

单词 形同虚设

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 宜规定,本国的监督制度将对评审标准范围的使用进行检查,以确保框架协议 中规定的范围不要过宽,导致保障措 形同虚设。
Enacting States will wish to provide that their oversight regimes examine the use of a range of evaluation criteria, in order to
ensure that the range set out in the framework agreement is not
[...] so wide as to make the safeguards [...]
meaningless in practice.
形同虚设,执 法机构能力有限,暴露出利比里亚在继续对该次区域的稳 定构成威胁的毒品贩运活动面前的脆弱性。
Porous borders and the limited capacity of law enforcement [...]
agencies expose Liberia’s vulnerability to drug trafficking,
which continues to pose a threat to the stability of the subregion.
我们不应仅仅为了避免艰难的讨论而束缚 形同 虚设的文件。
We should not tie ourselves to a dead-letter document merely to avoid difficult discussions.
尤其是,工 作人员名单过时;安全员系 形同虚设 ; 各 特派团没有进行完整的无线电检查。
In particular, staff lists were not up to date; the warden system was not operational; and missions were not performing complete radio checks.
近来虽有些酷刑案件已送交法院,但特别报 告员发现,从总体上讲,大部分申诉机 形同虚设。
While recently some torture cases have reached the courts, the Special Rapporteur found that, overall, most
[...] complaints mechanisms are ineffective.
如果警官、监狱管理人员、司 法 机构的公务员、法官 、 检察官和律师 以 是否向他们行贿 ,是否送给他们其他不正当的钱财或 好 处为标准区 别对待 被剥夺 自由的人,整 个保障系统就会有名无实形 同 虚 设 , 毫 无意义 ;这样 ,没有能力 或 拒 不 奉 送索要的 贿赂金 的人就完 全没有任何 保护,从 而进一步降低整个 司 法 系 统的信誉。
When police officers, prison administration staff, judicial civil servants, judges, public prosecutors and lawyers approach individuals deprived of their liberty varyingly, depending on whether or not bribes or other irregular payments or favours have been received, then the whole system of guarantees becomes devoid of any content, empty and meaningless; it renders defenceless all those who cannot or refuse to pay the amounts that are asked from them and in turn further reduces the credibility of the entire system of administration of justice.
一些国家强化军事当局,导致 政府治理以及国内森林执形同虚设 , 加快了砍伐森林和森林退化的进程。
The strengthening of military authority has led to a breakdown of governance and domestic forest law enforcement in some countries, leading to increased deforestation and forest degradation.
虽然过去曾经有过一些成功,但由于程序性工具 似乎能确保任何时候都可以不受限制地行使否决权, 裁军谈判会议现已成为一个完 形同虚设 的 多 边裁 军论坛。
Its past successes notwithstanding, the Conference on Disarmament has become a forum where multilateral engagement on disarmament can be pretended safely, given that procedural tools seem to guarantee an unrestricted veto at all times.
联合来文3 报告说,两性平等机形同虚设,社 会保障和劳动部单独设立的 两性平等司被撤销。
Joint Submission 3 (JS3) reported that the gender equality machinery had been disempowered and a separate Gender Equality Division at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour was closed.
委员会认为,当面临被 遣送至第三国的寻求庇护者仍可诉诸补救办法时,就必须让他们有合理长的时间
[...] 诉诸剩余的补救办法,然后才可执行遣送措施,否则,这类补救即为名存实亡形同虚设,不啻为摆设的措施。
The Committee considers that, when further domestic remedies are available to asylum-seekers who risk deportation to a third country, they must be allowed a reasonable length of time to pursue the remaining remedies
before the deportation measure is enforced; otherwise, such remedies become
[...] materially unavailable, ineffective and futile.
就其本国而论,宪法所述的人 形同虚设 , 因 为宪法目前也顽固坚持 “军事第一”的政策。
On the home front, the mention of
[...] human rights in the Constitution is illusory, as the Constitution [...]
also now entrenches a “military first” policy.
75 联文11
[...] 说,执行人员不遵守法纪,甚至同流 合污,致使《反酷刑法形同虚设。76 法资中心提出的建议包括举行《反酷刑 [...]
ALRC stated that since the first UPR there were numerous cases of torture despite the Philippines’ acceptance of the recommendation to
eradicate torture.75 JS 11 stated that
[...] non-compliance and complicity by law enforcers [...]
have rendered the Anti-Torture Act ineffective.76
It made recommendations which included the convening of the Anti-Torture Law’s oversight committee to address obstacles in prosecuting cases and to hold Government agencies accountable.77 60.
关于同非洲的合作,原定设在对外关系与合作部门(ERC)内的对外关系与合作部门/会员国关系处/非洲部 (ERC/RMC/AFR)分支机构仍形同虚设 , 而 把对外关系合作部门与会员国关系处分开,这在一定程度上影 [...]
With regard to cooperation with Africa, the
ERC/RMS/AFR antenna, initially to be located
[...] in ERC, remains virtual, which has given [...]
rise to some imbalance in the supposed
universal coverage of the Organization’s Member States by ERC/RMS.
而如今分权制衡的制度几乎已 形同虚设 ; 总统府裁减了行政、立法和司法三方的权力;公民自由屡受威胁;关键的机构改革——地方分权和安全部门重组——无重大进展。
Civil liberties are regularly threatened, and key institutional reforms – decentralisation and the security sector – have made no significant progress.
冲突期 间的侵权或虐待行为事实上未受到惩罚,加上警 形同虚设 , 损 害了尼泊尔人对 国家实施法治,特别是对有政治影响力人物的信心。
De facto impunity for conflict-related violations and abuses, combined with ineffective policing, undermines the trust of Nepalis in the State to enforce the rule of law, particularly against those with political influence.
有 两种情绪可以体现巴布亚岛的政治僵局,一边是众多巴布亚人因“特别自治 形同虚设 而 倍 感沮丧,另一边则是印度尼西亚政府官员因巴布亚人对现状不满而恼羞成 怒。
The two sentiments that define the political impasse in Papua are frustration on the part of many Papuans that “special autonomy” has meant so little, and exasperation on the part of many Indonesian government officials that Papuans are not satisfied with what they have been given.
由于坚持第87/1991号 法的宪法性的宪法法院所采取的立场使这些补 形同虚设 , 用尽国内补救的要求 可合符逻辑地放弃。
The requirement of the exhaustion of domestic remedies could legitimately be waived, since these remedies were rendered ineffective by the position taken by the Constitutional Court in upholding the constitutionality of Act No. 87/1991.
高级专员忆及上届政府执政时,尤其是 2006年6月和2007年2 月发生的众多即决处决和其他侵犯人权行为:当时设立
[...] 了独立调查委员会来调查这些事件,但是由于当局缺乏政治意愿,委员 形同虚 设。
The High Commissioner recalled that numerous summary executions and other human rights violations took place under the previous Government, in particular in June 2006 and February 2007: an independent
Commission of Inquiry was established to look into those events, but, due to a lack of political
[...] will, it never functioned.63 32.
本框架采用的分类与 1986 年的文化统 计框架同,但包括了电子虚拟 的出 版 形 式 , 比如网络报纸、电子书以及书籍和报刊材料 的数字化发行。
This category
[...] remains the same as in FCS 1986 (UNESCO, 1986) but it also includes the electronic or virtual forms of publishing [...]
such as online newspapers,
ebooks and the digital distribution of books and press materials.
虚拟化扩展为符合 ARM 体系结构的处理器提供了基础,同 时 满足客户端和服务 设 备 对 虚 拟 机 中的复杂软件环境进行分区和管理的需求。
The visualization extensions provide the basis for ARM architecture compliant processors to address
the needs of both client
[...] and server devices for the partitioning and management of complex software environments into virtual machines.
This allows common rulebase
[...] sharing across different virtual systems on a device.
经社会还注意到, 该次区域办事处在亚太经社会总部和成员国之间建立了双向联系、同各部门 的部委和政府组织建立了工作关系、 同设 在 北 亚和中亚的金融机构和政府 间组形成了伙伴关系。
It also noted that the Subregional Office had built two-way linkages between ESCAP headquarters and member States, established working relations with sectoral ministries and governmental organizations
and forged partnerships with
[...] financial institutions and intergovernmental organizations based in North and Central Asia.
真空驱动过滤器提供了各种同设计 和 形 式 的 可重复使用的 玻璃产品和一次性塑料产品。
The vacuum-driven
[...] filters offer several different designs and styles [...]
in disposable plastic products.
又深为关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上实行封 闭政策,施加严重限制和设立检查站,其中几处已 形同 常 设 过 境 点的建筑物; 实行许可证制度;所有这些行动阻碍人员和货物,包括医疗和人道主义货物的自 由流动,并深为关切由此而来对巴勒斯坦人民人权的侵犯和对巴勒斯坦人民社会 经济状况的不利影响,这一状况是在加沙地带依然造成人道主义危机,同时表示 注意到该地出入情况方面的最新事态
Expressing deep concern also about the Israeli policy of closures and the imposition of severe restrictions, checkpoints, several of which have been transformed into structures akin to permanent border crossings, and a permit regime, all of which obstruct the freedom of movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and about the consequent violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people and the negative impact on their socio-economic situation, which remains that of a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, while taking note of recent developments with regard to the situation of access there
也有建议 提出虚拟图书馆的设作为促进阅读习惯的手段。
The development of virtual libraries was also suggested [...]
as a means of promoting a culture of reading.
3.10 参考建筑:指形设计( 包括窗墙比)、几何尺寸与被评建筑完全一致,而围护结构各 部件的热工参数和窗墙比都满足国家及地方节能标准规定 虚 拟 建 筑物。
3.10 Referential building: virtual building that has identical design (including the window-wall ratio) and size with the building under review and whose thermal dynamic parameters and window-wall ratio [...]
in the parts
of enclosure structures meet the national and local energy-saving standards.
BMForum 同时拥 有的多项插件可以保证您论坛的活跃性,如宠物插件 虚 拟 形象 F lash 秀、点歌台、社区银行、社区赌场、论坛日历、彩票发行、伴侣速配、广告宣传、节日礼物放送等一些非常实用和吸引用户的娱乐插件、功能性插件,增强了论坛的亲和力。
BMForum also has a number of plug-ins can guarantee that your forum activity , such as pet plug-in, virtual image of the Flash [...]
show , song units
, community banks, community casino , Calendar , lottery , partner match , advertising , holiday gift delivery and some very useful plug-ins and entertainment to attract users , functionality plug-ins to enhance the affinity of the Forum .
此处规定的承运人之所有权利、辩护、豁免和责任限制将适用于所有承运人特许经销商、设施、独 立承包商或其他服务提供者,无论在海上或岸上,包括但不限于岸上观光团或旅游团经营者、零售商店人员; 任何关系企业或相关公司、母公司、子公司、继任人、受让人 虚设 的 公 司;所有供应商、造船公司、零组件 制造商;及其船东、经营者、经理人、租船者、代理人、领航员、高级职员、全体船员、雇员和职员之利益, 其于同或侵 权行为均不对旅客负责大于及有别于承运人的责任。
All rights, defences, immunities and limitations of liability of Carrier set forth herein shall also inure to the benefit of all of the Carrier's concessionaires, facilities, independent contractors or other service providers, whether at sea or ashore, including but not limited to shore excursion or tour operators, retail shop personnel; any affiliated or related companies, parents,
subsidiaries, successors,
[...] assigns or fictitiously named entities; all suppliers, shipbuilders, component part manufacturers; and its or their owners, operators, managers, charterers, agents, pilots, officers, crew, servants and employees, who shall have no liability to the Guest, either in contract or in tort, which is greater than or different from that of the [...]
[...] 并把部分检查站变成巴勒斯坦被占领土境 形同 常 设 过 境点的建筑物,这种做法 严重损害巴勒斯坦被占领土的领土毗连,削弱为恢复和发展巴勒斯坦经济做出的 [...]
Concerned in particular about the continued establishment of Israeli checkpoints in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the
transformation of several of these
[...] checkpoints into structures akin to permanent border [...]
crossings inside the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, which are severely impairing the territorial contiguity of the Territory and undermining efforts and aid aimed at rehabilitating and developing the Palestinian economy, adversely affecting other aspects of the socio-economic conditions of the Palestinian people
例如,我们可端到端跟踪大数据解决方案,添加业务事务以对 同 操 作 形 式 进 行 虚 拟 化,甚至可根据取决于读/写行、缓存命中率和网络调用数量等内部数据的访问模式深入推动诊断。
NET-based technology—without any special code support. For example, we can trace Big Data solutions from
end to end, add business
[...] transactions to visualize the different forms of operations, and [...]
even enable deep-dive diagnostics
based on access patterns that rely on internal data like read/written rows, cache hit rate and amount of network calls.




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