

单词 归案



bring to justice

See also:

belong to
go back to
surname Gui
(used between two identical verbs) despite
give back to
marry (of a woman) (old)
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
gather together
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by

External sources (not reviewed)

小组指出,随车队越境进入利比 里亚的人有一半以上逃过了利比里亚国家警察 2011 年 6 月的缉捕,现在仍然没归案。
The Panel notes that more than half of the individuals who crossed into Liberia as part of that convoy avoided apprehension by the LNP in June 2011, and remain at large.
现在谈一下卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭,我对剩余 逃犯之一 Bernard Munyagishari 最近在刚果民主共 和国被捉归案的消息表示欢迎。
Moving now to the ICTR, I welcome the recent news that one of the remaining fugitives, Bernard Munyagishari, has been arrested in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
[...] 员额调到部队指挥官办公室,依据是确定最佳做法的职能设在部队指挥官办公室 更为合适,可以对部队所有构成部分的知识创造、收集 归案 提 供 指导。
Following the review of the organizational structure of UNIFIL, it is proposed that the existing post of Best Practices Officer (P-4) in the Political Affairs Division be redeployed to the Office of the Force Commander, based on the determination that best practices functions would be more appropriately positioned in the Office of the Force Commander
for the provision of guidance on the
[...] creation, collection and archival of knowledge across [...]
all components of the Force.
最近将嫌犯缉归案发出 了重要的信息,告诫所 有那些今天仍然打算通过命令和筹划攻击平民而上 台或留在台上的人,告诫所有那些因犯下战争罪、危 害人类罪或灭绝种族罪行而面对国际刑事司法的逮 捕令、但却以为他们可以期望安理会会疲惫或者不作 为的人。
Recent arrests have made it possible to send an important message to all of those who today still try to come to power - or stay in power - by ordering and planning attacks against civilians, to all those who, when faced with an international criminal justice arrest warrant for war crimes, crimes against humanity or the crime of genocide, think that they can count on weariness or inaction on the part of the Council.
虽然波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那法院已将协助斯坦科维奇逃跑的三人定罪,但检察官办公室仍 鼓励波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那当局以及相邻各国采取一切必要措施,将他逮归 案。
Although the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina has convicted three persons for assisting Stanković’s escape, the Office of the Prosecutor encourages the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as neighbouring States, to take all necessary measures to apprehend him.
同样,我们敦促开展区域合作,将卢 旺达种族灭绝的另两个要犯——前卢旺达总统卫队 队长 Protais Mpiranya 和前国防部部长奥古斯丁·比 齐马纳捉归案。
Similarly, we urge regional cooperation to apprehend two other major figures in the Rwandan genocide: former Commander of the Rwandan Presidential Guard Protais Mpiranya and former Minister of Defence Augustin Bizimana.
迄今为止,政府无力将大量犯罪者缉 归案。
To date, the Government has been unable to bring to justice any of the perpetrators of the numerous crimes committed.
我还要高兴地报告安理会,经与卢旺达问题国际 刑事法庭官员合作,在逃犯之一、被控犯有灭绝种族 罪和有关罪行的联攻派民兵领导成员 Bernard Munyagishari 已于 5 月 25 日被刚果民主共和国安全 官员捉归案。
I am further pleased to report to the Council that one of those fugitives, Bernard Munyagishari, a leading member of the Interahamwe indicted for genocide and related crimes, was arrested by security officers of the Democratic Republic of Congo on 25 May, in cooperation with ICTR officers.
在这方面,我要高兴地报 告,按照在刚果共和国布拉柴维尔举行的大湖区部长 理事会国际会议的任务授权,最近我与其执行秘书穆 拉穆拉大使就合作开展卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭在 逃犯的追踪和捉归案工作 进行了富有成果的讨论, 因为这些在逃犯中的大多数逃到了该组织成员国境 内。
I am happy to report in that respect that, pursuant to the mandate of the Council of Ministers of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, held in Brazzaville, the Republic of the Congo, I have recently had very fruitful discussions with its Executive Secretary Ambassador Mulamula on cooperation in the tracking and arrest of ICTR fugitives, most of whom are located in the territory of States members of that organization.
我们鼓励继续取得进展,以便迅速 将这些逃犯缉归案。
We encourage continued progress so that these fugitives can be swiftly arrested.
[...] 求,要求将剩余的 4 名在逃犯案件和一名新捉归案 人员的案件移交国家司法机构审理,加强在追踪方面 [...]
的工作,为启动剩余的证据保全程序做准备,完成审 判当前被拘押者的准备工作,并为交由余留事项处理
In the months ahead, we plan to file additional
[...] requests for the referral of the cases of the remaining [...]
four fugitives and one new arrestee
to national jurisdictions for trial, to intensify efforts in tracking, to prepare for the commencement of the remaining evidence preservation proceedings, to conclude trial preparations in respect of current detainees, and to have case files ready for transfer to the Residual Mechanism for consideration for referral or trial, as the case may be.
The most critical outstanding aspect of Serbia’s assistance to the Office of the Prosecutor remains the
[...] apprehension of the two fugitives.
修订估计完成日期的原因是:逮捕逃犯时间过迟,如果早一些将他们 缉归案,本 可与犯罪基础相同的其他被告合并进行审判;工作人员减员率高; 诉讼过程中发现重要证据;被羁押人的健康问题以及因诉讼的复杂性而产生的法 庭无法控制的其他因素。
The revised estimated completion dates are attributable to the late arrests of fugitives, whose trials could have been joined with those of other accused with the same crime base had they been apprehended earlier; the high rate of staff attrition; the discovery of important evidence while proceedings were ongoing; detainee health issues and other factors outside the control of the Tribunal emanating from the complexity of the proceedings.
因 此,我促请各会员国尽一切力量,确保作为紧急事项, 将这些逃犯抓归案。
I therefore urge Member States to do all within their power to ensure the apprehension of those fugitives as a matter of urgency.
为此,我们敦促执行国际刑事法院发出的逮捕令, 将被控犯有战争罪和危害人类罪等罪行的上帝抵抗 军三名领导人缉归案。
For that reason, we urge for the execution of the arrest warrants that were issued by the International Criminal Court for the three leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army who have been charged with, among others things, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
由于伊拉克安全部队能力日益增强,追 捕基地组织并对其采取先发制人的打击,同时将其在 伊拉克境内的大多数领导捉归案, 因 而 2010 年发 生的恐怖主义袭击很少,伤亡人数很低。
The year 2010 witnessed a very low rate of terrorist attacks and casualties, as a result of the growing capabilities of the Iraqi security forces, the pursuit of Al-Qaida and pre-emptive strikes against it, and the capture of most of its leaders in Iraq.
[...] 编写国际刑事法先例大全以及将被前南问题国际法庭起诉的个人逮 归案 , 从 而 明确和毫不含糊地确认种族灭绝罪、反人类罪和违反战争法规和习惯罪是国际社 [...]
Delays in the delivery of certain judgements should not distract from the Tribunal’s unprecedented success in developing a comprehensive corpus of
precedents in international criminal law
[...] and in arresting all living individuals [...]
indicted by the Tribunal, thus establishing
clearly and unequivocally that genocide, crimes against humanity, and violations of the laws or customs of war are crimes that the international community will not tolerate.
几个会员国继续作出进一步努力,在本国管辖范围内, 将出现在国际刑警组织被通缉逃犯名单上的卢旺达嫌疑人捉 归案 并 进 行审判。
Several Member States have continued to enhance their efforts to bring to trial, within their national jurisdictions, the Rwandan suspects appearing on the INTERPOL list of wanted fugitives.
通过与卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭的合作,经国际 会议成员国的协调努力,一定能将这些在逃犯捉归 案,他们不仅长久以来逍遥法外,而且也是造成大湖 区不安全和不稳定的根源。
Concerted efforts by States members of the International Conference, in collaboration with the ICTR, promise to bring to account those fugitives who have not only evaded justice for so long but have also been a source of insecurity and instability in the Great Lakes region.
因此, 我们喜见被卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭(卢旺达问题国 际法庭)起诉的高级别逃犯最近被逮 归案。
We therefore welcome the recent arrest of high-level fugitives indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), and hope to see an early beginning of their respective trials.
我们希望波斯尼亚和塞尔维 亚之间合作的加强还将导致在捉拿拉多万·斯坦科维归案上做 出更有效努力,他自逃出位于 Foca 的监 狱以来,已逍遥法外将近 4 年。
We hope that increased cooperation between Bosnia and Serbia will also lead to more effective efforts to apprehend Radovan Stanković, who remains at large nearly four years after escaping from prison in Foča.
虽然检察长告知,黎巴嫩当局一直 在努力试图将被告人缉归案,但 当局的努力迄今没有取得成功。
Although the Prosecutor General advises that the Lebanese authorities have been diligently attempting to apprehend the accused, to date their efforts have been unsuccessful.
必须作出协调 努力,同国家司法机制进行合作,以便发展它们的能 力,确保将行为人捉归案并按照国际标准进行审判。
Concerted efforts are required to cooperate with national judicial mechanisms in order to develop their capacities and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice and tried in accordance with international standards.
鉴于为确保逮归案必须与各国进行合作,努力的方向是与大湖地区一些国家情 报、治安和检察当局进行更大范围的合作。
In view of the overriding need for State cooperation in securing arrests, efforts have been geared at getting greater cooperation from intelligence, policing and prosecuting authorities in some of the Great Lakes States.
[...] 年恩贾梅纳事件,将严重侵犯人权的嫌疑人缉 归案 ; 停止武力驱赶恩贾梅纳民 众,并对警方和军队在此类驱赶中的作用进行全面和公正调查;调查和披露强迫 [...]
Amnesty International called on Chad to implement the recommendations of the national commission of enquiry into the events of N’Djamena in 2008 and to bring to
justice those suspected of serious human
[...] rights violations; to cease the forced [...]
eviction of people in N’Djamena and to conduct
a full and impartial enquiry into the role of police and the military in such evictions; to investigate and disclose the whereabouts of victims of enforced disappearance; to end the practice of secret detention and to make public the name and location of all detention facilities; to refrain from harassing human rights defenders and journalists and to repeal the provisions of ordinance No. 5 of 20 February 2008; and to improve measures to protect women and girls in internally displaced person and refugee camps in eastern Chad.
我们鼓励它们进一步加强 区域合作,在国际社会的支持下,迎应今后在执行 这一举措方面的重要挑战,从而将上帝军高级指挥 官成功地捉归案,并 加强战术协调、信息共享和 联合规划。
We encourage them to further strengthen regional cooperation in order to overcome, with increased support from the international community, the important challenges that lie ahead regarding the implementation of the initiative, and thus succeed in apprehending the top commanders of the LRA and enhancing tactical coordination, information-sharing and joint planning.
根据最初的预测,审判活动在 2009 年下半年 将有所减少,但根据预计,由于逃犯已被缉 归案, 法庭在 2009 年期间将对涉及 27 名被告的 11 个案件 进行审判并撰写判决书。
Although trial activity had originally been forecast to decrease in the second half of 2009, it was expected that the apprehending of the fugitives would lead to the Tribunal conducting trials and writing judgements in 11 cases involving 27 accused persons during 2009.
检察官与非洲大湖区问题国际会议执行秘 书进行了建设性协商,国际会议成员承诺加紧与各国 和各国之间的合作,将余留逃犯抓 归案。
The Prosecutor held constructive consultations with the Executive Secretary of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, the members of which promise a strengthening of cooperation with and between the countries to bring to account the remaining fugitives.
但是,委员会成员指出了委员会的最初目标(处理《1970 年公约》生效之前流失的 财产归还和归案例)及其目前的主要职责——即主要为确保该公约的遵守而开发一些抵制 非法买卖文化财产尤其是当代文化财产的工具, [...]
However, the members of the Committee pointed to the gap between the
Committee’s original aims
[...] (which were to settle cases concerning the return and restitution of displaced [...]
property before the entry
into force of the Convention in 1970) and its current role, which consisted rather in monitoring the Convention by developing tools to combat trafficking in cultural property, particularly as currently practised.




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