单词 | 往返 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 往返—round tripless common: go back and forth go to and fro 往返verb—travel betweenv往往adjective—very oftenadj往往adverb—invariablyadvExamples:上下班往返v—commutev See also:往adj—previousadj 往prep—toprep towardsprep 往—(of a train) bound for 返v—return (to)v 往v—go (in a direction)v
我们知道,如果能够采用更好的管理软 [...] 件就可以跳过这一步进而考虑下一步措施,并通过远程管理设备 极大地节省工程师往返现场和维护的时间”。 igel.com | We knew that with better management software we could [...] take it one step further and remote manage the devices, drastically reducing [...] our engineers’ visits andmaintenance time. igel.com |
根据上述叙述,申诉人 在阿富汗与巴基斯坦之间往返旅行。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to that submission, the author travels between Afghanistan and Pakistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 在短期而言,P2路会为中环填海区现有的发展项目提供 [...] 一条替代路线,纾缓干諾道中和康樂广场路口的挤塞情 况;及 (b) [...] 在中、长期而言,当中环至湾仔绕道建成後,P2路将负 起分配往返由中环至湾仔绕道和林士街天桥组成的策略 [...]性东西向交通走廊至邻近地区(包括中环、中环填海区、 金钟、中半山、湾仔和湾仔北)的交通的责任。 legco.gov.hk | (b) in the medium to long term, after the completion of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass, Road P2 will serve to distribute traffic from the strategic east-west traffic corridor formed by Central-Wan Chai [...] Bypass and the Rumsey Street Flyover to [...] the neighbouring areas including Central, [...]Central Reclamation, Admiralty, Mid-levels, [...]Wan Chai and Wan Chai North, and vice versa from these areas to the corridor. legco.gov.hk |
当地主办方向与会者提供了会议设施、秘书事务和技术支助以及往返机场的交通,并为所有与会者组织了一些社会活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The local host provided conference facilities, secretariat and technical support and transportation from and to the airport and organized a number of social events for all participants. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 董事也应有权获支付因履行其董事职责而产生的差旅及其他费用,包括往 返出席董事会会议或任何董事委员会会议或本公司的股东大会的费用或 在处理本公司的业务过程中产生的其他费用。 cr-power.com | (c) The Directors shall also be entitled to be paid their travelling and hotel and other expenses incurred in or about the performance of [...] his duties as a [...] Director, including hisexpenses of attending andreturning from meetingsof the [...]Directors or any committee [...]of the Directors or general meetings of the Company or otherwise incurred while engaged in the business of the Company. cr-power.com |
武 汉 阳 逻 港 乃 位 於 长 江 中 游 之 深 水 地 区 性 集 装 箱 枢 纽 港 及 往 上 海 港 口 之 支 线 船舶码 头 ,在往 返武汉及 沿 长 江 流 域 周 边 地 区( 包 括 重 庆 市 境 内 属 长 江 上 游 之 地 区及周 边 各 省 )之 集 装 箱 货 物 运 输 方 面 起 着 重 要 之 作 用 。 cigyangtzeports.com | As a deep water regional container hub port at the mid-stream of Yangtze River and a feeder port to the ports in Shanghai, the WIT Port plays a key role in the transportation of container cargo to and from Wuhan and surrounding areas along the Yangtze River corridor, including the upstream areas of Chongqing and neighbouring provinces. cigyangtzeports.com |
酒店提供往返于酒店与白沙滩d’Mall之间的免费接送服务。 shangri-la.com | The Resort provides a free shuttle service to and from d’Mall at the White Beach. shangri-la.com |
(b) 采取具体措施,防止在过境期间——包括在港口和机场以及边境和移 民检查站——发生对移徙者人权的侵犯;培训在上述设施和边境区域工作的公职 人员对移徙者及其家属以礼依法相待;依照适用法律,追究在移徙者及其家属往 返原籍国与目的地国——包括途经国家边境期间——发生的任何侵犯其人权的行 为,诸如任意拘留、施加酷刑和侵害生命权,包括法外处决行为 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To adopt concrete measures to prevent violations of the human rights of migrants while in transit, including in ports and airports and at borders and migration checkpoints, to train public officials who work in those facilities and in border areas to treat migrants and their families respectfully and in accordance with the law, and to prosecute, in conformity with applicable law, any act of violation of the human rights of migrants and their families, such as arbitrary detention, torture and violations of the right to life, including extrajudicial executions, during their transit from their country of origin to the country of destination and vice versa, including their transit through national borders daccess-ods.un.org |
自那时以来,安排了八次往返旅行,894 人得以前往对方探视亲人或接受来自对方的亲人的探视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since then, eight round trips have been conducted, enabling 894 persons to travel or receive relatives on both sides. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的办公场所遍及丹麦各地,需要往返于各地的定期的 IT 工作造 成了大量的时间浪费,而基础设施为用户提供的服务质量也非常 低下。 igel.com | With offices all over Denmark, there was a lot of wasted time travelling backwards and forwards to locations for regular IT activities and the infrastructure was delivering a poor service to our users. igel.com |
经询问,委员会获悉,与本国常驻代表团无关联且往返总部的费用 由联合国支付的委员会成员(即居住在通勤距离以外者)视为非居民,因此有权获 [...] 得生活津贴。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that members of the Committee who were not associated with [...] their permanent missions and whose travel [...] expenses to and from Headquarters were [...]met by the United Nations (i.e. those who [...]lived outside commuting distance) were considered non-resident and were therefore entitled to subsistence allowance. daccess-ods.un.org |
155北瓦克办公室位于便利的北瓦克径与伦道夫街交汇处的东北角,从芝加哥运输管理局(税务师)搭乘火车,Metra,地铁或使用其他公共汽车运输服务往返芝加哥只需几分钟的路程。 servcorp.com.cn | Servcorp's 155 North Wacker location conveniently lies on the northeast corner of North Wacker Drive and Randolph Street, just minutes from Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) trains, Metra, subway and bus transport services. servcorp.bh |
修订令容许定期运送乘客往返香港与澳门及中国其他地区之间的 船只在机场停泊,并於机场接载乘客,以加强机场与珠江三角洲(“珠三 角 ”)的联系。 legco.gov.hk | The Amendment Order allows ships regularly conveying passengers betweenHong Kong and Macau or other parts of China to berth at the Airport and to pick up passengers at the Airport as a means to enhance the connectivity between the Airport and Pearl River Delta. legco.gov.hk |
出席专门机构所召集会议的各会员国代表在执行其职务期 间和往返开会处所的旅程中,以及第18节所称的职员,他 们执行职务所在地的领土当局不得因他们以公务资格所从 事的任何活动而要求他们离境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Representatives of members at meetings convened by specialized agencies, while exercising their functions and during their journeys to and from the place of meeting, and officials within the meaning of Section 18, shall not be required by the territorial authorities to leave the country in which they are performing their functions on account of any activities by them in their official capacity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(d) 要求有关执行机构协助主办回收和再循环中心的公司或机构制定一项业务计划, 它将包括计算经营成本和预测收入,以及往返于客户的运输哈龙和(或)设备的 成本和方式。 multilateralfund.org | (d) Request Implementing Agencies concerned to assist the companies or institutions hosting R&R centres to develop a business plan which would include calculations of operational cost and projections of revenues, as well as cost and modalities for transporting halon and/or equipment to and from clients. multilateralfund.org |
随着美国的载人太空船退役,SpaceX 的 Falcon 9 火箭及 Dragon 太空船将接续 为美国太空总署运载货物、太空人即日往返太空站的任务。 asiasat.com | With the retirement of the space shuttle, the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft will soon carry cargo, and one day astronauts, to and from the Space Station for NASA. asiasat.com |
货船往返于集装箱码头之间,集装箱装满后可卸载至最适合货物或相关方面要求的地点,通常是内陆。 codexalimentarius.org | They ply between container terminals, whilst the containers themselves can be filled and unloaded at whatever other, frequently inland, point/s may best suit the goods and parties concerned. codexalimentarius.org |
127 董事有权报销在执行或有关董事职务而产生的所有合理支出(包括差旅 费),包括出席董事会会议、委员会会议或股东大会的往返交通费,或处理 本公司业务或执行董事职务时所产生的其他费用。 cre8ir.com | 127 The Directors shall be entitled to be paid all expenses, including travel expenses, reasonably incurred by them in or in connection with the performance of their duties as Directors including their expenses of travelling to and from Board meetings, committee meetings or general meetings or otherwise incurred whilst engaged on the business of the Company or in the discharge of their duties as Directors. cre8ir.com |
关 於 这 一 点 , 我 们 注 意 到 《 人 权 法 案 》 所 保 障的往 返迁徙自 由 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In this context, we note that freedom of movement is guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. hkreform.gov.hk |
3.2 如果两届会议相距太近,执行局委员指定的代表不便回到自己正常居住地点,可以根 据他的请求,不发给他到居住地点的往返旅费,而每天按从前届会议结束到下届会议 召开期间的生活津贴的 75%发给生活津贴,但本组织所发的数额不能超过会议地点到 该委员正常居住地点之间的往返旅费。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 3.2 When the interval between two sessions is not sufficient to enable a representative appointed by the Member to return conveniently to his normal place of residence he may receive, at his [...] request, instead of the [...] payment ofthe roundtripto his place of residence, a daily subsistence allowance equivalent to 75% of the daily subsistence allowance granted during sessions for the period between the close of one session and the opening of the next, provided that the amount so to be provided by the Organization shall not exceed the cost of a round trip between the place of meeting and the representative appointed [...]by the Member’s normal place of residence. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Josie现在经常往返于秘鲁和位于英国特尔福德(Telford)的家。回到英国时,她总是不断募款,在扶轮社、妇女协会(WI)或教会演讲,希望吸引更多赞助者。 clarinsusa.com | Josienow divides her time between Peru and her home in Telford and when in the UK, never stops fundraising for her charity, speaking at Rotary, WI or church events to drum up sponsorship. clarinsusa.com |
鉴于距离远, 道路基础设施差以及安全局势,空运将依然是往返于各区总部、喀土穆、亚的斯 亚贝巴及恩德培的客运首要交通工具,同时尽可能在安全有保障的运输线路上利 用公路运输货物。 daccess-ods.un.org | The primary means of transportation will continue to be by air for passengers between sector headquarters, Khartoum, Addis Ababa and Entebbe owing to long distances, poor road infrastructure and the security situation, while maximizing opportunities for road transport of cargo on safe and secure supply routes. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚太环通拥有及营运亚洲区内最庞大私营海底光缆网络EAC-C2C,该网络长达36,800公里及备有17.92Tbps至30.72Tbp的设计网络容量往返每个登陆国家,以及9,620公里跨越太平洋,并提供高达1.92Tbps容量往来亚洲和北美的EAC [...] Pacific海缆。 pacnet.com | Pacnet owns and operates EAC-C2C, Asia’s largest privately-owned submarine cable network at 36,800 km, [...] with a design capacity of 17.92 Tbps to [...] 30.72 Tbps to and fromeach of the landing [...]countries, as well as EAC Pacific, which [...]spans 9,620 km across the Pacific Ocean and delivers up to 1.92 Tbps of capacity between Asia and North America. pacnet.com |
在选择合适的飞机时,油耗、载荷、泄 漏位置与行动基地之间的距离、往返时间以及从 很短或临时准备的跑道起落的能力全都是重要的 考虑事项。 itopf.org | Fuel consumption, payload, distance between the spill and the operating base, turn-around times and the ability to operate from short or improvised landing strips are all important considerations when selecting suitable aircraft. itopf.org |
Spread for [...] ASP.NET是一个完整的ASP.NET电子表格组件,它支持绑定和未绑定模式(不需要数据集),AJAX,本地Microsoft Excel导入/导出,单元格内的编辑,不需要服务器往返的多行上的多重编辑,客户端上的行/列大小调整,多张工作表,搜索,筛选,多种单元格类型,验证,单元格合并,多重标题,排序,单元格级上的完全自定义,超过300个的内置计算函数,分层显示及更多。 evget.com | Spread for ASP.NET is a complete ASP.NET spreadsheet component that supports bound or unbound modes (no dataset needed), AJAX, [...] native Microsoft Excel [...] import/export, in-cell editing, multiple edits on multiple rows withoutserver round trips, client-side [...]column/row resizing, [...]multiple sheets, searching, filtering, multiple cell types, validations, cell spans, multiple headers, sorting, complete customization at the cell level, over 300 built-in calculation functions, hierarchical display and much more. evget.com |
按照第 54/39(h)号决定探讨可能的资金奖励和额外资源的机会,以便根据缔约 方第十九次会议第 XIX/6 号决定第 11(b)段最大程度发挥氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的环境惠 益,安提瓜和巴布达政府将按照氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所示,提供必要的办公场地、会议室 和会议设施以及往返会场的交通。 multilateralfund.org | 22. Pursuant to decision 54/39(h) on potential financial incentives and opportunities for additional resources to maximize the environmental benefits from HPMPs pursuant to paragraph 11(b) of decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties, the Government of Antigua and Barbuda will provide the necessary office space, conference room and meeting facilities, and transportation to and from meeting venue, as indicated in the HPMP. multilateralfund.org |
今年十一月将举行世界拉力锦标赛(World Rally Championship ),这是一项跨越边境的赛事,选手门将驾驶汽车往返奔驰于爱尔兰共和国和北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)之间。 discoverireland.com | This year sees the World Rally Championship in November featuring an amazing cross-border initiative with competitors racing back and forth between the Republic and Northern Ireland. discoverireland.com |
如先前报告所述,经陆路前往直布罗陀的旅客主要 是来自西班牙的当天往返游客;搭机旅客主要来自联合王国;乘船旅客部分从摩 洛哥乘轮渡前来,部分为乘游轮的一日游游客。 daccess-ods.un.org | As previously reported, arrivals in Gibraltar by land comprise mainly day visitors arriving from Spain; arrivals by air are primarily from the United Kingdom, and arrivals by sea comprise ferry arrivals from Morocco and day-trip arrivals from cruise ships. daccess-ods.un.org |
也许您希望在往返畅游时不受干扰,也许您希望当自己孩子嬉戏于游乐池时能尽享自由时光,我们体察您的需求,并为此设立了成人专用泳池。 msccruises.com.cn | We understand passenger needs; that serious swimmers like to carry out their laps undisturbed, whilst parents can enjoy free time as their children can play happily in a dedicated play pool, hence our child-free pool for grownups. msccruises.com.eg |