

单词 形容辞

See also:

形容 n

look n
appearance n

take leave
ballad (archaic poetic genre)

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,特别报告员对删 除“合法”这形容辞,有点犹疑,同若干国家90 的建议不同。
For this reason the Special Rapporteur is
[...] reluctant to delete the adjective “lawful”, contrary [...]
to the suggestion made by certain
States.90 But there should, perhaps, be an explanation in the commentary of the importance of this adjective.
鉴于气候变化带来的威胁巨大,安理会义 容辞, 应立即就这项重大任务开展工作。
Given the enormity of the threats posed by climate change, it is incumbent upon the Council to begin work on this enormous task at once.
本着寻求共识的精神,伊斯兰会议组织提 议使用涵盖一切歧形式的通用辞。
In the spirit of seeking consensus, the OIC had proposed using generic language that covered all types of discrimination.
特别是在今天, 人们的共识是需要促进文化间和宗教间的对话、尊重和谅解,在这样 形 势 下 ,建设一个理解和尊 重世界各国人民敏感问题的社会,是我们义 容辞 的 道 德义务。
Particularly in today’s context, where there is an indisputable need for intercultural and interreligious dialogue, respect and understanding, it is our undeniable moral obligation to foster a society which comprehends and respects the sensitivities of all peoples worldwide.
我们要借此机会,再次以最强烈的辞谴责各种形式和表现的恐怖主义,包括直接或间 接助长或加强恐怖主义的行动。
We take this opportunity to reiterate in the
[...] strongest terms its condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, [...]
including actions
that directly or indirectly encourage or strengthen it.
列出工作人员的姓名,以无节制 的辞形容工作 人员的行为和性格,已经导致一些工作人员对法官提出申诉,并 引起有关诽谤的关切。
The identification of staff members by name and the description of their actions and characters in intemperate terms in Dispute Tribunal judgements have led some staff members to file complaints against the judges and raise concerns about defamation.
我在作答時完全沒形容行政 長官在立法會會議廳答覆 陳議員的質詢時,所說的是行政長官個人的意見。
I did not say in my reply that the remarks of the Chief Executive in reply to Mr CHAN's question in this Chamber were the personal opinions of the Chief Executive.
我们依然认为,国际社会必须发挥其应有和义容辞的作 用,采取必要行动制止以色列在巴勒斯坦被 占领土、包括在东耶路撒冷采取的各种非法措施。
We still believe that the international community must play its rightful and obligatory role by taking the necessary action to halt all illegal measures taken by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.
在一些争议法庭判定有争议决定无效的案件中,法 庭以无节制的辞形容工作 人员的行为和品性。
In some cases, in which the contested decision has been determined by the Dispute Tribunal to be vitiated, the actions and character of such staff members have been described by the Tribunal in intemperate terms.
根据《组织法》的规定,通过其行动促进相互了解、和解与和平是教科文组织义容 辞的职责。
In line with the provisions of its Constitution, UNESCO is duty-bound to foster through its action mutual understanding, reconciliation and peace.
教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的在线内容,开发多语种教学 容 , 通 过提供不形式的 授课方式增加终身学习的机会。
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect to the introduction and use of ICTs at all levels of education, especially through the development of national distance education courses and access to other online content to be made available in Arabic, multilingual content development, and enhancing lifelong learning opportunities through access to diversified delivery systems.
还是关于英文本,尽管不涉及以前文本使用的术语,因为以前文本不曾出 现这一术语,但我们认为第二
[...] B.3 节的标题使用了一个不恰当形容词 : 也许 删除“实质性”一词,该语句可取得同样令人满意的效果。
Still on the subject of the English version, though not in relation to a term used in the previous texts, since
it does not appear in them, we feel that an
[...] unfortunate adjective is used in the [...]
heading of section II B.3: perhaps the phrase
would be equally satisfactory with the deletion of the word “substantive”.
预防残疾固然重要, 也是义容辞的, 但是经济和社会事务部显然有责 任帮助促进和保护已经患有残疾的人的权利。
Prevention was important and obligatory, but the Department of Economic and Social Affairs had a clear mandate to help promote and protect the rights of those who already had disabilities.
联合国教科文组织(公约与建议委员会)/ 经社 理事会(经济、社会和文化权利委员会)联合专家组强调指出,各国应切实普及免费初等教 育,并为这类教育提供必要的资金,这是各国义 容辞 的 责 任。
The Joint Expert Group UNESCO (CR)/ECOSOC (CESCR) on the Monitoring of the Right to Education has underlined the need for compliance with the core obligations of states for ensuring universal primary education, free of charge, and of making necessary resources available.
与会者一致重申教科文组织的使命仍然具有现实意义,一致赞成应以《组织法》的条 文为依据来宣示教科文组织的使命,尤其是本组织在促进和平文化建设方面义 容辞 的责 任。
The participants unanimously reaffirmed the abiding relevance of UNESCO’s mandate and agreed that its mission statement should build on the provisions of its Constitution, especially underlining the obligation of the Organization to help build a culture of peace.
联合王国尚未听说有哪个国家针对另一国在批准文书中就条约的领土适用提 出的声明或辞形式作 出反陈述或表达反对意见(除了以争取主权主张为由,对 [...]
The United Kingdom is not aware of any cases in which a State has
made a counter-statement or objected to a
[...] declaration or form of words in an instrument [...]
of ratification put forward by another
State concerning the territorial application of a treaty (except where it challenges the inclusion of a particular named territory, by reason of a competing claim to sovereignty over it).
因此,捐助方义容辞的首 要任务是,将尚未到位 的人道主义援助充分实施到位;47 政府方面则应保 证援助人员能畅通无阻地进入救援地区,同时还包 括恢复原有的弱势族群援助计划,而政府在这些方 面尚无任何进展。
As a priority, it is incumbent on the donor community to provide adequate humanitarian support, which is not yet forthcoming;47 and on the government to ensure free unfettered access to the area, including for the resumption of pre-existing programs for vulnerable communities, which it has not yet done.
欧盟倾向于对以形容的第 31 款 f 条款进行详细而明确的修改。
The EU favours the specific amendment to Article 31(f) described above.
即便不存在与阿以冲突和巴勒斯坦问题相关的其他问题,如今加沙地带遭受 的苦难也使阿拉伯人相互召唤,使阿拉伯人的领袖对采取行动义 容辞。
Even without the other problems related to the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian problem, the horrors besetting the Gaza Strip today would make it incumbent on Arabs to call out to each other and to call on their leaders for action.
科孚海峡案(参阅脚注 560) p.22 (请注意,“阿尔巴尼亚当局义容辞 的 义 务包括为了一般航 行,通知在阿尔巴尼亚领海有一个雷区和警告接近的英国军舰注意雷区使它们暴露在迫在眉 睫的危险之中。
Corfu Channel case (see footnote 560) p. 22 (noting that “[t]he obligations incumbent upon the Albanian authorities consisted in notifying, for the benefit of shipping in general, the existence of a minefield in Albanian territorial waters and in warning the approaching British warships of the imminent danger to which the minefield exposed them.
(7) 在“需要”之前加上形容词“基本”,这是为了更清楚地表明,这里所 说的需要是在发生灾害之后与生存相关的需要或类似的基本需要。
(7) The qualifier “essential” before the term “needs” was included in order to indicate more clearly that the needs being referred to are those related to survival or similarly essential needs in the aftermath of a disaster.
我欢迎大家继续明确承诺将保护平民问 题作为安理会工作的核心,以及多数发言者,如果不 是所有的话,承认需要做更多工作,确保我们的讨论 在最重要的地方——实地——产生更大影响,从而克 服不止一位发言者形容的我 们在这个和其它会议 厅说的话与实地现实情况的脱节现象。
I welcome the continued clear commitment to the protection of civilians agenda as being at the heart of the Council’s work and the recognition by most, if not all, speakers of the need to do more to ensure that our words have more impact where they matter most — on the ground — to overcome what more than one speaker described as a disconnect what we may say in this and other chambers and the reality on the ground.
我 相信無論大家將繼續從政 或 是 離 開 這 個 熱 烘烘的、被 朱幼麟議員常形 容得十 分 有 趣 的 廚 房,因為 if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, 太 熱 的 時 候 便要“ 彈 ”出去 , 而 我 相信有 些 同事會很 明智地作 出這 個選擇。
As to the question of whether Members will continue with their political career or leave this very hot kitchen which is often so fascinating in Dr David CHU's descriptions, if you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, that is, if one feels too hot, one will have to pull out of the place, I believe some Members will very wisely make such a choice.
为了顺应这一变化,一般性政策辩论上的发言时间将从 8 分 钟减少到 6 分钟;这么做的另一个好处是,可以使一般性政策辩论在大会的第一个周末结 束,使附属机构和其他活动的工作计划稍为宽松,同时限制第一周的并行活动次数(2007 年会议上,代表和秘书处都将形容 为 “过分拥挤”)。
In order to accommodate this change, speaking time at the General Policy Debate should be reduced from eight to six minutes; this would also have the added benefit of allowing the GPD to close at the end of the first week of the General Conference, allowing a better, less-constraining planning of work for subsidiary bodies and other events, and at the same time limiting the number of parallel events during the first week (which delegates and the Secretariat alike described as “overcrowded” at the 2007 session).
[...] 语言中国家/领土的短名称;官方语言中国家/领土的官方全称;波兰语中从国家/ 领土名称派生出形容词(主格、单数、男性);波兰语中国家/领土居民的名称(男 [...]
For each country and territory the following are given: the short name of the country/ territory (nominative, genitive, locative) in Polish; the official full name of the country/territory in Polish; the name of the official language (languages) in Polish; the short name of the country/territory in the official language (or in official languages); the official full name of the country/territory
in the official language (or in official
[...] languages); the adjective from the name [...]
of the country/territory in Polish (nominative,
singular, male gender); the name of inhabitants of the country/territory in Polish (male and female gender singular, and male gender plural); the name of the country’s/territory’s capital used in the Polish language; the name of the country’s/territory’s capital in the official language (or in official languages).
非政府组形容文化 是人所拥有的,也是在空气和水之后最神圣的东西,强 调赞赏发展政策的重要性,同时把发展纳入最高一级的政策。
The NGOs described culture as being what human beings held most sacred after air and water, and they highlighted the importance of ownership of development policies and the integration of development into the highest levels of politics.
需作出的决定:请执行局向业已缴纳 2006 年 会费的会员国以及响应呼吁、努力减少拖欠 会费的会员国表示感谢,忆及及时缴纳会费 是会员国义容辞的一 项义务,呼吁未按付 款计划缴纳欠款的会员国结清尚未偿付的年 度分期付款及其正常分摊的会费。
Decision required: The Executive Board is invited to express its gratitude to Member States that have paid their contributions for the year 2006 and to those that have made efforts to reduce their arrears of contributions in response to appeals, recall that the prompt payment of contributions is an obligation incumbent on Member States, and appeal to Member States in arrears on payment plans to settle their outstanding instalments and regular assessed contributions.
确保男女有平等的权利享有经济、社会和文化权利,是缔约国的义 容辞 的直 接义务。22 针对第十五条第一款(甲) 项落实公约第三条,特别要求消除体制 性的和法律的障碍,以及基于属于习俗和传统方面的消极做法的障碍,因为它们 阻止妇女充分参与文化生活、科学教育和科学研究。
Ensuring the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights is a mandatory and immediate obligation of States parties.22 Implementing article 3 of the Covenant, in relation to article 15, paragraph 1 (a), requires, inter alia, the elimination of institutional and legal obstacles as well as those based on negative practices, including those attributed to customs and traditions, that prevent women from participating fully in cultural life, science education and scientific research.23 2.
我们必须应对当前的人道主义救济阶段,同时不应忘 记,海地人民在随后的恢复、重建和发展阶段将继续 需要我们,委内瑞拉对此自然义 容辞。
We must respond to the immediate phase of humanitarian relief, without forgetting that the people of Haiti will continue to need us in the subsequent rehabilitation, reconstruction and development stages, a commitment that Venezuela most naturally and resolutely accepts.
保护文化遗产,促进文化财产归还 原主国,是国际社会的广泛共识,是文化财产原主国 人民不容剥夺的基本文化权利,也是各国政府义容 辞的文化责任。
While enjoying broad consensus within the international community, the protection of cultural heritage and the promotion of the restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin are also inalienable and fundamental cultural rights of the people of countries of origin, as well as cultural responsibilities incumbent on all Governments.




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