单词 | 往昔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 往昔 noun—past n往昔 —in the past往往 adjective —very often adj往往 adverb —invariably advSee also:往 adj—previous adj 往 prep—to prep • towards prep 往—(of a train) bound for 昔—the past • former times • surname Xi 往 v—go (in a direction) v
(乙) 如青年人現今確比往昔早熟 ,以致須將成年年齡由 21歲降低至18歲,則這個理由在領養子女方面亦同樣適 用。 hkreform.gov.hk | (b) If young persons do mature more quickly today than heretofore so as to warrant a reduction in the age of majority from 21 years to 18 years. the reasoning is equally valid in relation to adoption. hkreform.gov.hk |
按照惯例,艺术博物馆应当是收藏、保存和展 示 往昔 艺 术 品的地方。 shanghaibiennale.org | Traditionally, the art museum was a place in which the [...] art of the past was collected, conserved and shown in the middle of contemporary life. shanghaibiennale.org |
除致力改善各種制度外,我們還會致力改變我們的意識及行事方 [...] 式,以期建立具創造力及積極的生產制度,取 代 往昔 以 數 量為主 導的管理方式。 legco.gov.hk | Together with the efforts toward improving the systems, our endeavors will be directed toward affecting changes in the consciousness and [...] practice as well, aiming for a creative and active production system in lieu of the [...] quantity-oriented management of the past. legco.gov.hk |
政府是否㆒如往昔,有決心和魄力,認真㆞對付當前的高通脹問題? legco.gov.hk | Is the Government going to tackle our high inflation seriously with renewed determination and vigour? legco.gov.hk |
該作品窺探香港5個場所的往昔,將歷史凝固在一個0.5釐米為一年的時間尺度內。 venicebiennale.hk | The work [...] looks into the past of five sites [...]in Hong Kong, condensing history into a time scale of 0.5cm to one year. venicebiennale.hk |
然而,我將如往昔, 若 日後再次採用類似的全權信託安排時,我會確保在提交給你的保密申報資 料內,詳列該信託安排所持有的資產情況,跟以我本人名義直接持有的資產 一樣。 legco.gov.hk | But I will, as before, ensure that, should such a discretionary trust be used again in future, the confidential declarations to the Financial Secretary include the details of the assets held in that trust as if the assets were held directly under my name. legco.gov.hk |
我 們目標 一 致,那 便 是 令 香港恢復往 昔 的 繁 榮 , 復 更 健 康 , 以 及成為一個全球 公 認 最 好 的國際 城 市。 legco.gov.hk | We have a common goal, that common goal is to rebounce Hong Kong into prosperity, into better health, and into a city that the world will look on us as the best city in the world. legco.gov.hk |
它们带来了许多优势和收获,其中最重要的就是诞生 了真正的希望:往昔已被 超越,未来在招手,那时社 会各部门、各阶层都将参与建设尊重人民意愿、让人 [...] 民参与建立民主的机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | They have engendered many advantages and gains, the most [...] important of which is the birth of genuine [...] hope that the past has been overcome [...]and that a future awaits in which all sectors [...]and strata of society shall participate in the building of institutions that respect the will of people and involve them in the founding of democracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
倘若西區海底隧道計劃告吹,我認為會令 許多有意投資的㆟士心裏湧現㆒些重大的疑問:究竟香港將來可否㆒ 如 往昔 , 在 基建 方面繼續進行建造、營辦及移交的工程和運用私營機構的投資? legco.gov.hk | For the Western Harbour Crossing to go wrong will, I think, raise substantial questions in the minds of potential investors about whether Hong Kong can continue to practise BOT projects and private sector investment in the infrastructure in the future as well as it has in the past. legco.gov.hk |
这间温馨的旅舍距离惠灵顿仅有45分钟的车程,带你重 拾 往昔 的 时 光,让你尽享一流的款待和友好的氛围。 cn.yha.co.nz | Just a 45 minute drive from Wellington, YHA Paraparaumu Barnacles Seaside [...] Inn offers homely accommodation where you can step [...] back into the past and enjoy fantastic [...]hospitality as well as ambience. yha.co.nz |
Ghosts From The Past》不單是Barði Jóhannsson自己對往昔鬼魂 的告白,也是為了如鬼魂一樣住 在 往昔 , 為茫茫然不知所終的人演奏安魂曲。 think-silly.com | Ghost From The Past’ is Jóhannsson’ s melodic proclamation to the ghost of his past, but also a comfort for those who helplessly live and indulge in nostalgia. think-silly.com |
您一定会在巴伐利亚 往昔的浪漫时光之中沉醉 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | Let yourself be [...] enchanted by the romantic Bavarian past! carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
事實㆖,近年有關低發展國家的㆝災㆟禍,如盧旺達問題等等,在種族紛爭的背 後,其實隱藏了往昔歐洲 殖民主義者將非洲㆞區各個種族置於矛盾位置之㆗有關,因 而埋㆘種族糾紛的伏線;另外,不少低發展國家所面對的災害,如水災等等,亦是根 源於殖民者及跨國資本家對當㆞㆝然資源的惡意破壞。 legco.gov.hk | Disasters like floodings and so on which are being faced by many developing countries can also trace their origins in the malicious exploitation of natural resources of these countries by the colonists and multinational capitalists. legco.gov.hk |
如果學校教育現時可較往 昔發揮 更大的效用,則在㆖述調查完成後的多個月內,有關信息理應已傳達至各個家庭, [...] 令現時情況有所不同。 legco.gov.hk | I am, however, conscious that public opinion can [...] change, sometimes rapidly, and if education in [...] the schools is now having more effect, [...]the messages could have been reaching [...]households for many months after the survey and the position may now be different. legco.gov.hk |
它包含几个因素:草根运动反抗旧式独裁政 府,而后者会使用作为往昔残余 的镇压办法;可能发 生属于族裔或宗教性质的原始争斗,这不只违背容 [...] 忍、共存和团结等当代价值观,而且潜在地可能迅速 波及整个区域;从积极方面说,阿拉伯国家联盟觉醒, 它早早地评估了风险的重要性,并在其运动中找到了 [...] 应对挑战的能力,尽管这种应对很微弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | It includes several ingredients: grassroots movements rebelling against authoritarian Governments in the old mold, while the [...] latter use methods of repression that are [...] vestiges of the past; the threat of [...]ancestral rivalries of an ethnic or religious [...]nature that not only run counter to contemporary values such as tolerance, coexistence and solidarity, but also have the potential to rapidly spread throughout the region; and, on the positive side, the awakening of the League of Arab States, which assessed early on the importance of what was at stake and found in its movement the capacity to respond — albeit weakly — to the challenge. daccess-ods.un.org |
拘於現今的消防法規定之容客數為600人,但 在 往昔 卻 有過高達1,000人入場之紀錄。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | The capacity of the house is 600 now due to the Fire Service Act but it used to house approximately 1,000 people. en.tohokukanko.jp |
我想,那個人,是我偶爾被睡夢遺棄在現實世界的時候,唱歌安慰我的陌生人,還是一 個 往昔 的 鬼 魂? think-silly.com | I think that blond little man is the one who sing and comfort me, when my dreams abandon my body in the real world. think-silly.com |
这恳切认真的祷告呼求是那引发 起其中一次复兴的火花,今天上帝仍 如 往昔 , 他 仍旧会听我们为复兴而作出的祷告呼 声。 ccineurope.org | It was and is still the same God who listens to our cry in prayer for revival. ccineurope.org |
時至今㆝,工業及科技發展局雖簡化 了 往昔 的 編 制,但實質㆖卻仍是新瓶舊 酒,被諮詢性質的框框所限制,局內成員只有提建議的份兒,而政府卻沒有㆒定執行 的必要。 legco.gov.hk | Members of IDB and CST had complained repeatedly that they were limited to playing mere advisory roles and were not even sure if any of their recommendations would be adopted by the Government. legco.gov.hk |
這是九龍中部屋邨在重建前後,「現今」和 「 往昔 」 的 對比。 housingauthority.gov.hk | It is the "before" and "after" of the redevelopment of the Central Kowloon group of estates. housingauthority.gov.hk |
七十年代初期,我擔任黃大仙政務專員,對 「 往昔 」 十分熟悉,但「現今」的轉變,卻實在超乎想像。 housingauthority.gov.hk | As District Officer (Wong Tai Sin) in the early seventies, I was very familiar with the "before". housingauthority.gov.hk |
过去的10年,从2002年到2012年,像以往任何一个10年一样,设计领域里最重要的发展如此显著地改变 了 往昔 的 格 局与模式,产生出一种裂变,或是说对传统的突破。 izhsh.com.cn | In the past ten years, from 2002 – 2012, as in all previous decades, the most important [...] developments in design have changed the paradigm or [...] pattern of the past so significantly [...]as to create a rift, or break with tradition. en.izhsh.com.cn |
一如往昔,目 前有些學術機構虛有天主教之名,未能完全的符合教會學校特有的教育原則,因此未能達到教會與社會對他們所期望完成的職責。 catholic.edu.hk | Today, as in the past, some scholastic [...] institutions which bear the name Catholic do not appear to correspond fully to the [...]principles of education which should be their distinguishing feature and, therefore, do not fulfil the duties which the Church and the society has every right to expect of them. catholic.edu.hk |
立足180年历史,展望更美好未来”,Baume [...] & Mercier(名士)以此为信条,一语概括其辉 煌 往昔 与 创 新能力。 wthejournal.com | 180 years of history, and the best is yet to come” is how Baume & Mercier likes to [...] underline its glorious past and its capacity [...]for renewal. wthejournal.com |
底特律或許無法召回往昔汽車 產業的資本主義光景,可是藉由團隊合作,仍有重新開始的機會,摩希強調,「我們總在尋找各個社區之間提高效能的方式,因為彼此並非完全獨立運作,不過困難與挑戰仍在」。 thisbigcity.net | We’re not completely separate entities,” beamed Sue Mosey, but not without adding, “There still remain challenges. thisbigcity.net |
此温泉为同温泉乡中最古老的温泉住宿设施,据说 在 往昔 , 当 地的猎师勘助在打猎时,见到了受了伤的鹤利用此温泉治疗伤口,温泉也因此而得名。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | This traditional inn is rather old among those located in the spa village and they say it was named Tsuru-no-yu (crane’s hot spring) after a story that a local hunter Kansuke saw a crane (tsuru) using the hot spring to heal a wound. en.tohokukanko.jp |
這些計劃包括在重建李節街時保留該處舊住宅樓宇的獨有特色,規模和外貌會㆒ 如往昔,而該公司亦會在其他計劃採取類似行動,在可能範圍內,透過選用㆒些古舊 及特別的材料,例 [...] 如從拆毀的建築物取回磚塊或花崗石塊再用,藉以反映每區的特色。 legco.gov.hk | These include a proposal to re-create the scale and course as circumstances permit. legco.gov.hk |