

单词 当之有愧

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这使当之无愧于所有的蚂蚁钦佩的 - 除了ZOC。
This earns him the admiration of all the ants – [...]
except Zoc.
如果这个行有奥斯卡奖,Voith 当之无愧。
If Oscars were
[...] given for professionalism, Voith would have earned one.
法国国籍必须是经过努力才能获得, 有 国 籍的人必须证明他当之无愧。
French nationality must be earned and those who hold it must show themselves worthy.
当有关文 化财产不再符合本《议定书》第 10 条规之其中 某一标准时,委员会可以中止 或取消对该财产的重点保护,并将其从《目 录》中删除。
Where cultural property no longer meets any one of the criteria in Article 10 of this [...]
Protocol, the Committee may suspend
its enhanced protection status or cancel that status by removing that cultural property from the List.
这可能无法立 即实现,但我坚定地认为,只要本地区所有政治家和 人民持续努力有目标地行动,本地区将摆脱政治分 裂和经常流血的负面声誉当之无愧 地 成 为一个睦邻 友好、容忍和相互合作成风的地区,从而成为欧洲建 设和平与和解成功的事例。
That may not happen overnight, but I firmly believe that with sustained effort and targeted actions by all politicians and peoples, the region will lose its negative reputation as
an arena of
[...] political fragmentation often accompanied by bloodshed, and will deservedly become known as an area where goodneighbourly relations, [...]
tolerance and mutual
cooperation prevail, thus making it a European success story of peacebuilding and reconciliation.
The Prize amount may be equally divided among a maximum of three laureates, each of which is considered to merit a prize.
人权事务委员会关于依良心拒服兵役这一主题的最近判例不有牢固 的法律依据,而且也是对那些受害者所表示的迟来 当之 无 愧 的 敬 意。
The recent jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee on the subject of conscientious objection to military service is not only based on solid legal grounds; it also pays a belated but well deserved homage to those victims.
他们冒着日益严 重的危险进行神圣的工作,值得我们敬佩,联合国经 常对他们提出的表扬当之无愧的。
The increasing dangers they brave in carrying out their noble work command our admiration and more than justify all the praise they regularly earn from the United Nations.
耶稣雕像在最先进照明设备的妆点之下焕然一新,神圣而庄严,无论是白天还是黑夜,即便站在远处依然清晰可见,成为整座城 当之 无 愧 的 守护者和救世主。
Gleaming resplendently, the statue of Christ enjoys a new look, thanks in part to WACKER and to state-of-the-art lighting, which keeps it visible from afar day and night, as a representation of the city’s protector and redeemer.
石家庄高新区华美电子器件厂位于风景秀美的华北平原中部—石家庄国家高新技术产业开发区,紧邻307国道、京珠高速和石黄高速交汇处,交通便利,凭借天时、地利、人和发展成为 有 厂 房 3000平方米,先进的电源模块及万能彩行生产流水线,强大的技术研发精英团队,先进的检测设备和完善的质量保证体系,是本行 当之 无 愧 的 NO .1。
Shijiazhuang Huamei Electronics Factory is located in the beautiful scenery of the central North China Plain - Shijiazhuang National High-tech Development Zone, adjacent to 307 National Road, Beijing-Zhuhai high-speed and Shihuang Expressway Interchange, convenient transportation, with climate, geography, and developed into a 3000 square
meters of factory
[...] buildings, advanced power module and the universal color production lines, strong technical elite R & D team, advanced testing equipment and perfect quality assurance system, has now become the industry fully deserve NO.1.
有 些话是对他的称赞和恭维——有这 些 甚至更多,他 都之无愧。
Some of what has been said is complimentary and flattering to him — and he deserves all of these and more.
在 33 C/5 中,应当提及 关于制定该地区“联合国扫盲十年”战略,开展 之有 效的 活动,包括开展面向成人扫盲和“教育促进可持续发展十年”的工作等。
In document 33 C/5, adequate provisions should be made for the development of strategies and effective activities in the region pertaining to the United Nations Literacy Decade, including literacy efforts directed at adults, [...]
and the Education for
Sustainable Development Decade.
我还很幸运的一点是,能够与我们的合作伙伴一起工作在第一线;我常常因我们的投资决策而受到赞誉(有点 之有愧 啊 )
I am also fortunate that, being on the front lines with our partners; I am often (undeservedly) the recipient of praise for our investment decisions.
特别报告员指出,一会员国表示第 11 条草案的规定过于僵化,随着武装 冲突的展开,对条约存续问题的看法也可能改变,因此,可能有些时候 有当武 装 冲突对条约已产生影响时,才能认识到决定丧失终止条约权利的条件,而不一 定在冲突爆之际就能如此。
The Special Rapporteur noted that a Member State had expressed the view that the rule in draft article 11 was too rigid and that the perceptions and matter of survival of treaties could change as an armed conflict unfolded, and that, accordingly, the circumstances that led to the loss of the right to put an end to a treaty could sometimes only be appreciated once the armed conflict had produced its effect on the treaty, which was not necessarily the case at the outbreak of the conflict.
當時, 香港的疫情已有緩和的跡象,我相信有不少人會跟我有類似的感覺,便是有 少許之有愧。
By that time, the epidemic in Hong Kong had begun to recede, and worrying that other mainland provinces and cities
may also suffer from the shortage of medical equipment and
[...] resources, I feel slightly ashamed to receive those materials.
通过赞助奥运会、FIFA世界杯足球赛以及NBA篮球赛等全球瞩目的焦点赛事,以及对年轻人关注的音乐、时尚领域的赞助,百威体现了其“皇者风范”,成 当之 无 愧 的 “ 啤酒之王”。
Through its sponsorship of popular sporting events such as the Olympics, FIFA World Cup and NBA, and connection with music and fashion, Budweiser has shown its King style, and became the King of Beer.
挪威诺贝尔委员会决定把 2011 年诺贝尔和平奖 颁给3名妇女,以表彰“她们为妇女的安全和妇女充 分参与建设和平工作的权利所进行的非暴力斗争”, 这是对妇女对建设和平与民主所作重大贡献 当之 无愧的赞扬。
The decision of the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize to three women in recognition of “their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peacebuilding work” is a much-deserved recognition of women’s significant contribution to peacebuilding and democracy.
这个3D投影有相当高的真实还原度: Artec不仅与 NVIDIA一起保存了亚美尼亚的历史文物, 还向世人展示了当之无愧领先世界的虚拟还原技术。
The projection was as real as it gets: together with NVIDIA, Artec not only preserved essential Armenian history in Tatev, but was able to demonstrate its virtual achievement the way it deserved to be experienced.
我們在議會內這有票無 權的困局下,如果不去思量如何運用我 們最後的板斧及手中的一票,強迫這個涼薄,甚至充滿盲點、活在一 個與我們完全不同的生活環境的政府,為這些每天皆在掙扎如何可以 令生活好過一點的市民做些工作的話,我才會覺得 愧。
In this Council where we are trapped in this quagmire
[...] of having the votes but not the power, and if we do not ponder how we can make use of the last resort that we have and the votes in our hands and force this heartless government which is so full of blind spots and totally detached from the people to do something for those who struggle for survival every day, so that their life can be made somewhat better, then we would feel ashamed of ourselves.
使之有效,我们建议做出当努力 ,促进最广泛地适用这些标准和规范,并提 高国家一级负责其适用工作的当局和实体对其的认识。
In order
[...] to render them effective, we recommend that appropriate efforts be made [...]
to promote the widest application of those
standards and norms and to raise awareness of them among authorities and entities responsible for their application at the national level.
在今天大会向他表示当之无愧的敬 意之时,首 先请允许我代表非洲国家集团,表示我们对这一无法 挽回的损失的深切悲痛之情。
On this day when the General Assembly pays a well-deserved tribute to him, allow me at the outset to express, on behalf of the Group of African States, our profound grief at this irreparable loss.
希思罗机场第5候机当之无愧地赢 得了2008年DALI世界一等奖项目。
It was therefore hardly surprising that Andromeda won the DALI Award 2008 for this successful project at Heathrow Terminal 5.
集数字信号处理与一些最先进的声学技术于一身,MM-1 首次为您的台式电脑带来真正的高保真音效,为您的电脑提 当之 无 愧 的 音 响。
By combining digital signal processing with some of our most advanced acoustic technology, MM-1 brings true hi-fi sound to your desktop for the first time, giving your computer the audio it deserves.
我们认为,当有补偿 性监督,以便 切实有效地复核输入该系统的更改事项是否准确和适当,并确保在进行修 之 前 事 先得到批 准和全面的检测。
We believe that compensating controls should be in place to provide an effective cross-check of the accuracy and propriety of changes introduced into the system and to ensure that prior approvals and thorough testing is performed before revisions [...]
are implemented.
Hy9是这个领当之无愧的领 导者,山光社很高兴与其合作开展这个新项目。
Hy9 is the clear leader in this field and Sankosha is excited to begin this new business together.
考虑到此类经验,再加上令 人鼓舞的信息交流,当有助于解决其余的问题(例如甜瓜中可能发生的幼芽和根桩之间的不相容,或砧木的适当选择)。
Consideration of such experiences plus encouraging information
exchange should help
[...] solve remaining problems (for example, incompatibility between scion and rootstock which may occur in melons, or appropriate [...]
selection of rootstocks).
凭借DIN EN ISO 9001质量认证,我们及12个子公司对于以最严格的产品质量进行投资决策的客户来说,我们在呼吸空气,工业和燃气领域 当之 不 愧 的 国 际型企业。
Alongside BAUER Compressors' excellent reputation and worldwide servicing network, customers value the DIN EN ISO 9001 certification because it underpins the unrivalled standards of quality and reliability that you can count on when purchasing BAUER's breathing air, industrial and natural gas compressors and systems.
之,当作出无效保留时,有在 以 下情况下,保留国才应被视为无 保留之利的缔约国,即保留国明确表示,一旦有人提出异议,保留国将有效地撤 [...]
In other words, when an invalid reservation has been formulated, [...]
the reserving State should only be considered a party to
the treaty without the benefit of the reservation if the reserving State has expressly indicated that upon objection, the reserving State would effectively withdraw the reservation and thus be a party without the benefit of the reservation.
在这些谈判中,《宪章》的规定和目标(包括关于任何争 之当 事 国 有义 务尽先以谈判方式求得解决的第 33 条)和第 1514(XV)号决议(领土完整 原则),以及群岛居民的利益(从而不考虑自决原则)。
In these negotiations, the provisions and objectives of the Charter (including Article 33
relating to the
[...] obligation of the parties to any dispute to seek a solution first of all by negotiation) [...]
and of resolution
1514 (XV) (principle of territorial integrity), as well as the interests of the population of the Islands (thus leaving aside the principle of self-determination).
委员会要求后续问题报告员致函缔约国并指出:正如缔约国在其提交的材料中 所承认,缔约国有机会在意见通之 前 回 应提交人的主张;而且正如2008年 11 月 5 日关于“缔约国在《公民权利和政治权利国际公约任择议定书》下的 义务”的第 33 号一般性意见 (CCPR/C/GC/33) 中所重申,根据《任择议定 书》第四条,缔约国有义务在六个月内就此类主张做出回应;本案目前正在接 受后续程序的审议,在此期间,委员会不得审查其决定,而是应当与缔约国一 道,并帮助缔约国采取其意见中规定的 当 、 有 效 的 补救措施。
The Committee requested the Follow-up Rapporteur to write to the State party indicating that: as acknowledged by itself in it’s submission, it was given the opportunity to respond to the author’s claims prior to the adoption of
the Views; that as
[...] reiterated in its General Comment no. 33 (CCPR/C/GC/33), 5 November 2008, on “The Obligations of States Parties under the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”, it has an obligation under article 4 of the Optional Protocol to respond to such claims within six months; and that this case is now being considered under the follow-up procedure during which the Committee may not review its decision but engage with and assist the State party to arrive at an appropriate effective remedy as set out in its Views.




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