

单词 当前的收费

See also:

收费 n

charges pl
charge n

收费 pl

fares pl



External sources (not reviewed)

在能源领域执行的各项政策重点关注以下问题:(a) 向所有人,特别是农村
[...] 和偏远地区的人民提供现代能源服务和物资;(b) 对能源设施进行经济管理,包 括审当前的收费情况 ;(c) 鼓励对钻井和生产石油和天然气以及使用较清洁技 术领域进行投资;(d) [...]
鼓 励私营部门参与建立和管理能源设施;(f) 提高能源利用效率,同时更多使用较 清洁燃料和可再生能源技术;(g) 倡导使用公共交通和铁路,同时支持修建区域 和次区域公路网络,为贸易和运输提供便利。
In the area of energy, the policies that are pursued focus on the following: (a) providing modern energy services and supplies to the whole population and, in particular, in rural and remote regions; (b) economic management of energy
facilities, including
[...] the review of current tariffs; (c) encouraging investment in the fields of drilling [...]
for and producing oil
and gas and the use of cleaner technology; (d) promoting projects for electricity and natural gas networks at the regional and interregional levels; (e) encouraging the participation of the private sector in the establishment and management of energy facilities; (f) improving energy efficiency while expanding the use of cleaner fuel and renewable energy technology; (g) promoting the use of public transport and railways while supporting the construction of regional and subregional road networks in order to facilitate trade and transport.
(e) 用欧元预交的下几个财务期的会费,收到时,应以其记入本组织银行 帐户之日的业务汇率换算成美元; 前收 到 的 会 费 , 应 以美元存入交 纳国名下,交付的下几个财务时期的会费,应按大会决定的比例用美 元和欧元贷记,计算时采用发出下一财务期第一年会费摊款通 当天 的 业务汇率; 但是,考虑到会员国可能希望用它们选择的货币缴纳部分会费
(e) when contributions are received in advance in euros for subsequent financial periods, such advance contributions shall be converted into United States dollars at the operational rate of exchange ruling on the date when payment is credited to a bank
account of the
[...] Organization; all contributions received in advance shall be held in the name of the contributor in United States dollars, and credit shall be given against contributions due for the subsequent financial period in dollars and euros, in the proportion determined [...]
by the General Conference, using the operational rate of exchange prevailing on the date of dispatch of letters
of assessment for the first year of the following financial period
此外,《公民和政治权利国际盟约》第 14 条第 3(d)款称,每个人除其他权 利外都当有权 “出席受审并亲自替自己辩护或经由他自己所选择的法律援助 进行辩护;如果他没有法律援助,要通知他享有这种权利;在司法利益有此需 要的案件中,为他指定法律援助,而在他没有足够能力偿付法律援 的 案件 中,不要他自收费”。
Furthermore, article 14, paragraph 3(d) of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights states that
[...] everyone should be entitled, among other rights, “to be tried in his presence, and to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing; to be informed, if he does not have legal assistance, of this right; and to have legal assistance assigned to him in any case where the interests of justice so require, and without payment by him in any such case if he does not have sufficient means to pay for it”.
总而言之,他对第五委员会的请求是,批准将大 会部雇用的语文退休人员收入上 限的豁免延至 2009 年底,考虑将未来数年的上限永久提高至 185 个 工作日,和/或审查是否可能为所有语文工作人员免 去前规定的退休年龄,直到退休潮结束,并聘用到当的更替人员。
In summary, his requests to the Fifth Committee were to
approve a waiver
[...] of the ceiling on the earnings of language retirees hired by the Department until the end of 2009, to consider a permanent increase in the ceiling for the years to come, up to 185 work days, and/or to examine the possibility of waiving the current retirement age for all language [...]
until the wave of retirements was over and suitable replacements had been recruited.
当收到终止协的通知时,如果为实施完成根据协定以及依照缔约双方在发出终止协 定通知前达成 的具体补充协定开展的中心活动而确有必要,本协定的各项条款应继续适 用。
Once notice of termination has been received the provisions of the Agreement shall continue to apply to the extent necessary to finalize the [...]
implementation of particular
activities of the Centre which were undertaken pursuant to the Agreement and in accordance with specific supplementary agreements between the Parties before giving the notice of termination.
相反,还有人可能会争辩说,知 识产权所有人和许可人可实现同等结果,具体方法是确保所有权人和许可人或 其有担保债权人:(a)取得被许可人作为次级许可人从次级被许可人 收 取 的一 定比例次级许可使费的受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并且也是 在被许可人的有担保债权人在相关知识产权登记处进行登记 前 在 该登记处登 记有关通知;(b)取得被许可人作为次级许可人从次级被许可人 收 取 的 一 定比 例次级许可使用费受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并首先在普通知 识产权登记处登记有关通知;或(c)取得被许可人的有担保债权人的排序居次协 议。
By contrast, it might also be argued that intellectual property owners and licensors could achieve an equivalent result by ensuring that they or their secured creditors: (a) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to
payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered a notice thereof in the relevant intellectual property registry before any registration in that registry by a secured creditor of the licensee; (b) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered first a notice thereof in the general security rights registry; or (c) obtained a subordination agreement from the secured creditor of the licensee.
执行委员会期当前的 管制 工作将得到进一步的加强,实施第三阶段内建立的监测制度,以确保通过执行其氟氯 烃淘汰管理计划,全面遵守和有效控制氟氯烃 费。
The Executive Committee expects that the on-going regulatory efforts will be further enhanced by the implementation of monitoring system put in place during the third phase as to ensure full compliance and effective control of HCFCs consumption through implementation of its HCFC phase-out management plan.
为便利经常性 用户(例如金融机构、汽车交易商、律师和其他为登记人和查询人员服务的中 间商)的访问,所有用户都当能够 选择在登记处设立一个用户账户,以便能 够从用户在登记的贷记账户中自 收费 并 对用 户 的 访 问权实施制度控制。
To facilitate access for frequent users (such as financial institutions, automobile dealers, lawyers and other intermediaries acting for registrants and searchers), all users
should have the option
[...] of setting up a user account with the registry that permits automatic charging of fees to the users’ credit account with the registry and institutional control of [...]
the user’s access rights.
在业费用项下,前所使用的“通 信及其他”被细分,从而更好地说明相应行所涵盖 的成本类型,即通讯、招待、行政和银 收费 以 及联合国联合服务。
Under Operating Expenses, the previously used category of “Communication and Other” was broken down into its constituent parts to better illustrate the types of costs covered by the respective lines, which are Communication, Representation, Administrative and Bank Charges, and UN Joint Services.
不管采用哪一种做法收费 都不应当同为强制执行担保权而规 的 最 高 数额有关(在需要列入这一信息的 制度中),因为这将在用户之间造成歧视,并将不利于办理登记。
Whatever approach is adopted, fees should not be related to the maximum amount specified [...]
for which the security right can
be enforced (in systems that require this information to be included) since this would discriminate among users and discourage registrations.
通过这个版本的固件当前的接收音 量 将被存储在耳麦中作为新的默认音量。
With this version of
[...] firmware, the current receive volume level will [...]
be stored in the headset as the new default volume level.
执行委员会表示期望,在今后两年内,莱索托将采取必 要的措施实施最近核准的消耗臭氧层物质条例,并继 当前的 各 项方案,使该国维持并提 高当前消耗臭氧层物质削减的速度,并在嗣后维持氟氯化碳的零 费 和 实现氟氯烃的履约 目标。
The Executive Committee expressed the expectation that, in the next two years, Lesotho will take necessary steps to enforce the newly approved ODS regulations and continue with on-going programmes that will enable the country to sustain and build upon its current levels of reductions in ODS and subsequently sustain zero CFC consumption and meet HCFC compliance targets.
宣言》承 认全球金融和经济危机有使发展中国家在债务领域所取得的最 收 益 化为乌有的 危险,并指出,这一形势要求实施大胆的举措解决发展中国 当前的 债 务问题, 其中包括特别是为非洲和最不发达国家取消债务。
The Declaration recognized that the global financial and
economic crises risked
[...] undoing the recent gains made by developing countries in the area of debt, noting that the situation demands the implementation of bold initiatives to resolve the current debt problems [...]
of developing countries,
including debt cancellation, particularly for Africa and LDCs.
前是以收费的方式 向瑙鲁人提供信息,这并不意味着要产生收入,而纯粹 行政费用而已。
Information was currently provided to Nauruans to a cost, which was not meant to generate revenues but was purely [...]
按照外层空间活动长期可持续性工作组的职权范围和工作方法(A/66/20, 附件二),B 专家组将编写一套下列方的当前做 法和作业程序、技术标准和政 策的汇编:加强旨在减缓轨道碎片的措施;促进安全和负责任的空间作业;以 及改进信收集和 分享,将这些信息用于避免空间物体碰撞、进行碎片监测和 一般性情况认识。
In accordance with the terms of reference and methods of
work of the Working Group on the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities (A/66/20, annex II), expert group B will develop a
[...] consolidated set of current practices and operating procedures, technical standards and policies to strengthen measures to mitigate orbital debris; to promote safe and responsible operations in space; and to improve the collection and sharing of [...]
information for space
object collision avoidance, debris monitoring and general situational awareness.
预先定价协议令收 当局接受目前的定价方法。
The APA obliges tax authorities to accept presented methodology.
内阁是一个执行机构,它负责落 当前的国 家 政策,保证法律的实施,批准政府预算草 案,保护国家财收益, 维护公共秩序以及 国家内部和外部的安全。
The Council of Ministers is the
executive body that
[...] manages the current state policy, ensuring the execution of the law, approving the draft of the budget, protecting the interests [...]
of the State Treasury,
and ensuring public order as well as the internal and external security of the state.
咨询委员会注意到,秘书长尚未回应大会第 63/270 号决议提出的要 求,1 也没有回应咨询委员会在前次针 对秘书长基本建设总计划执行情 况第六次年度进展报告的有关报告(A/63/736)中提出的建议,2 该报告 请秘书长提供对价值评估工程活动、相关费用 收费的 详 细 说明,并澄 清价值评估工程的定义,包括详细分列通过各项价值评估工程举措实现 的潜在节省。
The Advisory Committee notes that the Secretary-General has not addressed the requests made by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/270,1 nor the
Advisory Committee’s
[...] recommendations in its previous report (A/63/736) on the sixth annual progress report of the Secretary-General on the capital master plan,2 in which the Secretary-General was requested to provide a detailed description of the value engineering activities, the related costs and fees and a clarification [...]
of the definition
of value engineering, including a breakdown of the potential savings to be realized through each value engineering initiative.
至2008年底已完成金盏容灾中心配套基础设施的规划和建设,针对关键IT系统 的 集 中 计费帐务系统、网 收费 系 统 实现了应用 的 容 灾 建设,针对关键IT系统中的网间结算系统、ERP系统、CSM系统、IOM系统、综合积分系统实现了数据级的容灾建设,通过制定业务连续性计划 当 位 于 生产中心的本地系统出现重大故障时可以在较短的时间内将系统切换到金盏容灾中心,保证数据的不丢失和业务的连续性。
At the end of 2008, it finished the planning and construction of the attached infrastructure for Jinzhan Disaster recovery Center, providing application-level disaster recovery for the IBS system and online charge system, data-level disaster recovery for inter-network settlement system, ERP system, CSM system, IOM system and integrated credit system.
援助组织为发展中国家提供的技术援助类型不外乎下列几种:一般性和特殊性训练;为准 备法律草案提供法律咨询和援助;促进发展中国家知识产权管理办公室 收费 管 理系 统的 现代 化;使用专利信息服务(包括搜索和审核);法律制定者和法官之间的信息交流;促当地的改革与创新。
The types of technical assistance which have been provided by donor organisations fall into the following broad categories: general and specialised training; legal advice and assistance with preparing draft laws; support for
modernising IPR
[...] administration offices and collective management systems; access to patent information services (including search and examination); exchange of information among lawmakers and judges; and the promotion of local innovation [...]
and creativity.
为工作计划制定预算时, 执行支助股已当考虑了削费用的 必 要 及缔约国期待支助股对其任务的某些方 面相对更加优先处理的愿望。
In establishing a budget for this work
plan, the ISU has given due
[...] regard for the need to reduce costs and the desire of States [...]
Parties that the ISU place a relatively
higher priority on certain aspects of its mandate.
这样可以确保 地方政府无需依靠向用收取费 用来填补财 收 入 和支 出 的 差 距 ;用户使 费当 然会 对贫困家庭造成尤其严重的影响,并有可能在某些基本权利的享受方面导致 倒退。
This would ensure that the local governments will not be obliged
to compensate for
[...] the gap between their revenues and their expenditures by relying on user fees; user fees of course disproportionately [...]
the poorest households and may lead to a retrogression in the level of enjoyment of certain basic rights.
费应当收回供水的全部 成本(运行与维护成本和供水基础设施翻修及更换成 本)。
water charges should cover the full costs of water supply (O&M costs and the overhaul [...]
and replacement costs of water supply infrastructure).
根据经济及社会理事会第 1894(LVII)号决议第 3 段,委员会收到第五十届 会议临时议程草案及将在每个议程项目下提出的文件清单和编写这些文件的立 法授权,以便委员会能够对这些文件及其对委员会工作的贡献、它们的紧迫性和 它们当前情况的关联性进行审议。
Pursuant to paragraph 3 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1894 (LVII), the Committee will have before it the draft provisional agenda for its
fiftieth session, with an
[...] indication of the documents to be submitted under each agenda item and the legislative authority for their preparation, in order to enable the Committee to consider those documents, their contribution to its work, their urgency and their relevance in the light of the current situation.
出现这种差异的部分原因是,许多更具全球和(或)区域间特点的方案活 动通常由核心资源资助。还有部分原因是核心资源支付了联合国实体机构费的 一大部分,而前费用回收办法 和方式均基于仅回收直接费用和递增式可变间接 费用,不回收资助实体基础结构的所谓固定间接费用。
Part of the difference can be explained by the fact that core resources generally finance a greater share of programme activities that have a more global and/or interregional character; part can be explained by the fact that core resources cover a
greater share of the
[...] institutional costs of United Nations entities, considering that current methods and approaches relating to cost recovery are [...]
based on the recovery
of direct costs and incremental variable indirect costs only and not of the so-called fixed indirect costs needed to finance the base structures of entities.
这些订正估计数已经提交 2009
[...] 会议,订正估计数远高于 1994 年商定的最初目标,原因是订正估计数既考虑到当前的需求,又考虑到当前费用 ,而且因为在订正估计数中加入了诸如艾滋 病治疗与关爱以及生殖器官癌症的检查与治疗等干预措施,而 [...]
最 初的整套人口活
The revised estimates, which were presented to the Commission on Population and Development at its forty-second session, in 2009, are much higher than the original targets agreed on in 1994
because they take into
[...] account both current needs and current costs and because they include such interventions [...]
as AIDS treatment
and care and reproductive cancer screening and treatment that were not part of the original package.
新的 行动计划将寻求定性信息,并将增加深度, 当前收 集 的 定 量 数据提供背景;这 将有助于更好地理解儿童基金会代表的声明以及国家管理小组会议上讨论的性 [...]
In the new action plan, qualitative information will be sought, to add more
depth and provide context to the
[...] quantitative data currently collected; this will help [...]
to better understand the nature of
the representatives’ statements and the gender issues discussed in CMT meetings, and to assess their potential impact.
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓 励减少运输需求的发展模式;(b) 酌情采用乘坐率高的城市交通方案;(c) 通过
酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自行车道和步行道,鼓励采用非机动车交 通工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 维护;(e)
[...] 促进不同国家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f) 重新评估前的消费和生产模式,以减少能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban transport programmes favouring high occupancy, as appropriate; (c) encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburban centres in countries, as appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives
of local and metropolitan areas; and (f)
[...] re-evaluate current consumption and production [...]
patterns in order to reduce the use
of energy and natural resources.
[...] [...] 上解决的各项标准:所处理的争议类别;当事各方;案件属国内案件还是跨国 界案件;所涉及的价值;由哪个中立方(如 的 话 ) 促进解决以 收费 还 是免 费;当事各 方如何求助于中立方,以及中立方如何处理争议;最终结果(共识 [...]
A series of questions were proposed which, it was said, could assist in clarifying the parameters of ODR by eliciting information on such matters as: the types of disputes being dealt with; the parties; whether the case was domestic or cross-border; the value at stake; which (if any)
neutral would
[...] facilitate resolution and whether for a fee or gratis; how parties accessed the neutral [...]
and how the neutral
would deal with the dispute; the end result (consensus agreement or award); and the effect of no successful result being reached.
[...] 的方法;要特别关注发展中国家的数据以及不同饮食习惯的国家的特定问题;仅在必要 时用兽药治疗和预防疾病,而不作为生长促进/辅助剂; 当 考 虑到 消 费 者 的 健 康 保护和 消费者对法典的信心。
These delegations pointed out that there was a need to take a cautious approach because of the impact of these MRLs on Codex member countries; that particular attention should be given to data from developing countries and to the specific concerns of countries with different eating habits; that veterinary medicines should be used only when necessary to cure and prevent diseases and
not as growth promoters/production
[...] aid; and that consideration should be given to consumer [...]
health protection and to consumer confidence in Codex.




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