单词 | 当道 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 当道 —hold powerless common: in the middle of the road • be in the way Examples:豺狼当道—ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power • a vicious tyranny rules the land
从中国湖北武当山远道前往挪威的武 当道 士 们 将在文化节期间与挪威菲利卡(Frikar)舞蹈团进行合作演出。 norway.org.cn | The monks travelled all away from the Wudang mountains in Hubei, China to perform at the festival together with the Norwegian dance company Frikar. norway.cn |
不活动的车道当车道已正 确配置 并调整后,但不需要车道的数据报告时非常有用。 wavetronix.com | Inactive lanes are useful when a lane has been [...] correctly configured and tuned, but data reporting for the lane is not desired. wavetronix.com |
当作业运行时,您能知道具体是什么被发送给了客户, 知 道当 作 业运行时输入是什么以及该作业产生了什么输出。 evget.com | When a job runs, know exactly what was sent to the customer. Know what inputs the job used when it ran and what outputs it generated. evget.com |
这次会议得到了地方、地区和国际媒 体的广泛报道。当地学 术界和驻当地外交界积极参与了这次会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The conference was widely covered by local, regional and international media, and enjoyed the participation of the local academic and diplomatic community. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该团体的一个成员告诉委员会,该 团体既不为政府工作,也没有参与非法活动,只是想不偏不倚地 报 道当 前 的动 荡。 daccess-ods.un.org | A member of this group told the commission that the group neither worked for the Government nor engaged in illegal activities, but sought only to provide a balanced picture of the unrest. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有利益攸关方均应了解知识产权的范围, 知 道当 他 们 想要放弃其中 的一些权利时,如何选择放弃。 unesdoc.unesco.org | All stakeholders should be aware of the scope of intellectual property rights and how they may choose to waive some of those rights if they so wish. unesdoc.unesco.org |
据报道,当天晚 些时候,一些穆斯林袭击了科普特基督教徒 的财产,包括商店、药店和车辆。 daccess-ods.un.org | Later on the same day, several Muslim individuals reportedly attacked Coptic Christian property, including shops, pharmacies and vehicles. daccess-ods.un.org |
我知道当金融 震荡撼动世界市场时,美国和中国一起稳定国际金融体系。 embassyusa.cn | And I know that when financial [...] tremors shake world markets, the United States and China come together to stabilize the international financial system. eng.embassyusa.cn |
但如我上一份报告强调的那样,我仍认为,全球能力中存在的差距必须在全球范 [...] 围内进行评估,以便建设适当能力并使联合国在外地的领导人或国家行为体知 道,当他们 需要具体资源或专门知识时,应该到那里去寻找。 daccess-ods.un.org | As emphasized in my last report, however, I continue to believe that gaps in global capacity must also be assessed globally, so that appropriate capacities are built and [...] United Nations leaders in the field or [...] national actors know where to go when they need [...]specific resources or expertise. daccess-ods.un.org |
以何种方式大卫知道当午夜 来了,和有关他的竖琴,(4A)。 mb-soft.com | The way in [...] which David knew when midnight had [...]arrived, and concerning his harp, (4a). mb-soft.com |
他继续说道,“当我们在那些年寻找数据采集分析仪时,我们决定 Brüel & Kjær 的 2032 型双通道信号分析仪是正确的选择,因此我们购买了四套。 bksv.cn | He continues, “When we looked around for data acquisition analyzers all those years ago, we decided that Brüel & Kjær’s Dual-channel Signal Analyzer Type 2032 was the way ahead, so we bought four of them. bksv.com |
我们知道当前局 势紧张,所以我 呼吁贝尔格莱德和普里什蒂纳有关当局继续支持我 们履行任务。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are aware of the prevailing tensions, and I therefore call on the relevant authorities in Belgrade and Pristina to continue to support us in implementing our mandate. daccess-ods.un.org |
至于僧侣们是如何将此犬种培养成如此非凡的英雄,并没有多少记录,但我们 知 道当 时 的 科学并不像今天一样发达。 eukanuba.com.cn | There's not much record of how the monks fed [...] the breed to create such larger-than-life heroes, but we do know science then [...]wasn't what it is today. eukanuba.com.au |
幸存者 Adonis Rivas Rodas 公开说道:当其在 洪都拉斯领水捕鱼时,“尼加 拉瓜海军多次开火,巡逻船朝我们冲撞;我再也没见到自己的同伴”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The survivor, Adonis Rivas Rodas, stated publicly that while they were fishing in Honduran national waters, “the Nicaraguan Navy fired several shots and the patrol boat rammed us; I never saw my friend again”. daccess-ods.un.org |
据报道,当局断开了包含数千服务器的整个互联网数据中心,因为该中心的博客页面含有敏感材料。 embassyusa.cn | According to [...] news reports, authorities disconnected [...]entire Internet data centers, which contained thousands of servers, [...]because of blog pages containing sensitive material. eng.embassyusa.cn |
Berners-Lee评论道:“[当前的 ]网络正在增长,因为我们很容易就能写出一个网页,然后把它 链接到其他网页。 conference.ifla.org | Berners-Lee has remarked that “the [current] web has grown because it's easy to write a web page and easy to link to other pages” (Berners-Lee, 2007). conference.ifla.org |
Mäkinen继续说道:”当整个 行业还在向永磁技术过渡时,斯维奇已经能够提供第二代产品了。 cn.theswitch.com | As the industry shifts toward PM technology, The Switch is already able to offer second generation products,” Mäkinen continues. theswitch.com |
其次是丁道尔的翻译 [...] (1525年至1531年)(这个翻译是基于新旧约原希腊,被译成英文在一个自由的 地 道;当 K J A V制 作了近一个世纪之后(1611年),三分之一它保留廷达勒的措辞,而其余的保留他的一般的文学结构); [...]迈尔斯代尔公司 (1535年至1553年), [...]托马斯马修 (1537),真的,但是,玛丽的工作约翰罗杰斯,皇后首次统治烈士下。 mb-soft.com | This was followed by Tyndale's translation (1525-1531) (this translation was based on the original Greek of the New [...] Testament, and was translated in a free [...] idiomatic English; when the KJAV was produced [...]almost a century later (1611), one-third [...]of it retained Tyndale's wording and the remainder retained his general literary structure); Miles Coverdale's (1535-1553); Thomas Matthew's (1537), really, however, the work of John Rogers, the first martyr under the reign of Queen Mary. mb-soft.com |
她描述了由街道、当地墓地和更正 式的“游戏地点”提供的游戏机会。 ipaworld.org | She describes the opportunities for play afforded by street space, local graveyards, and more formal ‘playspace’. ipaworld.org |
WATT Publishing 在其家禽行业杂志月刊上报道当前家 禽业的主题。 bigdutchman.de | Visit this agricultural directory and find information regarding all agricultural topics in North America and worldwide. bigdutchman.de |
就在新闻报道当天, 瑞士历峰集团(Richemont)和斯沃琪集团的股票在瑞士交易所分别上涨了4.5和1.3个百分点。 wthejournal.com | On the very day the subject was broached on air, Richemont and Swatch Group shares traded up 4.5 % and 1.3 % respectively on the Swiss stock market. wthejournal.com |
但安理会清楚 地知道,当地局 势难以控制,尤其是在东部地区,我 刚才谈到的侵害平民、特别是侵害妇女——因为侵害 妇女更加容易——的残暴行径一再发生,即说明问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | But the situation is not under control, as the Council is well aware, particularly in the east, as shown by the recurrence of terrible violence against civilians, of which I just spoke — in particular against women, since it is easier. daccess-ods.un.org |
您是否不知道当前的 IT基础架构能合理支持条形码、RFID智能标签或合规贴标要求? printronix.cn | Do you wonder if your current IT infrastructure can properly support bar codes, RFID smart labels, or compliance labeling mandates? printronix.com |
这真是一个好周末,Geraci 说道,当然,天气除外。 lamborghini.com | It's been a good weekend," said Geraci, "despite the weather. lamborghini.com |
南苏丹将运输费报价提高到每桶 9.10 美元(GNPOC 输油管道)和 7.26 美元 (Petrodar 输油管道):当前的报价将加工费提高了 7%,这样苏丹可以利用其加 工设施取得以往没有从其他托运人那里获得过的盈利。 daccess-ods.un.org | South Sudan has proposed protection of the nationals of one State resident in the other and affirms rights of nomads and migratory populations to their traditional seasonal access to water and pasture. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们知道,当我们 需要援助时,我们可以倚赖 Equinix Smart Hands™。 equinix.cn | We know we can count on the Equinix Smart Hands™ service if we need assistance. equinix.com |
Ruth Bader Ginsberg法官陈述法院 多数裁决的脚注 1 揭示了这一点:“根据‘发现论’”,他这样 写 道 : “ 当 殖 民者来 到这里时,印第安人占用的土地的收费权便归属于主权方——首先是发现土地的 欧洲国家,后来是最初的各州和美国”。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is revealed in footnote number one of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s decision for the Court majority: “Under the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’”, wrote Justice Ginsberg, “... fee title to the lands occupied by Indians when the colonists arrived became vested in the sovereign — first the discovering European nation and later the original states and the United States”. daccess-ods.un.org |
最严重的一次事件发 生在 3 月 4 日,平民封锁了联黎部队一支巡逻队的 通 道 , 当 时 巡逻队正与黎巴嫩 武装部队协作,调查在 As-Suwwanan 村(西段)发生的自动武器开火事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the most serious incident, on 4 March, civilians blocked the route of a UNIFIL patrol investigating, in coordination with the Lebanese Armed Forces, the firing of automatic weapons in the village of As-Suwwanan (Sector West). daccess-ods.un.org |
在任何时候要想知道当前有 多少行程序和有多少个寄存器可供扩 展为程序行或可保存数据,可以按gN,计算器将对你的需求作出 答复 vicinno.com | To determine at any time how many program lines (including those containing i00) are currently in program memory and how many storage registers are currently available for conversion to program lines or for data storage, press gN (memory). vicinno.com |