

单词 待要

See also:

about to
deal with
intending to

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 當有在「10公尺規則」下越位的球員,要衝阻 待要 操 弄 球的敵方球員 時,裁判員必須即刻吹哨並處罰該越位球員。
(c) When a player who is offside under the 10-Metre Law
[...] charges an opponent waiting to catch the [...]
ball, the referee blows the whistle at once
and the offside player is penalised.
一个能够向世界展示自己在复 兴中重铸辉煌、迫不待要说出实情、同时又想聆听世界其他地区声音 的非洲。
An Africa that can face the world in the splendour of recapturing its deeper self, in the glow of rebirth, impatient to speak the truth and listen to what the rest of the world has to say.
想象下在一片繁星满天下聆听意大利歌剧的感觉吧,是不是您已经迫不 待要 开 始 MSC Poesia 虚拟之旅了呢?
Imagine yourself under the starry sky while listening to Italian Opera.
(c) 越位與向前行動:當有隊友踢球向前時,在他前面的越位球員,在成為 在位前,是不許朝向待要操弄球的敵方球員或球要掉落的地點行動 的。
When a team-mate of an offside player has kicked ahead,
the offside player must not move towards
[...] opponents who are waiting to play the ball, [...]
or move towards the place where the ball
lands, until the player has been put onside.
如果一个妇女的经待遇要依赖 其配偶或家 庭网络,她就有更大的可能受到暴力侵害,并且没有能力逃避祸害。
If a woman is
[...] dependent on her spouse or family network for her economic wellbeing, she is at [...]
greater risk of vulnerability
to violence and also of an inability to escape from harm.
本报告以围绕《国家就业及体面工作计划》为轴心,分析了政府促进部分或 全部实现千年发展目标和阶段具体目标的具有内在联系的政策和方案,以及为在 巴西根消除灭贫困贫穷会将要面临并 待要 克 服 的挑战。
Having the National Employment and Decent Work Plan as its axis, the present report sets out an analysis of the Government policies and programmes that contributed to the partial or full accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals and targets, which are intrinsically linked, and what challenges need to be faced and overcome in order to eradicate poverty in Brazil.
(f) 概無任何司法權區之政府機構或法院、審裁處或仲裁員作出或展開任何行動、法律 程序、訴訟、調查或研訊或制訂、作出或擬訂且無任何尚待落實之法規、規例、要 求或法令而可導致要約變成無效、不可強制執行、非法或禁止或限制執行或對於要 約或據此擬進行的交易施加任何重大條件、限制或義務(對要約人進行或完善要約 要約人可絕對酌情決定豁免上文所述的任何或所有條件,惟條件(a)僅 待要 約 人接獲有 關要約的接納後方可豁免,而要約將導致要約人及其一致行動人士持有本公司超過 50% 的投票權及條件(c)不可豁免。
(f) no Governmental Authority or court, tribunal or arbitrator in any jurisdiction having taken or instituted any action, proceeding, suit, investigation or enquiry, or enacted or made or proposed, and there not continuing to be outstanding, any statute, regulation, demand or order that would make the Offer void, unenforceable or illegal or that would prohibit or restrict the implementation of, or which would impose any material conditions, limitations or obligations with respect to the Offer or the transactions contemplated under the Irrevocable Undertaking (other than such orders or decisions as would not have a material adverse effect on the legal ability of the Offeror to proceed with or consummate the Offer and the transactions contemplated under the Irrevocable Undertaking); and
在 Suffren 大街 125 号门口建造长期安全检查岗哨和接待室(由总部场地外租基金 (HQF)出资 900,000 美元)的工程在大会第三十三届会议前已经完工,并且证明符合安全 和待要求。
The construction of the permanent security post and reception area at the 125 Suffren gate ($900,000 financed by HQF) was completed before the 33rd session of the General Conference and proved to be compliant with security and reception requirements.
因此,对于一个被警察或宪兵剥夺自由的人而言,在没有警方人员在场的情况下 接触医生是一个防范待的重要保障 措施。
For a person deprived of liberty by the police or the gendarmerie, access to a doctor without the presence of police staff is therefore an important safeguard against ill-treatment.
这项任要待2012 年底完成基线调查后方 能启动。
This task is pending completion of the Baseline Survey in late 2012.
要待设备 / 流体完全冷却之后再触摸。
Wait until equipment/fluid [...]
has cooled completely.
[...] 的社区进行协商,对于确保考虑国内流离失所者的具体需求和权利和努力加强现 有流离失所人待战略是重要的。
Needs assessments and consultations with IDPs as well as with communities that have to integrate or reintegrate the displaced are essential to ensure that the specific needs and rights of
IDPs are taken into account and that the efforts undertaken
[...] reinforce existing coping strategies of the [...]
displaced population.
因此,就梁議員的補充質詢,我 要待 完 成 對報告書的回應後,如果 認為真的要加強警方的執法權力,我們屆時會再到立法會與各位議員提出要 [...]
For that reason, in respect of Mrs Selina CHOW's
[...] supplementary, we have to wait until the response [...]
to the Report is completed,
and if we consider that there is a genuine need to enhance the police's power in law enforcement, we will come back to the Legislative Council and discuss the enhancement of legislation on this.
因為火葬是一項不能逆轉的程序,並且消 滅任何可斷定死因的証據,所以必 要待 人死後四十八小時才可舉行火葬。
Because cremation is an irreversible process and eliminates any ability to determine cause of death, 48 hours must elapse after the time of death before cremation may take place.
全 國 性 的 計 劃 可要 待 到 1 9 8 7 年 之 後 方 可 實 施 , 至 於 計 劃 會 否 實 施 和 性 質 將 會 如 何 , 則 要 視 乎 實 地 詴 驗 期 間 所 取 得 的 經 驗 而 定 , 並 且 會 反 映 這 些 經 驗 。
A national scheme is unlikely to be implemented until after 1987; its existence and character will depend on and reflect the experience gained during the field trials" (Law Society's Gazette, 26 October 1983, pages 2664-2665).
最後估計數要待今年 的抽樣調查得出結果後才能作準。
The final figure would have to be destined with the result of the random sampling survey.
为工作计划制定预算时, 执行支助股已适当考虑了削减费用的 要 及 缔 约国 待 支 助 股对其任务的某些方 面相对更加优先处理的愿望。
In establishing a budget for this work plan, the ISU has given due regard for the need to reduce costs and the desire of States Parties that the ISU place a relatively higher priority on certain aspects of its mandate.
康樂廣場東行方向的車要待交通 燈號轉換 數次後才可駛出干諾道中。
Traffic along the Connaught Place east-bound
[...] outlet has to wait for several traffic [...]
light cycles before it can join CRC.
理事会正在寻求问题的短 期解决办法,但要找到 普遍定期审议资金问题的长期解决办法,避免采取临时 措施,因为这有可能损害所有国待 遇 平 等的原则。
While searching for a solution to the problem in the short term, the Council needed to also find a long-term solution to the question of resources for the universal [...]
periodic review process
to avoid ad hoc measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States.
但他指 出,基 於資源 調配的 限 制 或 社 區 服 務的連續性 , 個別位於 重 建 屋 內的舊社區 會 堂 可能要 待新的 社 區 會 堂興建 完 成 投 入 服 務後方可拆卸及 重 建。
However, he pointed out that given the constraints on deployment of resources or the need for continuous community services, individual old community halls situated within the estates for redevelopment might have to be demolished and reprovisioned after the commissioning of the new community halls.
同其他仪器相比,测算时它只要待 测 的 混合气体就行了”,销售主管马丁•本德先生(Martin Bender)介绍。
In contrast to other devices only the mixed gas to be determined is required for a measurement," informs the director of the sales department, Martin Bender.
鑑於我們現有運作中衛星的容量已經接近飽和,發射 亞洲六號衛星及亞洲八號衛星對本公司的持續發展極為 要 , 待 新 衛 星投入服務後,將為我們 業務帶來進一步增長空間。
As our existing operating satellites are now nearing full capacity, the launches of AsiaSat 6 and AsiaSat 8 are key to our continuing development as a company, and offer further scope for growth once they come on line.
根据以往经验,调停 和团队干预很复杂,要待命就 业争端专家工作 10 天,这将包括主持冲突解决 过程,从达成协议到调解结论以及执行和解协定。
Based on past experience, the complexity of mediation and team interventions requires an on-call employment dispute specialist to be available for about 10 days, which would include the conduct of the conflict resolution process from the obtaining of agreements to mediating the conclusion and implementation of a settlement agreement.
(b)和 (c) 我要待甄選成功的申請機構後,方會得知第三期活化計劃下在保育和 活化歷史建築方面的預算開支。
(b) & (c) The estimated expenditure for the conservation and revitalisation of historic buildings under Batch III of the Revitalisation Scheme will only be available after the successful applicants have been selected.
多數人心目中,公園夜間似乎確實危險,家長也曾告訴我們,日落後絕 要待 在 公園內,如此說來,架設圍籬看似完全合理,但若進一步思考,卻未必符合邏輯,儘管公園在夜間可能引來罪犯,卻無證據顯示若公園在夜間關閉後,罪犯就不會在其他區域犯案,因此設置圍籬時,形同認定公園會神奇地將正直民眾變成壞蛋。
Though it may be that parks are likely to attract criminal elements at night, there is little evidence that crimes committed in parks at night wouldn’t be committed elsewhere if parks were closed.
雖 然 現 金 保 釋 在 香 港 已 獲 全 面 實 施,但 裁 判 司 要 求 擔 保 人 繳 存 現 金 作 保 的 做 法要 待 有 了 1 9 7 6 年 刑 事 訴 訟 程 序( 修 訂 )條 例 才 獲 法 律 認 許。
Although cash bail is a well-established practice in Hong Kong, demand of cash from a surety by magistrates has only been authorized by law since the 1976 Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance.




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