

单词 待出售

See also:

出售 pl

disposals pl

出售 v

sell v


offer for sale
put on the market

External sources (not reviewed)

持作出售物業之預付土地租金乃計入 待出售 物 業 」。
Prepaid land lease for properties held for sale is included in “properties for sale”.
除非相關物業發展項目之建築期預計超出正常業務週期,否 待出售 物 業分類為流動資產。
Properties for sale are classified as current assets unless the construction period of the relevant property development project is expected to complete beyond normal operating cycle.
(h) 待出售物業 待出售物業 包括持作出售之發展中物業及已落成物業,乃按成本或可變現淨值兩者之較低者列賬。
Properties for sale comprising properties under development and completed properties held for sale are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
採納該修訂本對本集團分類待出售 物 業及投資物業的租賃土地並無影響。
The adoption of this amendment has no impact on the Group’s leasehold land categorised
[...] as properties for sale and investment properties.
分部資產主要包括土地使用權、投資物業、其他物業、廠房及設備、可供出售金融資產、按金、貸款及應收款項、持有 至到期之投資、存貨待出售物業 、應收貨款及其他應收款項、按金及預付款項、存於保管人賬戶之銷售所得款項、應 收聯營公司款項、已抵押銀行存款以及銀行結存及現金。
Segment assets consist primarily of land use rights, investment properties, other properties, plant and equipment, available-for-sale financial assets, deposits, loans and receivables, held-to-maturity
investments, inventories,
[...] properties for sale, trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments, sales proceeds [...]
held in stakeholders’
accounts, amounts due from associates, pledged bank deposits and bank balances and cash.
貴公司預期待出售事項 完成時,將確認一項收益預計約為港幣318,000,000 元,該收益為以下各項的總和(a)出售事項的代價減(i)於出售事項完成日期, [...]
貴 公司於津政權益之賬面淨值;(ii)出售事項產生的費用;(iii)與出售事項之相關稅
項總數;及(b)於出售事項完成日期, 貴公司於津政之權益不再併入 貴集團綜 合賬時所沖回的匯兌儲備。
Upon completion of the Disposal, the Company is expected to recognize [...]
an estimated gain of approximately HK$318 million
being the sum of (a) the Consideration less the total of: (i) the net book value of the Company’s equity interest in Jinzheng as at the date of completion of the Disposal; (ii) expenses incurred from the Disposal; (iii) any taxes relating to the Disposal; and (b) exchange reserve to be released from deconsolidation of the Company’s equity interest in Jinzheng as at the date of the completion of the Disposal.
於落成時,物業將轉撥入已落 待出售 物 業
Upon completion, the properties are transferred to
[...] completed properties held for sale.
倘物業權益於正常業務過程中持作出售,或處於為有關出售而開發之過程中,則該土地權益入賬列 作待出售物業 」項下之存貨,並按成本與可變現淨值兩者中較低者列賬。
If the property interest is held for sale in the ordinary course of business or is in the
process of being
[...] developed for such sale, that land interest is accounted for as inventory under “Properties for sale”, and stated [...]
at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
這項安排適用於待 出售的政 府土地,以及須經政府批准的修改土地契約申請。
Such restrictions will be implemented through
land leases. This arrangement applies to
[...] Government land sale sites and lease [...]
modification applications for which Government's approval is required.
待出售事項 完成後,本公司將不再為津政之股東。
Upon completion of the Disposal, the Company will cease to be the shareholder of Jinzheng.
在本公司資產負債表,對聯營公司和共同控制實體的投資是按成本減去減值損失(參 閱附註2(m))後入賬,但被列作持有作出售的投資(或包含 待出售 組 別 )則除外(參 閱附註2(y))。
In the Company’s balance sheet, its investments in associates and jointly controlled entities are stated at cost less impairment losses (see note 2(m)),
unless classified as
[...] held for sale (or included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) (see note 2(y))
(ii) 待出售物業之估計可變現淨值 本集團按待出售物業之可回收金額評估其賬面值,可回收金額乃基於該等物業之變現能力得出,當中考 慮基於過往經驗及承諾合約得出之估計完工成本,以及基於現時市況得出之預計淨銷售額╱租金額。
The Group assesses
[...] the carrying amounts of properties for sale according to their recoverable amounts [...]
based on the realisability
of these properties, taking into account estimated costs to completion based on past experience and committed contracts and estimated net sales/rental value based on prevailing market conditions.
出售事項的實際收益取決待出售事 項 完成時, 貴 集團於津政權益的實際賬面值及所沖回的匯兌儲備。
The actual amount of the gain on the Disposal will depend on the actual book value of the Group’s interest in Jinzheng and exchange reserve to be released upon completion of the Disposal.
持有作出售的非流動資產(待出售 組 別 )是按賬面金額與公允價值減去出售成本 的較低者列賬(參閱附註2(y))。
Non-current assets
[...] held for sale (or disposal groups held for sale) are stated [...]
at the lower of carrying amount and fair
value less costs to sell (see note 2(y))
基於上述 背景,經考慮在公開聆訊 中所取得的 證供, 以 及政府當局 隨 後提供 的書面 證 據 後 , 委 員會最終認為應從 全面的 角 度 ,
[...] 並 顧 及 當時的 特 殊 情況, 來待 出 售 馬 鞍山土地 一 事 。
Against this background, and having regard to the evidence obtained at the public hearing and the written evidence subsequently provided by the Administration, the PAC has concluded that the
sale of the Ma On Shan site should be viewed in
[...] perspective and the exceptional circumstances [...]
which prevailed at the time.
[...] 港元、其他物業、廠房及設備75,300,000港元、可供出售金融資產265,400,000港元 待出售 物 業 2,829,400,000港元與 按金、貸款及應收款項197,400,000港元。
At 31 December 2010, certain of the Group’s investment properties, other properties, plant and equipment, available-for-sale financial assets, properties for sale and deposits, loans and receivables with carrying values of HK$11,559.6 million, HK$75.3 million,
HK$265.4 million, HK$2,829.4 million and HK$197.4
[...] million respectively were pledged to secure credit facilities for the Group.
出待出售的旧 设备无需任何费用,我们也不向买卖双方收取任意类型的费用。
There is no charge to list used M&R
[...] equipment for sale, and we impose [...]
no fees of any kind on buyers or sellers.
(a) 財務風險因素(續) (ii) 利率風險(續)
[...] 6,600,000港元(二零零九年:10,200,000港元),而 待出售 物 業 」之資本化利息將增加╱減少4,700,000港 [...]
If interest rates on borrowings had been 50 basis points higher/lower with all other variables held constant, the post-tax profit for the year would have been HK$6.6M (2009:
HK$10.2M) lower/higher and capitalised interest
[...] on “properties for sale” would have been [...]
HK$4.7M (2009: HK$6.9M) higher/ lower,
mainly as a result of higher/lower interest expenses on floating rate borrowings.
待出售事 項完成後, 貴集團將收取現金代價約人民幣1,198,900,000元,而津政之現金及 現金等價物將不會併入 貴集團綜合賬。
Upon completion of the Disposal, the Group will receive the Consideration in cash of approximately RMB1,198.9 million and the cash and cash equivalents of Jinzheng will not be consolidated into the Group.
現時, 在出售 公屋之前 3 個月, 有 關屋 內
[...] 的 空置單 位 會 被 凍 結待 出 售 時 讓 屋 內 不 願意購 回 自 [...]
己 居 住 單 位 的 居 民申請 購 買 , 反應是 相 當不錯 的 。
Under the present arrangement, vacant flats in the
relevant estates will be frozen three
[...] months prior to the sale, so that tenants [...]
who do not wish to buy the flats where they
live can submit applications to buy these vacant flats when the estates are put up for sale, and the response is very good.
於 二 零 一 零 年 三 月 三 十 一 日, 董 事 會 已 將 本 集 團 於United Pulp & Paper
[...] Company之 權 益 分 類待 出 售 之 非 流 動 資 產 及 為 [...]
聯 營 公 司 終 止 權 益 會 計 法。
As at 31 March 2010, the Directors have classified the Group’s interest in
United Pulp & Paper Company as a
[...] noncurrent asset held for sale and ceased the equity [...]
accounting for the associated company.
按照香港財務報告準則第 5 號「持有待售之非流動資產及已終止業務」劃歸為持 待售資 產出售組別 )應按該準則予以計量。
assets (or disposal groups) that are
[...] classified as held for sale in accordance with HKFRS 5 “Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued [...]
operations” are measured
in accordance with that Standard.
出售第三 套公寓的时候,市场极为不景气,整栋大楼有多间相似房屋上 待售 , 加 上房屋买入价格本身就高,想卖到理想价位更是难上加难。
When I wanted to sell my third investment property, as the market was not very active and there were many other units for sale in the same building, it was hard to sell for a profitable price.
除非全部待售股份的買賣及股東貸款的出讓同步完成,否則港華燃氣沒有義務完成 任何待售股份的購入或承讓股東貸款,而中華煤氣(中國)也沒有義務完成任待 售股份的出售或股東貸款的出讓。
Completion: TCC shall not be obliged to complete the purchase or take assignment of, and HK&CG(China) shall not be obliged to complete the sale or the assignment of, any of the
Sale Share and the Shareholder
[...] Loans unless the sale and purchase of all the Sale Share and [...]
the assignment of the Shareholder
Loans are completed simultaneously.
MMD將按遞延購買價購買合營公待售 股 份 ,金額將相等於合營集團在由及包括 截至二零一二年十二月三十一日止年度直至及包括最後年度各財政年度的平均經審 核綜合除息稅前盈利之70%乘以4,惟倘上述計算 出 結 果 為負數,遞延購買價將被 視作為零。
MMD will purchase the JVCo Sale Shares at the Deferred Purchase Price, which will be an amount equal to 70% of JV Group’s average audited consolidated EBIT in each financial year commencing from (and including) the year ended 31 December 2012 to (and including) the [...]
Last Year multiplied by four, provided
that, if the above calculation results in a negative number, then the Deferred Purchase Price is deemed to be zero.
於二零一三年一月十四日(交易時段後),買方(本公司間接全資附屬公司)及本公 司與賣方訂立股份銷售協議,據此:(i)賣方同 出售 而 買 方同意購 待售 股 份 ;及(ii) 本公司(作為擔保人)同意為買方就其如期履行按股份銷售協議所訂之責任提供擔 保。
On 14th January, 2013 (after trading hours), the Purchaser, being an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, and the Company entered into the Share Sale Agreement with the Vendors pursuant to which:
(i) the Vendors have
[...] agreed to sell and the Purchaser has agreed to purchase the Sale Shares; and [...]
(ii) the Company, as guarantor,
has agreed to guarantee the due and punctual compliance of the Purchaser with its obligations under the Share Sale Agreement.
該協議」 指 Ufex(作為賣方)與 Power Mighty(作為買方)就買待售 股份 訂立之有條件協議 「反壟斷部門」 指 哈薩克斯坦共和國保障競爭部門(反壟斷部門)或其後繼者 或於哈薩克斯坦政府內負責出或 有權 授 出 就 一 項交易事 項有否遵守或並無違反哈薩克斯坦反競爭法例之批准或核 准之其他部門
Agreement” the conditional agreement between
[...] Ufex (as seller) and Power Mighty (as buyer) for the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares “Anti-monopoly Agency” the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Protection of Competition (Antimonopoly Agency) or its successor or other department within the government of Kazakhstan responsible for providing or authorized to provide approvals [...]
or clearances that a
transaction complies or does not violate anti-competition laws of Kazakhstan
先傳媒與匯星印刷各自之董事會欣然宣佈,於二零一二年十二月十二日,買方(匯 星印刷之間接全資附屬公司)及匯星印刷與賣方及APOL訂立股份轉讓協議;據
[...] 此,買方已有條件地同意收購而賣方亦已有條件地同 出售待售 股 份 ,代價不超 過160,000,000港元。
The respective boards of directors of Cinderella and 1010 PGL are pleased to announce that on 12 December 2012, the Purchaser, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of 1010 PGL, and 1010 PGL entered into the Share Transfer Agreement with the Vendors and APOL, pursuant to which the Purchaser has conditionally agreed to
acquire and the Vendors has
[...] conditionally agreed to sell the Sale Shares for a consideration [...]
not exceeding HK$160 million.
[...] 售價介乎每股12.66港元至13.86港元之中位數,並假設並無行使超額配股權),其 中12億7,500萬港元來自出售新股,而10億4,300萬港元則來 出售待售 股 份
The net proceeds (after deduction of underwriting fees and estimated expenses in relation to the Global Offering and assuming the Over-allotment Option is not exercised) based on the Offer Price of HK$13.26 per share, being the midpoint of the stated Offer Price range of HK$12.66 to HK$13.86 per Share, are estimated to be approximately
HK$2,318 million, with HK$1,275 million from the issue of new Shares and
[...] HK$1,043 million from the offer of existing Shares.
(k) (i) 第㆒太平銀行的權利或法律責任,如憑藉本條例而成為或當作 為東亞銀行的權利或法律責任,即東亞銀行及所有其他㆟自指 定日期起,即具有同樣的權利、權力及補救(尤其是提出法律 程序,或在法律程序㆗抗辯,或向任何主管當局提出或反對申 請的權利及權力),以便確定、完成或強制執行該權利或法律 責任,猶如該權利及法律責任在任何時候均屬東亞銀行㆒樣; 而由第㆒太平銀行出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局 出 、並 在緊接指定日期之前存在待決的 法律程序,或由第㆒太平銀 行出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局 出 、 並在緊接指定日期 之前存在待決的 申請,均可由東亞銀行繼續進行,或可繼續 針對東亞銀行進行。
(h) (i) Where by virtue of this Ordinance any right or liability of First Pacific Bank becomes or is deemed to become a right or liability of Bank of East Asia, Bank of East Asia and all other persons shall, on and from the appointed day, have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing that right or liability as if it had at all times been a right or liability of Bank of East Asia; and any legal proceedings or application to any authority existing or pending immediately before the appointed day by or against First Pacific Bank may be continued by or against Bank of East Asia.




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