

单词 归队

See also:

belong to
go back to
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
(used between two identical verbs) despite
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by
gather together
marry (of a woman) (old)
surname Gui
give back to

External sources (not reviewed)

他 在表中声称自己在科威特战争中离开共和国卫队,又在逃兵赦免令颁布归 队。
In the form, he claimed that he had deserted the Republican Guards during the war in Kuwait and returned to military service after an amnesty for deserters had been issued.
这条路线穿越陕西省甘肃西北部,分成三个不同的路线,在两个山脉北部和南部新疆的塔克拉玛干沙漠,在喀 归队 ; 和 其 他天山北通过吐鲁番,Talgar(新疆)和阿拉木图,哈萨克斯坦东南部的山区。
This route travelled northwest through Gansu from Shaanxi Province, and split into three further routes, two of them following the mountain ranges to the north and south of the Taklimakan Desert of Xinjiang province to rejoin at Kashgar; and the other going north of the Tian Shan mountains through Turpan, Talgar (Xinjiang) and Almaty, southeast Kazakhstan.
由于队归来, 部 队医疗直升机飞行员转换成执法和其他公共安全飞行角 色,其影响更大。
Its impact was compounded by the influence of returning military units, and military medical helicopter pilots discharged to law enforcement and other public safety flying roles.
在检察官诉Dragan Nikolić一案中,该分庭审议了将被告被 归 于 稳定 部队 问题
The question was raised whether
[...] the arrest of the accused was attributable to the Stabilization Force (SFOR).
黎巴嫩武装部队后来缴回所有在事件中被抢走了的武 器并将归还给联黎队。
The Lebanese Armed Forces later retrieved all the weapons that had been taken during the
[...] incident and returned them to UNIFIL.
Sahnaya 分区的一支警察巡逻队前往接应水资源部一个迟迟 归 的 打 井 队, 该队当时正在 Yaman 清真寺后面的农场钻凿水井。
A police patrol from the subdistrict of Sahnaya went to the aid of a water resources department squad drilling a water well in a farm behind the Yaman mosque, because the squad was late in returning.
所取得的进展可部归因于联黎队与黎 巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军的密切协调。
The progress
[...] can be partly attributed to UNIFIL’s close coordination with the Lebanese armed forces and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
该 项进归功于安全队的努 力和各省当局的外联活动,令人鼓舞地显示阿富汗当 局的自主性和领导能力。
This development is attributed to a combination of efforts by security forces and outreach [...]
by provincial authorities and
is an encouraging demonstration of ownership and leadership on the part of the Afghan authorities.
[...] 言论、公民身份安排方面的不确定性以及苏人解开展的运动共同促成了南方人从北 向南的大规模回归,不少人在阿卜耶伊和南科尔多凡州针对 归 者 车 队 的 袭 击。
Threatening political rhetoric against Southerners in Northern Sudan, coupled with the uncertainty on citizenship arrangements and an SPLM campaign, contributed to large-scale returns of Southerners from
the North to the South and may have played a role in the attacks
[...] against returnee convoys in Abyei and Southern [...]
女士被谋杀不归罪于武装队或国家,而是基于自己利益的个人所 为。
It submits that the killing of Ms. Hernandez is not
[...] attributable to its armed forces or to the State but to [...]
individuals acting in their own interest.
鉴于该区域大部分侵犯土著人民人权的行 为归咎于安全队的大 量驻留,考虑到军队对于该地区民事管理和发展活动的 影响,这一规定被认为是吉大港山区恢复常态的关键。
With the majority of human rights violations committed against
indigenous peoples in
[...] the region being attributed to the extensive presence of security forces, and considering [...]
the military’s
influence on civil administration and development activities in the area, this provision is seen as crucial for re-establishing normalcy in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
在停战监督组织的拟议所需资源总额中,21 332 300 美元是直归观察队(12 6 41 800 美元)和联黎部队(8 690 500 美元)实际控制的资源,其中不包括行政支助 费用。
Of the total resources proposed for UNTSO, an amount totalling $21,332,300 relates to resources directly under the operational control of UNDOF ($12,641,800) and UNIFIL ($8,690,500), exclusive of administrative backstopping.
队的人力资源已按人归入每 个构成部分,但属于整个 队 的 行 政领导和 管理归入整个部队。
The human
[...] resources of UNIFIL, in terms of the number of personnel, have been attributed to the individual components, with the exception of the executive direction and management of the Force, which can be attributed to the Force as a whole.
但是,与此同时,联黎部队成功地最终把责 任交给黎巴嫩军队和缩小本身队的 编制 , 归 根结 底,有赖于一个解决冲突根源的政治进程。
At the same time, however, UNIFIL’s success in eventually handing over
responsibilities to the Lebanese Army and
[...] drawing down its own forces will ultimately depend [...]
on a political process to resolve
the issues underlying the conflict.
目前,开发署把大会授权的由开发署负全责的协调活动以及开发署参与联合 国国家工队的相关费归入“ 联合国发展协调”分类。
UNDP currently classifies costs associated with coordination activities mandated by the General Assembly as the sole
responsibility of UNDP, and UNDP participation in the
[...] United Nations country team as “United Nations development [...]
[...] 纳入了特派团军事、警察和安全部门各单位与国际伙伴和利比里亚政府,包括与 利比里亚国家警察、利比里亚武装 队 、 移民 和 归 化 局 以及国家安全战略和国家 安全战略体制规定的其他安全机构一起开展的活动。
As detailed in the frameworks below, the security sector component encompasses both security stabilization and security sector reform and incorporates the activities of the Mission’s military and police and security sector elements working with international partners and the Government of Liberia, including the
Liberian National
[...] Police, the Armed Forces of Liberia, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and other security [...]
agencies, under
the national security strategy and architecture umbrella.
116 (11) 在“Kasumaj诉希腊”117 和“Gajić诉德国”118 两个案件中,欧洲人权法 院重申了关于把派到驻科部队的国家特 队 的 行 为 归 于 联 合国的意见。
116 (11) In Kasumaj v. Greece117 and Gajić v. Germany118 the European Court of Human
Rights reiterated its view
[...] concerning the attribution to the United Nations of conduct taken by national contingents [...]
allocated to KFOR.
在后一种情况下,以“有效控制”有关作为或行为 的程度确定是否将国家特队的行为 归 于 联合国实际上意味着,如果借调国对被 追究行为继续行使行动控制权,责任应归于借调国而不是接受组织。
In the latter case, conditioning the attribution of an act of a national contingent to the United Nations on the degree of the “effective control” over the act or conduct in question implies, in fact, that, where the lending State continues to exercise operational control over the imputed act, responsibility should be attributed to the lending State and not to the receiving organization.
[...] 统计(例如中国、印度尼西亚和日本);以及(ii)将内陆国家整个 队归 类到 内陆水域(例如布基纳法索、布隆迪、乍得、哈萨克斯坦、马拉维、马里、尼日 [...]
The separation between inland and marine fishing fleets was made based on: (i) national reported statistics with sufficient details (e.g.
China, Indonesia, and Japan); and (ii)
[...] allocation of whole fleets of landlocked countries [...]
to inland waters (e.g. Burkina Faso,
Burundi, Chad, kazakhstan, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zambia).
联合国本来不需要对此点作出评论,但鉴于欧洲人权法院最近的判例——将行动 受国家或区域指挥和控制的队的行 为责 归 于 联 合国——秘书处希望比较深 入地评论联合国维持和平行动在过去六十年来发展的原则和实践。
While this statement would not otherwise call for any comment on the part of the United Nations, in the light of the recent jurisprudence of the
European Court of Human
[...] Rights — which attributed to the United Nations responsibility for conduct of military forces operating under national [...]
or regional command
and control — the Secretariat wishes to comment in some detail on the principles and practice of United Nations peacekeeping operations, which have developed over the past six decades.
特别是,这将需要迅速建立指挥体系, 以便加强索马里国家队的行动能力 归 根 结 底,他 们必需确保索马里的稳定。
In particular, that will require the speedy establishment of a chain of command to
strengthen the capacity of action
[...] of the Somali national forces that will ultimately need [...]
to ensure the stability of Somalia.
在2012伦敦奥运会的最佳着装奖上,牙买加代 队 是 实至 名 归 的 赢 家。
In the competition for best dressed at the 2012 London
[...] Olympics, the Jamaican team was the clear winner.
常设咨询委员会感兴趣地注意到,中非经共体总秘书处已作出安排,通过中 部非洲和平与安全理事会(中非和安会)防卫与安全委员会的一次会议,将 2009 年 5 月 8 日通过的中部非洲防卫与安全队行 为守 则 归 入 经共体内部文件。
The Standing Advisory Committee took note with interest of the steps taken by the secretariat of ECCAS to incorporate the Code of Conduct for the Defence and Security Forces in Central Africa, adopted on 8 May 2009, as an internal document, through a meeting of the Defence and Security Committee of the Council for Peace and Security in Central Africa.
[...] 受到一支由不携带武器的军火监测人员组成的联尼 特派团小型特遣队的监测,但每个 队 仍 归 其 各 级指 挥部门指挥。
The barracks, cantonments and activities of the Maoist army and the Nepal Army are lightly
monitored by the modest UNMIN contingent of unarmed arms monitors,
[...] and each army remains under its own chain of [...]
第五,关于打击武装团体,上月,因涉嫌参与 1994 年卢旺达灭绝种族行径而被国际司法通缉的 10 名卢 旺达在逃犯中的一人 Bernard Myuniagishari 先生被 刚果民主共和国武装队捉拿归案。
Fifthly, on the struggle against armed groups, last month one of the 10 Rwandan fugitives still being sought by international justice for their presumed involvement in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Mr. Bernard Munyagishari, was arrested by the FARDC.
[...] 而只是默示,如果国家或国际组织经安全理事会授权,在其部队与联合国联 系的指挥链以外采取必要措施,有关国家或国际组织的军事 队 的 行为 不归 于联合国”。
For instance, the articles do not say, but only imply, that conduct of military forces of States or international organizations is not attributable to the United Nations when the Security Council authorizes States or
international organizations to take necessary measures outside a chain of
[...] command linking those forces to the United Nations”.
例如,尼日尔队和安保部队在 与一些归战斗 人员、军火贩运者和伊斯兰马格里布基地组织恐怖分子发生冲突 时,设法缴获了涉嫌来自利比亚军火库的武器、弹药和爆炸物(可变塑料炸弹)。
For example, during clashes with some returning fighters, arms traffickers and Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb terrorists, the army and security forces of the Niger managed to seize weapons, ammunition and explosives (Semtex) suspected to have originated from Libyan stockpiles.
联利特派团民 警包括建制警察部队,以及包括利比里亚国家警察、快速反应 队 和 移 民 归 化局 在内的利比里亚当局,都将加强在边界地区特别是敏感地区和重要过境点的派 驻。
UNMIL civilian police, including formed police units, and Liberian authorities, including the Liberian National Police, the Emergency Response Unit and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, have strengthened their presence in the border area with a focus on hot spots and important border crossings.




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