

单词 征发

See also:

levy (taxes)
draft (troops)
characteristic sign (used as proof)
go on long campaign


expedition n
journey n

External sources (not reviewed)

FTB-7000D 只有 1 米的事件盲区,可以让您轻松定位和 征发送 器 与中心局的光纤分配盘之间的所有事件。
Its exceptional 1 m event dead zone enables you to easily locate and characterize all events between the transmitter and the central office’s fiber distribution panel.
这些属性能够让企业更加容易地鉴定地下地质 征 , 发 现 隐 藏的矿物。
These attributes allow companies to more easily identify subsurface features to discover hidden reserves.
作为发展战 略的核心征,发展中 国家政府应考虑制定并实施科技和创新政策,以期鼓励科 学技术的生成、推广和运用。
As a central feature of their development strategies, governments in developing countries should consider formulating and implementing STI policies aimed at encouraging the generation, diffusion and application of science and technology.
工作组还似宜考虑本建议或相关评注是否应当明确指 出,有不止一个设保人的,一个设保人的身份识别 征发 生 差 错不会造成通知 对身份识别特征准确无误的其他一个(多个)设保人无效。
The Working Group may also wish to consider whether this recommendation or the relevant commentary should make it clear that, in the case of more than one grantor, an error in the identifier of one grantor does not render the notice ineffective with respect to the other grantor(s) identified correctly.
这次会议的目标是:审议 土著人民参加联合国可持续发展大会进程的立场;制订持续战略,其中应考虑到 土著人民议程涉及持发大会进展和挑战的地方、区域和全球背景;针对将在持发 大会上讨论的具体问题,包括对土著人民至关重要的问题,确定共同立场和提 案;协助制订可持续发展构想,其中应考虑到针对土著人民及其社会的带有文 化和征的发展观 念;通过知识和生活经验,促进丰富可持续发展议程的经济 方面。
The objective of the meeting was to: consider positions for indigenous peoples to participate in the process towards the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development; develop ongoing strategies, taking into account the local, regional and global contexts of the indigenous peoples’ agenda in relation to the progress and challenges of the Conference; create joint positions and proposals addressing specific issues to be discussed at the Conference, including issues of fundamental importance to indigenous peoples; contribute to the development of concepts on sustainable development that take into account the notion of development with culture and identity that responds to indigenous peoples and their societies; and contribute, through knowledge and life experiences, towards enriching the economic aspect of the sustainable development agenda.
政府 推广了一项顾及土著征的发展政 策:不是将一种 单一模式强加给社区,而是允许社区开发自己的项 目,政府只提供资源和必要的指导,以便将这些项 目付诸实施。
The Government promoted a development policy that took into account indigenous identity: rather than imposing a single model on communities, it allowed them to develop their own projects and merely provided the resources and guidance necessary to make them a reality.
常设论坛核准了关于“土著人民:带有文化和 征 的 发 展 : 《联合国土著人 民权利宣言》第 3 条和第 32 条”专题的国际专家组会议的报告和建议(E/C.19/ 2010/14),以及联合国教育、科学及文化组织整理的题为“土著人民:按照《联 合国土著人民权利宣言》,实现有文化和特性的发展”的土著问题机构间支助小 组思考论文(E/C.19/2010/17)。
The Permanent Forum endorses the report and recommendations of the international expert group meeting on the theme “Indigenous peoples: development with culture and identity: articles 3 and 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (E/C.19/2010/14) and the reflection paper of the Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Issues, entitled “Indigenous peoples: development with culture and identity in the light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” (E/C.19/2010/17), prepared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the special theme of the ninth session.
将清洁 发展机制的税扩展至其他机制是可行的,但筹集的 收入的金额将取决征税应用于发 的 单 位还是国 际交易的单位。
Extension of the CDM levy to the other mechanisms is feasible, but the amount of revenue raised depends on whether the levy is applied to the units issued or those traded internationally.
况且这些研究,特别是有关疫苗的研究,可能是为了解决疾病在发展中国家独有的 征, 因此发达国 家的解决方案不一定能解决发展中国家的问题。
Moreover research, particularly on vaccines, may require tackling characteristics of diseases specific to developing countries, where the solution for the developed world may not address the problem in the developing world.
在编写报告草稿之后,再次向包括 开发计划署和联合国人口基金在内的所有利益相关者 发 了 报 告草稿 征 求 评论 意见。
Once, the draft report had been prepared, it was once again circulated among all the stakeholders including the UNDP and the UNFPA for comments.
在塔吉克斯坦,有四个征构成 了联合 发 展 援 助框架的基础,即许多基础服务 的质量的下降和获得基础服务机会的减少(比如教育和保健)和严酷的山区地形(自 [...]
然资源的可持续管理、备灾)、临时出现民主价值观(决策的问责制、法制与人权以 及区域稳定)和重建家园中更大的家庭和社区举措(经济机会、获得干净的饮用 水)。
In Tajikistan four features form accordingly the basis of [...]
the UNDAF, namely decline in the quality of and access to many
basic services (e.g. education and health) and the demanding mountainous terrain (sustainable management of natural resources, disaster preparedness), a tentative appearance of democratic values (accountability of decision-making, rule of law and human rights and regional stability), and greater household and community initiative in rebuilding their livelihoods (economic opportunities, access to clean drinking water).
各种有关招募和武装青年、强征募 一 旦发 生战 争将被充当人肉盾牌的人,以及重新启动和重新装备的各种民兵组织的报道 表明,科特迪瓦人权状况极有可能进一步恶化,尽管国际社会、非洲联盟和西非 经共体为结束危机作了调解努力。
Reports of the recruitment and arming of youths, the forced recruitment of other people to be used as human shields in the event of war, and the reactivation and rearmament of various militia groups indicate a strong possibility that the human rights situation in Côte d’Ivoire will worsen, despite the mediation efforts made by the international community, the African Union and ECOWAS to put an end to the crisis.
(i) 国际年标识:在向一些合作伙发起 征 集 创 设标识的呼吁之后,一组青年设计的 一个标识被采纳。
(i) The logo of the Year: After a call to several partners to create a logo, one designed by a group of young people was chosen.
报告第五章回顾了先前报告谈到的一些系统问 题和提出的建议,概述了本报告所述期间查明的系统 问题,包征聘程序中发现的 不平等之处,以及调动 和职业发展问题,尤其是那些影响到通过 G 到 P 考试 和国家竞争性考试而招聘的工作人员的问题。
Chapter V of the report recalled some of the systemic issues addressed and recommendations made in previous reports and provided an overview of systemic issues identified during the reporting period, including perceived disparities in recruitment processes and mobility and career development issues, particularly those affecting staff recruited through the G-to-P examination and the national competitive examination.
粮食署将性别平等列入管理征聘 和职 业 发 展 政策:2011 年,粮食署国际专 业人员中的女性人数保持稳定,占 40%;在联合王国克兰菲尔德管理学院管理的 粮食署管理开发中心中,妇女的比例从 2010 年的 27%增至 2011 年的 41%。
The Programme takes gender into account in its management, recruitment and career development policies: the proportion of international professional staff of WFP who are women remained stable in 2011, at 40 per cent, and the percentage of women participating in the Management Development Centre of WFP, run by the Cranfield School of Management, in the United Kingdom, increased from 27 per cent in 2010 to 41 per cent in 2011.
此外,财务处将继续管理维和资金的投资及资金流动;每月给外地行动汇款;向 国征聘工 作人员支付工资(包括教育补助金); 发 给 派往执行外地行动的缴付 美国税的工作人员的偿还收入税款的支票;处理对银行账户签字人名单的修正; [...]
In addition, the Treasury will continue to manage the investments and liquidity of peacekeeping funds; execute monthly remittances to field operations; execute payroll payments
(including education
[...] grants) to internationally recruited staff members; print and distribute cheques for the reimbursement [...]
of income
tax to United States tax-paying staff members assigned to field operations; process the amendment to the bank account signatory panels; and provide technical support and guidance on the use of various banking systems.
还需要采取其他一些措施,比如新老交替规划,以决定以下事项:即将退休人员最好 是通过提升现有工作人员来接替,还是从组织 征 聘 , 为 P.1 到 P.4 级和一般事务类的工作 人员制订工作能力要求框架;制定和实施培 发 展 计 划以支持能力要求框架;以及促使教科 文组织成为一个好雇主的合适的合同安排和福利安排。
There is a need for a number of additional measures such as succession planning to determine whether retiring staff are best replaced by developing existing staff or recruiting from outside the Organization; the development of competency frameworks for staff at
the P-1 to P-4
[...] levels and staff in the General Service category; the development and implementation of training and development plans to support the competency frameworks; [...]
and appropriate
contractual arrangements and benefits that promote UNESCO as an employer of choice.
根据主席的提议,食典委决定请秘书处就马来西亚的提议向所有食典委成 发布 通征求意见,并整理、反馈给 CCGP 进一步审议。
Following a proposal from the Chairperson, the Commission decided to ask the Secretariat to issue a circular letter to all members of the Commission on the Malaysian proposal, soliciting comments which would be compiled and forwarded to the CCGP for further deliberation.
最不发达国家的人均收入低,人类发展水平低下,增长面临经济和结构性 障碍,进而限制了抵御脆弱性的能力,这些制约因素都是最 发 达 国 家的 征。
Least developed countries are characterized by constraints such as low per capita income, low level of human development, and economic and structural handicaps to growth that limit resilience to vulnerabilities.
(k) 消除一切阻碍儿童对影响其本人的事项行 使 发 表 看 法和 征 求 意 见的 权利的根源;使儿童、父母、监护人、其他照料人及公众了解儿童权利;提高对 儿童参与社会活动的重要性与好处的认识,包括为此与民间社会、私营部门和媒 体结成伙伴关系,同时注意它们对儿童的影响
(k) To address all the root causes preventing children from exercising their right to be heard and to be consulted on matters [...]
affecting them; inform
children, parents, guardians, other caregivers and the general public about the rights of the child; and raise awareness of the importance and benefits of the participation of children in society, including through partnerships with civil society, the private sector and the media, while being attentive to their influence on children
巩固西非和平 秘书长关于联合国西非办事处的报告(S/2009/39) 秘书长关于联合国西非办事处的报告(S/2009/39) 主席(以法发言):我提议征得安 理会同意的 情况下,根据安理会暂行议事规则向秘书长特别代表 兼联合国西非办事处主任赛义德·吉尼特先生发出邀 请。
Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Office for West Africa (S/2009/39) ): I propose with the consent of the Council to extend an invitation under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure to Mr. Said Djinnit, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Office for West Africa.
理事会要求编写一份包括最新信息的修改草稿,其中包括理事会第 五届会议所作决定和建议,并在提交给经社会之前向理事会成员 发 , 征求 意见。
The Council requested that a revised draft with updated information, incorporating the decisions and recommendations made at its fifth session, be prepared and circulated to Council members for comment prior to submission to the Commission.
和专利权人及相关权利人的合法权益,妥善处理国家标准涉及专利的问题,保障国家标准 的有效实施,国家标准化管理委员会(以下简称“国标委”)组织起草了《国家标准涉及专
[...] 利的管理规定(暂行)》(征求意见稿)(以下简称《规定征求意见稿》)并于 2012 年 12 月 19 日向社发布并公开征求意见。
To regulate the management of national standards, to encourage innovation, to promote the rational adoption of new technologies by national standards, to protect the legitimate rights and interest of public, patentees and relevant right holders, to appropriately deal with the issues of national standards which involve patents, and to ensure the effective implementation of national standards, China Standardization Administration Committee (hereafter referred to as the ‘SAC’) drafted the Regulatory Measures on National Standards Involving Patents
(Interim)(Draft for Public Comments) (hereafter referred to as the ‘The Exposure
[...] Draft’) and solicited opinions from public.
2006 年 11 月 22 日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信(S/2006/920) 秘书长关于尼泊尔请求联合国提供援助以支持其和平进程的报告 (S/2009/1) 秘书长关于尼泊尔请求联合国提供援助以支持 其和平进程的报告(S/2009/1) 主席(以法发言):征得安理会同意,我提议根 据《宪章》有关规定和安理会暂行议事规则第 37 条, 邀请尼泊尔代表参加对安理会议程上项目的审议,但 无表决权。
Report of the Secretary-General on the request of Nepal for United Nations assistance in support of its peace process (S/2009/1) ): I propose, with the consent of the Council, to invite the representative of Nepal to participate in the consideration of the item on the Council’s agenda, without the right to vote, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Charter and rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure.
发征询所 有职员的中长期意向的问卷是一种好的做法,应当保留和续延这种做法,因为它既 [...]
Sending a
[...] questionnaire to all staff to inquire [...]
about their medium- and long-term plans is a good practice which should
be maintained and renewed both because it provides follow-up indicators and because it helps to make the international rotation of staff an ordinary and standard process.
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和 各特派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系 统 ( 征 聘 和 人员配置), 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理和客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统和口粮管理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer relationship management, as well as a fuel management system and a rations management system for peacekeeping functions.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争征聘考 试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.




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