

单词 形而上学

External sources (not reviewed)

This simple religious doctrine is the cornerstone of the existential, Christian metaphysic"(21).
中华民族民族性的深层结构,将随着现代生活方式的输入而逐渐变 迁,正民生、端风俗,以及倡导道形而上学不会有真正的效果的, 而这也是李泽厚先生的分析。
The deep structure of the national character of the Chinese people will gradually undergo
changes following the import of a modern way
[...] of life. As Mr LIZehou analyses it, putting [...]
the people's livelihood and the customs
on the right track, and advocating a metaphysics of ethics will not produce any truly effective results.
氨基甲酸乙酯是氨基甲酸的酯類,基物在发酵过程中天然 产生的副产品,主要由酒精( 即乙醇) 与尿素及其分解物发生而 形
It is naturally formed in fermented foods mainly as a byproduct of fermentation, primarilyfromthe reaction of alcohol (ethanol) with urea and its break-down products.
The substantive principle of equality, as an imperative legal norm,
offers protection
[...] against negative discrimination in the enjoyment of all rights, constituting a guidingstricture atthe legislative, [...]
administrative and judicial levels.
主席女士,我不 知 道 为 何会有这个逻辑, 也不明
[...] 白 这个逻辑为 何 不 可 以 运 用 在小班学上教学同样是一些重要的教育政 策 。
Madam President, I do not understand the rationale behind this, nor do I
understand why such a rationale cannot
[...] be adopted for small class teaching, since small class [...]
teaching is an equally important education policy.
(1) 书本津贴计划以实报实有需供津贴以购买书科 书。
(1) The textbook
[...] subsidy scheme aims to provide needy students reimbursement of the actual cost for [...]
the purchase of textbook(s) listed on the booklist.
职业 训练局副执 行 干 事
[...] (教学)补充,该等设施能使资讯科 技 更 广 泛 地 应用於学上增 设的设备和费 用则属 有 限 。
DED(A), VTC added that while the facilities would [...]
enable greater use of IT in teaching, the additional equipment and cost required would be limited.
因 为校区容许任何学生申请任何一所学校,所以会有申请人过而学足的
Since SFUSD allows any student to apply to any school, there may be situations where there are more requests than openings.
高昂的租金,再的交通费用,造成居 民生活非常困苦,并而形林总总的严重社会问题。
Expensive rent, in addition to costly transportation fees, are attributing to the miserable lives of PRH tenants, which inturn,lead to various serious social problems.
根据《银行业条例》( 第 155章 ) ,八达 通卡属"多用途储值卡",被界定为" 可以电子、磁力或学形存 资料的储值卡人为或就该卡向该卡的发卡人直接或间接支付 一笔款项,以交换(a)在该款项的价值的全部或部分储存;及 (b)该发卡人的承诺(不论是明示或默示的),承诺内容为在向该发卡人 或某第三者出示该卡时,该发卡人或该第三者会提供货品及服务( 可 包括金钱)"。
Under the Banking Ordinance (BO) (Cap.155), the Octopus card is a "multi-purpose card", which is
defined as a stored
[...] value card "on which data may be stored in electronic, magnetic or opticalform and for or in relation to which a person pays a sum of money to the issuer of the card (directly or indirectly) in exchange [...]
for (a) the storage of
the value of that money, in whole or in part on the card; and (b) an undertaking by the issuer (express or implied) that the issuer or a third party will, on production of the card, supply goods and services (which may include money)".1 2.
他建议,首先,不应该使用致意见的指标将国 家列在不遵守情事潜在风险名些指标在秘书处评估完成之前应停止使用,第 二,秘书处在列入某一国家时,事先应与之协商。
He proposed, firstly, that indicators that were non-consensual should not be used to place countries on the list of those at potential risk of non-compliance, and should be withdrawn from use until the Secretariat's evaluation had been completed, and, secondly, the Secretariat should consult a country before including it in the list.
则》亦订明:只要上市发行人符合适用法例及规定 及其组织章程文件,并取得股东的明确同意,即可透过电股东发送 公司通讯,包括在其网站登载公司通讯。
However, the Rules do permit a listed issuer, subject to applicable laws and regulations and the listed issuer’s own constitutional documents and provided the shareholder expressly consents, [...]
to make available
corporate communications to the shareholder by electronic means, including by means of publication of the corporate communications on its website.
可按照《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》提出的新议程,更好地调整现有国 际机构和资源,而形正意贵创新和改进。
Real and valuable innovation and improvement could come from better adapting existing international institutions and resources to the new agenda emerging in the Istanbul Programme of Action.
欧盟倾向于对上形第 31 款 f 条款进行详的修改。
The EU favours the specific amendment to Article 31(f) described above.
地 球标准注重於岩石破坏与风而形壤、地质时间、化石,以及由此所提供 的关於地球歷史的证据。
The earth
[...] science standards focus on the breakage and weathering of rocks to form soil, geologic [...]
time, and fossils and the
evidence they provide about Earth’s history.
參加学券计划的私立独立幼稚园严禁以任与參划的私立独立幼稚园学生家长或其他任何人士或其他任何 幼稚园或机构分拆或摊分学券所兑现或可兑现的资助,讀该幼稚园,或令该等家长或人士或幼稚园或 机构要求或诱使有关学生入讀该幼稚园。
other persons or any other kindergartens or organizations in return for the PEVS-PI-KG-student enrolling in the PEVS-PI-KG, or such parents or persons or kindergartens or organizations requiring or inducing the PEVS-PI-KG-student enrolling in the PEVS-PI-KG, is strictly prohibited.
网站采用新的贸发会议图标,统一 了贸发会议的上形广了“一个贸发会议”的概念。
[...] the new UNCTAD graphicidentity, the website unifies the Organization’s online presence, promoting [...]
the One UNCTAD concept.
院不能为审理此案作安排,因为高等法院的判决尚未以书达,尽管她的律师曾数次向首席法官反映高等法院法官不当地迟迟不以书面 形式下达判决一事。
However, her case could not be scheduled before the Court of Appeal because the judgment of the High Court had still not been issued in writing, although her [...]
lawyer had on several
occasions consulted with the Chief Justice on the unwarranted delay on the part of the High Court judge to submit his ruling in writing.
就是政府一直强调,第一,我们香港人是不会因为没有 钱而饿死的;我们不会因为没有钱而没有地方居住;我们不会因为没有钱而 得不到医疗;我们不会因为没有钱而无法经达形而 上次,可以说已经不是身体的基本需要了,但我们竟然可以因为地铁没 有厕所而不知怎麽办,这是怎样也说不通的。
The Government has always emphasized that first, no one in Hong Kong will be starved to death through lack of means; no one will be homeless through lack of means; no one will be denied medical care through lack of means; and, no one will be deprived of schooling through lack of means.
A Protective 3D film-formingpolymer creates an invisible, highly-resistant protective screen, helps maintain the hydrolipidic film, sets make-up and prolongs flawless complexion.
參加学券计划的幼稚园严禁以任与參计划长或其他任何人士或其他任何幼稚园或机构分拆或摊兑现或可兑现的资助,讀该幼稚园, 或令该等家长或人士或幼稚园或机构要求或诱使有关学生入 讀该幼稚园。
Anyform of splitting or sharing of the subsidy redeemed or redeemable from the voucher between the PEVS-KG and the parents of PEVS-student or any other persons or any other kindergartens or organizations in return for the PEVS-student enrolling in the PEVS-KG, or such parents or personsor [...]
kindergartens or organizations
requiring or inducing the PEVS-student enrolling in the PEVS-KG, is strictly prohibited.
A school magazine has been created and is the only one in the region. There are « Homeschools » too: young girls who weren't allowed to go toschool during the Talibans' dictatorship and who are too old to go to primary school, can follow special classes until they reach middle school level.
(c) 关於拟申領发还费用的课程,申请人必须完全符合第 2.3 段所载列的条件请人在申領发还费用时, 必须从未就同一项课程、学习单元或学分获其他公帑 或公帑资助计划提供资助,例如︰报讀获大学教育资 助委员会资助的课程、根据上学助计划获学生 资助办事处提供助学金或贷款等。
(c) In respect of any courses, modules or units of study creditsfor which the fees are to be reimbursed, the conditions setout in section 2.3 are fully met and, upon seeking reimbursement of the fees, the applicant must not have obtained any other public funds or publicly-funded financial assistance for the same course, such as pursuing courses funded by the University Grants Committee, grants or loans from the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Studentsadministered by the Student Financial Assistance Agency (SFAA) etc.
在公司条例及本细则规限下,董事或候任董事并不因其职位而被取消与本公司订立 合约之资格,不論是有关其任何职务或获利的岗位之任期,或作为卖方、买方或 以其他身份与本公司订立合约,而任何由本公司或代表本公司订立而董事以任何 方式占有其中权益之合约或安排,也不得因此而遭撤销,订约或占益之董事亦毋须因担任该职位或藉而形信人关系而要向本公司交代因 该合约或安排而获得之任何利润,惟该董事须按公司条例条文之要求并在其规限 下披露其於当中拥有权益之合约或安排中其相关权益之性质。
Subject to the Companies Ordinance and these articles, no director or intended director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company either with regard to his tenure of any such other office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or otherwise, nor shall any such contract, or any contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company in which any director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company for any profitrealised by any such contract or arrangement by reason ofsuch director holding that office or of the fiduciary relation thereby established, provided that such director shall disclose the nature of his interest in any contract or arrangement in which he is interested as required by and subject to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance.
在特殊情况下,如果其它文件将本文件模板实例化,或使用本文件的宏或内联函 数,您可编译本文件并将其与其它作品链接在一起,文件的基的作品。
As special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, you could compile this file and link it with other works to produce work based on this file.
[...] 香港中学会考英国语文科(课程乙)取得D级/第三级成绩;或 香港中学文凭考试英国语文科取得第三级成绩;或 香港高级程度会考英语运用科取得E级成绩;或 雅思IELTS 取得6.0分成绩;或 托福TOEFL 取得550分成绩(电脑形式测验分数为213,上形验分数为80);或 英国GCSE英国语文科取得C级成绩;或同
English Language requirements: Grade D or Level 3 in HKCEE; or Level 3 in HKDSE; or
Grade E in HKALE; or
[...] Score of 6.0 inIELTS; or Score of 550(paper-based)/213(computer based)/80(internet-based)in TOEFL; or Grade C or above in GCSE; or equivalent qualifications.
在 “本会 促请政府”之後删除“ 审慎评估落实小班教学所需”,并以 “ 善 用中小学学生人口 下 降 所 节 省”代替 ;在“
资 源 , ”之前 删除 “ 额
[...] 外”及在其後 删除“ 衡 量 政府及家长双 方的承担, 并 在 确保”, 并以“进 行 小班教学的”代替;在“师资 培 训 ”之後删除“得以配 合 下”,并以“,并以分 区 分 级 的过渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在初 中开始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after
"progressively implement
[...] small class teaching" andsubstitute with ", startingwith"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
如果在以下地方找到非法或禁止物品,那麽这个 学生就会被认为藏有非法/或禁止的物品或物件, 这些地方包括,学生物柜里,停留 在校区内的学生车辆里,不是学生的车,但是该 生开来的停留在校区内,或者,这些非 法禁品不是在校区内发现学校使用的地 区里,或在学校所进行的活动中,都会认为该生 携带和藏有非法禁品。
A student is considered to be in possession of an illegal and/or banned item(s) or substance(s) when such item(s) or substance(s) is found on the person of the student, in his/her possession, in his/her locker, in a student’s vehicle on school property, or in any vehicle a student brought on school property, on property being used by the school, at any school function or activity, or any school event held away from the school.
(a) 制订新法例,进㆒步减低空气、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞击式破碎机; 增加空气污染罪行的刑罚和简化有关发出消减空气污染滋扰通知书的手续;管 制石棉的使用;管制废物处理装置的使用和维修,并订立条文规定楼宇业主将 废物排放入公共污水渠;设立㆒项收费制度,就处理工业污水,使之符合标费用,以及立例管制的处理,并徵收费用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal ofchemical waste and charge for it.
[...] 来 说 , 有些本身 并不抗 拒 跨上学选择所属 学校网内的 他区中学的 [...]
学 生, 只 要被派到不在他们自己 选择的 他区中学, 也 会 包括在上表的 数 字 内。
In other words, the figures as
[...] shown mayincludestudents whothemselves do [...]
not resist to going to secondary schools in
other districts and have indeed chosen secondary schools in other districts which are made available in the school nets to which these students belong, although they are finally allocated to some other schools in other districts which have not been selected by them.




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