



巴彦 n

Bayan n


Bayan Nur prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia


Noda Yoshihiko, Prime Minister of Japan (2 September 2011 ~)

External sources (not reviewed)

主持人:我只有几个问题,我想把它们交给骆大使 彦 宏 ,让他们谈一下其中一些问题,其中有一些我们已经开始论述了。
Moderator:  I’ve got just a few questions that I’d like to put to Ambassador Locke and to Robin to get them to talk about some of these issues, some of which we’ve already started to address.
在本报告所述期间,安全理事会第 1874(2009)号决议所设委员会七名专家中
[...] 有三名,即大韩民国的宋永完(区域问题)、美利坚合众国的乔治·洛佩斯(金融) 和日本的山本彦(核问 题)通知委员会各因其他专业和个人事务的原因而提出 [...]
During the reporting period, three of the seven experts of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1874 (2009), namely, Youngwan Song, Republic of Korea (regional issues), George A. Lopez,
United States of America (finance) and
[...] Takehiko Yamamoto, Japan (nuclear issues), [...]
informed the Committee of their resignation
owing to other pending professional and personal commitments.
日本外务省国际合作局全球问题合作处副处长北村美奈子女士代表日本外 务省国际合作局局长越川彦先生 致开幕词。
Ms. Minako Kitamura, Deputy Director of the Global Issues Cooperation Division, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, delivered opening remarks on behalf of Mr. Kazuhiko Koshikawa, Director-General of the International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
作为e-flux的创始人,他执行了许多项目,比如《下一届文献展应该由一位艺术家来策展》( 彦 斯 ·霍 夫曼策划),《做吧》(由小汉斯策划),《乌托邦站》海报计划,还组织了《日常革命生活的图像银行》项目(由大卫·阿尔法罗·西凯罗斯的图像文献发展而来)和《玛莎·罗斯勒图书馆》。
As founder of e-flux, he has produced projects such as Next Documenta Should Be Curated By An Artist (curated by Jens Hoffmann), Do it (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist), Utopia Station poster project, and organized An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life (based on the image archive of David Alfaro Siqueiros) and Martha Rosler Library.
乌克兰的签署人有:乌克兰国家空间局局长 Aleksandr Zinchenko; Arsenal 公司董事兼首席设计师 Nikolai Likholit;国营企业 Ukrinmash 董事 Dmitry Peregudov;中国的签署人有:中国航天科工集团公司总经理许达哲;中 国精密机械进出口总公司总裁彦蜀 ; 中国精密机械进出口总公司副总裁赵晓 龙。
The Ukrainian signatories were Aleksandr Zinchenko, Director-General of NSAU; Nikolai Likholit, Director and Chief Designer of the company Arsenal; and Dmitry Peregudov, Director of the State enterprise Ukrinmash; the Chinese signatories were Xu Dazhe, General Manager of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation; Ji Yanshu, President of CPMIEC; and Zhao Xiao Long, Vice-President of CPMIEC.
Tsataan人与驯鹿一起在作为蒙古和西伯利亚边界的 彦 山 脉中迁移,这块山地 约有 2 万平方公里,海拔高度在 [...]
1 850 米至 2 100 米之间。
The Tsataan move with their reindeer
[...] in the eastern Sayan mountains, which [...]
mark the border between Mongolia and Siberia,
over an area of some 20,000 square kilometres at elevations of between 1,850 and 2,100 metres.
1990 年颁布时,《公约》仍须在受制于英国保留条文的情况下才适用于 香港,其意见对当年的情况没有影响;因此,即使按照 彦 辉 法官的推论,也不 存在保留条文过时的问题。
Andrew Cheung J was of the view that Keith J was addressing the position in Hong Kong in 1995 when the Letters Patent had been amended to provide for a wholly elected legislature and his view did not affect the position back in 1990 when the Basic Law was promulgated and the application of the Covenant to Hong Kong was still subject to the British reservation and thus there was no question of the reservation having become spent at that time even under Keith J’s reasoning.
2010 年 10 月 14 日,秘书长任命乔治·洛佩斯 (美利坚合众国,金融专家)和山本 彦 ( 日 本 ,核问题专家)担任第 1874(2009) 号决议所设专家小组成员和执行该决议第 26 段规定的任务。
On 14 October, the Secretary-General appointed George A. Lopez (United States of America, expert on finance) and Takehiko Yamamoto (Japan, expert on nuclear issues) to serve on the Panel of Experts established pursuant to resolution 1874 (2009) and carry out tasks as specified in paragraph 26 of that resolution.
我只想说,为了真正改造社会,并让信息自由流动,我们必须有人为创新创造环境,这又回到了专利上 彦 宏 为 其新搜索引擎所获得的专利。
Let me just say that in order to really transform society and to have that free flow of information we’ve got to have people that, we’ve got to create that climate for innovation, which is going back to the patent that Robin got for his new search engine.
本校医学院细胞生物学讲座生物化学专攻的武藤 彦 讲 师 、五十岚 彦 教 授 的研究小组,与本校国际高等研究教育机构、广岛大学原子弹放射线医学研究所等小组合作,把转录因子Bach2和Blimp-1基因结合,发现通过控制这一结合能抑制浆细胞的分化和抗体的产生。
A research group led by Professor Kazuhiko Igarashi and
[...] Senior Assistant Professor Akihiko Muto at Tohoku University [...]
Graduate School of Medicine discovered
that Bach2, a transcription factor, represses Blimp-1gene to inhibit plasma cell differentiation and to promote antibody class switch.
安森美半导体照明市场技术行销经理林 彦 称 ,LED本质上是低压器件,根据色彩及电流的不同,其正向压降可能在2 ~4.5 V之间变化,而且LED需要以恒流来驱动,从而确保提供所要求的发光强度和色彩。
Semiconductor lighting market, technical marketing manager Lin Zhiyan LED is essentially a low-voltage devices, depending on the color and the current, its forward voltage drop may vary between 2 to 4.5 V to LEDs require a constant current to drive, thus Make sure to provide the required luminous intensity and color.
彦利主 任介绍说:“对于目前治疗难度大的恶性肿瘤,介入治疗能够最精确靶向病变部位、最高浓度地把药物局限在病变的部位,而减少对身体和其他器官的副作用。
Dr. Zhen Yanli introduced that: “Interventional therapy in treating some tough malignant tumors can focus on lesions exquisitely and confine medicine locally in lesions in high concentration to reduce the side effects to body and other organs.
本次研讨会的最后谢幕特別演讲,是东北大学大学院工学研究科土木工学专业的今村 彦 教 授所作的「海啸分析和灾害控制」。
The last lecturer of this symposium, Prof. Fumihiko Imamura, DCRC, Tohoku University made a presentation entitled"Analysis on Tsunami and Research for Disaster Control".
东北大学大学院工学研究科的西泽 彦 教 授 ,与独立行政法人产业技术综合研究所(简称:产总研)纳米管应用研究中心的畠贤治首席研究员一起共同开发了酶与碳纳米管(CNT)均匀混合的“酶电极膜”,可从葡萄水溶液中达到世界最高水准的发电量(25mA/cm2)。
Professor Matsuhiko Nishizawa, of Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University and Senior Researcher Kenji Hata of Nanotube Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) have jointly developed a device coined the "enzyme electrode seal" that has an uniform mixture of both enzymes and carbon nano-tubes (CNT) and has the world's best (25mA/cm2) electron transfer rate in aqueous solution of glucose.
(d) 通过阿尔泰和彦地区 的养护规划和加强保护区的管理,保护生物多样性。
(d) Protecting biodiversity through conservation planning
[...] in Altai and Sayan regions and [...]
strengthening management of protected areas.
安斯泰来”)(东京证交所代码:4503)(总裁兼首席执行官畑中 彦 ) 今 天宣布签署一项药物发现的合作研究协议,采用东工大的TSUBAME2.0超级计算机来高效发现治疗登革热病毒所致的被忽视的热带病(NTD)的候选药物。
("Astellas")(TOKYO:4503)(President and CEO: Yoshihiko Hatanaka) today announced that they have signed a joint research agreement for drug discovery research utilizing Tokyo Tech's TSUBAME2.0 supercomputer to efficiently discover candidates for the treatment of neglected tropical diseases ("NTDs") caused by dengue virus.
Mr Hamada has earned a number of awards, most recently the JIA Architecture Award and the Award for Sustainable Architecture from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation.
该研发项目负责人,博思格(中国)来实住宅业务高级技术经理 - 王 彦 敏 先 生介绍说:“我们很荣幸能够被专家组选中,代表博思格钢铁(中国)来领导完成G550高强冷弯薄壁型钢应用的研究工作,并最终获专家组的成果鉴定证书,这将是G550高强冷弯薄壁型钢结构技术标准被正式纳入中国国家建筑规范的一个重要里程碑。
Senior Engineering Manager of BlueScope Lysaght China-Residential, Mr.
[...] Steven Wang, who headed the research [...]
study said, “We are honoured to be selected
by the expert panel to head this research using G550 high tensile steel from BlueScope Steel China and are proud that the research findings have been recognised by the award of the research appraisal certificate.
[...] 约始于 2000 至 3000 年前俄罗斯联邦和蒙古之间的彦山 脉
Some archaeological evidence (cave
paintings) seems to suggest that domestication
[...] emerged from the Sayan mountains between [...]
the Russian Federation and Mongolia, perhaps 2,000 to 3,000 years ago.
由于政府已经开始摇晃野田,有声音,从2015年10月开始的税收抵免福利的问题,在一次例行新闻发布会上,副部长,部财务 彦 五 十岚反正“民主,自由民主党在国会。你认为我们必须有包装在帐单上我的电话号码的地方,有一个限制倒数第一,无论在时间上永远做到这一点(的准备和设计)的计划,公明我拒绝说为“有是需要建立在早期阶段,所以我也并不认为那里是一个很大的差异这么多的双方,和(3)考虑在该领域的法律应走起来很快。
Since the government has begun to wobble Noda, for that there are voices that question with the start of the tax credit benefits from October 2015, the occasion of regular
press conference, Deputy Minister of the
[...] Ministry of Finance Fumihiko Igarashi anyway ” [...]
Democratic, Liberal Democratic Party,
in the Diet. you think that we must have packed the place on the bill my number, there is a limit last first, is whether in time forever do it (the preparation and design) plans, Komei I decline to say as “There is a need to establish at an early stage, so I do not think there is a big difference so much to both parties, and (3) considering a law in the field should go up quickly. preparation period when the time comes.
而最难得的是,席上竟有四位ADA造景比赛冠军,当中包括2002 - 朴木彦,2003 - 奥田英将,2007 - 邹维新和2008 - 郑少伟,可以说是水族造景界中的巨星级的饭局。
This is a very unusual envent because the participators have four champions of IAPLC include:  Takehiko Honoki, 2003 - Hidemasa Okuda, 2007 - Dave Chow  and 2008 - Cheng Siu Wai.
该系列是江诗丹顿与创立于1661年的日本莳绘品牌彦 (Zô hiko) 合力打造的艺术极品, 届时莳绘工艺大师将现场展示相关工艺,让参观者一睹日本“莳绘(maki-e)”漆器古老工艺的永恒风采。
A master lacquerer from the House of Zôhiko, founded in 1661 in Kyoto and with which the Manufacture has cooperated on this collection, will enable visitors to admire the ancient technique of Japanese “maki-e” lacquering.
Erdene公司通过位于蒙古彦洪格 尔省总面积为30650公顷的单一勘探许可证控制Zuun Mod勘探区,该勘探区位于乌兰巴托西南大约950公里处,距位于中蒙边界策克的铁路终点215公里。
Erdene controls the Zuun Mod property through a single exploration license totaling 30,650 hectares located in Bayankhongor Province in Mongolia, approximately 950 kilometers southwest of Ulaanbaatar and 215 kilometers from railhead on the Mongolia-China border at Ceke.
彦利曾 遇到过这样一个病人:日本患者菅原敏子,她是一名乳腺癌患者。
Dr. Zhen has met a breast cancer patient from Japan.
作为e-flux的创始人,他执行了许多项目,比如《下一届文献展应该由一位艺术家来策展》( 彦 斯 ·霍 夫曼策划),《做吧》(由小汉斯策划),《乌托邦站》海报计划,还组织了《日常革命生活的图像银行》项目(由大卫·阿尔法罗·西凯罗斯的图像文献发展而来)和《玛莎·罗斯勒图书馆》。
As founder of e-flux, he has produced projects such as Next Documenta Should Be Curated By An Artist (curated by Jens Hoffmann), Do it (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist), Utopia Station poster pr
这个称号,意思是“门口的知识,”是理解许多暗示,设拉子穆罕默德声称已经收到了神圣的意义超越表现在批给先知穆罕默德的启示,那他的书的启示, 彦 , 盖 过可兰经。
This title, meaning "doorway to knowledge," was understood by many to imply that Muhammad of Shiraz claimed to have received a divine manifestation surpassing in significance the revelation granted to the prophet Muhammed, and that his book of revelation, the Bayan, overshadowed the Koran.
国际航空运输协会(IATA,简称国际航协)理事长兼首席执行官 彦 麟 ( Tony Tyler)在会议上发表的主旨演说中指出,欧盟作出的让排放交易计划“钟表”的决定,提供了“空前有利”的机会,因为它化解了一场潜在的贸易战,避免了本行业全球减排战略陷于支离破碎的危险。
In his keynote address to the conference, International Air Transport Association (IATA) director general and CEO, Tony Tyler, said Europe’s decision to stop the clock on its ETS presented a “tremendous opportunity” because it defused a potential trade war and avoided the fragmentation of the industry’s global strategy for reducing emissions.




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