

单词 当世之冠

See also:


the present age
in office
the current office holder

External sources (not reviewed)

他的艺术实践始于上世纪80年代晚期,而 当 时 是 艺术家小组 世 界 冠 军 ” 的成 之 一。
His art practice started from the later stage of the 1980s, and
[...] was one of the members of an artist group “World Champions” at that time.
申诉人重申,其叔叔世之前,当 局试图从他那里获知申诉人的下落。
The complainant reiterated
[...] that his uncle died after the authorities attempted to [...]
obtain from him information on the complainant’s whereabouts.
若干种与营养有关的 慢性疾病,冠心病 和中风等,现在都属于全球主要死亡致 之 列。 世界上收入最低国家的负担增长最快,有时导致出现营养不足和营养 过剩“双重负担”,给社会和保健系统造成巨大负担。
Several nutrition-related chronic
[...] diseases, such as coronary heart disease and stroke, are now among the leading causes of death worldwide, with the burden growing most rapidly on the world’s lowest-income [...]
countries, at times
leading to a “double burden” of both under- and over-nutrition, and placing a huge burden on societies and health systems.
迈克尔·舒马赫确当之无愧,这位现年42岁的德国赛车手的战绩辉煌,除七次摘 世 界 冠 军 头 衔外,也拿下68次首发杆位次数冠军、91次分站冠军,站在颁奖台上的次数总计高达154次,缔造体坛令人印象最深刻的亮眼纪录。
That’s to be expected; with seven world champion titles, 68 pole positions, 91 victories and 154 podiums, the 42-year-old [...]
German driver has the most impressive record in the sport.
总而之,当今世界已经越来越一体化,为各国在相当隔绝的环境中启动 其发展留下的空间很小。
In short, the world had become increasingly [...]
integrated, leaving little room for countries to jump-start their development in relative isolation.
当劳之声”冠军得 主将获得2.5万美元的奖金,为梦工厂动画(DreamWorks(R)Animation)即将推出的一部电影配音,与音乐制作人合作制作一张唱片。
The Voice of McDonald's grand prize winner will take home $25,000, record a voice-over in an upcoming DreamWorks(R) Animation movie and work with a music-industry executive to produce a record demo.
之,世界遗 产计划能力建设的主要目标包括:加 强遗产地管理者的管理能力,通过大范围的网络宣 当 地 社 区的产品,让旅游业参与世界遗 产计划,与政府有关方面接触并就复杂的保护问题展开协商。
In general, key
[...] capacity-building objectives of the World Heritage Programme include strengthening the management capacity of site managers; promoting local community products through [...]
a wide
outreach network; engaging the tourism industry through the World Heritage label; and accessing and negotiating with government stakeholders on complex conservation issues.
移民局的结 论认为,申诉人虽是未成年人,但仍可被送回科特迪瓦,并认为,他在父亲世 之后, 能够照料自己,能设法到瑞士,能说几种语言,按其年龄来看,显然已当独立和成熟。
ODM concluded that, although a minor, the complainant could be sent back to Côte d’Ivoire, considering the fact that since his father’s death he had been able to take care of himself, had arranged for travel to Switzerland, spoke several languages and was apparently independent and mature for his age.
与仅仅几公之遥的 傲赴沙尔克(Auf Schalke)球场的合作,将明星们带到了滑雪道上:无论是前拳 世 界 冠 军 Ax el Schulz,还是电视明星Verona Feldbusch,他们全都拜访过Girardelli,并由康迪泰克的输送带运送到了滑道顶端。
An unusual cooperation with the football stadium Auf
Schalke, situated
[...] not far away, brings illustrious stars onto the ski piste: Whether ex-world champion boxer Axel Schulz or TV star Verona Feldbusch, they all dropped in [...]
on Girardelli
and were taken up to the top on ContiTech conveyor belts.
兩項方案最終都不太成功,英國鐵路民營後,乘客抱怨客服相當不便,員工無法回答有關相同路線競爭對手的班次問題,《衛報》去年報導指出,英國鐵路票價高 世 界 之冠 , 比 法國國營公司SNCF高出一倍;亦有媒體提到,民營後的英國鐵路系統安全品質下滑,且公文手續更加繁瑣,公帑開銷卻沒節省多少。
After privatisation in Britain, passengers reported drastic inconveniences in customer service; railroad employees couldn’t answer questions about service on competing lines.
[...] 惊人的:德国F1方程式赛车手世界 冠军 S ebastian Vettel 不仅赢得了首届大奖赛,而且以一圈1分27秒的 [...]
And the result really was record-breaking: the
[...] German Formula 1 world champion Sebastian Vettel [...]
not only won the first race, but also
broke the first course record with a lap time of 1:27 mins.
耶稣雕像在最先进照明设备的妆点之下焕然一新,神圣而庄严,无论是白天还是黑夜,即便站在远处依然清晰可见,成为整座城 当之 无 愧 的守护者和 世 主。
Gleaming resplendently, the statue of Christ enjoys a new look, thanks in part to WACKER and to
state-of-the-art lighting, which keeps it visible from afar day
[...] and night, as a representation of the city’s protector and redeemer.
当今 之世,很 少有哪个城市像德国这座新老都城这样令人着迷。
There is hardly any other city that casts its spell over so many people at the moment [...]
as the new and old German capital.
自 1990 年以来,本区域的人口增长之世界 其 他国家相对缓慢,主要由于 许多国家的生育率持续下降当前本区域的总体生育率是每名妇女生育 2.2 个孩子,低于 1950 年大约 6 个孩子的水平。
Since 1990, the population of the region
[...] has been growing more slowly than that of the rest of the world, owing to sustained fertility declines in many countries: [...]
the region’s overall
fertility rate now stands at 2.2 births per woman, down from approximately 6 in 1950.
当世界各地人民要求自 己的政府加强问责制和提高透明之 时 ,联合国不应 落后,而应确保自己带头作出这类努力并实行相同的 标准;会员国应支持本组织在这方面作出努力。
At a time when people around the world were demanding greater accountability and transparency [...]
from their governments, the
United Nations should not fall behind, but should ensure that it was at the forefront of such efforts and be held to the same standards; Member States should support the Organization’s efforts in that direction.
英國倫敦是夢想之城,人們熱愛過去與光輝,歷史與現代在此共融,一同創造世上極具活力的場所;這座城每年吸引的直接外來投資額高 世 界 之冠 , 也 是全球金融重鎮,每日交易量大於紐約、東京與法蘭克福;倫敦人文薈萃,博物館、劇場與藝術收藏既多又豐富,在文化層面傲視全球。
It is the city that attracts the highest amount of Foreign Direct Investment per year of any other city around the world; it is the world’s financial power house, with more daily transactions than New York, Tokyo and Frankfurt.
在过去,寻求经济发展过程中,中国在某些领域以牺牲资源(主要是煤和石油)和求发展的道路和环境已走到尽头,目前我国二氧化碳的温室气体的排放已经排在世界第二位之前和之后的2025年中国的二氧化碳排放量可能超过美国 , 居 世 界 之冠。
In the past the process of pursuing economic development, China in some areas at the expense of resources (mainly coal and oil) and the path of seeking development and the environment has come to an end, at present, China's carbon dioxide emissions of greenhouse gases has been ranked second in the world
before and after 2025 China's carbon dioxide emissions is likely to surpass the United
[...] States, ranking first in the world.
尤其是落馬 洲,其客貨流量增幅之高,更為三 之冠。
In particular, LMC has taken on the largest share of the increase in both freight and passenger traffic.
now TV在香港提供180多个频道的本地、亚洲和国际节目,包括西班牙甲级联赛、英格兰足总杯、NBA、法国网球公开赛、美国网球公开赛、ATP世界巡回赛、国际羽联超级系列赛 世 界 斯诺 克 冠 军 赛 、F1和国际高尔夫职业巡回赛等。
now TV serves Hong Kong with more than 180 channels of local, Asian and international programming, including premium content such as Spanish La
Liga, English FA Cup, NBA, French Open, US
[...] Open, ATP World Tour, BWF Super Series, World Snooker Tour, [...]
F1 and PGA Tour.
我们致力于为积极的生活方式开发顶级耳机,曾 5 次获得铁人三世界冠军的 Craig "Crowie" Alexander [...]
We are committed to developing
superior headsets for active lifestyles, and
[...] five-time Ironman world champion Craig “Crowie” [...]
Alexander is a fan of our sports headsets.
会议热烈欢迎在注重结果的计划编制方法方面所取得的进展,不过,它应 当 进 一步 加强和深化,使数量和质量指之间 的比例更加合理,与《中期战略》的预期结果相辅相 成,使预期结果、预期成果及监督手段和汇报标准之间的协调一致。
The meeting strongly welcomed the advances in results-based programming which should, nonetheless, be further
strengthened and refined
[...] with a view to achieving a better balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators, [...]
complementarity with
the expected outcomes of the Medium-Term Strategy and coherence between expected outcomes, expected results, as well as monitoring instruments and reporting standards.
不過,有時有些事物是不可完全相信的,例如李后先生曾說支聯會 在世界是奪取冠軍的 ,但仍未給獎品我們,我又怎能相信呢?
However, sometimes we cannot believe their words. For instance, Mr LI Hou once said that the Hong Kong
Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic
[...] Movement in China was a world champion and he had yet [...]
to award the prize to us.
通过赞助奥运会、FIFA世界杯 足球赛以及NBA篮球赛等全球瞩目的焦点赛事,以及对年轻人关注的音乐、时尚领域的赞助,百威体现了其“皇者风范”,成 当之 无 愧的“啤酒之王”。
Through its sponsorship of popular sporting events such as the Olympics, FIFA World Cup and NBA, and connection with music and fashion, Budweiser has shown its King style, and became the King of Beer.
当今世界正面临着全球性重大挑战:环境恶 化加剧,生物多样性减少,水资源匮乏,环境污染以及气候变化带来的新影响,并且认识到所有这些挑战会对 [...]
Considering that the world is facing major global [...]
changes: accelerating environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity,
water scarcity, pollution, and emerging impacts of a changing climate and recognizing that all of these challenges impede efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve an equitable society, we commend the Director General’s support of developing nations, the role of women in science, and the future of our planet.
在这些谈判中,《宪章》的规定和目标(包括关于任何争 之当 事 国 有义 务尽先以谈判方式求得解决的第 [...]
33 条)和第 1514(XV)号决议(领土完整 原则),以及群岛居民的利益(从而不考虑自决原则)。
In these negotiations, the provisions and objectives of the Charter
(including Article 33 relating to the
[...] obligation of the parties to any dispute [...]
to seek a solution first of all by negotiation)
and of resolution 1514 (XV) (principle of territorial integrity), as well as the interests of the population of the Islands (thus leaving aside the principle of self-determination).
任何争之当事国 ,与争端之继续存在足以危及国际和平与安全之维 持时,应尽先以谈判、调查、调停、和解、公断、司法解决、区域机关或区 [...]
The parties to any dispute, the [...]
continuance of which is likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security,
shall, first of all, seek a solution by negotiation, enquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or arrangements, or other peaceful means of their own choice.
根據消費者委員 會(“消委會”)的數字顯示,涉及整體電訊的投訴,在 2006 年的投訴個 案高達一萬一千多宗,佔整體投訴達三成之多,為各統計項 之冠。
According to the statistics of the Consumer Council, the overall number of complaints involving telecommunications in 2006 was as high as 11 000, accounting for as many as 30% of the total complaints received and surpassing all the other areas or sectors.




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