

单词 征款

See also:

levy (taxes)
draft (troops)
characteristic sign (used as proof)
go on long campaign

External sources (not reviewed)

香港人权监察提到外籍家庭佣 工的情况, 呼吁人权理事会敦 促中国政府 和香港特别行政区政府使
《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》适 用 于
[...] 香港(和中国其它地区 );取消雇 员 再 培征 款;并响 应消除 对 妇女歧视委员会 [...]
(2006 年)、经济、社会和文化权利委员会(1994、1996、2001 和 2005 年)以及消除
种族歧视委员会(1996 和 2001 年)的呼吁,敦促香港特别行政区政府废除和解决“两 周规则”的问题,其中要求外籍家庭佣工在合同结束或提前终止后即离开香港。
While making reference to the situation of foreign domestic workers (FDWs) in Hong Kong, HKHRM appealed to the HRC to urge China and HKSAR governments to make the ICRMW applicable to Hong Kong (and
other parts of China); to scrap the
[...] employee’s retraining levy; and to echo the [...]
calls of the CEDAW (2006), CESCR (1994, 1996,
2001 and 2005) and CERD (1996 and 2001) to urge the HKSAR Government to abolish and address the problems of the Two-Week Rule, which requires FDWs to leave Hong Kong once their contract expires or is prematurely terminated.133 11.
年期间将超过1.8 亿美元。同一时期对款征收的税款应确保几乎相同 的数额。
The levy on telephone calls should bring in $180 million over five years and that on transfers should guarantee about the same amount over the same period.
该项目的确雄心勃 勃,但是却是可以实现的,针对电话和 款征 收 的小 额税款将为这个项目提供部分资金。
This project is ambitious, of course, but achievable, and will be financed in part by a minimal tax on telephone calls and money transfers.
大量森林使用者开始征收会员费、出售非木材林产品 征 收 罚 款。
Groups of forest users charge membership fees, sell non-timber
[...] forest products and levy fines.
此外,2013-2014 年财政期间拟议编列一笔 国征收税款偿还 经费,以缴付一名法官的本国所得税。
In addition, a provision for the reimbursement of national taxes is proposed for the financial period 2013-2014 to cover the national income tax liability of one judge.
百慕达金融管理局是在百慕大有征 收 民事 罚 款 的 金 融服务行业综合监管机 构。
The Bermuda Monetary Authority is the integrated regulator of the financial service sector in Bermuda, which has the power to levy civil fines.
A 10% Goods and
[...] Services Tax applies to most purchases.
有关当局应准许豁免对残疾人专用器械和设备 征 收 的 税 款 和 关 税。
The relevant authorities should allow tax and customs exemptions for machines and equipment intended solely for persons with disabilities.
原为“第 23 A 条或第 23 B 条将决 定这项权利是专属权利(豁免办法)还是仅仅优先于居住国权利的权利(抵免办 法)”,现改为“第 23 A 条或第 23 B 条的规定将决定居住国是免除这样的收入还是 允许以向收入来源国支付的税款抵免其应对这种收入 征 的 税 款 ” ,因为一如一位 成员所指出,豁免办法并不一定具有专属性(例如,根据累进制下的豁免办法,居 住国在确定纳税人应纳税的非豁免收入边际税率时保留计入豁免收入的权利)。
The reason was that the exemption method was not necessarily exclusive, as noted by one participant (e.g., exemption with progression, where the residence State retained for itself the right to take the exempt income into account for the purposes of determining the marginal rate at which the taxpayer’s non-exempt income was subject to tax).
该项款 征收的基础是总资产余额,包括但不限于不动产、证券和银行存 款等动产、人寿保险的赎回价值、汽车等。
The tax is based on the balance of the gross [...]
assets including but not limited to immovable property, movable assets such
as securities and bank deposits, cash redemption value of life insurance, cars, etc. Taxes are also levied on assets not yielding any income.
该法令(第 15 节)规定工业和贸易部的任务范围如下:(a) 保存在管理局登 记的相关声明的记录;(b) 任命和召回专家审查委员会的成员,设立该委员会的 目的是测试专门知识并发布委员会的议事规则;(c) 就颁发和撤销专门知识证书
作出决定,保存往来文书记录;(d) 就颁发担保书和撤销已颁发的担保书作出决 定,保存往来文书记录;将颁发担保书或担保书过期及其理由通知管理局;(e) 同
[...] 意转让权利、义务和责任,保存往来文书记录;(f) 开展视察活动;(g) 征收罚 款。
The scope of mandates of the Ministry of Industry and Trade is stipulated under the Act (section 15) as follows: (a) keep records of notifications registered by the Authority; (b) appoint and recall members of the expert examination board established to test the expertise and issue rules of procedure of the board; (c) decide on issuance and revoke certificates of expertise, and keep the corresponding records; (d) decide on issuance and revoke certificates of sponsorship granted and keep the corresponding records; inform the Authority about the issuance or expiration of certificates of sponsorship and the reasons therefore; (e) give consent to assignment of rights,
obligations and duties and keep the corresponding records; (f) carry out the inspection
[...] activities; and (g) levy fines.
财务主任还表示,联合国审计委员会建议执行委员会提请缔约方会议注意捐款中存 在的长期未清缴款问题,并要求作出决定,或者注销未清 款 或 者 征 集 缴 款。
The Treasurer also said that the United Nations Board of Auditors had recommended that the Executive Committee draw the attention of the Meeting of the Parties to the issue of the long-outstanding
arrears in contributions and asked that a decision be taken either to write
[...] off those arrears or to solicit their payment.
现有促进可再生能源项目的措施有:广泛的财 政和资金激励措施,包括软款,优 惠关税,征 消费 税,免税期,以及加速折旧的收益。
The promotional measures available to renewable energy projects comprise a wide range of fiscal
and financial
[...] incentives, including soft loans, concessional customs duties, [...]
exemption from excise duty, tax holidays, and
accelerated depreciation benefits.
(a) 对资金分配有重大改变的,应按第 5(d)款的规定事先记入下一年度款执行 计划,征得执行委员会的同意。
(a) Reallocations categorized as major changes must be documented in advance in an annual implementation plan and approved by the Executive Committee as described in sub-paragraph 5(d) above.
工业和贸易部可在获悉发生违法 行为的三年之征收罚款,但 不得晚于违法行为发生之后 10 年;在确定罚款数 量时,应考虑到非法行动的严重性、影响和持续时间,随后发生的损害的范围, 以及违法者为减轻损害而提供及时有效合作的情况。
Such a fine may be levied within three years from the date on which the Ministry becomes aware of the violation, [...]
but never later than
10 years after the date on which the violation took place; the seriousness, impact and duration of the illegal activity, the scope of the ensuing damage, as well as the timely and effective cooperation extended by the offender in alleviating the damage, shall be taken into account in determining the amount of the fine.
安理会也没有就单方面宣布独立是否符合其第 1244 号决议的款征求法院 的咨询意见。
Nor has the Council sought advice from the Court as to whether the issuance of the UDI was
[...] compatible with the terms of its resolution 1244.
该保险的缴款具有强制性, 并且是与OASI缴款一起被征收的
Contributions are mandatory and are levied together with OASI contributions.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给外地行动 款 ;向征聘工 作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行外地行动的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处理对银行账户签字人名单的修正; 提供关于使用各种银行系统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of
peacekeeping funds;
[...] execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments (including education grants) to internationally recruited staff members; [...]
print and distribute
cheques for the reimbursement of income tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
(c) 就第(3) 款所述任何征的个 人( 或与此类个人有关者) 而言,法律的 适用涉及收养、婚姻、离婚、丧葬、死亡后的析产或其他类似但对上述特征 的个人适用属人法的事宜。
(c) For the application, in the case of persons of any such description as is mentioned in subsection (3) (or of persons connected with such persons), of the law with respect to adoption, marriage, divorce, burial, devolution of property on death or other like matters that is the personal law applicable to persons of that description.
所采取的大多数措施是针对富人的增税或 款征 税 和 关闭银行(塞浦路斯)等。
Most of the measures that have been taken are tax increases or deposit haircuts and bank closings (Cyprus) which are aimed at the wealthy.
还补充说,对款征收和 预防腐败也可能产生积极影响,至少是 在某些情况下。
It was added that a positive impact on revenue collection and the prevention of corruption was also possible, at least under certain circumstances.
(e) 必款项,使衡征税基 金在收足贷项之前能够支付当期承 款 ; 衡平 征税基 金收到贷项后,此种垫款应立即偿还
(e ) Such sums as may be necessary to enable the Tax Equalization Fund to meet current commitments pending the accumulation of credits; such advances shall be repaid as soon as credits are available in the Tax Equalization Fund
在综合了社区意见的基础上,美国商务部于6月份再次邀 请社区就拟议的IANA合同招标款征求 社 区意见。
Based on summarization of the communities’ opinions,
U.S. Department of Commerce
[...] re-solicited the communities’ opinions on the proposed provisions on IANA Contract [...]
in June.
The tax being imposed on bank deposits in Cyprus should unsettle depositors in [...]
other European Union countries like Spain and Italy.
关于副总干事和助理总干事的任命,总干事应同执行局进行磋商并 考虑执行局的意见;同样,在变动秘书处结构时,总干事也应根据执行局《议事规则》(以 前的)第 57 条第 3 款征求执行局的意见。
As regards the appointment of the Deputy Director-General and Assistant Directors-General, the Director-General should consult the Board and take the latter’s opinion into account; similarly, with respect to changes in the structure of the Secretariat, the Director-General should consult the Board, in accordance with [former] Rule 57, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board.
款提及征求书 中规定的建议书评审标准和程序,是对对话阶段期间禁止修改这些标 准和程序的重申,这一点已在上文第 [**42 和 43**]段有关本条第(9)款的论述中 论及。
The reference to the criteria and procedure for evaluating the proposals as set out in the request for proposals in this provision reiterates the prohibition of modification of those criteria and procedures during the dialogue stage, found in paragraph (9) of the article as explained in paragraphs [**42 and 43**] above.
咨询人员指出,主计长办公室对基金的 款征收 3 %的费用,这超过了基金的 实际财务管理费,并建议最好将上述资金的一部分用于改进基金在国家一级的监 [...]
测工作(第 283和 345 段)。
The consultants noted that the proportion of the
[...] 3 per cent levied on disbursements from the Fund [...]
retained by the Office of the Controller
exceeded the real financial management costs for the Fund, and suggested that part of those funds would be better spent on improving Fund monitoring at the country level (paras. 283 and 345).
C/5 文件一旦被大会批准仍将是教科文 组织本双年度的主要计划活动,预计通过分摊会费及现有的预算外捐款能够实现每项工作重 点(或跨部门平台)的预期结果;用预算外 款征 得 的 额外资金开展完全符合 C/4 和 C/5 文 件规定的战略目标和部门优先项目的额外活动,将扩大教科文组织有利于其会员国的活动的 影响,也会扩大并加深本组织的影响力。
While the C/5 document, once adopted by the General Conference, will remain UNESCO’s key programme for the biennium, and the expected results for each main line of action (or intersectoral platform) foreseen to be attained through the assessed contributions, and the extrabudgetary contributions already on hand, the funding, through further extrabudgetary contributions, of additional activities, fully aligned with the strategic objectives and sectoral priorities of the C/4 and C/5 documents, will enhance the impact of UNESCO’s action in favour of its Member States, and broaden and deepen the Organization’s outreach.
世卫组织的《烟草管制框架公约》载有减少烟草需求和 供应的款,对烟草征税是 政府可以采取的最具成本效益的保健措施之一。
Provisions to reduce both the demand for and the supply of tobacco are contained in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and taxing tobacco is one of the most cost-effective health measures that Governments can take.
2011 年 5 月 20 日,联合王国政府通知 厄立特里亚当局,鉴于 2%税款征收的 某些方面可能触犯法律,并违反了《维也 纳外交关系公约》,因此在提出相反证明前,厄立特里亚大使馆应立即完全停止 与此征税有关的一切活动。
On 20 May 2011, the Government of the United Kingdom notified the Eritrean authorities that, since aspects of the collection of the 2 per cent tax may be unlawful and in breach of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, until it was demonstrated otherwise, the Eritrean embassy should suspend, immediately and in full, all activities relating to the collection of the tax.29 The Government of Germany has also demanded that Eritrea cease collection of the 2 per cent tax involving the use of Eritrean diplomatic missions on German territory.30 Members of the Eritrean diaspora have increasingly begun to challenge the legality of the tax under the laws of their host countries.31 93.




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