

单词 当代舞

See also:


the present age
the contemporary era


dance n
dancing n


External sources (not reviewed)

同样,向拉马当代舞蹈节 提供 了支助,这是一年一度的国际舞蹈节,旨在促进相互理解,以及在不同社会之间架设沟通和 [...]
Also, support was provided
[...] to the Ramallah Contemporary Dance Festival, an international [...]
festival organized annually aiming
at promoting mutual understanding and building bridges of communication and cultural exchange between different societies.
舞蹈样式各异,既有古舞、当代舞 、 街 舞和拉丁舞,也有健身操和排排舞。
The dances of various styles ranged
[...] from classic, contemporary, hip hop and Latin American to aerobic and line dancing.
世界著当代舞蹈团 全力支持环保主题,例如,减少旅行设备,简化舞台布景,减少照明设施等。
Top names from the contemporary dance world have been [...]
championing environmental issues by, for example, not travelling with
large numbers of trailers, and putting on simpler performances with fewer lighting requirements, and the quality of their work is only becoming better.
本奖学金已踏入第五届,歷届的奖学金得主分別为香港小交响乐团行政总裁杨惠女士、康乐及文化事务署(康文署)文化事务部副经理陈焕伟先生、夸啦啦艺术集匯行政总裁邱欢智女士、新媒体艺术机构Microwave主席傅慧仪女士、康文署艺术推广办事处馆长连美娇女士及城 当代舞 蹈 团 行政总监陈綺文女士。
Previous recipients include Ms Margaret Yang, Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Mr Chan Woon-wai, Assistant Manager in the Cultural Services Branch of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Ms Lynn Yau, Chief Executive Officer of The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC), Ms Winnie Fu, Chairperson of the Microwave (new media arts organisation), Ms Ivy Lin,
Curator of the Art Promotion Office, LCSD and Ms Clementine Chan, Managing
[...] Director of the City Contemporary Dance Company.
大会当 成为鼓舞人心的场所,为了代的利益,必须在大会 进行稳定的管理。
The General Assembly
[...] should be the inspiring place where steady stewardship must be maintained for the benefit of generations to come.
对话和相互了解”这个核心 主题当鼓舞我们 在这方面作出的所有努力。
The central theme of dialogue and mutual understanding should inspire all our efforts in this regard.
正如一代表所 指出的,知识社会的四项根本原则,即表达自 由、普及利用信息和知识,公平享受优质教育和促进文化多样性 当 继 续 鼓 舞 和 指 导 C/4 的拟定, 并应当制订跨部门计划和与其它计划的联合行动。
As pointed out by some delegates, the four principles underlying the concept of knowledge societies, namely, freedom of expression, universal access to information and knowledge, equal access to quality [...]
education and the
promotion of cultural diversity, should continue to inspire and guide the elaboration of the C/4 document, and should lead to the development of cross-sectoral programmes and actions jointly with other programmes.
[...] 2011 年联合国日音乐会由蒙古常驻联合国代 表团主办,演奏了一系列蒙古族传统音乐、歌剧、柔术 舞 蹈 ,以 及 当代 作 品和 世界名著。
The 2011 United Nations Day Concert on the theme “Celebrating cultural diversity” was sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Mongolia to the United Nations and featured a
selection of traditional Mongolian music,
[...] opera, contortion and dance, as well as contemporary pieces and world [...]
对上述做法的反应当令人鼓舞,办事处还要 求将 IOS 使用的培训材料发给它们,以指导日常运作。
The response to the above initiative
[...] has been encouraging and offices have requested [...]
that the training material used by
IOS be shared with them to provide guidance in day-to-day operations.
本专业侧重 于培养全方位的演员,他/她可以满 当 今 舞 台 的 需求 并可适应各类戏剧素材-从古典到代 、 从 音乐剧到前 卫派,而且还能表现出美国戏剧中心当前的制作潮 流。
The program is focused on developing the total actor who
can cope with the
[...] demands of the contemporary stage and work with a range of dramatic materials – from classical to modern, musicals [...]
to the avantgarde that
reflect current productions in the theatre centers of the United States.
因應表演藝術委員會的建 議,當局在 2006 年 11 月成立了表演藝術資助委員會,就 10 個 主要演藝團體(包括康文署資助的 4
個藝團,即香港中樂團、香 港舞蹈團、香港話劇團及香港管弦協會,以及香港藝術發展局資 助的 6
[...] 個三年資助團體,即香港芭蕾舞團、中英劇團、城市代 舞蹈團 、香港小交響樂團、劇場組合及進念二十面體)日後的資 [...]
助安排,向政府提供意見,並着手研究制訂一套新資助評核準則 及資助模式,在 2009 年 4 月推行。
Following up the recommendation of the Committee on Performing Arts, a Funding Committee for the Performing Arts to advise the Government on the future funding arrangements for the 10 major performing arts groups (including the four groups subvented by the LCSD, namely, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Dance Company, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society; and the six three-year grantees of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, namely, the
Hong Kong Ballet, Chung Ying Theatre
[...] Company, the City Contemporary Dance Company, the Hong [...]
Kong Sinfonietta, Theatre Ensemble
and Zuni Icosahedron) was set up in November 2006 to develop a new set of funding assessment criteria and a new model of funding to be put in place for implementation in April 2009.
[...] 领域扩大了对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的干预,包括关于“应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病 当代 艺 术” 和“通过在人权领域的教育和将艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染人群融入社会在俄罗斯区域解决 [...]
The Moscow Office intervention in the field of HIV/AIDS has expanded not only in education, but also
in culture and social science areas,
[...] with projects on “Contemporary arts in response [...]
to HIV/AIDS” and “Addressing social
consequences of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russian regions through information and education in the sphere of human rights and social integration of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)”.
[...] 法律框架中,海洋保护区的作用被定义为“以科学为基础, 当代和 子 孙后代保护海洋环境典型的重要自然和文化资源以及生态系统。
In the legal framework, the role of MPAs has been defined as
“protection, on a scientific
[...] basis, for current and future generations, of important natural [...]
and cultural resources and
ecosystems representative of the marine environment”.
在具有经济利益的地区内有非洲裔 哥伦比亚社区或土著人民的这些情况经常被忽视,或者他们的祖传土地没有看作 为集体土地或保留地的法定权益,从而得以避免开展协商的义务,在其他案例 中,与并非受影响社区当代表的 人开展协商,或者族裔集团和社区内部的决策 程序得不到尊重。
The presence of Afro-Colombian communities or indigenous peoples in areas of economic interest is often ignored, or their ancestral lands are not titled as collective lands or reservations to avoid the obligation to consult.
因應2006年發表的《表演藝術委 員會建議報告(I)》提出的建議,資助十大演藝團體的職責在2007 年 4月 1日開始改由民政事務局負責。當時的十大演藝團體為香港
管弦樂團、香港中樂團、香港話劇團、香港舞蹈團(該 4 個演藝團
[...] 體以往由康樂及文化事務署(下稱"康文署")資助)、香港小交響樂 團、香港芭蕾舞團、城市代舞蹈團 、中英劇團、進念二十面體 及劇場組合( 該 6 [...]
個演藝團體以往接受香港藝術發展局( 下稱" 藝發 局 ")的 3年資助)。
Following the recommendations of the 2006 Recommendation Report (I) of the Committee, the funding responsibility for the then Big 10, namely, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, the Hong Kong Dance Company (the four organizations formerly subvented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD)), the
Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the Hong Kong
[...] Ballet, the City Contemporary Dance Company, the Chung [...]
Ying Theatre Company, Zuni Icosahedron
and Theatre Ensemble (the six former Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) three-year grantees) has been transferred to the Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) since 1 April 2007.
這齣代舞靈感 源自史提芬史匹堡的《人工智能》,講述機械人R仔逃脫被送往宇宙深淵解體的厄運後,決心尋找他的主人和愛的感人故事。
Inspired by Steven Spielberg's film Artificial
[...] Intelligence: A.I., this modern dance programme tells a [...]
touching story about a robotic boy
R in search of his master and love after a narrow escape from being dismantled at the Cosmic Abyss.
缺乏对毒品供求 市场动态的了解,没有长期平衡兼顾办法,加上政策干预措施顺序不 当 、营 私舞弊以 及未提供足够的国际发展援助从根本上解决非法作物种植问题,这些 都阻碍了各国政府巩固在地方上取得的成果的能力。
The lack of understanding of demand/supply drug market dynamics and the lack of a long-term balanced approach, combined with ill-sequenced policy interventions, corruption and inadequate international development assistance to address the factors driving illicit crop cultivation, have impeded the ability of Governments to sustain the gains achieved locally.
董事会决定建立一个机制,就项目经历的包括管理 当 和 可能 的 舞 弊 行 为在 内的严重管理和/或财政问题,与其他机构捐助方进行定期的正式和非正式的信 息和结论共享。
The Board decided to establish a mechanism for sharing, with other institutional donors, formally and informally, and on a regular basis, information and findings regarding projects experiencing serious managerial and/or financial problems, including mismanagement and possible fraud.
因此,科一级的监 管应由一个 P-5 职等的科长进行,原因是:支助账户和后勤基地的性质复杂;该 司有必要派出当代表与 客户单位进行互动,而客户单位代表的级别从 P-5 到 D-2 不等;加强对概览报告编写工作的监督,而这需要进行司内协作和跨部协作。
Consequently, oversight at the section level should be exercised by a Chief at the P-5 level owing to the intricate nature of the
support account and UNLB,
[...] the need for appropriate representation of the Division in interactions with client offices, for which representation ranges from [...]
the P-5 to the D-2
levels, and strengthened oversight of the preparation of the overview report, which requires intra-Division and interdepartmental collaboration.
为了充分遵守《洛桑条约》的规定,希 腊的政策和立法反映并执当代的人 权规范和标准,以及欧洲联盟共同体法律, [...]
目的是改善上述少数民族的生活条件,并使其顺利融入地方和国家社会的方方面 面。
Further to fully complying with the relevant provisions of the Lausanne
Treaty, Greek policy and legislation reflect
[...] and implement contemporary human rights norms [...]
and standards, as well as the European
Union acquis, aimed at improving the living conditions of the members of this minority and their smooth integration into all aspects of both local and national society.
虽然委员会 根据所收到的证据,认为没必要在审议案情时讨论这一可能的违约问题,但宣布
[...] 来文可以受理表明委员会准备考虑提交人的这些说法,并反映 当代 国 际人权法 中的一种趋势,即不再假定地、人为地把各种权利分为不同“类别”,而认为所 [...]
While in this case the Committee, on the basis of the evidence before it, did not find it necessary to address this possible violation in its consideration of the merits, the declaration of admissibility shows that the Committee is prepared
to consider such arguments and
[...] reflects the trend in contemporary international human [...]
rights law away from the fictitious
and artificial division of rights into “categories” and towards the view that all human rights are universal and interdependent.
理事会在其第 2010/26 号决议中,欢迎理事会与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易
[...] 组织及联合国贸易和发展会议举行高级别特别会议的新方式;鼓励理事会主席与 会员国协商,继续与布雷顿森林机构的 当代 表 共 同努力,改进理事会高级别会 议的议程和形式,考虑采取除其他外有利于这些机构高级别参与的创新处理办 [...]
In its resolution 2010/26, the Council welcomed the new modalities of the special high-level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, encouraged the President of the Council, in consultation
with Member States, to continue
[...] to work with the appropriate representatives of the Bretton Woods [...]
institutions to improve
the agenda and the format of the Council’s high-level meeting, considering innovative approaches conducive, inter alia, to the high-level participation of those institutions, and welcomed the efforts undertaken to give more prominence to the consideration of the agenda item on financing for development during the annual substantive session of the Council, including the allocation of the item to its coordination segment.
欧盟当代形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外 心理和相关的不容忍现象问题特别报告员与宗教或 信仰自由问题特别报告员、增进和保护见解和言论 [...]
自由权问题特别报告员合作将他们的工作放入相关 国际法律框架下表示赞赏。
The European Union welcomed the fact that the
[...] Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, [...]
racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance had cooperated with the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression to anchor their work in the appropriate international legal context.
本劇由代舞台藝術總監、前香港舞蹈團舞蹈員曾可為,聯同全方位劇場工作者梁彥浚打造,結合傳統戲曲元素與 代舞 蹈 , 將富有民族色彩的戲曲身段動作以及對「圓」的運用等特色,巧妙融入自在自我的 代舞 , 產 生出和諧的視覺效果。
Fusing elements of traditional Chinese Opera with modern dance, the colorful ethnic movements of the traditional Chinese opera, as well as their characteristic use of circular movements, is cleverly weaved into the free form of modern dance, for a visually harmonious effect.
尽管存在零舞弊现象,当然还 有很多问题,但 选举结果将在很大程度上取决于独立选举委员会和 选举投诉委员会是否有耐力、勇气和不偏不倚的态度 以及决心,来切实处理迄今收到的 [...]
3 900 起投诉,是 否能够判断其是非,并在 10 月 30 日前作出决定。
Despite some
[...] retail fraud and, certainly, many problems, the outcome will very much depend [...]
on whether the Independent Electoral
Commission and the Electoral Complaints Commission will have the stamina, the courage, the neutrality and the determination to actually go over the 3,900 complaints received thus far and be able to say which are right and which are wrong, and take that decision before 30 October.
此类基金会为支持儿童联合开展的活动主要包括:成立儿童艺术与体育免费 中心,在普通学校教育制度中引入“国家包容性教育模式”以帮助残疾儿童适应 社会环境,为需要社会支持的多子家庭和抚养残疾儿童的家庭提供物质援助,为 发现、鼓励(奖励)和进一步支持天才儿童举行全国范围的竞赛和节日, 如“新 一代”儿童艺术节、“甜蜜宝贝”儿童时尚节、“宝贝”儿童艺术体操国际锦标赛、 “代舞和柔 软体操”国际竞赛、“雪花”体操锦标赛等。
Central to their joint activity to support children are the establishment of free arts and sports facilities for children; the introduction into the general education system of a national inclusive education model to mainstream disabled children; the provision of material assistance to children from large families, families lacking social support and families with disabled children; and the organization of national competitions and festivals to identify, encourage (through grants) and then support gifted children.




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