

单词 当由


正当理由 n

warrant n


proper reason
reasonable grounds

External sources (not reviewed)

南南合作及其议程当由南方 国家确定,应当继续以尊重国家主权、国家自 [...]
South-South cooperation and its agenda have to be set
[...] by countries of the South and should [...]
continue to be guided by the principles of
respect for national sovereignty, national ownership and independence, equality, non-conditionality, non-interference in domestic affairs and mutual benefit.
宪法确保了经济活动自由,任 何对经济活动的限制都当由法律 明确规定。
The constitution assures freedom of economic activity, any limitation of which should be based on law.
当由预防 性办法和风险管理来指导行 动,防止不好的结果,不仅包括渔业资源的过度开发和消极环境影响,还包括不 [...]
Actions should be guided by the [...]
precautionary approach and risk management to guard against undesirable outcomes, including
not only overexploitation of fishery resources and negative environmental impacts but also unacceptable social and economic consequences.
关于决议草案第 7 段提出的请经常预算支持工 程处的加强体制工作,他提请注意大会第 45/248 B
[...] 号决议,其中重申行政和预算事项 当由 第 五 委员 会以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会处理。
With regard to the request in paragraph 7 of the draft resolution for support from the regular budget for the institutional strengthening of the Agency, he drew attention to General Assembly resolution 45/248 B, which
reaffirmed that administrative and budgetary
[...] matters should be dealt with by the [...]
Fifth Committee and the Advisory Committee
on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.
一些发言者指出,这些看法当由管 理和财务问题工作组 作进一步讨论。
A number of speakers noted that these ideas should be discussed further by the working group on governance and finance.
鉴于专家小组的任务只是审议有关财务与行政方面的问题,因此大家同意 当由 相关 的委员会对这一问题及其相关的决定草案进行实质性审议。
As the Group of Experts is to examine only the financial and administrative aspects of the item, it was agreed to leave all substantial discussion on this issue and the related draft decision to the appropriate Commissions.
The most important problem in the primary level health care is small
inclusion of nurses and overburdening of family doctors with functions which
[...] essentially should be fulfilled by nurses.
但是,它将对这项决议草案投 反对票,因为它认为,试图影响条约机构的招募成 员程序不是大会的职责;当由缔约 国来决定招募 成员的程序。
However, it would vote against the draft resolution because it believed that it was not the role of the General Assembly to attempt to influence the membership procedures of treaty bodies; it was for the States parties to decide on membership procedures.
食典委同意这个问题当由总原则委员 会下届会议予以审议。
The Commission agreed that this matter should be considered by the next session of the Committee on General Principles.
其他差距包括缺乏关于能力发展责任的明确性,包括: 当由 谁设 立标准以及由谁管理实施;依据与性别平等有关的具体任务规定把每一个实体的 [...]
观点纳入方案之中以及每一个实体内部审核进程所需要的时间;性别平等主流化 举措缺少资金;缺少一个性别平等知识战略以确定、集中和传播联合国系统的信
Other gaps included the lack of clarity about
responsibility for capacity-development, including
[...] who should be setting standards and who should [...]
manage implementation; the time required
to incorporate each entity’s perspective within the programme based on the particular mandates in relation to gender equality, as well as the clearance processes in each entity; lack of funds for gender mainstreaming initiatives; and a lack of a gender knowledge strategy on gender to identify, centralize and disseminate United Nations system information, tools, guidance, manuals, innovative methodologies and lessons learned.
有意见认为,空间碎片减缓措施的费用 当由 所 有 空间利用者平等分担, 以使空间活动的商业环境保持公平和竞争力,而委员会及其附属机构应当在促 进分担空间碎片清除费用、承担地面风险和授权清除等有关事宜上的国际协调 方面发挥重要作用。
The view was expressed that the cost of space debris mitigation measures should be shared by all space users equally in order to keep the business environment for space activities fair and competitive, and that the Committee and its subsidiary bodies could play an important role in promoting international coordination in matters related to space debris removal cost-sharing, ground risk acceptance and removal authorization.
当由适当的国 家当局维持关于射入外层空间物体的国家登记册;应 当请运营方向该当局提交相关信息,以便使国家能够根据国际文书,包括 《关于登记射入外层空间物体的公约》、联大第 1721 (XVI) B 号决议和第 62/101 号决议,向秘书长提交相关信息。
Operators should be requested to submit information to that authority to enable the State to submit the relevant information to the Secretary-General in accordance with international instruments, including the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space and General Assembly resolutions 1721 (XVI) B and 62/101.
准则还要求生态标签计划当由 市场驱动、透明和非歧视,包括承认适用于发展中国家的特殊条件。
They also require that ecolabelling schemes should be market-driven, transparent and non-discriminatory, including by recognizing the special conditions applying to developing countries.
全国人大常委会在全国人大闭会期间根据宪法规定行使职权,包括:解释宪 法,监督宪法的实施;制定和修改除 当由 全 国 人大制定的法律以外的其他法 律;监督国务院、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的工作等。
The powers exercised in accordance with the Constitution by the Standing Committee when the Congress is not in session include: interpreting the Constitution and supervising its enforcement; drafting and amending legislation other than that falling under the purview of the Congress itself; and supervising the work of the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.
知识产权政策也必须包括对发展的考虑,这 当由 发 达 国家 和发展中国家共同完成。
IP policy too must integrate development considerations and that should be done as much by developed countries as by developing.
Arbitration under this
[...] Agreement shall be conducted by the American Arbitration [...]
Association (the "AAA") under its Commercial
Arbitration Rules and, in the case of consumer disputes, the AAA's Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes ( the "AAA Consumer Rules") (collectively the "AAA Rules").
姆贝 基总统解释说,法院发出的逮捕令是一个事实问题,
[...] 只能由国际刑事法院法官来复议,但他补充说,在达 尔富尔犯下的其他罪行当由苏丹 在其国内加以处 理,非洲联盟小组已经拟订了这方面的建议。
President Mbeki explained that the arrest warrants issued by the Court are a matter of fact and can be reviewed only by the ICC Judges, but he added that
the rest of the crimes committed in
[...] Darfur should be addressed by the Sudan domestically, [...]
and the African Union Panel has
formulated recommendations in this regard.
经出席并参加表决的缔约国三分之二多数通过的任何修正案, 当由 秘书 长提交联合国大会核准,然后提交所有缔约国供其接受。
Any amendment adopted by a majority of two thirds of the States parties present and voting shall be submitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly for approval, and thereafter to all States parties for acceptance.
他提及 2010 年 2 月 24 日安全理事会第 6277 次会议,安理会在这次会议上 专门审议了作为对国际和平与安全的威胁的贩毒问题,这名发言者指出这个问 题更当由主管 的多边论坛如大会、经济及社会理事会和麻醉药品委员会审 议。
Referring to the 6277th meeting of the Security Council, held on 24 February 2010, at which the Council considered the issue of drug trafficking as a threat to international peace and security, the speaker observed that the matter should be considered, rather, by competent multilateral forums such as the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
案件当由可靠 来 源 提交工作组,该 来 源如果不是失踪者 [...]
的家庭 成 员,必须说明所报告的受害者家庭是否直接同意案件由它代表他们转 交工作组。
(f) A case should be submitted to [...]
the Working Group by a reliable source, which, if other than a family member, must indicate
whether the reported victim's family has given their direct consent that this case be submitted to the Working Group on their behalf.
所涉职责由会员国代表团团长履行,而 不由当选的个人以私人身份履行。
The duties involved are performed by heads of delegations of Member States, and not by individuals elected in their personal capacity.
除了父亲Paulinus,已经提到,是神甫罗素,谁被选为协助完成了大量的“薄伽梵往世书”的比尔努夫开始,翻译和出版谁除了对印度教有趣的研究有;神甫杜波依斯,谁发表了巧妙地阐述了现代印度教,题目是“印度教的礼仪,习俗和礼仪”(牛津,1897年);和父亲j的Dahlmann,律政司司长最后,但公平地注意到有相当出色的翻译工作 由当 地 印 度教学者所做神圣的印度教和解释文本。
Besides Father Paulinus, already mentioned, are the Abbé Roussel, who was chosen to assist in completing the translation of the voluminous "Bhagavata Purana", begun by Burnouf, and who has besides published interesting studies on Hinduism; the Abbé Dubois, who published a masterly exposition of Modern Hinduism under the title "Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies" (Oxford, 1897); and Father J. Dahlmann, SJ Finally, it is but fair to note that considerable excellent work is being done by native Hindu scholars in translating and interpreting sacred Hindu texts.
如果这样的信息构成当事 方提交上诉法庭的书面答辩或任何其他书状的一部分,应把全部书状退还 当事 方,由当事方按照上文第 1 款的规定重新提交上诉法庭。
If such information is part of the brief or any other written pleadings submitted to the Appeals Tribunal by a party, all pleadings shall be returned to that party for resubmission to the Appeals Tribunal in compliance with paragraph 1 above.
此外,对他前面提出的关于举证责任问题的 回答不太令人满意:他想知道举证责任是否事实由当局承 担以表明口供是自由做出的,但报告国只 是表示法官可以自行确定口供是如何获取的。
Moreover, the answer to his previous question on the burden of proof had been less than encouraging: he wished to know
whether the burden was
[...] in fact on the authorities to show that a confession had been made freely, but the reporting [...]
State had merely
indicated that judges could exercise discretion in determining how confessions had been obtained.
关于所声称的在支付利息方面违背了智利的法律,即以《国际商事仲裁法》第 9 条(等同于《仲裁示范法》第 9 条)为其形式的法律,因为被申请人认为本应 当支付复利,而这是国家法律所禁止的,同时也因为债务中缺乏流动资产而被 排除在外,对此法院认定,这涉及实质问题,超出了强制执行问题的限度;这 个问题不能由最高法院来裁定,而是 由当 初 审 理强制执行程序的仲裁庭来裁 定。
As for the claim that Chilean law, in the form of article 9 of the International Commercial Arbitration Act (consistent with art. 9 MAL), had been breached with regard to the payment of interest, given that, in the defendant’s view, compound interest had been payable, which was prohibited under national legislation and excluded by the lack of liquid assets in the debt, the Court held that this related to an issue of substance, which went beyond the question of enforcement; it was not for the Supreme Court to rule on the issue but for the court where the enforcement proceedings had been heard.
他们还建议,第一,国民议会通过表决延期其领 导任期,其后应由国民议会的当选议长担负临时总统 的职责,由当选的 副议长担任国民议会议长;第二, 指定一名各方同意的全权总理,由他领导一个基础广 泛的政府以完成过渡;第三,临时总统和过渡总理没 有资格参加设想中的总统竞选;以及,通过适当机制 延长国民议会成员的任期,以便将过渡期涵盖在内。
They also recommended that, first, the National Assembly renew its leadership through a vote, following which the elected Speaker of the National Assembly should assume the responsibility of Interim President and the elected Deputy Speaker become the Speaker of the National Assembly; secondly, a consensual Prime Minister with full powers be designated to lead a broad-based Government that should lead the transition to its conclusion; thirdly, the Interim President and the transitional Prime Minister not be eligible to contest the envisaged presidential election; and the tenure of the membership of the National Assembly be extended through appropriate mechanisms to cover the transitional period.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决 由 第 六 委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取 其他当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth
session; and decided to
[...] further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the [...]
basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
各位部长进一步强调, 《气候公约》下的工作进程必须是公开的 由当 事 方 驱动的、包容的和透明 的,而且工作进程必须促进多边主义,以便根据该公约的原则和条款实现《巴 厘行动计划》批准的商定成果。
The Ministers further stressed that the process of work under the UNFCCC must be open, party-driven, inclusive and transparent and strengthen multilateralism in order to achieve an agreed outcome as mandated by the Bali Action Plan based on the principles and provisions of the convention.
巴西、埃及和摩洛哥的总部外办事处也苦于信托基金管理费账户不够充盈,该账户无 法为其覆盖范围由当地管 理的预算外计划的行政支助职位提供全部资金。
The field offices in Brazil, Egypt and Morocco, too, are adversely affected by the shortfall in FITOCA, which cannot fund all posts
providing administrative
[...] support for locally generated extrabudgetary projects falling within their [...]
field of competence.




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