

单词 归程

See also:

belong to
go back to
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
(used between two identical verbs) despite
gather together
marry (of a woman) (old)
give back to
surname Gui
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by

External sources (not reviewed)

2009 年由难民署与塞尔维亚科索沃和梅托希亚事务部合作负责的回归登记工 作,重新激起了流离失所者的兴趣,并为 归 进 程 注 入 了新的动力。
The returns registration exercise, carried out in 2009 by UNHCR in cooperation with the Serbian Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija and the Ministry for
Communities and Returns in Pristina, has revived interest among the displaced and has
[...] given new impetus to the returns process.
需要有更好的国 际合作机制和适当的工具,以便协助并加快执行被盗文化财产 归 还 程 序。
Better international cooperation mechanisms and adequate
tools were required in order to facilitate and
[...] accelerate the procedures for the restitution of stolen cultural [...]
Alexander在捷 克斯洛伐克与格恩西之间来回穿梭,直至他在返回 归程 中 被 “共产党政权以反 对他和他的家庭这类大地主阶级为由”不准入境。
Alexander commuted between Czechoslovakia and Guernsey until he was denied re-entry on a return trip10 “on account of the communist’s opposition to his and his family’s status within a class of prominent landowners”.
该评估包括身体状况、各行为 方的参与情况、该系统的运作归档 过 程 和 该系统的可持续性。
The assessment covered the physical situation, the
involvement of the various actors, the functioning of
[...] the system, the archiving process and the system’s [...]
在这方面至关重要的是归档过程不 应 损害 归 档 材 料中可 能存在的知识产权。
The problem is that the knowledge tends not to be documented, or if it is, it is unlikely to be easily accessible to a patent examiner.
在冲突后或迫迁后的情况 下,应当建立并执行土地和财归还 的 进 程。
In post-conflict or
[...] post-displacement situations, processes for land and property restitution should be established [...]
and implemented.
我们对在整个的项目程进行详 细的管理归档,此过程从与用 户进行初步讨论开始贯穿至生产 线投产时 。
The whole project, from the initial discussion with the customer through to the start of plant production, is managed and documented in detail by the SMS Meer personnel.
[...] 还重申,请缔约国在下次定期报告中就缔约国内无家 归 现 象 的严 程 度 以 及 为解决此问题所采取的措施提供最新资料。
The Committee also reiterates its request to the State
party to provide updated
[...] information on the extent of homelessness in the State party [...]
and the measures taken to address
this problem in its next periodic report.
农业银行IPO完成后,中国让银行成为盈利机构的努力展示出了积极的成果:香港证交所2010 年IPO 总值名列榜首( 很程度归功于农业银行的IPO)。
With the completion of Agricultural Bank’s IPO, China is showing the positive results of its efforts to make its banks profitable institutions
– the Hong Kong Stock
[...] exchange was on the top in 2010 in terms of IPO value (in big part due to the [...]
Agricultural Bank’s IPO).
应为临时占用国内流离失所者财产并面临 在财归还原主过程中被赶出的人,找到替代解决办法,特别是如果他们自己也 是国内流离失所者,是好意的占用(譬如,占用者与国内流离失所者业主之间通 [...]
Alternative solutions should be found for temporary
occupants of IDP property who face
[...] eviction in the course of property restitution, in particular [...]
if they are displaced persons
themselves and occupy the property in good faith (e.g. negotiated tenancy agreements between occupants and IDP owners).
我们相信,现在其他国家也将启动程,归还包括手稿、工艺品与宗教和文物在内的其 [...]
We believe that others will also
[...] now start the process of returning the [...]
remaining objects, which include manuscripts, works
of art and religious and cultural artefacts.
可以通过更改数据连接方式来管理数据(使用本地数据进行部分测试或研究,使用网络/共享数据 进行一些其他操作);但是,不存在用于在不同网络或本地数据库之间进行同步或数据交换的实程序(除手归档/恢复归档流程以 外 )。
It is possible to manage data by changing the data connections (have local data for some tests or studies, network / shared data for others); however, utilities do not exist for synchronization
or data exchange between different network or local
[...] databases (other than the manual archive / restore archive process).
之前的所有被归类成“发音和演讲”的 程 , 现在 被 归 类 成 “发音”(因为现在大多数的此类课程是关于发音的)。
All courses previously categorized as “Speaking and Pronunciation” are now listed under “Pronunciation” (simply because most of them were, in fact, pronunciation courses) but please [...]
change it if necessary.
[...] JudoScript是一种Java类型的脚本,具有一系列特性:HTTP客户端和服务器端 程 、 文 件系统 归 档 、XML和XSLT脚本、JDBC脚本以及HTML代码优化。
Project Information: JudoScript is a Java type of script , with a
range of features : HTTP client and
[...] server side programming , file system and archiving [...]
, XML and XSLT scripts , JDBC scripts and HTML code optimization .
这是向前迈出的重要一步,在很程 度 上 要 归 功 于 本 组织通过多项宣传活动、有关教育问题的高级别世界会议和对国家一级协调工作的积极参与 [...]
This is an important step
[...] forward that can be attributed in large part to [...]
the momentum created by the Organization through
its numerous advocacy actions, high-level world conferences on education and active engagement in country-level coordination processes.
这唯一的Silverlight数据表格用于以惊人的速度显示 程 数 据 ,这 归 功 于 其强大的后台(异步)记录检索系统。
The only
[...] Silverlight datagrid to display remote data blazingly fast, [...]
thanks to its powerful background (asynchronous) record retrieval system!
DWDM的成功在很程度上归功于 掺饵光纤放大器(EDFA)的发展,EDFA使用从激光泵浦获得的能量,在其以1550 [...]
The success of DWDM is largely due to the [...]
development of the EDFA, which uses energy from a laser pump to optically amplify
all the signal wavelengths presented to its input (within its narrow bandpass centered at 1550 nm) without requiring that they be converted into electrical signals and back again into optical signals (O-E-O conversion).
此外,绝大多数销售额及收益增长预期将在财年的上半年实现,这很 程 度 归 因于 2012 财年泰国洪灾带来的季度性影响。
The majority of sales and earnings growth is expected to be realized in the first half of the year, due in large part to the quarterly impact of the Thailand flooding in 2012.
我们赞扬和钦佩日本人民的毅 力和决心,并希望日本国在疗伤和恢复 程 中 迅归正常
We commend and admire the resilience and
determination of the people of Japan, and hope
[...] for a quick return to normalcy as the nation [...]
of Japan heals and recovers.
这在很程度上归功于 开发署最高管理层及时回 应外部和内部审计建议以及建立和执行切实有效的问责和监督框架。
This follows the
[...] unqualified opinion on the 2006-2007 financial [...]
statements, and is in large part due to UNDP senior management’s
responsiveness to external and internal audit recommendations, and the establishment and implementation of an effective accountability and oversight framework.
在肯尼亚,2010 年就新宪法进行了无暴力全民投票,这在很 程 度 上 归功 于 开发署向有关议会委员会和各政党提供的技术援助,帮助它们在全民投票前就 宪法草案达成广泛共识。
In Kenya a violence-free referendum on a new constitution was conducted in 2010 thanks in large part to UNDP technical assistance to the relevant Parliamentary Committee and to the political parties, helping them to reach broad consensus on the draft constitution prior to the referendum.
在这方面,修改我国的国家《宪法》证明了这一 理念,那就是任何和平程归根结底都必须由国家自 主和主导。
Constitution was a testament to the notion that,
[...] ultimately, any peace process has to be nationally [...]
owned and driven.
主席把《内部 监督程》的主要改归纳为:完善了关于内审司司长独立性的规定;明确了IAOC对内审司工作计 划的监督;内审司司长可约谈协调委员会主席;修改了有关监督建议后续行动的规定,使之符合最 佳做法;方便成员国调阅内审司审计报告和评价报告;外聘审计员和IAOC可调阅调查报告;规定涉 及总干事的任何调查报告另外抄送协调委员会主席;内审司司长书面向PBC报告;就内审司司长的 遴选程序与IAOC进行协商;以及协调委员会和IAOC核可对内审司司长的任命、替换或解职。
The Chair summarized the principle changes to the Internal Oversight Charter as follows: a refined definition of the independent status of the Director, IAOD; clarification of IAOC oversight of IAOD workplans; access for the IAOD Director to the Coordination Committee Chair; modifications to provisions on follow-up on oversight recommendations to bring them in line with best practices; facilitated access for Member States to IAOD audit and evaluation reports; access for the External Auditor and the IAOC to investigation reports; provision for any investigation reports concerning the Director General to be copied additionally to the Chair of the Coordination Committee; reporting by the Director, IAOD to the PBC in writing; IAOC consultation on the selection process for the Director, IAOD; and, endorsement by the Coordination Committee and the IAOC on the appointment, replacement or dismissal of the Director, IAOD.
迄今取得的成功在很程度上归功 于两大因素,一是科学家为国际社会了解大气和臭氧层奠定了基础,二是各国 政府认识到需要快速采取行动,防止臭氧层变薄对环境和公众健康可能产生灾 难性的影响。
The success to date had largely been achieved because scientists had laid the foundations [...]
of the international community’s
understanding of the atmosphere and the ozone layer and Governments had understood the need to act quickly to offset the possible disastrous effects of the thinning of the ozone layer on the environment and public health.
瓦尔塞尼拥有欧洲最长的绿色运行,“”田螺“是10公里长的蜿蜒穿过树林,从2 100米到1400米。雪纪录非常好,很程 度 上 要 归 功 于为主的北阳坡,森林提供了壮观的风景秀丽的滑雪和对恶劣天气条件下的保护。
There is a good range of runs for all abilities to ski from the top of the resort which is at an altitude of 2 800 m. Val Cenis boasts the longest green run in Europe, ‘L’Escargot’ is 10 km long winding through the trees from 2 100 m down to 1 400 m. The snow record is very good thanks largely to the predominantly north facing slopes, the forest provides spectacular scenic skiing and protects against adverse weather conditions.
UL 之所以能够通过分析建模技术研究诸多变量,并且进行更少的测试就能对多种特点和条件进行评估,在很 程 度 上 要 归 功于 Gandhi 博士。
Thanks in large part to Dr. Gandhi, UL is able to study a range of variables through analytical modeling techniques, permitting a wide range of features and conditions to be evaluated through fewer tests.
约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的起点和
[...] 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行 归 于 国 家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties,
including the potential role of
[...] silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the [...]
State; as well as subsequent agreements
and practice as a possible means of treaty modification.
在国家住房政策框架内得到支助的目标群体,包括在私有化改革期间被剥 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子
[...] 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和缓刑受监视人员,无家 归 人 员 ,合作社与合作群体, 以及从事居住环境规划和开发的专门人员。
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, persons
released from prison and persons under
[...] probation supervision, homeless people, cooperative [...]
societies and communities, and specialists
dealing with planning and development of residential environment.




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