

单词 彻底删除

See also:

彻底 adv

radically adv
through adv

彻底 n

thoroughness n

删除 v

removing v



External sources (not reviewed)

当选择以上时间范围中的一种时,如果单击 Clean(清空)按钮,符合以上删除日期时间的已删除的文件将会 彻底删除。
When choosing any of the above time frames, deleted files that fit within these time frames by Deleted Date will be deleted when clicking the Clean button.
不需要已删除的邮件账户的邮件数据时,在“E-mail 的详情”页面点击[彻底删除账户]。
Deleting E-mails Completely by Selecting the Time Period You cannot restore
[...] e-mails that are deleted using this method.
访问组态工具 >
[...] 数据库实用程序: 可通过各种方式选择数据,然后将 彻底删除 或 归 档(仍活动数据库中移除,但仌可在未 来某个日期进行查看)。
Access Configuration Tools > Database
Utilities: data may be selected in
[...] various ways and deleted outright or archived (removed from [...]
the active database but still available
for viewing at some subsequent date).
We believe that these
[...] words should be entirely deleted.
禁用"野生型"图像, 与过度的胃口, 下一步您需要计算其位置, 要彻底删除图像.
Disabling the "wild type" image, with excessive appetite, Next you need to calculate
[...] its location, to delete the image once [...]
and for all.
当处置或转让记忆卡时,建议将记 忆卡本身毁掉或用市售的计算机数据抹消软件来从卡 彻底删除 数 据
When disposing of or transferring your memory cards, we recommend physically
destroying them, or using commercially available
[...] computer data erasing software to completely delete the data from the card.
使用黑帽SEO技术,则可因被搜索引擎发现,反而影响到你的网站排名,甚至从搜索结果 彻底 被 删除。
Black hat seo, however, uses techniques that may hurt your website
ranking or even have your website removed entirely from the search results, if you were
[...] to get caught using these techniques.
如果使用 “管理员系统设置”屏幕或 Windows
[...] 资源管理器上的删除选项删除文件,然后清空回收站,将执行标准的 Windows 文件删除操作,且不会将这些文件从计算机 彻底删除。
Deleting files using the delete options on the Administrator System Setup screen or Windows Explorer and
then emptying the recycle bin performs a standard
[...] Windows file delete and does not completely remove the files [...]
from the PC.
Google 亦已向私稳专员作书面承诺,采取适当的补救措施, 包括会在私隐专员指示彻底删除收 集 的网络资料,并就有关删除向私隐专员提 [...]
供独立第三者的证明,以及承诺街景拍摄车辆在香港的日后运作会遵从《私隐条 例》。
Google has also given a written undertaking to the Privacy
Commissioner on appropriate remedial measures,
[...] including to completely delete the payload [...]
data at the direction of the Privacy Commissioner
and provide the Privacy Commissioner with an independent third party’s verification of the deletion.
但按照下面“第4条(个人信息管理(阅览、修改、删除等)相关事项)”所说明的过程和方法,由会员本人直接删除或修改信息、撤销加入时,在硬盘中以无法复原的方法进 彻底删除 , 事 后无法再预览或使用。
However, when a member directly deletes or corrects the information or a request for cancellation of membership, according to the procedure and method explained in “Article 4” (Contents related to the Management of personal information
(Reading, Correction and Deletion)) stated
[...] below, it is completely deleted from the server [...]
according in a way that cannot be reproduced,
or managed in a state that cannot be read or used later.
古巴回顾,作为该《条约》缔约国的不结盟国家提议,采用一个到 2025彻底消除核武器的分阶段方案,其中包括通过一项关于核武器的公约。
Cuba recalls that the non-aligned countries that are parties to the Treaty have proposed
the adoption of a phased programme
[...] leading to the total elimination of nuclear weapons [...]
by 2025, which would include the
adoption of a nuclear weapons convention.
实际情况证明除非美国彻底摈弃 长期敌视朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的思 想,任何问题都无法得到解决,而只能加大对峙和冲突的风险。
The reality proves that unless the long-held hostile [...]
concept of the United States towards the Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea is rooted out entirely, nothing can be resolved; rather, the confrontation and the risk of conflict will increase.
已经确定了新的计划工作方针,得到了合作伙伴的广泛 认可,为大家共享使用,并坚定不移地贯彻到了办事处的工作中;新的质量项目正在开发和 融资当中,其中一些已经进入实施阶段,而以前的项目组合则将于 2009 年彻底废除;已 经 开始应对协调行政和财务程序、合理调整相应的工具、培养一种有效监督环境所面临的挑 战,主要步骤业已完成,其他工作也进展良好;工作人员都接受了多方面的必要培训,对机 构有了一定了解,能够胜任工作并发挥主观能动性;重新建立并加强了与总部各计划部门和 中央服务处的联系和适当工作程序;正逐渐与该地区及该地区以外的其他总部外办事处构建 联系;巴西利亚办事处已经很好地融入了联合国国家工作队。
The new programme orientations have been defined, widely shared with and accepted by partners and firmly entrenched within the operations of the Office; new quality projects are being developed and funded, with some already in the implementation stage, and the former portfolio of projects will be totally phased out in 2009; the challenge of aligning administrative and financial procedures, adapting corresponding tools and achieving an effective control environment has been addressed with major steps already completed and others well engaged; personnel have received necessary training in many essential aspects, developed an institutional understanding and are able and motivated; linkages and proper working procedures with programme sectors and central services at Headquarters have been re-established and consolidated; networking with other field offices in the region, and even beyond, is taking place; and UBO is well integrated within the UNCT.
(c) 推动了秘书长核裁军五点建议的非正式核心之友小组一些成员,最近由 乌拉圭与和平市长会议合作牵头,继续努力为 彻底 消 除 核 武 器的路线图建立国 际共识寻找具有创意的新办法,其中包括一份国际法律文书。
(c) Members of the informal core group of friends that promoted the Secretary-General’s five-point proposal for nuclear disarmament, most recently led by Uruguay in partnership with Mayors for Peace, have continued their efforts to pursue new and innovative means for building international consensus on a road map for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, including by means of a universal, legal instrument.
[...] 一,在建立和运作两院制议会时加强立法机关的作用,同时两院制议会在通过各 项法律时应将全国和区域的利益考虑在内;第二,提升政党和民间社会机构对通 过国家最重要决议的作用和影响,提高非政府组织对国家机构进行公众监督的威 信和意义;第三,实彻底的改 革,旨在使司法体系更加自由化和人性化,将死 刑从刑法中除,加 强司法机构的独立性和有效性;第四,在人权教育领域开展 广泛的教育工作。
The following were the characteristic features of this period: first, the increasing role and influence of the legislature, stemming from the establishment and functioning of a bicameral parliament that takes the general interests of the State and the regions into account when adopting legislation; secondly, the increasing role and influence of political parties and civil society institutions in the adoption of critical government decisions and the rising authority and significance of
[...] organizations (NGOs) in the public scrutiny of government activities; thirdly, cardinal reforms to liberalize and humanize the judicial system, abolish the death penalty [...]
and strengthen the
independence and effectiveness of the judiciary; and fourthly, extensive human rights information and educational efforts.
其实,这时,如果你的PDF书籍页数少,完全可以到每一页按键盘的D EL 键 删除 , 保 存后即 彻底除 水 印 ,但是,如果你的书籍长达4000页的话,接着往下看吧
In fact, at this time, if you lower the number of pages of PDF
books, each page is entirely possible
[...] to click the DEL key to delete, save to complete the exception [...]
of a watermark, but if
you book up to 4000 words, and then down Check it out!
日本认为,应通过具 体和有效的步骤来建立一个没有核武器的世界,有鉴 于此,今年日本与 60 多个共同提案国一道,再次提
[...] 交了一项有关核裁军的题为“采取联合行 彻底 消除 核武 器”的决议草案(A/C.1/66/L.41),其中的内容 [...]
Basing itself on the idea that a world without nuclear weapons should be achieved through concrete and effective steps, this year Japan, along with more than 60 co-sponsors, has once again submitted a draft resolution on
nuclear disarmament entitled
[...] “United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons” [...]
(A/C.1/66/L.41), with some updates.
深信核武器的继续存在对全人类构成威胁,使用核武器将给地球上的所有生 命带来灾难性后果,认识到防止核灾难的唯一办法就 彻底 消 除 核 武 器并确保永 远不再生产核武器
Convinced that the continuing existence of nuclear weapons poses a threat to all humanity and that their use would have catastrophic consequences for all life on Earth, and recognizing that
the only defence against a nuclear
[...] catastrophe is the total elimination of nuclear weapons [...]
and the certainty that they will never be produced again
彻底根除贫困 ,同时需要大力减 少受制于各种脆弱性的程度特别是在最不发达国家和太平洋岛屿发展 中国家。
Poverty needed to be eradicated and exposure to vulnerabilities must be reduced, especially [...]
in least developed countries
and Pacific small island developing States.
[...] 何地方――地面、水下、空中和外层空间――部署核武器;禁止为军事用途生产裂 变材料;在议定时限内宣布所有武器级裂变材料库存以 彻底 销 毁 这些材料;宣 布所有弹头并以可核查的方式除其 戒 备状态;在规定时间内按计划逐步以不可 逆转的方式消除核弹头。
This convention could be a framework treaty encompassing the following areas: banning the production, development and the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons; renouncing the deterrence values of nuclear weapons in all defence doctrines; preventing the deployment of nuclear weapons in all areas, namely on the ground, underwater, in space and outer space; banning the production of fissile material for military purposes; declaring all stocks of weapons-grade fissile material and their elimination in an irreversible manner within an agreed timetable;
declaring all
[...] warheads and de-alerting them in a verifiable manner; eliminating nuclear warheads in a phased programme and in [...]
an irreversible manner within a specific time frame.
应使 用碎纸机或痕迹除器彻底清除文件和文件夹,以便使其无法在硬盘驱 动器中还原或恢复。
A file shredder or eraser should be
[...] used to completely remove files and folders so [...]
they may not be recovered or restored from the hard drive.
在 10 月 15 日第 9 次会议上,日本代表以澳大利亚、奥地利、孟加拉国、比
利时、加拿大、智利、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、芬兰、德国、 意大利、日本、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、巴拉圭、菲律宾、瑞士、前南斯
[...] 拉夫的马其顿共和国和乌克兰的名义提出了一项题为“再次下决 彻底 消 除 核武 器”的决议草案(A/C.1/62/L.58)。
At the 9th meeting, on 15 October, the representative of Japan, on behalf of Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Paraguay, the Philippines, Switzerland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Ukraine,
introduced a draft resolution entitled “Renewed determination
[...] towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons” [...]
58/316 号决议附件第 5 段,特别
[...] 是其中(e)至(h)分段,内容如下:委员会应继续审议如何将更多的大会传统议程 项目两年期化、三年期化、集群 删除 ; 继续为各种议题安排非正式情况介绍会; 向大会建议就其议程上的项目举行互动式辩论的日程和形式;继续审议如何进一 [...]
The General Committee also took note of paragraph 5 of the annex to resolution 58/316 pertaining to the functions of the Committee, in particular subparagraphs (e) to (h), according to which the Committee shall
continue to consider
[...] the further biennialization, triennialization, clustering and elimination of items of the customary [...]
agenda of the General
Assembly; continue to schedule informal briefings on topical issues; recommend to the Assembly a programme of and format for interactive debates on the items on its agenda; and continue to consider ways and means to further improve its working methods to increase its efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects.
[...] 一部分的空间网络在这些位置上没有航天器,因此完全无法运作,如果中止未 使用的无线电空间站或删除相关 提议,那么地球静止轨道过度拥挤的情况将 [...]
The view was expressed that, with regard to the information contained in the above-mentioned conference room paper, a comparison of the nominal positions of radio space stations, known as “space networks” in the terminology of ITU, with actual positions of satellites had shown that a certain percentage of space networks had no spacecraft at those positions and thus were not able to operate at all, and that if the unused radio
space stations were suspended or the
[...] relevant proposals deleted, the overcrowding [...]
in the geostationary orbit would be lessened,
which would benefit all users of that orbit.
第三,关于核试验,最后报告应重申只 彻底消 除核武 器才能让世界摆脱使用核武器的威胁;支持 《全面禁止核试验条约》生效;以及强调核武器国 家在这方面的领导工作中承担特殊责任。
Third, with regard to nuclear testing, the final report should reaffirm that the only way to rid the world of the threat of use of nuclear weapons [...]
was their total
elimination; support the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; and stress the special responsibility of the nuclear-weapon States to take the lead in that endeavour.
欧洲联盟还准备好就CD/1864 号文件载列的以下其他项目进行实质性讨
[...] 论:采取实际步骤,作出逐步、系统的努力以裁减核武器并最 彻底 消 除 核武 器,包括拟订关于未来可能开展的多边性质工作的方针;与防止外层空间军备竞 [...]
The European Union also remains ready to engage in substantive discussion on the other items that were included in document CD/1864: practical steps for progressive and systematic efforts
to reduce nuclear weapons with the
[...] ultimate goal of their elimination, including approaches [...]
towards potential future work
of a multilateral character; all issues related to the prevention of an arms race in outer space; effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons; and other issues on the Conference on Disarmament agenda.
重申古巴曾在最高级别一再申明过的必 彻底 消 除 核 武 器的立场,并支持 2011年5 月在印度尼西亚巴厘举行的不结盟运动第十六届部长级会议就此问题 通过的宣言,其中要求召开一次高级别国际会议,以求就一 彻底 消 除 核 武 器方 案达成协议。
Reaffirms the position which Cuba has reiterated at
the highest levels on
[...] the necessity of totally eliminating nuclear weapons and supports the declaration on this issue adopted at the Sixteenth Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, held in Bali, Indonesia, in May 2011, which calls for a high-level international conference to be convened for the purpose of reaching an agreement on a programme for the absolute elimination of nuclear weapons.




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