

单词 形态

形态 ()


形态 noun ()

morphometric n


形态学 adj

morphological adj



形态学 n

morphology n

See also:


attitude n

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管它们似乎并没有明确或连贯的 意形态或政 治动机,但是它们有时使用准军事集团的语言和一套装备,并承袭 [...]
Although they do not seem to have a clear
[...] or coherent ideology or political [...]
motivation, they sometimes use the language
and paraphernalia of paramilitary groups and their modus operandi.
[...] 域和影响区域,对某些武装组织来说,获取资源开 采权成为了与追求意形态目标 并重的冲突原因。
This created complex overlapping areas of control and
influence, and for some groups the conflicts became as much about access to resources as
[...] about pursuing ideological goals.
在战场上建立博物馆、竖立纪念碑、举办展览及确保维护和保养与伟大的卫 国战争(第二次世界大战)的历史事件有关的特定区域时,不应以培养对纳粹主义 意形态的正 面态度和以美化纳粹罪犯及其帮凶为目的。
Establishing museums, erecting memorials on battlefields, organizing exhibitions and ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of specific areas associated with the historical events of the Great Patriotic War (Second World War) shall not be aimed at cultivating a positive attitude towards the ideology of Nazism and at glorifying Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
例如,专家组发现的证据表明,利比里亚出口的登记为产自利比里亚 Camp Alpha 地区的钻石与科特迪瓦钻石形态特 征 相吻合。
For example, the Group uncovered evidence that diamonds exported from Liberia, and registered as
having originated from the Liberian Camp
[...] Alpha region, had morphological features that matched [...]
diamonds of Ivorian origin.
俄罗斯联邦总统核准了俄罗斯联邦 2008-2012
[...] 年期间反恐信息措施综合计 划,以便在打击恐怖主义意形态、 减 少对民众的激进宣传、改善保护信息空间 [...]
不被恐怖主义和极端主义侵占的各项机制以及为有效打击这些威胁奠定社会-政 治、法律及组织基础等方面建立信息支持系统。
The President of the Russian Federation has approved a comprehensive plan of information-related measures to combat terrorism in the Russian Federation for the period 2008-2012, aimed at establishing a system of
informational support for State policy with regard to
[...] combating the ideology of terrorism [...]
and reducing the level of radicalization of
the population, improving mechanisms for the protection of the information space from the ideology of terrorism and extremism and laying the socio-political, legal and organizational foundations for effectively combating these threats.
广泛开展的活动包括:拟定一份详细目录和对莫斯塔尔的 Stari Grad 古镇进形态分析 (占该国保护工作全部预算开支的六分之一);波斯尼亚--黑塞哥维那国家博物馆的紧急工 [...]
会:首次古迹保存讨论班;和单项修复工作,如重建 Cevan Cehaja 清真寺光塔和 Tabacica 清 真寺,在 Krlijeva Sutjeska 的 Franciscan 寺院建造博物馆画廊以及修复奥斯曼土耳其浴室。
The wide range of activities initiated included: the preparation of
[...] an inventory and morphological analysis of Stari [...]
Grad (old town) of Mostar (representing
one sixth of the entire budget expended on preservation in the country); emergency works to the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina; provision of equipment to the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina; organization of a seminar, the First School on Conservation of the Monuments; and individual restoration efforts such as the reconstruction of the Cevan Cehaja Mosque Minaret, the Tabacica Mosque, the construction of Museum Gallery in Franciscan Monastery Krlijeva Sutjeska and the restoration of Ottoman Hammam.
此 外,正如上文所强调的,调查员很少能依靠内线或变节者:恐怖主义团体成员的 高度意形态倾向 和动机,甚至具有充分的理由对被团体其他成员报复性谋杀的 [...]
In addition, as emphasized above, investigators
can rarely rely on insiders or turncoats:
[...] the extreme ideological leanings and [...]
motivations of the members of a terrorist
group, and even the well-founded fear of murderous reprisals by other members of the group, constitute a potent disincentive to report to investigators on how the group operates.
因此,我们大家应当认识到,唯一的解决办法 只能是由叙利亚人自己来解决问题,开展全面、包
容和满足叙利亚人民愿望的叙利亚政治进程,开展 在祖国的总体范围内人人都可参与的全民对话,来
[...] 建立一个民主、多元、在法律面前人人平等、不存 在任何政治或意形态倾向 的国家;一个人人不受 歧视地拥有政治和经济机会的国家;一个能够象其 [...]
它国家一样,举行人人均可参与竞选的民主、透明 和自由选举的国家。
Consequently, it is incumbent upon all of us to realize that the only solution must be a Syrian solution through a comprehensive and inclusive Syrian political process that satisfies the aspirations of the Syrian people in a national dialogue in which all participate under the umbrella of the homeland in order to establish a democratic, pluralistic country where all
enjoy equality before the law, far from any
[...] political or ideological tendencies, [...]
a State where political and economic opportunities
are available to each and everyone without discrimination, where there are democratic, transparent and free elections in which all compete, as is the case in other countries.
普遍定期审议机制还是旨在 保护人权的一种战略选择,这就要求摆脱处于政治、意 形态 或 经 济目的而进行 的任何形式的操纵。
The universal periodic review mechanism is furthermore a strategic option aimed at the protection of human rights, which entails the rejection of any form of exploitation for political, ideological or economic ends.
这一规定得到了专门保护个人信息的第一部分第 4 章内容的 支持,第 3
[...] 族或种族血缘的信息,涉及身体,精神或情绪的特征的信息,感情的和家庭生活的信息,住 所信息,电话号码,遗产信息,意 形态 和 政 治观点,宗教或哲学信仰与信念,他的身体或 精神健康状况,他的性取向,或任何类似的信息都可能会影响到他的隐私权。
This is bolstered by Chapter IV of Section I, which is devoted to the protection of personal information, defined in Article 3(II) as information from which a physical person may be identified and concerning his or her “ethnic or racial origin, or referring to his physical, moral or emotional characteristics, his sentimental and family life,
domicile, telephone number,
[...] patrimony, ideology and political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or convictions, his physical or [...]
mental state of health,
his sexual preferences, or any similar information that might affect his privacy”.
深信种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为针对妇女和女孩的表形态各不 相同,而且可能构成导致她们生活条件恶化、贫穷、遭受暴力、遭受 多重歧视及人权受限制或被剥夺的部分原因,并确认需要将两性平等观点纳入反 对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为的相关政策、战略和行动纲 领,以对付多种形式的歧视
Convinced that racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance manifest themselves in a differentiated manner for women and girls and may be among the factors leading to a deterioration in their living conditions, poverty, violence, multiple forms of discrimination and the limitation or denial of their human rights, and recognizing the need to integrate a gender perspective into relevant policies, strategies and programmes of action against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance in order to address multiple forms of discrimination
[...] 弱势成员之所需,我们呼吁国际社会所有成员、各国政府、民间社会和国际机构 重点努力保障机会均等,而不论其性别、种族、族裔群体、意 形态 、 宗教或性 取向如何,以此促进减少贫穷;并促进社会经济和环境发展,从而提高生活质量。
Considering the need to emphasize social development as a vehicle for reducing inequalities and for taking care of the necessities of the least favoured and most vulnerable members of our societies, we call upon all members of the international community, Governments, civil society and international agencies to prioritize efforts to guarantee equality of opportunity,
regardless of gender, race,
[...] ethnic group, ideology, religion or sexual orientation, as a form of contributing [...]
to the reduction of poverty,
and to promote the socio-economic and environmental development needed to improve quality of life.
该组织旨在加强巴尔干各国之间的关系,获得关于它们的政治、意 形态 和社会经济原则的信息,从而:(a) [...]
加强合作伙伴关系,以通过预防冲突来建 设更好的社会;(b) 设定优先事项并协调努力,以恢复正常的社区生活;(c) 关注新兴社会所面临的社会问题;以及(d)根据《联合国宪章》的规定促进国际
The organization aims to strengthen relations between
Balkan States and gain information on their
[...] political, ideological and socio-economic [...]
principles, in order to: (a) reinforce
partnerships to build better societies through the prevention of conflicts; (b) set priorities and coordinate efforts in order to restore normal community life; (c) focus on the social issues that emerging societies face and; (d) promote international rule of law and collaboration in the Balkans region, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.
其工作的重中之重是团结共和国的进步青年,把他们培养为身体 健康、精神成熟的独立的乌兹别克斯坦公民,培养他们忠实于建立在民族和社会 价值、民主原则基础上的民族思想和意 形态 , 了 解并保护青年人的利益,将运 动转化为青少年真正的支柱。
Its chief priority is to unite the country’s progressive youth, to develop physically healthy and spiritually mature citizens of an independent Uzbekistan, to educate them in a spirit of dedication to the national idea and an ideology based on national and universal values and democratic principles, to represent and defend the interests of young people and to turn Kamolot into an authentic support mechanism for them.
本报告所述期 间印发的出版物包括:2006
[...] 年关于富钴结壳和海山动物群分 形态 多 样 性的研讨 会会议记录,2003 [...]
年关于建立赤道以北太平洋克拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂带多金属 结核资源地质模形的研讨会会议记录,以及国际海底管理局《技术研究》第 4
号: “有关《联合国海洋法公约》第八十二条执行情况的问题”。
Publications issued during the period covered by the present report include the proceedings of the March 2006
international Workshop on Cobalt-rich Crusts and the Diversity of
[...] Distribution Patterns of Seamount [...]
Fauna, the proceedings of the May
2003 Workshop on the Establishment of a Geological Model of Polymetallic Nodule Resources in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCZ) of the Equatorial North Pacific Ocean, and ISA Technical Study No. 4, entitled “Issues associated with the implementation of article 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea”.
它们分为几个领域:社区 宣传;记录意形态发展潮流和驳斥极端主义言论; 加强监狱管理和释放人员监督。
They are divided into several general areas: community
[...] outreach; charting ideological developments [...]
and countering extremist messages; and improved
prison and post-release monitoring.
( 实施正面区别对待) ,即由 国籍、血统、种族、性别、语言、宗教、政治或所持意 形态 、 其 教育程度、经 济地位或社交身份等构成的类型差别、成因或情况,不是差别对待的合理依据。
It means that categories, factors or situations such as nationality, descent, race, sex, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs, educational level, economic status or social condition are illegitimate categories for differentiation.
次主题 1.1 下审查的问题包括,土壤和土地可持续管理和农业实践对农业生 产力(产量,作物欠收)的影响,包括作物的生物多样性对产量的影响;推动可持 续土地管理实践;改变主食作形态 , 特 别是水稻强化栽培制。
The issues examined under sub-theme 1.1 included the impact of sustainable soil and land management and agricultural practices on agricultural productivity (yields, crop failure), including the impact of crop biodiversity on yields; advances in sustainable land management practices; and changing paradigms for staple crops, in particular the system of rice intensification.
在吠陀,印度最早的宗教历形态, 末世论的信念是简单,比Brahministic和佛教的形式,它成功地纯洁。
In the Vedic, the
[...] earliest historical form of the Indian religion, [...]
eschatological belief is simpler and purer than in the
Brahministic and Buddhistic forms that succeeded it.
通过拉链和连接部件,无论在实际意义或是隐喻意义上,衣服都成为了一种彰显社会关联与结合力的媒介,而着装的统一性——即相同的工作服——则通过中性的外形挑战了传统社会标志对人群的划分,并试图为社会体而非个体赋 形态。
Clothing becomes the medium through which social links and bonds are made manifest, both literally and metaphorically, through the links of zippers and channels, while the uniformity of the garments – workers’ overalls – create androgynous
shapes that defy classification by the usual social markers and
[...] attempt to give form to the social, not [...]
the individual body.
一再企图评判和诋毁南方国家的人 民,处心积虑地过度强调公民权利和政治权利,只会
[...] 巩固强国的经济统治以及文化和意 形态 的 同 质化, 大众媒体的垄断统治、对于国际机构的操纵和帝国主 [...]
The repeated desire to judge and stigmatize Southern peoples, with a disproportionate and contrived emphasis on civil and political rights only sought to consolidate the
powerful countries’ economic domination and
[...] cultural and ideological homogenization, [...]
facilitated by the monopolistic domination
of the mass media, the manipulation of international agencies and the imperialist wars of occupation.
[...] 此类行为的人采取坚定的行动,以及无法表明其在长 期明确坚持多党民主的党内意形态 方 面 进行辩论 ——所有这些都令人怀疑尼共(毛主义)在 [...]
12 点谅解 中所承诺的战略选择是否真心实意,或该党领导层是 否有能力确保全党都遵守这项选择。
Actions of Maoist cadres which involve violence or threats of violence and do not respect pluralism or the rule of law, the failure of the party leadership to take firm
action against those who commit such acts,
[...] and internal ideological debates which [...]
do not convey a clear long-term adherence
to multi-party democracy: all these lead some to question the sincerity of the strategic choice the CPN (M) committed itself to in the 12-point understanding or the ability of its leadership to ensure that the party as a whole respects it.
(b) 颁布和实施一项综合战略,整治一切形式的歧视,包括对所有弱势境 地儿童群体的多重形式歧视,并打击歧视性的社 形态
(b) Adopt and implement a comprehensive strategy addressing all forms of
discrimination, including
[...] multiple forms of discrimination against all groups of children in vulnerable situations, and combating discriminatory societal attitudes
根据《打击极端主义活动法》(2002 年 4 月 18 日第 985-XV),极端主义活 动是某些非政府组织或宗教组织、大众媒体实体或任何其他组织或自然人所从事
[...] 种族、民族或宗教仇恨挑起或煽动暴力;损害国家尊严;挑动群众闹事、引起流 氓行动或基于意形态、政 治、种族、民族或宗教仇恨或敌意以及基于某个社会 [...]
籍、民族血统、语言、宗教、性别、见解、政治背景、财富或社会背景的排他 性、优越性或劣等性。
According to the Law on fight against extremist activities, No. 985-XV from 18.04.2002, extremist activity is an activity of non-governmental or religious organisation, of a mass media entity or of any other organisation or physical person directed towards the planning, organisation, preparation or implementation of actions oriented towards the following: provoking racial, national or religious hatred, linked with violence or call for violence; humiliation of national dignity; provoking mass disorders, cause
actions of hooliganism or actions of
[...] vandalism based on ideological, political, [...]
racial, national or religious hatred or enmity,
as well as based on hatred or enmity for a social group; convey exclusiveness, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on the criteria of their attitude towards religion or based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political affiliation, wealth or social origin.
她强调,因为世界有义务对第二次世界大战期间 数千万种族主义意形态的受 害者存有记忆,所以无 法接受世界历史被毁灭或重写、国际法谴责的种族主 义意形态死灰复燃,以及为短期政治利益而重新解 释过去的事件,并鼓励仇恨与种族和宗教歧视的行为。
Given the obligation to
[...] remember the tens of millions of people who had fallen victim to racist ideologies during World War II, the world could not allow historical episodes to be overlooked in silence or rewritten, racist ideologies condemned [...]
by international law
to be resurrected and past events reinterpreted to serve short-term political interests and encourage hate and racial and religious discrimination.
(g) 为了免于在政治或意形态上遭受迫害、和基于不把有关人员驱回其 [...]
生命、诚信、安全或自由会受到威胁的国家的原则,要求并获得庇护或避难的权 利。
(g) The right to request and receive asylum or refuge on grounds of
[...] political or ideological persecution, [...]
and the principle of non-refoulement to a
country where the life, integrity, security or freedom of the person concerned is at risk.
最近的一项研究发现:随着年龄增长,南方汉族人头宽、额最小宽、面宽、眼内角间宽、眼外角间宽、唇高、红唇厚度、头围、耳上头高、头长宽指数、头长高指数、口指数值呈线性下降规律,鼻宽、口宽 形态 面 高 、上唇皮肤部高度、容貌耳长、容貌耳宽、面颊皮褶、头面高指数值呈线性上升规律。
With age increases, the head breadth, minimum frontal breadth, face breadth, interocular breadth, external biocular breadth, lip height, thickness of lips, head circumference, auricular height, length- breadth index of head, length-height index of head and lip indices’ values of Han in Southern China
appeared a linear decline, Nose breadth,
[...] mouth breadth, morphological facial height, [...]
upper lip height, physiognomic ear length,
physiognomic ear breadth, visor skin-fold and vertical head-facial indices’ values increased in a linear fashion as age increased.
形态有可 能与美 洲和欧洲杀人类型的不同分布有着密切的联系,在美洲的杀人案件中与有组织 [...]
犯罪和犯罪团伙有关的案件比例较大,而欧洲杀人案件中与伴侣或/家人有关的 原因及其他形式的犯罪所占比例较大。
The pattern is likely to be [...]
closely tied to the different distribution of homicide typologies in the Americas and Europe
— a larger proportion of homicides in the Americas are linked to organized crime and gangs, whereas a large proportion of homicides in Europe are linked to partner- or family-related causes and other forms of crime.
成功的例子,如马拉维和巴西,是因为有好的领导,这就表明, 答案是取决于掌权者的利益所在和意 形态 , 在 国内是因为在政治层面听不到弱 势群体的声音,而在国际上则是主导世界银行 1980 年代(但延续到今天)的结 构调整方案的意形态。
Successful cases, such as Malawi and Brazil, were the consequence of leadership, suggesting that the answer lay in the interests and ideology of those in power, domestically, since the voices of the vulnerable were never heard at the political level, and internationally, in the ideology of the structural adjustment programmes of the 1980s (though still continuing) of the World Bank.
在现代化主义意形态的推动下,不少人把第三产业看作最先进的产业 (Fourastié [...]
1949;亦见黄宗智 2009,2008b 的讨论),并希望把中国表达得比其 实际更高度现代化。兴许是出于如此的意愿,统计局最近采用了一些听来十分现代 化的统计指标,诸如“信息传输”、“文化体育和娱乐业”、“科学研究”、“金
融和保险业”、 “租赁和商务服务业”、“计算机服务和软件业”等等,或有意 或无意地促使人们忽视占服务业人数最多的小贩、摊贩、保姆、服务员、街道清洁 员、社区保安等等农民工。
Driven by the ideology of modernizationism, [...]
the notion that the tertiary sector represents the most advanced economic development
(Fourastié, 1949; cf. the discussion in Huang, 2009, and Huang Zongzhi, 2008b), and the wish to represent China as a more modern economy than it really is, the NSB has been fronting the most modernsounding groups of the service sector, such as “Information Transmissions,” “Computer Service and Software,” “Finance and Insurance,” “Leasing and Business Services,” “Scientific Research,” “Culture, Sports, and Entertainment,” and so on, downplaying in effect the much larger numbers of migrant peddlers, domestics, restaurant help, street cleaners, residential community guards, and other such migrant workers (nongmingong) who are also grouped under the service sector.




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