

单词 影剧院



Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd-Weber

See also:


film and theater
screen and stage

影院 pl

cinemas pl
theaters pl

影院 n

theaterAE n

External sources (not reviewed)

接收资讯的权利即透过出版物、广播电视、公共图书馆、 影院 、 剧院 、 互 联网 等媒体免费获得任何类型的资讯。
Access to all and any kind of information is free through
the media, such as printed press, radio and television,
[...] public libraries, cinemas, theatres and, of course, [...]
the Internet.
外出文化活动,指参观文化场所,诸如 影院 、 剧院 、 音乐厅、博物馆、纪念馆和遗址。
ii) Going out (culture de sortie) includes visits to cultural
[...] venues such as cinema, theatre, concerts, museums, [...]
monuments and heritage sites.
特别是,对于像教室、会议室、 影院 、 剧院 和 音 乐厅这样的建筑,在设计上需要满足交流容易且具有很高的清晰度。
In particular, buildings like classrooms,
[...] meeting rooms, cinemas, theatres and concert [...]
halls require a design that encourages
easy communication and a high degree of intelligibility.
(h) 公益告示和宣传短片:森林论坛秘书处计划制作 3-5 分钟的电影短片,
[...] 以不同语文在世界各地发行,供电视和其他创新传播渠道放映;包括 影剧院做 公益放映,传递为森林采取行动的鼓舞人心的信息。
(h) Public service announcements and short promotional films: The United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat plans to produce 3 to 5 minute films and public service announcements for distribution worldwide in different languages for use on television and other
innovative distribution channels, including pro
[...] bono shows in theatres to convey inspiring [...]
messages of action for forests.
[...] 包括人权教育、宽容、预防暴力教育(包括学校体罚)和青年调解能力—特别要通过艺术, 利影剧院、舞蹈和音乐来获得。
Respondents agreed that the culture of peace programme should include human rights education, tolerance, violence prevention education, including corporal punishment in schools,
and mediation skills for youth – skills that should be taught particularly
[...] through arts using theatre, dance and music.
面向家庭影院、电视机、汽车、手机 影剧院 市 场 提供音频技术的全球领先厂商Audyssey今天宣布,Audyssey动态均衡器(Dynamic [...]
EQ)将成为NTT DoCoMo公司数量庞大的智能手机产品中的多媒体播放器的标准音频技术。
Audyssey, the leader in audio technology for
[...] the home theater, TV, automotive, mobile and theater markets, today [...]
announced that Audyssey Dynamic
EQ will be a standard audio technology in media players for NTT DOCOMO's extensive smartphone lineup.
[...] Kyriakakis表示:“过去十多年,我们一直在进行技术研发,解 影剧院 、 演 播室、家庭影院以及汽车等的音响问题。
For the past decade, we've been creating
technologies to eliminate acoustical
[...] problems in theaters, studios, home theaters and automobiles," [...]
said Chris Kyriakakis, Audyssey's co-founder and CTO.
城市的主要道路和商场、医院、学校 影剧院 、 博 物 馆、机场、车站等公共建筑物及居民住宅设置和改建了一大批坡道、盲道、扶 [...]
Large numbers of accessibility features, such as ramps, tactile paving surfaces, handrails, escalators,
audible street signals and other such
[...] equipment, have been installed or upgraded on [...]
major urban thoroughfares, in public facilities
such as markets, hospitals, schools, cinemas, museums, airports and bus stops, as well as in private residences.
     JLK系列空调是本公司精心设计研制的组合式空调器,具有功能齐全,选配灵活可广泛用于电子工业、医药、化工、精密机械制造仪器表及食品等行业的净化空调工程,对大中型民用及公共建筑、饭店、宾馆、大 影剧院 等 舒 适性空调亦极适用。
Summary The JLK's set air-condition is native corporation designs the development association style air-regulator painstakingly , and haves the meritorious service completely selecting awning provide the agile decontamination air-condition project that may widely be used electronics industry , medicine , chemical industry and exact machine to manufacture professions such as apparatus form and food and so on , and adjust the cozy quality air-conditions such as
big-and-middle-sized civil and common structure , hotel ,
[...] guesthouse and large theatre and so on too [...]
exceedingly being applicable .
其实现方式为:国 家电视台和有线电视(111 次);电台(180 次);户外广告(600 个);火车(380 列);
[...] 自动柜员机(2,439 个),以及免费邮政发行(在餐馆、 影院 、 剧院 和 文 化中心分 发免费明信片)。
In national television and cable TV (111 times); Radio (180 times); Outdoors (600); trains (380); ATMs (2 439)
and through postal free distribution (distribution of free postcards in
[...] restaurants, cinemas, theatres cultural centres).
卢森堡拥有大量的博物馆剧院(用英 语、德语和法语表演各种戏剧和剧) 和放映原版影的电影院。
Luxembourg has a large number of museums, theatres
[...] (with a wide range of plays and operas in English, German and French) and cinemas with movies in their original version.
与非爱沙尼亚族的人相比,爱沙尼亚族的人 剧院 , 参观博物馆,上图 书馆更频繁,而非爱沙尼亚族的人通常 影院 更 多 ,看书多,购买艺术品更多。
Compared to ethnic non-Estonians,
ethnic Estonians go more
[...] often to the theatre, visit museums and libraries, whilst ethnic non-Estonians go more often to the cinema, read more books [...]
and buy more art.
一部由 Johnny Knoxville 主演的 Farrelly Brothers 影片“The Ringer”在加拿大和美国剧院中上映。
The Ringer," a
[...] Farrelly Brothers film starring Johnny Knoxville, opens in theaters throughout Canada [...]
and the United States.
教科文组织金边办事处在日本的一项捐赠款资助下,支助修复了四种形式的传剧 院,这些剧院在柬 埔寨的数十年冲突期间几乎消失殆尽。
UNESCO Phnom Penh, with a grant from Japan, has
supported the revitalization of four
[...] forms of traditional theatre, which were almost entirely [...]
lost during decades of conflict in Cambodia.
(d) 保证人人都有机会在不因财务状况或任何其他情况而受歧视的情况 下,使用博物馆、图书馆、影院和 剧院 , 以及参加文化活动、服务和重要事 项。
(d) Guaranteed access for all, without discrimination on grounds of
financial or any other status, to
[...] museums, libraries, cinemas and theatres and to cultural [...]
activities, services and events.
在扶轮会议的开幕式、剧院的首 届儿童 影 节 开 幕式以及英国大使馆的招待会上,Dina 还在第一夫人 Suzanne Mubarak 阁下面前表演了钢琴独奏。
Dina also played a recital on the piano in front of Her Excellency the First Lady, Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak, during the opening of the Rotary Conference, and during the opening of the first Festival for Children’s Cinema at the opera house, and during a reception at the British embassy.
除了 9 座国剧院和 2 座城剧院外, 过去十年爱沙尼亚还出现了许多私 剧院 , 其 中约有十个定期报告其活 动,接受国家支助。
In addition to 9 national and 2 city theatres, numerous private theatres emerged in Estonia over the past decade, with [...]
about ten of them reporting
regularly on their activities and receiving state support.
由于国家、自治区和市三级政府的 努力,西班牙建造了数以百计的纪念碑,开放了很 剧院 、 音 乐厅和博物馆,举 办音乐节的数量比以前更多,并制作了很多 影。
Thanks to the initiative of the Government, of the Autonomous Communities and of the district councils,
hundreds of monuments have
[...] been restored, theatres, auditoriums and museums have been opened, music festivals have proliferated and film production has [...]
been promoted.
近些年来吉尔吉斯斯坦的毒品形势特征为:药物非法流通对国内安全和国 家社会稳定的负影响不断加剧和增 强。
In recent years, the situation in Kurdistan with
regard to drug addiction has worsened
[...] steadily, and the adverse impact of illegal drug trafficking [...]
on domestic security and social stability has been growing.
[...] 无障碍形式获得文化材料、观看电视节目、电影、戏剧、和参与其他文化活动; 进入文化表演或服务场所,例如 剧院 、 博 物馆、 影院 、 图 书馆和旅行社,并 在可能的情况下,进入国家重要文化遗址和场所;承认他们特殊的文化和语言特 [...]
In order to facilitate participation of persons with disabilities in cultural life, States parties should, inter alia, recognize the right of these persons to have access to cultural material, television programmes, films, theatre and other cultural activities, in accessible forms; to have access to places where cultural
performances or services are
[...] offered, such as theatres, museums, cinemas, libraries and [...]
tourist services and, to the extent
possible, to monuments and places of national cultural importance; to the recognition of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign language and the culture of the deaf; and to the encouragement and promotion of their participation, to the extent possible, in recreational, leisure and sporting activities.30 5.
我们向受到这场剧影响的 人,也向所有的中国人民,表示衷心的同情。
To those affected by this tragedy and to all [...]
the people of China, we send our heartfelt sympathies.
目前,这样的工作在城市中心是不充足,尤其需要处 于不利地位的公民 ;很多人活的剧院位于内联邦政府步行距离内指定 SBA
HUBZone #002700、 杰 斐逊县和亚拉巴马州伯明翰: 源-
[...] http://map.sba.gov/hubzone/maps/ 拟议的大剧场将带来新的收 入到伯明翰估计为 $1150 万恢复,与美元通过第一个三剧院 的 运作 1606 万对经济影响然后 500 万美元每年以后: 请参阅图 6。
Currently, such jobs are not plentiful in the city center and are particularly needed by disadvantaged citizens; many of whom live within walking distance of the Theatre which is located within federally designated SBA HUBZone #002700, Jefferson County, and Birmingham, Alabama: source- http://map.sba.gov/hubzone/maps/ The proposed Lyric Theatre will bring new revenues into the city of Birmingham estimated at $11.5
million for
[...] restoration, and economic impact of $16.06 million through the first three years of the Theatre’s operation ,then [...]
$5.0 million per year thereafter: See Figure 6.
各位部长重申内陆发展中国家因领土没有海口而面临的特殊需求和挑战, 而远离世界市场剧了这些需要和挑战,他们还关切内陆发展中国家的经济增 长和社会福祉仍然极易受到国际社会面临的外部冲击和多重挑战,包括金融和 经济危机及气候变化影响。
The Ministers reaffirmed the special needs of and challenges faced by the landlocked developing countries caused by their lack of territorial access to the sea, aggravated by the remoteness from world markets and also the concern that the economic growth and social well-being of land-locked developing countries remain very vulnerable to external shocks as well as the multiple challenges the international community faces including the financial and economic crisis and climate changes.
在 2004 至 2005 年接受过培训的 11
[...] 个土著团体制作的地方节目通过媒体、大学、活动节和农村地区的 流影院等渠道在世界各地发行。
Local content production, developed by 11 indigenous communities who were trained in 2004-2005, was distributed
worldwide through different channels: media, universities, festivals, national
[...] events, mobile cinema units for rural [...]
areas, etc.
先进 太阳能发电技术的应用包括从孟加拉成千上万块用于基础照明发电的50W太阳能板,到悉尼 剧院 公 司 在悉尼码头安装的384,000W的冥王星发电设备,一 [...]
From thousands of 50W installations for basic lighting in Bangladesh;
[...] to the Sydney Theatre Company’s 384,000W [...]
Pluto installation on top of The Wharf
in Sydney; to multi-megawatt solar power plants in Europe and the US.
[...] 院,美国政府已经在巴格拉姆采取了一项新的审查程序,“修改审查由国防部关 押在巴格拉剧院拘留 设施内的外国人身份的程序”。335 [...]
然而,专家们关注的 是,新的审查制度并没有解决下列事实:应该按照《日内瓦四公约》扣押交战区
的被拘留者,如对其身份有任何怀疑,应在其被俘后第一时间就近予以甄别,而 不应该在其被俘后的某一时间才确定其是否应继续被扣押。
In its appeal against Judge Bates’ ruling, the United States administration notified the court that it was introducing a new review process at Bagram, “modifying the procedures for reviewing the status
of aliens held by the Department of Defense
[...] at the Bagram Theater Internment Facility”.335 [...]
However, the experts are concerned
that the new review system fails to address the fact that detainees in an active war zone should be held according to the Geneva Conventions, screened close to the time and place of capture if there is any doubt about their status, and not be subjected to reviews at some point after their capture to determine whether they should continue to be held.
能容纳1600人的“标剧院”、 未来感十足的“俱乐部33号迪斯科舞厅”、超过1000平方米的“皇家棕榈娱乐场”、虚拟游艺机、电玩室,我们对乘客的高度关注尽显于“辉煌号”上各项精彩的娱乐活动和设施。
MSC Cruises’ uncompromising dedication to its passengers is nowhere more evident than the unrivalled entertainment programmes and facilities offered on board MSC Splendida, with its state-of-the-art 1600 seat The Strand Theatre, futuristic Club 33 Disco and Royal Palm Casino with over 1000 square metres of casino gaming and Virtual World, video games room.
部分開放措施 屬於首次給予的優惠,例如允許香港企業獨資擁有的公司發 行國產影片(
[...] 包括香港和內地合作拍攝的影片) 和在內地經營影院;由 內地與香港共同製作的電視劇如獲批准,可視為 [...]
國產電視劇播放和發行( 即在黃金時段沒有節目播放編排的限 制 ) ;以及以廣東省為試點,允許香港的有線電視經營者為廣
Some liberalization measures are granted for the first time, e.g. allowing wholly Hong Kong-owned companies to distribute Mainland films
(including Hong Kong–Mainland co-produced
[...] films) and operate cinemas in the Mainland, [...]
allowing approved TV co-productions to be
distributed and broadcast as Mainland productions (i.e. no scheduling restrictions during prime time), and as a pilot scheme, allowing the Hong Kong cable TV operator to provide approved technical services for cable TV networks in Guangdong.
(香港.2013年3月5日) 由香港數碼娛樂協會主辦、香港特別行政區政府創意香港「創意智優計劃」贊助、香港生產力促進局(生產力局)全力策動的「第一屆初創動畫企業支援計劃」,今日假香港藝術中心agnès b. 電影院舉行 首映禮,展示二十間入選的新晉動畫公司的原創作品。
(Hong Kong.5 March 2013) The creative works of 20 local animation start-ups were shown in a special premiere at agnès b. Cinema of the Hong Kong Arts Centre today as part of the “1st Animation Start-ups Support Program”,
organized by the Hong Kong Digital Entertainment Association (HKDEA),
[...] co-organized by the Hong Kong Productivity [...]
Council (HKPC).




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