

单词 征地

See also:

levy (taxes)
go on long campaign
draft (troops)
characteristic sign (used as proof)


expedition n
journey n

External sources (not reviewed)

实践中,因征地程序 或取得地役权耗时耗力,建议采矿权持有人采用的更常见的方 法是私下与土地所有人就土地进出权和对价补偿问题进行协商。
Given the protracted and cumbersome nature of
[...] the procedures to expropriate or obtain an easement [...]
over the land, it is more common
and advisable for the mining rights holder to privately negotiate access with the land owner in return for consideration.
更新和修改关于公征地的规 定,预防和更好地管理最近普遍存在的各种冲 突。
Update and adapt the
[...] provisions governing expropriation in the public interest [...]
with a view to prevention and better management
of the conflicts which have recently been becoming widespread.
如果国家为了公共用途需征地,所涉个人的土地所有权将被没收,但 这必须依法进行。
The land title of any individual shall be confiscated if the State requires the land to serve public purpose, and this has to be done in compliance with the law.
可以更地表征地表水 和地下水灌溉中不同配水政策的影响
The impacts of different water allocation policies for surface and groundwater irrigation would be better represented
对于那些即将进入中国市场的品牌来说,市场调查举足轻重,因为奢侈商品的 征 、 地 位 以 及价位都同中国的文化习俗息息相关。
For brands entering China, market research is essential to one’s success, especially because luxury goods’ symbol, status and price are closely related to Chinese custom and culture.
这些措施也应努力确保在决策机构中负有责 任的妇女能够切实发挥作用,即她们知道和理解自身的职责,不受歧视,不因偏 见而无法履行这些智者,不因履行这些职责而面临任何不利后果或暴力,也不只 是被征地安排这些职务。
Such measures should also aim at ensuring that women who have a role in decision-making bodies are able to play that role effectively, namely, that they know and understand their duties, are not discriminated against or prevented from carrying out those duties because of prejudice, do not face any backlash or violence for taking up those roles and are not given positions as a token gesture.
这些行动包括以色列最近决定在被 占领的东耶路撒冷建设新定居点,在一些居民区拆除 巴勒斯坦人的住房,以便改变该市的 征 、 地 位 和人 口组成。
These actions include the recent Israeli decision to build new settlements in occupied East Jerusalem and to demolish Palestinian homes in several neighbourhoods in order to alter the character, status and demographic composition of the city.
伊斯兰会议组织呼吁国际社会,特别是安全理事 会,承担其责任,尤其是对被占领的圣城的责任,并
[...] 采取紧急行动彻底制止以色列旨在改变圣城的人口 组成、征、地理性质和法律地位的所有非法措施和 [...]
The OIC calls upon the international community, particularly the Security Council, to shoulder its responsibilities, especially towards occupied Al-Quds
Al-Sharif, and to take urgent action to bring a
[...] complete halt to all illegal Israeli [...]
measures and actions aimed at changing the
demographic composition, character, geographic nature and legal status of the holy city.
此外,《土地法》(及其相关附属法律)、 征地 法 》和《金融基金法》的案 文草案均已拟订,在开发署的技术支持下,国家司法当局、民间社会和国际合作 [...]
In addition, draft texts of the land law (and related subsidiary
[...] legislation), the expropriation law and the financial [...]
fund law were prepared and discussed
with the national judicial authorities, civil society and international partners, with technical support from UNDP, and may be considered by Parliament in 2011.
(vi) 由 相 關 國土資 源 局 具 體 負責向 農 用 地 的 所 有 權 人 和 使 用 權 人 進 行 土地徵 用 , 簽 訂 補 償 安 置 協 議 ,征 地 程 序征 地 手 續
(vi) the relevant Land and Resources Bureau will be responsible for the land acquisition from the owner and use of the agricultural land, and sign the compensation and resettlement plan with them for implementing land acquisition procedures
在这方面,采矿权本身并不必然带 征地 权 , 但是可以启动一套单独 征地 程 序 ,以表征地是出 于公共需要,并确定对土地所有人进行公平合理的补偿的价格。
In this respect, mining rights
[...] do not entail expropriation rights in themselves, but a separate expropriation procedure may be initiated to demonstrate that expropriation is required [...]
as a matter of public
need and to ascertain the fair value to be paid to the land owner.
落實火電廠脫硫補助政 策,在電廠脫征地、關 鍵設備進口等方面給予優 惠、支持和幫助,促進脫 硫工程的全面實施 由二零零六年七月一日起,每 度脫硫上網電價增加人民幣 1.5 分。
To materialize the subsidization policy for thermal power plants to desulphurize by giving concessions, support and assistance in land acquisition for desulphurization systems and import of essential equipment so as to facilitate the full implementation of desulphurization projects.
巴伐利亚州政府向地方政府和经济界提供网上“最佳实践”数据库,以 此介绍扩建居民点时节约用地的实例,开发一套用于监察居民点、公交 设征地的参数系统,并汇编关于恢复受污染的老工商基地的参考资 料。
The Bavarian State Government will provide a best practice database on the internet to provide municipalities and the business community with information on sparing land use in urban development and develop an indicator system for monitoring land used for housing and transport as well as aids on matters concerning the re-use of contaminated sites for building purposes.
在其他各组织应征空缺时,把地征聘 的工作人员归类为并看作“内部”或“外部”候选人的做法也有差异。
The categorization and treatment of locally recruited staff as “internal” or “external” candidates also varies when it comes to application for vacancies in other organizations.
特别财产税由房地产所地征收, 按 房地产的市场价值或应税价值计算,不允许进行债务扣减。
The tax is levied at the place where the property is situated and is assessed on the market or taxable value of the real estate without allowing for deduction of debts.
粮食计划署规定,征聘的工作人员中至少要有 50%是符合条件的妇 女,而地征聘的 粮食援助监测员中至少要有 75%是妇女。
At least 50 per cent of the staff recruits and 75 per cent of all local food aid monitor recruits at WFP are to be qualified women.
联合国示范公约》第 23A条基本转载了《经合组织示范公约》第 23A条;
但《经合组织示范公约》在 2000 年更新时新增了第 4 款,而委员会尚未采用该 款。21
[...] 经合组织该项规定针对所谓的双重免税情况,即住在国将条约解释为其必 须对收入免税,而来源国则采用不同的解释,基本上认为来源国不能行使征税权 或仅可有地征税。
Article 23 A of the United Nations Model Convention basically reproduces article 23 A of the OECD Model Convention; however, the OECD Model Convention included a new paragraph 4 in the 2000 update which has not yet been adopted by the Committee.21 This OECD provision directs itself to situations of so-called double non-taxation wherein a State of residence interprets the treaty to mean that it must exempt the income, while the State of source adopts
a different interpretation, to the effect that
[...] it cannot exercise a taxing right or can do so only to a limited degree.
In the short term, because of the work required to establish regional centres and to recruit the necessary staff (both internationally and locally), the establishment of those centres can be expected to have an impact on the Secretariat.
White-Ra』,世界级的星际电竞指针性人物,此次与曜越Tt eSPORTS合作,就是本着对电竞的热忱;这位来自乌克兰的星际好手,从接触电竞后就分别参加世界级的大型赛事且藉由其对战经验中独创White-Ra独门星际战术,而其亲和与热爱分享的性格也快速融入粉丝群中,只要到 地征 战 皆会热心地与玩家们分享游戏心得。
Aleksey Krupnyk, or “White-Ra”, is an iconic pro-gaming legend of SCII. Travelling from his home country of Ukraine to compete in global gaming tournaments, with his gentle characteristics, his love of gaming, and his Special Tactics of Protoss race, White-Ra wishes to share his passion of gaming further with his fans worldwide.
涉及维和的优先工作领域包括:协调一致地联合 拟定外地方案;通过与联合国伙伴和其他实体合作,开展涉及法治和安全机构的
[...] 域的举措;为专门领域编制政策、技术指导和培训材料并执行培训方案;有针对地征聘专 家并发展和部署能力;加强总部与外地的协调和支助机制;在维和行 [...]
Priority areas of engagement relating to peacekeeping include: coordinated joint field programming; integrated strategic planning, assessment and direction with regard to the rule of law and security institutions, in collaboration with United Nations partners and other entities; the planning and implementation of transitions of peacekeeping operations; regional and cross-cutting initiatives; the development of policy, technical guidance and training materials and the delivery
of training programmes in specialized
[...] areas; the targeted recruitment of experts [...]
and the development and deployment of capacities;
the strengthening of mechanisms for coordination and support between Headquarters and the field; and communication and outreach activities in peacekeeping settings.
若要使执行获得成功, 尽可能广地征求和 吸收各种意见至关重要。
It will be essential to encourage and assimilate as wide a range of views as possible if implementation is to be successful.
重申需要确保联合国人员和有关人道主义人员,包括 地征 聘 人员,享有适 当的安全保障,因为这是本组织的一项基本职责,注意到需要在联合国的组织文 化中提高和强化安保意识,在各级培养和加强一种勇于负责的文化,并继续提高 对各国和当地文化和法律的认识和敏感性
Reaffirming the need to ensure adequate levels of safety and security for United Nations personnel and associated humanitarian personnel, including locally recruited staff, which constitutes an underlying duty of the Organization, and mindful of the need to promote and enhance security consciousness within the organizational culture of the United Nations and a culture of accountability at all levels, as well as to continue to promote awareness of and sensitivity to national and local cultures and laws
该委员会还决定 在进行审查之前,作为临时措施,将 地征 聘 的 一般事务人员和国家专业干事的危险津贴数 额定为有关工作地点现行一般事务净基薪表中点的 25%。
It also decided, pending a review, and as an interim measure, to set danger pay for locally recruited GS and NPO staff at 25% of the mid-point of the prevailing GS net salary scale for the duty stations concerned.
29 每年都有数以千计的人是地 征用、 强行驱逐及流离失所的受害者,许多侵犯是采矿活动、伐木、建造水坝及 公路或工业化农业扩大的后果,这种情况可能会因新的“全球争抢土地”现象而达 到前所未有的程度。
These people are victims of many violations of the right to food.29 Every year, thousands of them are victims of land expropriation, forced evictions and displacements, many as a consequence of mining activities, logging, building dams and highways, or expanding industrial agriculture, a situation which could reach an unprecedented level with the new “global land grab” phenomenon.
此外,根据这一 政策,地征聘工 作已成为一种严格的竞争过程;实施技术合作项目的外地一级专才得到了加强;总部和 [...]
Furthermore, under this policy field recruitment has [...]
become a rigorous competitive process; field-level expertise to implement
technical cooperation projects has been enhanced; and mobility and rotation between Headquarters and field assignments of staff has increased.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给 地 行 动 汇款;向 国征聘工 作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金);印发给派往执行外地行动的缴付 [...]
美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处理对银行账户签字人名单的修正; 提供关于使用各种银行系统的技术支持和指导。
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll
payments (including education
[...] grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and [...]
distribute cheques for the reimbursement
of income tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议 地 分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争征聘考 试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工 地点 现 有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
在塔吉克斯坦,有四个征构成了联合国发展援助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和严酷的山 地 形 ( 自 然资源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制与人权以 及区域稳定)和重建家园中更大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获得干净的饮用 水)。
In Tajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many basic services (e.g. education and health) and the demanding mountainous terrain (sustainable [...]
management of natural resources,
disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance of democratic values (accountability of decision-making, rule of law and human rights and regional stability), and greater household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic opportunities, access to clean drinking water).
为支持办事处成立了一个特别信托基金,已获得预算外资金,可 用于支持一个 P-5 员额(任职者将领导办事处),以及一个 地征 聘 的 一般事务员 额,最初为期 12 个月。
A special trust fund has been established to support the office, and extrabudgetary funds have been secured and are available to support one P-5 post, the incumbent of which would head the Office, as well as one locally recruited General Service post for an initial period of 12 months.
注意到咨询委员会建议地征聘的 特派团工作 人员应该继续按定期合同雇用(A/64/518,第 14 段), 他促请大会向那些已经至少服务 5 年的工作人员支 付解雇费。
Noting the Advisory Committee’s recommendation that locally recruited mission staff should continue to be hired on contracts of a finite duration (A/64/518, para. 14), he urged the Assembly to grant severance pay to staff members who had served for at least five years.




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