单词 | 当中 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 当中 adverb —among prep当中 —in the middle • in the center Examples:正当中—right in the midpoint • hit the nail on the head • a bull's eye
前四档的所有项目业已完成,第五、第六和 第七档的项目仍在实施当中。 daccess-ods.un.org | While projects under the first four tranches have been completed, implementation of the projects under the fifth, sixth and seventh tranches remains under way. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目的目标是生产高品位的碳氢化合物,使其在许多 制冷应用当中有效地取代氟氯烃。 multilateralfund.org | The aim would be to produce high grade hydrocarbons that would effectively replace HCFCs in many refrigeration applications. multilateralfund.org |
在这一过渡时期内,我们需要有 专注于应对各种政策挑战的对策和机构,诸如对增长和通胀实行管理;处理 货币流动问题;解决特别是在年轻人 当中 的 无 就业增长和失业问题;应对各 种灾害风险;以及重新平衡经济发展以便取得质量更高的增长等。 daccess-ods.un.org | At a time of transition, policies and institutions were required which focused on policy challenges, such as managing growth and inflation, coping with currency flows, addressing jobless growth and unemployment, especially among youth, dealing with disaster risks and rebalancing economies towards better-quality growth. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位代表在谈到教科文组织参与联合国国家一级的改革问题时,建议作出努力,鼓励将信息和传播问题 纳入国家发展政策和进程当中,包 括拟定战略方法,支持政府在这一领域的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | One delegate referring to the engagement of UNESCO in United Nations reform at the country level, suggested that efforts be made to encourage the integration of information and communication components into national development policies and processes, including the development of strategic approaches to support governments’ efforts in this regard. unesdoc.unesco.org |
会议敦促成员国、粮农组织、发展伙伴、非政府组织、民间社会及私营部门 携手合作,将气候变化减缓和适应政策纳入农业和发展规划及其落 实 当中。 fao.org | The Conference urged member countries, FAO, development partners, non-governmental organizations, civil society and the private sector to collaborate in integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations into agriculture and development planning and implementation. fao.org |
洪都拉斯儿童及家庭协会主要负责执行三大计划:家庭福利和社区发展计 划,其重点在于预防,并着眼于在三个主要领域开展活动:关注儿童、巩固家 庭,以及宣传促进儿童权利;社会干预和保护计划,其目的是保护处于社会风险 当中的儿 童,不提倡将其送入管教所,而是努力使家庭以及社会参与到保护和恢 复儿童权利的工作当中。 daccess-ods.un.org | IHNFA runs three major programmes: the Family Welfare and Community Development Programme, with a predominantly preventive focus and with its main initiatives in three key areas, namely child welfare, strengthening the family and publicizing and promoting children’s rights; the Social Intervention and Protection Programme, which aims to protect children at social risk by avoiding placement in care and to that end involving the family and society in the process of intervention and restitution of rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
司法机构在机构间刑事司法委员会内部采取措施,将刑事法官、检察官、公 设辩护律师、法医、精神保健人员、警察、监狱工作人员以及其他相关人员纳入 到司法从业人员职业技能培训计划 当中 , 向 他们讲解涉及禁止酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国际条约和任择议定书,特别是《伊斯坦布尔 议定书》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through the Inter-Agency Criminal Justice Commission, the judiciary is taking steps to include criminal judges, prosecutors, public defenders, forensic physicians, mental health workers, police, prison officials and others in the training programmes for justice officials on international treaties and optional protocols on torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and notably the application of the Istanbul Protocol. daccess-ods.un.org |
经社会呼吁成员国开展合作,为贸易提供适当的援助,以加强那些在 [...] 这一领域需要得到帮助的国家加强供方能力,以期确保发展中国家能够加入 到区域增值链当中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission called on member countries to cooperate in providing appropriate aid for trade to build the supply-side [...] capacities of countries with needs in that area and ensure that developing countries could [...] participate in regional value chains. daccess-ods.un.org |
当中有没 有巴比伦塔木德的mishnaic论文都包括在塔木德的版本,加上评论,而这些相同tractates也同样在只有Babli完整的手稿发现(即慕尼黑),在那里形成了一个附录,虽然他们之前后塔木德论文,这是同样的版本中。 mb-soft.com | The mishnaic treatises which have no Babylonian Talmud are included in the editions [...] of the Talmud, together with commentaries, [...]and these same tractates are likewise found in the only complete manuscript of Babli (that at Munich), where they form an appendix, although they precede the post-Talmudic treatises, which are likewise contained in the editions. mb-soft.com |
澳大利亚野生动物和牲畜经常在路边觅食,并会跑进道 路 当中。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Australian wildlife and livestock often graze on the roadside and can stray onto the road. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
教科文组织的科学计划将努力展 示并巩固成功应用科技的经验,如使用清洁、可持续和可再生的能源;促进人与生物圈的伙 伴关系,解决生态系统管理当中人和 文化方面的问题;参与地球综合观测,包括 GEOSS 的 工作;应对变革和维持小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)的多样性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO’s science programmes will seek to demonstrate and consolidate successful applications of science and technology, like the use of clean, sustainable and renewable energies; the promotion of MAB partnerships for dealing with the human and cultural dimensions of ecosystem management; participation in integrated earth observations including the GEOSS process; coping with change and sustaining diversities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). unesdoc.unesco.org |
大麻使用人数最多的仍然是北美 洲、西欧和大洋洲的发达国家,但近几年使用率有所下降,特别是在年轻 人当 中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The highest levels of cannabis use continue to be those in the developed countries of North America, Western Europe and Oceania, although rates have generally declined in recent years, particularly among young people. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,阿富汗报告 说,该国在许多政策和战略当中纳入 了包容和主流化活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, Afghanistan reported that it is integrating inclusive and mainstreamed activities within many of its policies and strategies. daccess-ods.un.org |
埃及仍然在自原子能机构成立以来便为其提供 极大支持的国家当中位于 前列;它至今仍在提供这种 支持,因为它相信原子能机构在以下方面的作用具有 [...] 重要价值:核不扩散以及促进和平利用核能,以支持 发展中国家在广泛领域的远大目标和全球需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Egypt remains at the [...] forefront of countries that have provided [...]unlimited support to the IAEA since its establishment; it [...]has continued that support to date, based on its belief in the value of the IAEA’s role in nuclear non-proliferation and in promoting the peaceful use of nuclear energy to support the ambitions and global needs of developing countries in a wide range of areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
为实现统一、自由、团结、自由和自决,为确保司法并维持埃塞俄比亚、非 洲、非洲土著、原马赛克人民的完整,这是我们的神圣传统,为在我们、埃塞俄 比亚人、非洲人、非洲土著人、国内和国外东半球和西半球原马赛克 人 当中 的友爱和善意,从而维持埃塞俄比亚的完整和主权,在成员和整个地球上传播古老的 埃塞俄比亚、非洲、非洲土著、原马赛克人的文化,为纠正胡作非为,摆脱压迫 并按照我们对完美男人和女人以及上帝创造我们的目的而发展自己、我们的后代 的命运。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to effect unity, liberty, solidarity, freedom and self-determination, to secure justice and maintain the integrity of Ethiopia, Africa, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples, which is our divine heritage, To promote love and good-will among We, the Ethiopian, African, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples of the Eastern and Western Hemisphere at home and abroad and thereby to maintain the integrity and Sovereignty of Ethiopia, to disseminate the ancient Ethiopian, African, Afro-Indigenous, Original Mosaic Peoples culture among its members and throughout the Earth, to correct abuses, relieve oppression and carve for ourselves, and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and womanhood and God’s purpose in creating us. daccess-ods.un.org |
在儿童当中,最 常见的疾病是通过呼吸 渠道感染的疾病(尤其是肺炎)、腹泻、疟疾、营养不良以及各种新生儿疾病。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most frequent complaints [...] in children are respiratory tract infections (particularly pneumonia), diarrhoea, malaria, [...]malnutrition and various neonatal diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
就本段而言,作为被动 或托管受托人的一位董事或其联系人士所持有的任何股份(彼或彼等任何一人于其 中概无拥有实益权益)、于一项信托 ( 当中 如 若 及只要在其他人士有权就此收取收 入的情况下,则董事或其任何联系人士的权益将还原或为剩余)中的任何股份,以 及于一项获授权的单位信托计划(其中董事或其联系人士仅作为一位单位持有人拥 有权益)中的任何股份将不计算在内。 aactechnologies.com | For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or any of them has no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director or his associate(s) is/are in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, and any shares comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are interested only as a unit holder. aactechnologies.com |
但是, 说明的前提是,专门用于资产方面的特别登记处不 允许提前登记,尽管全世界存在各类不合法的特别 登记处,因此说明当中只有 登记处部分的考虑因素 才是正确的,特别优先权的规则并不是在所有情况 下都是多余的。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the note presupposed a specialized registry which, by being asset-specific, did not allow pre-registration, although there existed in the world various types of specialized registries of which that was not true, so that the consideration expressed in the note was true only of a subset of registries, and the super-priority rule might not be superfluous in all cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
发达国家缔约方包括在评估执行情况时受审评的利益相关 方 当中 , 第 11/C OP.9号决定的附件对此进行了概括。 daccess-ods.un.org | Developed country Parties are among the stakeholders under review within the assessment of implementation, as outlined in the Annex to decision 11/COP.9. daccess-ods.un.org |
当中包括 资助以少数族裔语言广播 的电台节目,为少数族裔人士提供娱乐和信息,让他们得知最新的本地新闻和重 要的政府公告;该组亦资助小区支持小组,透过少数族裔人士,为他们本身的社 群提供服务;以及资助流动信息服务计划,向新来港的少数族裔人士提供有关公 共服务和求助渠道的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include radio programmes in the languages of the ethnic minorities both for their entertainment and to keep them up-todate with local news and important Government announcements, community support teams to provide services to ethnic minority groups through members of their own community, and the Mobile Information Service initiative, which provides ethnic minority new arrivals with information on relevant public services and channels to seek assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
在须妥为符合所有适用的法规、规则及规例(包括但不限于指定证券交易所 的规则)的规限下,以及在须取得 当中 所 要 求的所有必要同意(如有)的规限下,以法规 并无禁止的任何方式向任何人士送交摘录自本公司年度账目的财务报表概要以及其形 式及所载资料符合适用法律及规例要求的董事会报告,即视为已就该人士履行细则第 149条的规定,惟倘任何原有权取得本公司年度财务报表及相关董事会报告的人士向本 公司送达书面通知提出要求,其可要求本公司在财务报表概要以外另向其送交一份本 公司年度财务报表及相关董事会报告的完整印本。 chiho-tiande.cn | Subject to due compliance with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange, and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements of Article 149 shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Statutes, summarised financial statements derived from the Company’s annual accounts and the directors’ report which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the annual financial statements of the Company and the directors’ report thereon may, if he so requires by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to summarised financial statements, a complete printed copy of the Company’s annual financial statement and the directors’ report thereon. chiho-tiande.com |
虽然迄今为止当中国政 府采取具体行动时都还 能够约束民族主义情绪,但群情激愤的国内环境仍 然制约了政府政策抉择及其应付问题的能力。 crisisgroup.org | While Beijing has been able to rein in nationalist sentiment over the South China Sea when it adopts a specific policy, this heated environment still limits its policy options and its ability to manage the issue. crisisgroup.org |
由于在 2005 年的 85%削减目标之前没有任何适用于 CTC 的冻结期,而且原来 确定的反应剂使用数量有限,其他反应剂应 用 当中 的 大 多数 CTC 用户只是在最近才 获悉 2005 年和 2010 年削减目标。 multilateralfund.org | Since there was no freeze period applying to CTC prior to the 85% reduction target in 2005, and the number of initially identified PA uses was limited, most users of CTC in other PA applications have only recently become aware about the requirements of the 2005 and 2010 reduction targets. multilateralfund.org |
本职能包括政策、 战略、指导方针、伙伴关系和能力建设,以确保考虑到应急准备、反应和恢 复当 中的性别问题,包括在从紧急阶段向早期恢复方案过渡的时期这样做。 daccess-ods.un.org | It covers policies, strategies, guidelines, partnerships and capacity-building to ensure that the gender dimensions of emergency preparedness, response and recovery are taken into account, including in the transition from the emergency phase to early recovery programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了帮助政府应对特别是青年人当中 的 高 失业率挑战,国际劳工组织向职业 培训和就业国务秘书提供了技术援助,包括对各种方案的援助,这些方案为居住 在农村地区的 5 800 多人(30%为妇女)提供了临时就业,为 2 525 名求职者(62.4% 为妇女)提供了职业指导服务,支持了 764 名失业人员(79.7%为妇女)通过技能和 管理培训、小额贷款和启动套件创办自己的生意。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to assist the Government in addressing the challenge of high unemployment rates, especially among youth, the International Labour Organization provided technical assistance to the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment. This included assistance for programmes providing temporary employment for more than 5,800 people (30 per cent of them women) living in rural areas, assisting 2,525 job seekers (62.4 per cent of them women) with career guidance services and supporting 764 unemployed people (79.7 per cent of them women) in initiating their own businesses through access to skills and management training, microcredit and start-up kits. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而, 在这些地区当中的很 多地区,占据主导的不再是传统 的国家间冲突或政府与有组织反叛运动之间的内战, 而是情况更多变的社会抗议以及犯罪和政治暴力周 期。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, many of those areas are no longer dominated by classic inter-State threats or civil wars between Governments and well-organized rebel movements, but by much more fluid cycles of social protest and criminal and political violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 给予本公司任何董事、高级人员或受雇人在任何特定业务或交 易中的权益,或是参与当中的溢利或本公司的一般溢利,以上 所述可以是额外加于或是代替薪金或其他报酬。 aactechnologies.com | (b) To give to any Directors, officers or servants of the Company an interest in any particular business or transaction or participation in the profits thereof or in the general profits of the Company either in addition to or in substitution for a salary or other remuneration. aactechnologies.com |
为了寻求更多信息,以了解散居国外的索马里 人 当中 是 否 有法律专业人员愿 意参加境外法庭以及有多少这样的人,法律事务厅与特别顾问将其作为专家征求 意见的“知名人士”进行了非正式接触,并向有大量索马里人居住的欧洲、中东 和非洲各国的 17 个律师协会和法律学会发出调询。 daccess-ods.un.org | In seeking further information about the availability and the willingness of legal professionals among the Somali diaspora to participate in an extraterritorial court, the Office of Legal Affairs informally contacted the “eminent persons” consulted as experts by the Special Adviser and sent enquiries to 17 bar associations and law societies in countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa with significant Somali populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
管理层赞赏审计办 2011 年所采取的采用“国际最高审计机构组织”报告标 准这一行动, 并注意到,由于报告格式的变化,对 2011 年与此前年份的审计结 果进行比较是不切实际的,故而在审计办的年度报告和儿基会管理层的回 应 当中 均为就此进行比较。 daccess-ods.un.org | Management appreciates the action taken by OIA in 2011 to adopt the reporting standards of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and notes that, due to the change in reporting format, a comparison of audit findings between 2011 and previous years is not practical and is not presented in the annual report of OIA or in the response of UNICEF management. daccess-ods.un.org |