

单词 形声字

See also:


also known as phonogram, phonetic compound or picto-phonetic character


sound n
voice n
tone n


form of a Chinese character

External sources (not reviewed)

但是,看来似乎不太可能采取这个解决办法,因为正如同保留一 样,解释性声明可以在字的时 候提出,即使所涉及的 形 式 庄 严的条约。
It does not seem possible to adopt this solution, however, since interpretative
declarations, like
[...] reservations, may be formulated at the time of signature, even in the case of treaties in solemn form.
字形模式,将空气阀紧固件 (V) 重新拧紧 至指定扭力。
Retorque the air valve fasteners (V) in a crisscross pattern to specified torque.
这个项目反过来又协形成了支持声势 并引起其他儿童对童工问题的关注。
That in turn helped to generate solidarity and brought child labour issues to the attention of other children.
这种新型视听扩展器最远可安装在1000英尺以外,提供高分辨率清晰、亮丽的图像和CD品质的 字 立 体 声 音 响
The new audio video extenders deliver high resolution crystal clear video and
[...] CD quality digital stereo audio across [...]
installations up to 1000ft away.
在这种形下,“有条件声明” 其实是一项保留,并且必须 符合保留的允许性的相应条件。
In that case, the “conditional declaration” is indeed a reservation and must meet the corresponding conditions for the permissibility of reservations.
[...] 传真、短信服务(SMS)、网络会议、在线聊天、互联网论坛或微博——生 成、发送、接收或存储的信息进行的任何通信,包括为了用计算机或其他 电子装置直接处理而转换或转变为 字 格 式 的文件对象、图像、文本声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS), web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, or microblogging and includes any information in analogue form such
as document
[...] objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to [...]
be directly processed
by a computer or other electronic devices.
用户提交用户内容,声明并保证:(w)用户拥有不受限制的权利提交用户内容;(x) 名字、声音或形象出 现在用户内容的任何人,以书面方式无条件许可其 字 、 声 音 或 形 象 出现在用户内容中,并且以书面方式无条件授予参赛者提交用户内容的权利(如果主办方要求,用户应向主办方提交该许可和授予);(y)如果任何未成年人的 字 、 声 音 或 形 象 出现在用户内容中,用户是未成年人的家长或法定监护人,或者用户得到该未成年人的家长或法定监护人的明确书面许可;以及(z) 用户内容没有违反任何第三方的所有权或其他权利。
By submitting User Content, each user represents and warrants that: (w) he/she has the unrestricted right to submit the
User Content; (x) any
[...] person whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content has unconditionally consented in writing to his/her appearance in such User Content and unconditionally granted the entrant in writing the right to submit the User Content (a copy of which consent and grant will be furnished to Sponsor upon Sponsor’s request); (y) he/she is (or has the express written permission [...]
of) the
parent/legal guardian of any minor child whose name, voice or likeness appears in the User Content; and (z) the User Content does not infringe on any third party’s proprietary or other right.
发展中国家主要担心的问题是受保护著作的实物或 字形 式 的 使用成 本和著作权保护的行使手段问题。
The central issue for developing countries concerns the cost of access to physical or digital embodiments of the protected works, and the approach taken to enforcement of copyright protection.
2008 年,主席团挑选出:a) 星星之火可以燎原 – 纳米比亚;b) 开 放源码软件使巴勒斯坦图书馆唤发出新的活力--巴勒斯坦权力机构;c) 在 Watphrathatwittaya 学校与讲英语的国际志愿者一道教英语小组--泰国;d) 我们的城市、我们声音:数字化时 代的移民新闻广播--美利坚合众国;e) 聋人的办法--巴西 NE 区的聋人团体创造自己的发展工 具--巴西。
In 2008, the Bureau selected: (a) Where there’s a FLAME, there’s a fire – Namibia; (b) Open Source Software brings a new lease of life to libraries in Palestine – Palestinian Authority; (c) Team Teaching English with International English-Speaking Volunteers at Watphrathatwittaya School – Thailand; (d) Our City, Our Voices: Immigrant Newscasts in the Digital Age – United States of America; (e) It’s DEAF WAY!
开发署对选举周期和议会的支持确认,包容各方 的参与和公民参与非常宝贵,能形 成 呼 声 , 要求政府作出适当反映人民需求和 发展愿望的回应。
UNDP’s support to electoral cycles and parliaments recognizes that inclusive participation and civic engagement are valuable, and can create the demand for responsiveness that appropriately reflects the needs and development aspirations of the people.
在执行局做出决定之后,为了满足会员国的要求,秘书处做出了许多努力,以实施执 行局通过的战略,目的是加强协调性和提高教科文组织奖项的影响力和知名度,改善本组织形象和提高声誉。
Pursuant to that decision by the Board and in response to requests by Member States, efforts have been made by the Secretariat to implement the strategy adopted by the Executive Board whose purpose is to ensure a greater coherence of UNESCO prizes and to enhance their visibility and impact, thereby helping to raise the profile and prestige of the Organization.
为了达到上述目的,《指示》规定,教科文组织亦可:“(a) 以文学代理人的身份,负责传播 本组织以知识产权形式拥有的财产,并为此将权利转让给出版图书或期刊及通过其他任何图画字 形式传 播信息和知识的机构和公共或私人实体; (b) 以提供服务或补助金的形式,向那些可能愿意帮 助实施本组织出版计划的个人或外界组织出版的著作提供援助;(c) [...]
To achieve those aims, the Directives provide that UNESCO may: “(a) act as a literary agent with responsibility for disseminating the intellectual property in its possession by the transfer of rights to public or private bodies and entities concerned
with the publication
[...] of books or periodicals and with the dissemination of information and knowledge through any other form of graphic expression; [...]
(b) provide assistance,
in the form of services or subventions, for works published by individuals or organizations outside UNESCO which can be held to assist in the implementation of the Organization’s publications programme; (c) study and consider the production of all other types of publication, existing or likely to be introduced, apart from printed matter.
它包括以数字方式生成的或从现有的模拟 资源转换成字形式的 有关文化、教育、科学和行政管理的资源及有关技术、法律、医学及其 [...]
It embraces cultural, educational, scientific and administrative resources, as well as
technical, legal, medical and other kinds of
[...] information created digitally, or converted [...]
into digital form from existing analogue resources.
9.69 本次级方案将以光盘版与网络版等 字形 式 继续加强和扩大人口资料的分发工作,以有效地满 [...]
9.69 The subprogramme will continue to strengthen and
expand the distribution of population
[...] information in digital form, both through [...]
CD-ROMs and online, in order to respond
effectively to the growing demand for timely information and data and to support coordination among the United Nations entities in the field of population.
这种先进的技术保护形式取消了以 字形 式 对 著作权作品进行浏览、分 享或复制以为个人使用的传统的“合理使用”权利,因为这些作品不付费是不能使用的, 即使是合法的使用。
This sophisticated form of technological protection rescinds traditional “fair use” rights to browse, share, or make private copies of copyrighted works in digital formats, since works may not be accessible without payment, even for legitimate uses.
秘书长 的“大规模毁灭性武器-我们必须裁军”运动已于 2009 年纳入展览馆,并鼓励游 客签署展览馆内巨大纸卷本的“我们必须裁军 声 明 以 及将 字 信 息 发送到大 规模毁灭性武器网站。
The Secretary-General’s “WMD-We Must Disarm” campaign was incorporated in the exhibition gallery in 2009, and visitors were encouraged to participate by signing statements on “Why we must disarm” on a huge paper scroll in the gallery as well as sending text messages to the weapons of mass destruction site.
此外,现场机械服务还包括现场开槽(Venta、 字形 、 螺 旋式和径向沟槽)和研磨(烘缸、校正辊、卷筒和引纸环)。
In addition, the mechanical on-site service also includes
[...] grooves (Venta, Chevron, spiral and radial [...]
grooving) and grinding (drying cylinders,
guide rolls, reel drums and threading rings).
因为数字麦克风利用内置于麦克风的电路 声音 信字化,所以即使麦克风的安装位置与音频 CODEC 芯片分开也不会在声音信号传输途中受到外 部噪声的干扰。
Digital microphones digitize the voice signals using an internal circuit to prevent interference due to superimposed noise along the signal path especially when the microphone and audio CODEC are separated by some distance.
在塞缪尔的字,犹大声明说 ,R.加马利亚认为是权威的。
In the name of Samuel, Judah declares that the [...]
opinion of R. Gamaliel is authoritative.
通过教育使民众意 识到:盗版削弱了中国电影产业获取市场回报的能力,从根本上制约了中国电影产业生产力
[...] 的发展;盗版扼杀电影产业的原始创新,损害消费者不断增长的文化需求的长远利益;盗版 降低了中央政府的财政收入,扰乱了社会主义市场经济秩序,极大地败坏了中国政府的国形象和声誉。
It is hoped that relevant education will enable the people to realize that: piracy has fundamentally hindered the development of the movie industry and has undermined the capabilities of the movie industry to obtain market returns; piracy will, in the long run, harm the longterm interest of consumers in their increasing demand for cultural products by strangling the movie industry’s ability to innovate; piracy lowers the fiscal revenues of the central government, disturbs the
order of the socialist market economy and severely harms
[...] the international image and reputation of the Chinese [...]
本组织还通过提声像形式的“旅游实例”支持在阿富汗、加蓬、印度和太平洋 群岛巡回播放具有文化多样性的电视节目。
The Organization also supported the circulation of culturally diverse television programmes in Afghanistan, Gabon, India and the Pacific Islands through the provision of audiovisual “travel cases”.
[...] 3D 图像与测试件 3D 计算机图像的形声音绘 图重叠,就能在一个步骤内显示整体图片,而无需查看众多不同的 [...]
2D 图片。
The resultant 3D
[...] images overlay conformal sound mapping on a [...]
3D computer image of the test object, giving the advantage
of showing the full picture in one step instead of having to look at many different 2D planes to get the whole picture.
因 此,一项解释声明在形式上的有效性,绝对不与对特定形式或程序的遵守相 关。295 因此,关于保留的形式和通知的规则,不能完全和简单地移植到可以口 头提出的简单的解释性声明中,因此,坚持将它们正式地通知其他有关国家或国 际组织,是自相矛盾的。
Consequently, the formal validity of an interpretative declaration is not linked to observance of a specific form or procedure.296 The rules governing the form and communication of reservations cannot then be purely and simply transposed to simple interpretative declarations, which may be formulated orally, and it would thus be paradoxical to insist that they be formally communicated to the other States or international organizations concerned.
主席,你可能記得,數星期前在一次辯論中,自由黨副主席周梁淑怡議 員起來發言,她說他們的看法和政府很接近,接近到可以用一個英 字形容 ― 請恕我中英夾雜,因為她是這樣說 ― 是 soulmate,即靈魂的夥伴。
President, you may recall in a debate several weeks ago, Mrs Selina CHOW, deputy chairman of the Liberal Party, rose to say that their view was so very close to that of the Government that it could be described by one English word ― please allow me to use a mix of English and Chinese because this was what she said ― soulmate, that is, a mate of the soul.
在这片沃土上,抗拒贵族化的立场、集体归属感和在公共场合抛头露面的观念在土崩瓦解、相互碰撞,并影射各种 声 的 抗 拒 形 式。
The Great Good Place, as Eriksson calls it, remains “a fertile site,” where positions against
gentrification, a sense of community, notions of public exposure collapse, collide, and
[...] allude to silent forms of resistance.
这不仅仅是一个经济问题,也是一种社会的参与声 音——用字来表 达自己和自己的身份、参与社会和民主进程、在社会中发挥充 分的作用。
This is not merely an economic issue, but also one of social participation and voice, using literacy to express oneself and one’s identity, to take part in social and democratic processes, to play a full part in society.
[...] 的進度;又如在教學方面,對於非華語學生來說, 字 的 字形 結構 複雜,而中文口語跟書面語也不盡相同,往往構成一定的 [...]
For example, from the curriculum perspective, NCS students may not be able to follow the progress of general Chinese lessons; from the
teaching and learning perspective, the
[...] structure of Chinese characters may be too complicated [...]
for NCS students while the differences
between spoken and written Chinese may add more difficulties to their learning.
本网站上刊载的署名为"IZP"的所有内容,包括但不限于 字 、 图片 、 声 音 、录像、图表、标志、标识、广告、商标、商号、域名、软件、程序、版面设计、专栏 目录与名称、内容分类标准以及所有信息,均受《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国商标法》、《中华人民共和国专利法》及适用之国际公约中有关著 [...]
All contents marked “IZP” that are published on this website and , including
but not limited to
[...] texts, pictures, voices, videos, diagrams, symbols, identifications, advertisements, trademarks, trade names, domain names, [...]
softwares, programs,
layout designs, column catalogues and names, content classification standards and all information, are protected by the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China and provisions concerning copyright, trademark right, patent right and/or other property rights in applicable international conventions, and are exclusively owned or held by this company.
正在北京大学学习的来自奥斯陆大学的学生代表Tobias Judin分享了他们在中国学习的经历;挪威海外学生联合会中国分会新任会长Simen Johan Willgohs向与会者介绍了这个组织的相关情况;最后,北京外国语大学的刘思聪和勇春虹两位同学用挪威语以 声 的 形 式 分 享了他们学习挪威语的经历,他们对挪威语的掌握博得了满堂喝彩。
Mr. Tobias Judin from the University of Oslo on a semester at Peking University followed up on this theme where he on behalf of the other students told about their enriching experiences in China, the new leader of the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad (ANSA), Mr Simen Johan Willgohs presented the organization, and finally two Chinese students from BFSU, Mr Liu Sicong and Ms Yong Chunhong, impressed the audience with their mastery of Norwegian in a xiangsheng style performance about learning Norwegian.




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