting that Eritrea is able to meet some of its needs either with the assistance of friendly States or on international black markets.
少数服从多数 机制简单地将多数成员对保留方所持的立场强加给少数成员,正是为了避免在组 成文书中建立多重规范机制;但这里是因为相关组织的机关接受保留才使保留普 遍适用,并很可能只是在其他缔约方与保留国或组织之间的关系中。
The majority system simply imposes on the minority members the position of the majority in respect of the author of the reservation, precisely to avoid the establishment of multiple normative systems within the constituent instrument.
以下国家的 CTC 改造项目出现拖延:朝 鲜 民主主 义人民共和国(拖很可能将继续下去)、巴基斯坦(这种拖延促成了 2005 年违约 状况)和印度。
There have been a number of delays in CTC conversion projects in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (this will likely continue), Pakistan (which contributed to the 2005 non-compliance status) and India.
[...] 视性法律和行政措施,专门针对具有某些族裔和宗教背景的人,特别是穆斯林少 数群体,而很可能阻 碍他们充分享受人权和基本自由,而且,世界许多地区都 [...]
端主义挑起的恐吓和胁迫等严重事件,包括由仇视伊斯兰教、反犹太主义和仇视 基督教挑起的事件
Noting with deep concern the serious instances of intolerance, discrimination and acts of violence based on religion or belief, intimidation and coercion
motivated by extremism, religious or
[...] otherwise, occurring in many parts of the world, [...]
including cases motivated by Islamophobia,
Judeophobia and Christianophobia, in addition to the negative projection of certain religions in the media and the introduction and enforcement of laws and administrative measures that specifically discriminate against and target persons with certain ethnic and religious backgrounds, particularly Muslim minorities, and that threaten to impede their full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
2010 年,专家组聚焦大量中国制 56 式突击步枪(不同年代和不同类型)及数 量虽小但仍很可观的波兰制 AKMS 型突击步枪。
During 2010, the Group focused its attention on large numbers of Chinesemanufactured Type 56 assault rifles, of various ages and varieties, and small, albeit significant, numbers of Polish AKMS-pattern assault rifles.
业界纷纷猜测,政府之 所以决定将新建的价值 20 亿美元的钦州市炼油厂拨给 了中石油而非中石化,原因就在于中央政府决定支持苏 丹炼油难度极高的达混合原油股本油生产,而马来西亚 国家石油公司在苏丹建起的炼油 很可 能 会 买走中石油 大部分的达混合原油。
While there has been speculation that the decision to allocate the new $2 billion Qinzhou City refinery to CNPC rather than Sinopec was a result of a decision to support equity oil production of hard-to-refine Dar Blend crude oil from Sudan, a refinery being built in Sudan by Petronas (Malaysian) will likely take much of CNPC’s Dar Blend.




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