单词 | 往还 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 往还 —contactsless common: dealings 往往 adjective —very often adj往往 adverb —invariably advSee also:往 adj—previous adj 往 prep—to prep • towards prep 往—(of a train) bound for 往 v—go (in a direction) v
往往还需要 为研究船和其他工 具(无论在港内与否)提供服务的基础设施和其他有关网络。 daccess-ods.un.org | Infrastructure and other relevant networks for the servicing of research ships and other instruments, whether in ports or harbours, are often also needed. daccess-ods.un.org |
官员往往还 缺少 参与相关刑事事项国际合作所需的技能和相互信任,而这是一项有效运作 [...] 的国际反恐法律制度的关键。 daccess-ods.un.org | Officials often lack the skills [...] and mutual trust needed to participate in related international cooperation in criminal [...]matters, which is fundamental to a well-functioning international legal regime against terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种类型的经济活动并不能使当地人 民受益,长期来看往往还会对 民生造成威胁。 crisisgroup.org | This kind of economic activity rarely benefits local populations and often represents a long-term threat to their livelihoods. crisisgroup.org |
除了查看患者的病历之外,往往还要 采用物理检查、X射线检查或核磁共振成像检查。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Besides reviewing a patient’s history, a physical examination and an x-ray or magnetic [...] resonance imaging (MRI) are often used. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
在受害者获释后,秘密拘留对人造成的不公 正 往往还 会 延续下去,且不 断复制,因为相关国家可能试图避免泄露在其境内存在秘密拘留的事实。 daccess-ods.un.org | The injustice done by secretly detaining somebody is prolonged and replicated all too frequently once the victims are released, because the State concerned may try to avoid any disclosure about the fact that secret detention is practiced on its territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
宗教往往还唤醒人的精神,保护生命, 赋予弱者力量,把理想转变为行动,净化制度,帮助 [...] 解决经济和非经济的不平等现象,激励领导人超越正 常职责的要求,并且使人们能够更充分地实现其自然 潜力,并通过和解、建设和平进程以及愈合不公正带 来的记忆创伤来度过冲突局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | They also tend to raise the human [...] spirit, protect life, empower the weak, translate ideals into action, purify institutions, [...]contribute to resolving economic and non-economic inequalities, inspire their leaders to go beyond the normal call of duty, and permit people to attain a fuller realization of their natural potential and traverse situations of conflict through reconciliation, peacebuilding processes and the healing of memories scarred by injustice. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,往往还要克 服语言障碍,因为很多情 况下调查人员与受害者或证人讲的不是同一种语言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, there are often language barriers to be overcome, since quite often the investigator [...] does not speak the same language as the victims or witnesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,已经出现了来自南 [...] 半球的硬件和软件创新,适应当地的需求、条件 , 往往还 有 制 约因素,比如经济 承受能力和不识字问题,或最后一英里连接挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, there has been an emergence of hardware and software innovations [...] from the South which address local needs, [...] conditions, and, often, constraints, such [...]as affordability and illiteracy, or last-mile connectivity challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些城市中,各品牌的产品分销网 络 往往还 存 在 漏洞,甚至许多大品牌还尚未建立起强大的零售业务。 labbrand.com | E-commerce is broadening the range of products [...] available in these cities where [...] distribution networks are often patchy and many [...]major brands have yet to establish a strong retail presence. labbrand.com |
尤其是大多数被监管企业的技术人员的技 术水平往往还会优于监管机构的。 wrdmap.org | In particular, technical capacity is often limited with most skilled people working in the regulated industry rather than in the regulator. wrdmap.org |
访谈数据表明,往往还没有 内部自我 评估的结果和总结的经验教训,或者直到两年期的第二年才会有。 daccess-ods.un.org | As interview data reflect, results of internal selfassessments and [...] lessons learned are often not available, [...]or they do not take place until the second year of the biennium. daccess-ods.un.org |
干旱和其他自然灾害对老人和残疾人等弱势群体的不利影 响特别严重,因为他们不仅缺乏有形资产 , 往往还 缺 乏 应付这种情况所必要的人 力资本和(或)能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The adverse effects of droughts and other natural calamities are particularly severe for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and the disabled, who in addition to physical assets often lack the necessary human capital and/or ability to cope with such conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在夏季,那里的河港旁有几家餐厅,在它们的阳台可以悠闲地看着小 船 往还。 visitfinland.com | During the summer, Kuopio has a number of restaurant terraces down by the harbour from which you can watch [...] steam boats chugging about on the water. visitfinland.com |
不稳定的安全局势和武装暴力及冲突会导致法 治崩溃,往往还会导致人权受到大规模侵犯,这种情 [...] 况严重威胁人的发展和千年发展目标方面取得的进 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unstable security situations and armed violence and [...] conflict, which lead to a breakdown of the rule [...] of law and, very often, to massive human [...]rights violations, pose a serious threat [...]to human development and the progress made on the Millennium Development Goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
直到今天,使用红外热像仪往往还是 大 型R&D部门的特权。 flir.com | Until today using a thermal [...] imaging camera was often the privilege for [...]large R&D departments. flir.com |
在国家这一级,教科文组织总部外单位积极参与了艾滋病专题小组的工作,这些小组 [...] 在常驻协调员的领导下工作,很好地协调了联合国系统内 ( 往往还 有 双 边和民间社会中)的 方法和活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the country level, UNESCO field units have participated actively in thematic groups on HIV/AIDS that work under the aegis of the Resident Coordinator and that are excellent [...] instruments for harmonizing the United [...] Nations system (and often bilateral and civil [...]society) coordination of approaches and activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,即使在那些跟发达国家有可比性的文化产 品出口方面,当就其经济回报问题展开谈判时,发展中国 家 往往还 是 处于不利的地位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, developing countries are often poorly positioned to negotiate financial returns on their cultural exports that will be comparable with those received by developed nations; this is partly due to a lack of local institutional capacity but also to the absolute power of an oligopolistic industrial sector unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,不论以往 还是在 最近的未来,中央银行都将密切参与稳定金 融和银行业部门的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet central banks were, and in the [...] immediate future would remain, heavily engaged in stabilizing the financial and banking sectors. daccess-ods.un.org |
他 们玩的小交通工具可以是非常复杂的、功能非常强大的 , 往往还 和 大人用的非常相似。 cpsc.gov | Their small vehicles may be highly functional and complex, often resembling authentic adult-versions. cpsc.gov |
这位基督徒领袖说,因为这个缘故,中国基督徒非常擅长背诵圣经以及学习神学理论,但是他 们 往往还 没 有 学会清晰思考的技巧,不明白如何将这 [...] 些知识应用在自己的生命中。 amccsm.org | So, this Christian leader said, Chinese Christians are very good at [...] memorising the Bible and learning theological [...] facts, but they often haven't learnt [...]the skill of thinking clearly about how that [...]knowledge should be applied to their own lives. amccsm.org |
除了这些,社会因素连同政治因 素,往往还伴随 着东道国家的经济困难,在世界的许多地方,使得在避难国家实 [...] 现充分的自足成为非常具有挑战性的前景。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite this, a combination of social and [...] political factors, often coupled with host country economic [...]difficulties, have rendered the [...]realization of full self-sufficiency in asylum countries a challenging prospect in many parts of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在大多数客户在设计电路板的时候都会考虑到TMDS信号差分阻抗匹配的要求, 但 往往还 是 会在此项测试中失败,原因在于客户选用的ESD保护器件或者是抑制EMI用的共模扼流圈寄生电容太大,导致此项测试失败。 dgshuoying.com | Now most of the customers in the design of the circuit board will take into account the time [...] differential TMDS signal impedance matching [...] requirements, but often still fail in this [...]test, because customers use the ESD protection [...]device or with the common mode EMI suppression chokes ring parasitic capacitance is too large, causing the test to fail. dgshuoying.com |
在此之前,他们与图画书的互动则以眼睛探究插图内容的方式 [...] 进行。他们不但不受文字内容所约束 , 往往还 对 图 画发出一些声音和为事物命名,乃至自 [...]编故事。 cpsc.gov | They are not constrained by the [...] written words, often making sounds that [...]correspond to the pictures, naming objects, and inventing stories. cpsc.gov |
然而,正如McFarland所说:“就像拉曼光谱产品一样,REVO产品是另一个范例,它告诉我们以初步商业化概念的角度来考虑研究项目时间表通常都是错误的 — 对于企业来讲,成功的商业化非常重要,而在投放市场 后 往往还 需 要 五年的时间才能实现成功的商业化,并最终成为一款真正的突破性创新产品。 renishaw.com.cn | However, as McFarland explains, “Like Raman Spectroscopy, the REVO product is another example of how it is often wrong to think about research project timescales in terms of initial concept to commercialisation – for a business it is all about successful commercialisation, which can take another five years after market launch, especially where it is a truly breakthrough product. renishaw.com.tr |
8 号通知规定,对酷刑和虐待指控的调查应由公诉人而非执 法官员进行,所有这类调查工作 往往还 是 由 执法官员自己来进行的,这样的程序 缺乏独立性、公正性和有效性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the Committee is concerned at reports that prosecutors face obstacles in effectively investigating complaints against law enforcement officers and that any such investigations pursued are commonly conducted by law enforcement officers themselves, a procedure which lacks independence, impartiality and effectiveness, notwithstanding Circular No. 8 of the Ministry of Justice pursuant to which investigations concerning allegations of torture and ill-treatment shall be conducted by the Public Prosecutor and not by law enforcement officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
病毒查杀:若您使用Linux作为服务器的话,建议定期扫描病毒、蠕虫和木马,对于连接到Internet的服务器需要更加注意,即便是服务器遭到了入侵,那些对Linux一知半解的管理 员 往往还 被 蒙 在鼓里。 bsdrc.com | Virus Killing: If you use Linux as a server, then, suggest a periodic scan for viruses, worms and Trojans, for connecting to Internet servers require [...] more attention, even the server been invaded, those little knowledge of Linux [...] administrators are also kept in the drums. bsdrc.com |