

单词 彼一时此一时

See also:


a while
at the same time
a period of time
for a short while

一时 adj

temporary adj

External sources (not reviewed)

正如我们已注意到,私营部门的公司想要得 彼此 的 技 术 时 可 能 会遇到困难, 在克服这些困难的尝试中会引一些 防 御性战略。
As we have seen, private sector companies may
[...] difficulties in accessing each others’ technologies which leads to a number of defensive strategies in an attempt to overcome them.
执行秘书在演讲中首先提请经社会回顾第二次世界大战结束后出现的 重大过渡时期,并指出在一过渡时 期 内具有远见卓识的亚太领导人和决策 者汇一堂,努力彼此之间 建立起团结、合作和友谊的新纽带。
The Executive Secretary commenced her statement by reminding the Commission that, in
the period of great
[...] transition following the Second World War, Asia-Pacific leaders and policymakers of vision and foresight had come together to [...]
forge new ties of solidarity, cooperation and friendship.
(b) 应在设计计划开展的各种“次级作物和减贫工作讲习班时,着 眼于推动在本区域那些从事次级作物和减贫工作的研究中心之间建一个网络并促彼此开展合作。
(b) The planned activity “Workshop on secondary crops and poverty alleviation” should be designed in such a way as to establish a network and foster cooperation among the research centres dealing with secondary crops and poverty alleviation in the region.
此外,黎巴嫩北利 塔尼安全管理小组最近发一项倡议,即让所有邻近特派团的首席安全顾问和安 全管理小组定期举行会议,以交流信息并考虑在安全局势恶 时彼此 可 提 供的援 助。
Additionally, the North Litani Security
Management Team in Lebanon
[...] recently launched an initiative to have the Chief Security Advisers of all neighbouring missions and security management teams meet periodically in order to share information and consider the assistance that they can offer to one another in a deteriorated [...]
security scenario.
正如执行局第 4.1 号决定第 II 节所强调的那样,在实施 33C/5 的过程中,教科文组织将 通过一步了解彼此文化 、种族、语言和宗教的多样性,强化和继续采用新机制和新方法, 促进各国人民间的对话,时铲除 极端主义的根源之一。
In the course of implementing document 33 C/5, UNESCO will strengthen and pursue new mechanisms and modalities to promote dialogue among peoples through a better reciprocal knowledge of cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity, and also in order to address one of the causes of extremism, as emphasized in Executive Board decision 4.1, section II.
人力资产指数的列入阈值定为指数在 60 个国家中排在第三个四分一位 置,但在指彼此非常相近时加以 调整并四舍五入到整数。
The HAI threshold for inclusion is determined by the index number corresponding to the third quartile in the ranking of the 60 countries, but adjusted in case the HAI scores are very close to each other and rounded to whole numbers.
近场通信 (NFC) 或周边配对是一个简单的配对功能,它可以将两 彼此 靠 近 的设备连接 一 起。
Near Field Communications (NFC) or
Perimeter Pairing is an easy pairing functionality that connects
[...] two devices that are in close proximity to each other.
此外,很多分布最终都会向正态分布收敛(随着试验次数的增加,一个二项分布最后会变成 正态分布;在高中间率的情况下,泊松分布也会变成正态分布;在切去两端的最大值和最小
值后,三角分布也变成了正态分布;等等),如果用多种不同类型的分布来模拟 DCF
[...] 模型, 那我们就不能确定最终 NPV 分布的形状和类型(例如,收益服从对数正态分布,并随时 间彼此呈现 负相关,运营成本与收益正相关,但是假设其服 一 个 三 角分布,市场竞争的影 响我们用一个泊松分布来模拟,它是用一个小利率乘上服从二项分布的技术成功概率)。
In addition, a lot of distributions will converge to the normal distribution anyway (a Binomial distribution becomes normally distributed when number of trials increase; a Poisson distribution also becomes normally distributed with a high average rate; a Triangular distribution is a normal distribution with truncated upper and lower values; an so forth) and it is not possible to ascertain the shape and type of the final NPV distribution if the DCF model is simulated with many different types of distributions (e.g.,
revenues are Lognormally
[...] distributed and are negatively correlated to one another over time, while operating expenses are positively correlated [...]
to revenues but are
assumed to be distributed following a Triangular distribution, while the effects of market competition are simulated using a Poisson distribution with a small rate times the probability of technical success simulated as a Binomial distribution).
[...] 源自成员国的主权受限制或成员国的权力向共同体转让,成员国在有限的领域内限制了它们 的主权权利,并此成立了一个对自己的国民和各 彼此 之 间 具有约束力的法律体系。
By creating a Community of unlimited duration, having its own institutions, its own personality, its own legal capacity and capacity of representation on the international plane and, more particularly, real powers stemming from a limitation of sovereignty or a transfer of powers from the States to the Community, the member States have limited their sovereign
[...] albeit within limited fields, and have thus created a body of law which binds both [...]
their nationals and themselves.
(e) 本公司可任意將股東名冊中名列首位之人士視為任何股份之聯名持有人一,彼可單 獨享有就該等股份寄發股票,或從本公司接收通知,或出席本公 司股東大會或在會上投票,向該人士發出之任何通知應被視為向所有聯名持 有人發出之通知;但任何一名聯名持有人均可委任有權代表該等聯名持有人 投票之人士作為代理,代表出席本公司股東大會並在會上投票,但倘超過一 名該等聯名持有人親自或通過代理出席任何大會,則就該等股份在股東名冊 中名列首位之此出席 大會之該名人士將單獨有權就此投票。
(e) the Company shall be at liberty to treat the person whose name stands first in the register as one of the joint holders of any shares as solely entitled to delivery of the certificate relating to such share, or to receive notices from the Company, or to attend or vote at general meeting of the Company, and any notice given to such person shall be deemed notice to all the joint holders; but any one of such joint holders may be appointed the proxy of the persons entitled to vote on behalf of such joint holders, and as such proxy to attend and vote [...]
at general meetings of the Company,
but if more than one of such joint holders be present at any meeting personally or by proxy that one so present whose name stands first in the register in respect of such shares shall alone be entitled to vote in respect thereof.
(v) 董事向董事會發出一般通知,表 彼 乃 指 定商號或法團之董 事,且於該通知日期後彼須被當作於其後可能與該商號或法團訂立之任何合約或安排 中有利害關係,或於該通知日期後彼須被當作於其後可能與彼有關連之指定人士所訂 立之任何合約或安排中有利害關係,即為有關彼於 此 訂 立 之合約或安排中有利害關 係之充分聲明,惟除非其在董事會會議上發出該通知,或該董事採取合理措施確保該 通知於發出後的第一次董事會會議上提起及宣讀,該通知將不會生效。
(v) A general notice to the Board by a
[...] Director that he is a member of a specified firm or corporation and is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with that firm or corporation after the date of such notice or that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person who is connected with him after the date of such notice shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that [...]
no such notice shall be
of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Board after it is given.
此,鉴 于持续承担的繁重工作量和预期的 国际边界问题,提议续设边界分析员(P- 3) 临 时一 般 人 员职位,以便通过提供中 立的技术专长,及时应对边界危机并预防边界冲突。
Accordingly, and in the light of a continued heavy workload and anticipated international boundary issues, it is proposed that the general temporary assistance position [...]
of Boundary Analyst
(P-3) be continued to respond immediately to boundary crises and prevent border conflicts by providing impartial technical expertise.
[...] 问题需要有评估工具,这些工具可以适当考虑到:扩大的且鲜为人知的 时 空 成 因链 彼此 矛盾 的责任依据;与制定有效政策所需知识有关的根本不确定性;以及在全球范围内对共同 [...]
Action to address climate change requires assessment tools that can take
adequate account of extended and poorly
[...] understood causal chains across time and space, conflicting [...]
bases of responsibility, fundamental
uncertainties relating to the knowledge needed for effective policies, and the challenge of responsible management of collective risk at the global scale.
中华总商会筹办这个一年一度的活动是很有意义的,它提供一个平台让新加坡和本区域的各行业专才、学术界和企业领袖聚集一堂,共同分享自己的见解,扩 彼此 的 网 络, 时一 起 来 探讨我们中小型企业所面对的问题和挑战。
I applaud SCCCI’s efforts in organising this annual event, which brings together industry experts, academics and business leaders in Singapore and the region to share insights, network and discuss issues and challenges facing our small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
在强迫失踪的问题上,不论受害者是活着还是死了,单独监禁,切断了有关 个人与整个社会的联系,不允彼此 之 间接触,即使是 时 的 ,也会引起生命的 风险,国家对此负有责任。
In the matter of enforced disappearance, whether the victim is alive or dead, the mere fact of incommunicado detention which cuts the individual concerned off from the
human community by severing
[...] contact between them, even temporarily, entails a risk to life for [...]
which the State is accountable.
於1973年成立巧新企業有限公司,以OEM型態,從事即熱式瓦斯熱水器的生產,交於國內各知名廠牌銷售,受到巿埸肯定,我們瞭解熱水器出廠後經由各銷售管道分佈於各個家庭使用,攸關人民生命財產安全,在品質方面是極為重要的,所以本公司以品質 一 為 目 標的理念,要求各同仁確實做到,提高與本公司往來的客戶對本公司產品信任、交貨準時、品質優良 彼此 都 能長期合作愉快。
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore
this company take the
[...] quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the [...]
long-term cooperation be happy.
在这方 面,我们敦促双方恢复对有分歧问题的讨论,以解彼此争端,同时为整 个区域的安全着想。
In this regard, we urge the two parties to resume discussions on matters of disagreement in order to settle their dispute, taking into account the security of the entire region.
在 提到区域间和区域内合作时,有人要求说明各区域委员会与其他组织在它们各自 区域和它们之间确定其活时彼此合 作及协作的程度。
With reference to interregional and intraregional cooperation, clarification was sought regarding the extent of the cooperation and collaboration of the regional
commissions with other organizations in their respective regions and
[...] among themselves when determining their [...]
(C) 董事會可作彼等認為一切必 要或適宜的行為及事宜,以根據本 公司細則第(A)段的規定實施任何撥充資本事宜,在可分派零碎股份的情況下,董事 會並有全權作出其認為合適的有關規定(該等規定包括 此 將 全 部或部份零碎權益結 集及出售並將所得款項淨額分派予享有權益者,或不理會零碎權益或將零碎權益上計 或下計至完整數額,或據此零碎權益的利益歸於本公司而非有關股東)。
expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Bye-law with full power to the Board to make such provisions as they think fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the Company rather than to the members concerned).
就本段而言,作為被動或託管受託人的一位董事及/或其 聯繫人所持有的任何股份(彼彼等 任 何 一 人 於 其中概無擁有實益權益)、於一項信託 (當中如若及只要在其他人士有權 此 收 取 收入的情況下,則董事及/或其任何聯繫人 的權益將還原或為剩餘)中的任何股份,以及於一項獲授權的單位信託計劃(其中董事 及/或其聯繫人僅作為一位單位持有人擁有權益)中的任何股份及不附有股東大會的投 票權及股息和資本權利回報的限制性甚高的任何股份將不計算在內。
For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director and/or his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or any of them has no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director and/or his associate(s) is/are in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, and any shares comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director and/or his associate(s) is/are interested only as a unit holder and any shares which carry no voting right at general meetings and very restrictive dividend and return of capital right.
选取函数后即打开“函数参数输入”对话框,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮) 此时 对 话 框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认,“函数参数输入”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到 一 名 学 生总分。
Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, and
then click "fold
[...] dialog" button (that is, the right button Number1), when the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box appears again, click the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following [...]
Total students first.
一条款 规定“尽早在出于该国或占领国之安 时 给 予 彼 等 的 被保护人依 本《公约》所享有之全部权利与特权”,但国际红十字会强调,第五条只可适用 于特殊性质的个别情况,由于存在特别指控,这些个别情况肯定将进入刑事诉讼 程序。
While the article states that these persons “shall also be granted the full rights and privileges of a protected person under the present Convention at the earliest date consistent with the security of the State or Occupying Power”, ICRC stresses that article 5 may only be applied in individual cases of an exceptional nature, when the existence of specific charges makes it almost certain that penal proceedings will follow.
在两个或两个以上国家合并之后,条约变得适用于在国家继承之日并不生效 的继承一部分领土时,此类例 外就可能出现。
Such exceptions can occur when, following a uniting of two or more States, a treaty becomes applicable to a part of the territory of the unified State to which it did not apply at the date of the succession of States.
当一项研究是在某个或某几个国家(所在国)实施或进行,但其资金由 一 个 国 家提时,此项研究应当接受所在国和供资国从伦理角度进行必要的审查。
When research is undertaken or otherwise pursued in one or more States (the host State(s)) and funded by a
source in another State, such
[...] research should be the object of an appropriate level of ethical [...]
review in the host State(s) and
the State in which the funder is located.
除了为保护机密资料可能需要作出适当安排外,委员会临时技术秘书处和教科文组织 秘书彼此间应随时正式 通报对方可能关心的所有规划活动和全部工作计划。
Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of confidential material, the Provisional Technical Secretariat
of the Commission and the Secretariat
[...] of UNESCO shall keep each other fully informed [...]
concerning all projected activities
and all programmes of work which may be of interest to the other Party.
为了建设公务人员履行其帮助地方发展这一主要责任的能力,Fraser-Moleketi 女士建议采用以下备选方案:(a) 切合实际和随机应变的公务员制度;(b) 机构 与责任、责任与结果、结果与拨出的支出款项或资 彼此一 致 ; (c) 制定评估提 供公共服务制度的经常措施,使程序和条例更好地顺应地方发展;(d) 建立包括 工作条件、薪酬和升级在内的奖励制度,以推动发展举措;(e) 为公共服务提供 [...]
充足的资金,并为发展计划提供资源;(f) 以创新手段提供公共服务。
Ms. Fraser-Moleketi recommended the following options in order to build the capacity of the public service in responding to its primary responsibility of facilitating local-level development: (a) relevant
and adaptive systems
[...] of public service; (b) coherence between institutions and responsibilities, responsibilities and results, and results and assigned expenditures or funds; (c) regular measures of [...]
assessing a public service
delivery system so as to make the procedures and regulations more responsive to local-level development; (d) incentive systems including working conditions, remuneration and promotion to facilitate development initiatives; (e) adequate financing of public service and resources for development plans; and (f) innovative means for public service delivery.
但是,能否在实现增长、减少贫穷和实现千年发展目标上取得成功, 将取决于发展中国家和国际社会如何 一 系 列 彼此 关 联的全球大趋势做出反应, 包括粮食、燃料和金融危机的持续;人口变化;两性平等;全球化;非法经济; [...]
However, success in achieving growth, reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals will depend on how
developing countries and the international
[...] community react to an array of interrelated global [...]
megatrends, including the persistence
of the food, fuel and financial crises; demographic change; gender equality; globalization; the illicit economy; climate change; and the emergence of green industry.
股 東 如 為 (i) 收 購 人 、 其 聯 繫 人 及彼 等 任 何 一 方 一 致 行 動 之人士 ; (ii) 收 購 人 、 閻 先 生 及 其 任 何 一 方 之一致 行 動 人 士 ; 及 (iii) 參 與 服 務 協 議 或此 擬 進 行 之任 何 交 易 或 於 當 中 擁 有 利 益 之任何 股 東( 包 括 周 先 生 ), 則 須 於 股 東 特 別 大 會 上 就 提 呈 批 准 服 務 協 議 之 決 議 案 放 棄 投 票 。
Shareholders including (i) the Vendors, its associates and parties acting in concert with any of them; (ii) the Offeror, Mr. Yan and the parties acting in concert with any of them; and (iii) any Shareholders who are involved in or interested in the Service Agreement or any transactions contemplated therein (including Mr. Chow) shall abstain from voting on the proposed resolution approving the Service Agreement at the EGM.
在文化和睦方面,教科文组织的作用是发展及增进各国人民之间的交往手段,并借此 种手段之运用促成相互了解,达到 彼此 之 生活 有 一 更 真 实、更全面认识之目的,并继续促 进相关行动以展示“每一种文化和每一种文明都是相互依存的,因此多样性是人类相互丰富 [...] [...]
In the context of the rapprochement of cultures, UNESCO’s role is to develop and to increase
the means of communication between
[...] peoples and to employ these means for the purposes [...]
of mutual understanding and a truer
and more perfect knowledge of each other’s lives and to continue to promote action showing that “all cultures and civilizations derive from and feed into each other, and hence diversity constitutes a source of enrichment and innovation for humanity”.




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