

单词 当务



top priority job
matter of vital importance

External sources (not reviewed)

全球化和许多冲突(特别是 在非洲)使促进文化多样性和文化间对话,包括宗教间对话成 当务 之 急
Globalization and numerous conflicts in particular in Africa make it imperative to promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, including interreligious dialogue.
鉴于发生自然灾害的次数增加,强度增大,教 科文组织自然科学部门当务之急 就是制定全面的应对办法。
As frequency and intensity of natural disasters increase, it is imperative that UNESCO Natural Sciences develop a comprehensive approach.
缔约国应作当务之急 解决过度拥挤问题以及实行男 女囚犯分开羁押,并制定具体的条例,以保护在押女犯的权利。
As a matter of priority, it should tackle overcrowding, as well as the separation of female and male inmates, and adopt specific regulations to protect the rights of women in detention.
当务 之急,是要避免今后发生类似的状况。
It was imperative that similar situations should be avoided in future.
最近基础教育所取得的成果表 明不久的将来对中等教育的需求将会很大 当务 之 急 是调整目前的基础设施和人 力资源以满足即将发生的局面。
The recent results achieved in terms of basic education schooling demonstrate that in the short term there will be a heavy demand for secondary level, and it is urgent that the current infrastructures and human resources are adapted to meet this impending situation.
当务之急 是要编写 一个儿童权利治理单元,作为欧洲共同体资助的儿童权利工具包的一部分,供发 展工作者使用。
One immediate step will be the production of a module on governance for children’s rights as part of the European Community-funded Child Rights Toolkit for development practitioners.
它呼吁政府将创造就业机会的方 案列当务之急 ,以防止流离失所和险象环生的迁移,敦促政府尊重言论和表达 自由,保护新闻工作者的生命,打击腐败,结束有罪不罚和促进善政。
It called on the Government to prioritize programmes creating employment opportunities so as to prevent displacement and risky migration, and urged it to respect the rights to freedom of speech and expression, protection of the life of journalists, fighting corruption, ending impunity and the promotion of good governance.
深感震惊于每年仍然布设的地雷(水雷)数目,以及地雷(水雷)和战争遗留爆 炸物虽然在减少,但由于武装冲突之故,其数量和贻害面积依旧很大,因此仍然 深信国际社会当务之急 是加大地雷行动力度,以期尽快消除地雷和战争遗留爆 炸物对平民造成的威胁
Deeply alarmed by the number of mines that continue to be laid each year as well as the presence of a decreasing but still very large number of, and area of square kilometres infested by, mines and explosive remnants of war as a result of armed conflicts, and therefore remaining convinced of the necessity and urgency of strengthening mine-action efforts by the international community with a view to eliminating the threat of landmines and explosive remnants of war to civilians as soon as possible
在第 7 章中,我们讨论了发展中国家有必要进 行更多“联合”决策的问题,以 当务 之 急 是提高发展中国家国家机构的知识产权决策专 业技术知识。
In Chapter 7, we dealt with the issue of the need for more “joined-up” policymaking in developing countries, and the crucial requirement to develop expertise in policymaking in IP in their national institutions.
当务之急 是确保《全面禁 止核试验条约》生效,完善原子能机构的安全保障 和议定书,在中东建立无核武器区,促进针对核武 器国家的新的裁军倡议,以及就一项禁止生产用于 核武器的裂变材料的条约展开谈判。
It was urgent to ensure the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, improve IAEA safeguards and protocols, create a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East, promote new disarmament initiatives for the nuclear-weapon States, and initiate negotiations for a treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons.
在这方面,我们认为当务之急是要把小武器和 轻武器非法贩运问题作为委员会议程上的一个优先 事项,并且纳入推动拟订一项武器贸易条约的不限成 员名额工作组的谈判之中,以便满足在座大多数代表 团的愿望。
In this context, we believe it is imperative that the issue of the illicit traffic of small arms light weapons be considered as a priority on the agenda of the Commission and be included in the negotiations of the Open-ended Working Group towards an Arms Trade Treaty as a response to the wishes of most delegations present here.
揭示的情况表明,厄立特里亚当局确实羁押着吉布提军事人员,而且尽管 生存条件恶劣,但已知在 2011 年 9 月至少仍有 5 名战俘幸存,这就使厄立特里 亚执行安全理事会第 1862(2009)号决议和其后各项决议成 当务 之 急
The revelation that the Eritrean authorities have indeed been holding Djiboutian military personnel in their custody, and that at least five prisoners of war were known to be still alive in September 2011, albeit surviving under dire conditions, renders Eritrean implementation of Security Council resolution 1862 (2009) and subsequent resolutions a matter of urgency.
采取降低气候变化脆弱性的适应措施当务之急 ,对于此时此地正遭受风险的国家, 更是刻不容缓。
Adaptation measures that reduce vulnerability to climate change are critical, especially in many countries where the risks are here and now.
食典委注意到,协商一致的定义和在食典委中实际如何处理这一概念,被许多成 员视为一个重要的问题,须作当务 之 急 在通用原则规范委员会内进一步讨论。
The Commission noted that the definition of consensus and how the concept was handled in practice in Codex was considered an important issue by many members, to be further discussed as a matter of priority within the CCGP.
鉴于已紧迫要求各国尽量减少或消除违约行为,保证防止各国由 于不履行报告义务而出现违约仍 当务 之 急
In view of the urgent requirement for countries to minimize or eliminate non-compliance, it remained of
the highest priority to ensure that examples arising from a lack
[...] of fulfilment of reporting obligations were prevented.
我请所有会员国、特别是前南斯拉夫各国加强努力,将把这些在 逃犯送交法庭作当务之急
I ask all States, especially those
of the former Yugoslavia, to intensify their
[...] efforts and deliver these fugitives [...]
to the Tribunal as a matter of urgency.
对于这些社区来说当务之急是能够确保它们 的传统知识和管理这些知识的惯例法得到保护和尊重,而不是得到金钱补偿。
For such communities, the imperative is to be able to ensure that their traditional knowledge and the customary laws governing it are preserved and respected, rather than to obtain monetary compensation.
当务之急 是要利用生成的信息来对教师的工作进行反馈,以便确定 墨西哥课堂教学中存在的强项和弱项。
It is essential to use the information generated to provide feedback to teachers with the aim of identifying strengths and weaknesses in the teaching in the country’s classrooms.
筹备委员会和不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会当务之急 是解决 无核国家对发展和部署新型核武器及其运载工具的忧虑,并应考虑通过一项关于 [...]
禁止任何新型核武器、特别是微型核武器的发展、现代化和生产的决定以及禁止 在本国和外国建造旨在发展、部署和生产核武器及其运载工具的任何新设施的禁
The Preparatory Committee and the 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
[...] Weapons have the urgent tasks of addressing the [...]
concerns of the non-nuclear-weapon States
emanating from the development and deployment of new nuclear weapons and their means of delivery and alleviating these concerns by considering a decision on the prohibition of the development, the modernization and the production of any new nuclear weapons, particularly mini-nukes, as well as a ban on the construction of any new facility for the development, deployment and production of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery in home and foreign countries.
关于非政府组织的资助问题,奥地利认 当务 之急 是制定监控使用捐款人捐助资金的措施,并寻 问其他旨在改善地方组织包括妇女协会资金管理透 明度的可行措施。
With regard to the financing of non-governmental organizations, her delegation believed that the main thing was to establish control measures for the use of funds paid by donors and wondered what else could be done to increase the transparency of how resources available to local organizations, including women’s associations, were managed.
当务之急 是,最有可能 与注射吸毒者接触的服务部门或设施,如拓展和药物治疗设施以及执法机构应 [...]
It is imperative that services or facilities [...]
that are most likely to have contact with people who inject drugs, such as
outreach and drug treatment facilities and law enforcement bodies, are well integrated with the health services so as to manage a broad range of health conditions.
[...] 多样化和附加值提高的现状,论述了气候变化对关键初级农产品的影响,着重介 绍打造绿色经济当务之急 产生的种种机会。
It examines the current state of diversification and value addition in Africa, discusses the impact of climate change on
key agricultural commodities and highlights opportunities
[...] generated by the current imperatives for greening the [...]
这 相当于运输和贸易等其它基础设施的发展 当务 之 急 是连接到经济上最重要的地 点,即到各大城市的航空旅行或到各个港口的航运。
This is comparable to other infrastructure developments in transport and trade: the priority is connection to the most economically important location, i.e. air travel to major cities or shipping to ports.
印度制药业的增长由于国际规则的原因而 面临危险;因此当务之急 是重新审视本国的规定,确定在多大程度上可以为非 专利药业提供生产新药的空间。
The growth of the pharmaceutical industry in India was in danger due to international rules; therefore, it was urgent to revisit domestic regulations to determine to what extent they could provide space for generic industries to provide new drugs.
当务之急,以便使我 们能通过协调和认真的行动共同解决我们目前面临 的许多紧急问题,并且推动在安全理事会第 242(1967) [...]
、 第 338(1973) 、 第 1397(2002) 、 第 1515(2003)和第 1850(2008)号决议、“土地换和平”
原则以及“阿拉伯和平倡议”的基础上,实现公正、 全面和持久和平解决以巴冲突和整个阿以冲突的总 体目标。
That is imperative in order to allow us together to address, [...]
with coordinated and serious action, the many urgent issues
we currently face and to advance the overall goal of a just, comprehensive, lasting and peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and of the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole on the basis of Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 1397 (2002), 1515 (2003) and 1850 (2008), the principle of land for peace and the Arab Peace Initiative.
中国认为当务之急 是根据安理会决议的要求, 在利比亚立即、无条件实现停火,并建立联合国领导 下的停火监督机制。
China believes that the priority for the time being must be to achieve a complete and unconditional ceasefire, as called for by the Council, and to establish a ceasefire monitoring system under the auspices of the United Nations.
然而,鉴 于后续查访中获得的资料,小组委员会认为虽然已做出努力,但在巴拉圭设立国 家预防机制仍然当务之急
Despite the efforts made, however, and given the information obtained during the follow-up mission, the Subcommittee is of the view that the creation of a national preventive mechanism in Paraguay is a matter of urgency.
[...] 于东道国政府以实物形式为食典计划提供支持(会议场所、口笔译 务 、 当 地 秘 书处服 务)及向食典秘书处提供借调人员(目前有三名专业人员)的有关解释。
The Commission also noted the explanation on in-kind contributions provided to the Codex programme on the one hand from host
governments (meeting venues, translation,
[...] interpretation and local secretariat) as [...]
well as through secondments to the Codex
Secretariat (presently three professional staff members).
残疾人士社区支援计划提供多项社区为本的支援 务 , 当 中 包 括家居 照顾服务、个人发展计划、自闭症人士及有挑战行为的智障人士特别支援计划、 新失明人士支援计划、家居康复训练服务、儿童健乐会及在职残疾人士支援服 务。
(f) Community-based Support Projects for Persons with Disabilities which provides a wide range of community-based support services, including home care service, personal development programme, specialised programme for persons with autism and mentally handicapped persons with challenging behaviour, support scheme for newly blind persons, home-based rehabilitation training service, junior gateway club and support service for on-the-job disabled persons.




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