单词 | 彷佛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 彷佛conjunction—as ifconj彷佛—seemalike彷佛adjective—similaradjSee also:彷—seemingly 佛—seemingly
我希望大家注意一点,由於政府积极介入房屋市场,令超过三分之一的人口都享有同样的房屋资助,彷佛他们彼此之间是完全没有分别似的。 housingauthority.gov.hk | The point that I want you to focus on is that, as a result of Government's massive [...] intervention in the housing market, over one third of the population [...] are treatedas though they are all [...]exactly the same. housingauthority.gov.hk |
林苇如率领众人彷佛一同置身分秒必争的赛车场!当她驾驶着特别为发表会所准备的Williams模拟赛车,全场情绪顿时翻腾到最高点。 oris.ch | Lulu drove the crowds wild as she raced around the track in the Williams race car simulator that was brought in especially for the event. oris.ch |
存在了三百多年的Cire Trudon,彷佛也见证了法国的传奇兴衰。 think-silly.com | Aged over three hundred years, Cire Trudon witnessesthe rise and fall of the French Royals. think-silly.com |
奇怪的是,企鹅们都知道那一间是属於他们的家!一抵达家後,企鹅们都纷纷发出了声音,彷佛在聊今天在大海遇见的事。 4tern.com | When they reached home, all of them made soundssimultaneously.Looks like they were telling what they did in the sea today. 4tern.com |
我们的到来,彷佛是为了是给羊看,而不是去看羊。 4tern.com | We are the ones being watched by the sheep instead. 4tern.com |
蜡像手握麦克风举向上,彷佛在演唱会台上接受着一众歌迷的欢呼及尖叫声。 yp.mo | Wax double of Jay Chou holds a microphone and has his hand in the air, as if he is greeting screaming fans on the stage at a concert. yp.mo |
时针和分针形成的“叶子”给它一个古朴,而秒针蓝色视觉彷佛在提醒口径120型自动上链生产的房子,赋予它生命的准确性。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The hour hand and minute hand shaped "leaf" give it a quaint, while the second hand blue stands out visually as if to remind the accuracy of caliber 120 automatic winding production house, which gives it life. en.horloger-paris.com |
翻动书页时,上面的白色粉末会随之掉下并擦在手上;当粉末渐次减少,彷佛也回应了MMM一直强调时间流逝的创作特质。 think-silly.com | The pages turn; white powder falls and disappears, echoing one of MMM’s recurring themes of time passing inevitably. think-silly.com |
在他集合他们的那日,他们彷佛只在白昼逗留过一会儿,他们互相认识,把 与真主 相会之说称为谎言的人,确已亏折了,他们不是遵循正道的。 shahroudi.com | This is a clear message for mankind in order that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that He is only One Allah, and that men of understanding may take heed. shahroudi.com |
这种情况未来很可能发生,经济环境或许不会改善,银行或许仍然不受欢迎,现有体系在供应端备受压力;需求端则较为微妙,报告内列举年轻人拥有的选项,包括多代同住、高额房租、与同辈一起购屋(彷佛回到大学时期),在此处境之下,群众集资房贷似乎并非全无可能。 thisbigcity.net | The demand side may be more subtle, coming down to what young people prefer out of the options outlined in the report: multi-generational living, expensive renting or buying with peers in a rolling re-run of student days. thisbigcity.net |
伍韶劲个人作品展彷佛来自被催眠的状态,带我们跨进了意识的门槛。 osagegallery.com | As if flowing from a hypnagogic state, the “Solo Exhibition by Kingsley Ng” further draws us into the threshold of consciousness. osagegallery.com |
这个截然不同的新视角彷佛是一个由原创设计、独特面料和优雅修饰、细节共同编织的现代童话,无处不体现Maison 的特立独行风格。 valentino.com | A different vision, a modern fairytale made up of original creations, impalpable fabrics, elegant finishes and details in which all the Maison's distinctive traits appear. valentino.com |
我最近在Tumblr网站上转载一则讯息,提到世界多数大城市皆有河流经过,文中不仅列出五座在河川周遭兴起的城市地图,更彷佛目睹作者恍然大悟的一刻,明白河川对城市多麽重要。 thisbigcity.net | I recently reblogged a post on Tumblr from a user who had just made the connection that most major cities have rivers running through them. thisbigcity.net |
BeoVision 12彷佛飘浮在墙面上,以它的尺寸而言,让您不由得对此巧妙的工艺感到折服。 bang-olufsen.com | BeoVision 12 literallyfloatson the [...] wall, quite a feat considering its significant size. bang-olufsen.com |
设计师发挥巧思,创造状极轻盈的电视边框,彷佛隐形一般。 bang-olufsen.com | The designers also aspired to create a television with a frame so weightless that it would appear invisible. bang-olufsen.com |
让你在浏览照片时,历历在目,彷佛一幅幅真实景象就在你眼前。 benq.com.tw | See your photos one after another just as you see them in the real world. benq.com |
以科技战胜时间,将不能成为事实的跨世纪绝佳美白产品,蕴含现今最先进的破壁种子元素配方,集十六年钻研经验,知识及科技精制而成,其微分子的“活氧效应”能迅速嫩白肌肤,是一安全而直接有效的突破性新科技美白配方,非一般化学性漂白产品所能比拟,彷佛将人类一直追求的“返老还童”娇嫩无瑕肌肤再现人前。 aster.com.hk | It will make the skin recover regenerative ability as young age. aster.com.hk |
L'eau D'issey 一生之水 2012 夏日绿洲风情淡香水」的创作灵感,来自沉睡寂静沙漠里那彷佛感觉得到、看得见、听得到的奇妙凉意。 cosme-de.com | A captivating new fragrance from Issey Miyake, Issey Miyake L'Eau D'Issey Pour Homme Intense is the epitome of elegance. cosme-de.com |
她说,Huggins当时彷佛很震惊,并告诉她,他自己也不知道为何要向男受害人开枪。 ktsf.com | She said Huggins “was like shocked” and told her he didn’t know why he shot the man. ktsf.com |
精确的动态自动对焦玻璃镜头,让影像更清晰、锐利,彷佛面对面交谈一般 geniusnetusa.com | Precise motorized Auto Focus glass lens, makes images sharper, like face to face geniusnetusa.com |
巿民以游行表达自己的诉求,彷佛已变成香港的特色。 hkupop.hku.hk | People in Hong Kong seem tohave become [...] used to expressing their opinions through rallies recently. hkupop.hku.hk |
QPresenter内建虚拟按键(Keypad)页面,让您可以方便又简单,彷佛如同投影机上的操作介面。 benq.com.tw | QPresenter allows you to remote control your projector using a virtual keypad. benq.com |
这个岛屿悬浮在水上,有云状的物体很有规律地飘於其上,彷佛形式了岛内的交通架构。 venicebiennale.hk | The island hovered over the water with cloud shaped units floating above in a seemingly organized formation. venicebiennale.hk |
Alienware OptXTM AW2310 23 寸 Full HD 宽萤幕显示器更新速率为 120Hz,能为您带来震撼人心的 3D 效果,现在就用它来彻底歼灭敌人吧! NVIDIA® 3D VisionTM 技术能启动数百种新款电脑游戏和电影的 3D 特效,让您的萤幕画面栩栩如生,彷佛身历其境。 accessories.ap.dell.com | Reach out and annihilate the competition with the AlienwareTM OptXTM AW2310 23" 120Hz, 3D Full HD widescreen monitor’s mind-blowing 3D capabilities. Watch your screen come to life with NVIDIA® 3D VisionTM technology, delivering intense stereoscopic 3D effects on hundreds of new games and movie titles. accessories.ap.dell.com |
那圣坛般艳丽的简洁亮光穿透眼睛,刺激我们的视网膜,彷佛被华丽耀目的媚俗艺术照亮一般。 christies.com | The artist does not simply utilize religious icons to create a reliquary but also positions capricious objects of cakes and miniature toys to reinforce its kitsch characteristic. Within this seemingly oblivious execution rests the concealed profundity of Hongin his intelligent awareness of the analogy between kitsch and Christianity. christies.com |
许多先进 功能包括讯息板、滑鼠动态同步显示技术(Mouse DynaSync™)、虚拟媒体、以 及键盘讯号通过(Keyboard Pass Through),创造出一个虚拟远端桌面,其可让 使用者从远端操作伺服器,彷佛就在本地端一样。 tw.aten.com | Advanced features such as the Message Board, Mouse DynaSync™, Virtual Media, and Keyboard Pass Through, create a Virtual Remote Desktop that allows users to operate servers fromremote locationsjust as if they were actually at the local site pl.aten.eu |
我们会想办法让走线层参考到第二近的大铜面层,彷佛增加了走线层与大铜面层的介电层厚度而使得阻抗上升,因此我们可以将在 [...] SMT 焊垫下的第一层大铜面挖掉来增加其阻抗,最後达到与走线的阻抗相匹配。 terasic.com.tw | We will try to make the wired layer reference the second copper [...] layer, as if to increase the dielectric [...] layer betweenthe trace and copper, which [...]makes the resistance increase. Thus, we [...]can remove the first copper layer under the SMT pad to increase its resistance, and finally match the impedance of the trace width. terasic.com.tw |
甲型流感H1N1(香港亦称「人类猪型流感」)病毒在全球各地蔓延,不少地区出现确诊个案,包括染病旅客把疾病带到他国,当出现确诊个案,乘坐同一航机并接近患者的人士,都可能需要被隔离一段时间,乘飞机旅游彷佛相当危险。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | The virus for influenza A H1N1 (also known as "Human swine influzena" in Hong Kong) has been spreading all around the world, and confirmed cases have been reported in numerous regions, with infected tourists spreading the disease in other countries. hongkongbankfoundation.org |