

单词 归类

归类 noun ()

categorization n

归类 verb ()

categorisationBE v


把...归类 v

class v

See also:

belong to
go back to
marry (of a woman) (old)
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
(used between two identical verbs) despite
surname Gui
gather together
give back to
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by

External sources (not reviewed)

当时,在难民归类 为管理和行政员额的 433 个员额中,这 220 个员额占 [...]
50.8%(A/63/616,第 5 段)。
At that time, the 220 posts represented 50.8 per cent of
[...] the 433 posts categorized by UNHCR as management [...]
and administration posts (A/63/616, para. 5).
缔约国应将所有18 岁以下的青少归类为少 年人,以延长《少年犯法》所提供 [...]
The State
[...] party should classify all persons [...]
under 18 as juveniles in order to extend the protection offered by the Juvenile Offenders Act.
必须在第 5 段( d)分段所述的下一次年度执行方案 提交给执行委员会并获核准之前 归类 为 重大变化的再分配行为进行记录。
Reallocations categorized as major changes must be documented in advance in the next annual implementation programme and endorsed by the Executive Committee as described in sub-paragraph 5(d).
还请提供资料,说明将资归类为 国家秘密的程序,以及确定这归类 形 式 的标准。
Please also provide information on the
[...] process by which information becomes classified under the State secrets system, and the [...]
criteria by which such determination is made.
但是,从2010年末开始,根据一项欧盟规定,部分胶粘剂已被更严格 归类 为 危 险物质,在德国,不再允许个人终端用户自由购买。
However, several of these adhesives became subject to more
[...] stringent classification as hazardous [...]
substances by an EU regulation in late
2010 and cannot be sold freely to private end users anymore in Germany.
预审法官的其他权力包括:(a) 评价检察官在起诉书内的各项指控;及需要 时(b)
[...] 请检察官减少或将这类指控重归类 ; (c) 便利当事方之间的交流;(d) [...]
应任一当事方的请求签发传票、逮捕令和其他命令状;(e) 询问匿名证人;(f) 为 审判分庭起草完整的案卷,其中要列明当事方之间对法律和事实的主要分歧点,
The other powers of the Pre-Trial Judge include: (a) evaluating the charges brought by the Prosecutor in the indictment and, if need
be, (b) requesting the Prosecutor to reduce
[...] or reclassify such charges; (c) facilitating [...]
communication between the parties;
(d) issuing summonses, warrants and other orders at the request of either party; (e) questioning anonymous witnesses; (f) drawing up a complete file for the Trial Chamber listing the main differences between the parties on points of law and fact, and indicating his views regarding the main points of fact and law arising in the case.
按照联合国 标准可能归类为“ 贫穷”的国家,在许多重要方面却相当富有,例如社区凝聚 力,自然资源以及与自然世界和谐共处的能力,多元文化和人类尊严。
Countries may be categorized as “poor” according [...]
to United Nations criteria, but they are rich in many important aspects
— in community cohesion, in natural resources and in being able to live in harmony with our natural world, in diverse cultures and in human dignity.
圣伊西多尔塞维利亚(四636)和法师比德(草735)将父亲之间 归类 , 但 是他们可以说已经出生了适当的时候,正如圣西奥多在WAS的Studite东。
St. Isidore of Seville (d. 636) and the Venerable Bede (d. 735) are to be classed among the Fathers, but they may be said to have been born out of due time, as St. Theodore the Studite was in the East.
这三项标准规定各金融工具一方面要根据金融工具的性质,特别是管理意图(如获取 短期利润)进归类,另一方面根据分类记账,最后还要在附件中详细列明相关信息。
Under these standards, each financial instrument must be classified differently, depending on the nature of the instrument and, above all, the management’s intentions (e.g. making short-term profits), be recognized differently, depending on the classification used, and be disclosed in detail in the notes.
这种结构导致联合国发展集团将毛里求斯和塞舌 归类 为 “ 不和谐周期”/C 类国家, 因此,在什么情况下可以利用共同国家评估计划和联合国发展援助框架的文件始终带有随意 性。
This configuration led UNDG to classify Mauritius and
[...] Seychelles as “non-harmonized cycle”/Category C countries, [...]
for which case the use of CCAUNDAF instruments remain optional.
[...] 错误地)53 将打击国际恐怖主义的全球战略整 归类 为 “ 战 争”,以达到适用第三和第四《日内瓦公约》的目的,但国际人权法仍然继续适 [...]
Even if one were
[...] (wrongfully)53 to classify the global struggle [...]
against international terrorism in its entirety as a “war”
for the purpose of applying the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions, international human rights law continues to apply: the Covenant applies also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable.
[...] 以便更新和调整区域和联邦层面的立法基础,从而把 海盗活归类为重罪案件,并且起草符合适当法律程 [...]
Clearly, the specialized offices of the Organization must continue providing assistance to update and adapt the
legislative basis at the regional and federal level
[...] in order to categorize piracy as a [...]
serious crime and draft a code of criminal
procedure that meets international standards of due process.
这些框架根据特派团任务规定 确定的构成部分(稳定安全环境、刚果民主共和国领土安全、安全部门改革、民 主机构和人权及支助)归类。
The frameworks are organized according to components (stable security environment, territorial security of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, security sector reform, democratic institutions and human rights, and support), which are derived from the mandate of the Mission.
宪法》第 141 条缺乏歧视目 的,这不影响行为本身归类。
The omission in article 141 of the Criminal Code of any reference to the purpose of discrimination does not affect the definition of the act itself.
[...] 事项中有一些,如安全部门改革、法治、解除武装、 复员和重返社会和民族和解,归类 为 建 设和平工作 的政治性或安全相关内容,但不难看出这些内容与有 [...]
关社会的各种社会经济转型根本目标之间存在着有 机联系。
While the Commission’s record shows that some of these priorities may be categorized
under political or security-related aspects of
[...] peacebuilding, such as security sector [...]
reform, the rule of law, disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration, and national reconciliation, one can hardly fail to note the organic linkages of these aspects with the overarching objectives of the socio-economic transformation of the societies concerned.
马齿苋源于印度,具有肥厚多肉的茎和叶,因此 归类 为 多 肉植物。
Purslane, native to India, has thick, fleshy stalks and leaves and so is classed as a succulent.
区分内陆和海洋捕捞船队是基于:(i)充分详细的国家报告的 统计(例如中国、印度尼西亚和日本);以及(ii)将内陆国家整个船 归类到 内 陆水域(例如布基纳法索、布隆迪、乍得、哈萨克斯坦、马拉维、马里、尼日 尔、乌干达、乌兹别克斯坦和赞比亚)。
The separation between inland and marine fishing fleets was made based on: (i) national reported statistics with sufficient details (e.g. China, Indonesia, and Japan); and (ii) allocation of whole fleets of landlocked countries to inland waters (e.g. Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, kazakhstan, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zambia).
只要将这项提议限制在仅 用“闲置”特别提款权作为杠杆则风险是有限的,这与相当多国家现行的做法相 似:把多余的外汇储备金移入主权基金,而主权基金内具体资产的流动性和风险 将决定这些资产是否仍归类为储 备金。
The risks may be limited as long as the proposal is restricted to leveraging “idle” SDRs, which is similar to the existing practice of a fair number of countries of moving excess foreign currency reserves into sovereign wealth funds, where the liquidity and risk characteristics of specific assets in the fund determine whether or not those assets still qualify as reserve holdings.
中国 向执行委员会报告,2008 年缔约方第十九次会议第 XIX/15
[...] 号决定中所列的加工剂用途和 那些目前在缔约方有关决定中未 归类 为 加 工剂的新确定用途中的四氯化碳额外用量为 [...]
1,230.46 ODP 吨。
China has reported to the Executive Committee additional use of 1,230.46 ODP tonnes of CTC in 2008 in process agent applications listed in decision XIX/15 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties
and those newly identified applications
[...] not currently classified as process agents [...]
in relevant decisions of the Parties.
在进行利益相关者分析过程中,往往有必要通过图形形式对不同的利益相关者加 归类 , 展示他们所分别代表的利益集团、利益所在、所拥有的力量、对企业目标具有的制约或支持因素,以及企业对其所采取的方法手段。
Following or during a Stakeholder Analysis process, it is
[...] often useful to categorize the various [...]
stakeholders by drawing further pictures of
what the stakeholder groups are, which interests they represent, the amount of power they possess, whether they represent inhibiting or supporting factors for the organization to realize its objectives, or methods in which they should be dealt with.
随行的科学家没有足够 的资源对这些新物种进行生物分类的描述,因此它们 归类 为 推 定物种。
Often the scientists involved do not have sufficient
[...] resources to produce taxonomic descriptions [...]
of these new species, and so they are assigned to putative species.
欧盟认为,将强奸作为战争武 器的行为是一种战争犯罪,并呼吁尚未犯下此类罪
[...] 行的国家签署和批准国际刑事法庭的条例,其中将 这类在战争期间侵犯妇女权利的行为明 归类 为反 人类罪。
States that had not yet signed and ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which
clearly categorized that particular violation of women’s rights in time of war
[...] as a crime against humanity, should do so.
自从2012年6月以来,以下内容已成为正式官方内容了:世界卫生组织(WHO)把柴油机碳 归类 为 肺 致癌物。
Since June 2012, it is official: The World Health
[...] Organisation (WHO) has classified diesel soot [...]
as a lung carcinogen.
我们听到,全球核 裁军越来越少地归类为地 位模糊的最终目标,越来 越多地被当作国家和集体行动的当务之急——甚至 被拥有这类武器的国家,以及我们大家知道,被最高 级领导人认为是一项当务之急。
We hear global nuclear disarmament less and less relegated to the vague status of an ultimate goal and more and more cited as an imperative for national and collective action — even better, as an imperative that has even been recognized by States possessing such weapons and, as we all know, at the highest levels.
但是,在出现心绞痛类胸痛的患者中有 10–50%
[...] 的患者严重到足以批准进行侵入性心脏检查,但其并未罹患心脏病 [30],归类为患有非心源性胸痛 (NCCP)。
However, 10–50% of patients presenting with angina-like chest pain sufficiently severe to warrant
invasive cardiac investigations do not have cardiac disease
[...] [30] and are classified as having noncardiac [...]
chest pain (NCCP).
[...] 于运动和打猎的武器,因为目前为军警部队制造的一些武器只要稍加改动就可归类为用于运动和打猎的武器。
Guatemala believes that there should be no exceptions in any of the above categories, including, for example, sporting and hunting weapons, since certain weapons currently manufactured for
the use of military and police forces could, with some
[...] modification, also be classified as sporting and [...]
hunting weapons.
修订立法的同时应对司法、警察和监狱官员进 行关归类并调 查酷刑指控的适当途径方面的相关培训,并提供增强意识方案, 从而不会让调查过程导致将酷刑 归类 为 较 轻的罪行。
This revision of the legislation should be accompanied by adequate training and awareness-raising programmes for
judicial, police and prison
[...] officials on the proper way to classify and investigate allegations of torture so that investigation processes do not lead to the classification of torture as a lesser offence.
115 项建议,可将这些建归类为91 项,涉及的主要问题包括平等 和不受歧视的权利、种族主义和不容忍、移徙者的人权、家庭暴力、拘留、人权 教育,以及关于人权的立法框架等。
The delegation noted that 115 recommendations were made for Norway, which clustered them into 91 on a number of issues focusing on the rights to equality and non-discrimination, racism and intolerance, the human rights of migrants, domestic violence, detention, human rights education and on the legislative framework for human rights.




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