

单词 归国

See also:

belong to
go back to
marry (of a woman) (old)
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
(used between two identical verbs) despite
gather together
surname Gui
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by
give back to

External sources (not reviewed)

在这方面,他拒绝任何关于拘留可能过度的推断, 并强调要考虑原籍国有义务接 归国国 民 的 重要 性。
In that context, he rejected any inference that such detention might be excessive
and emphasized the importance of taking into account the
[...] obligation of States of origin to receive returning nationals.
由于许多冲突仍在继续,自归国的 人 数跌至 20 年 来的最低水平,移民安置需求远高于收容国每年的收 容能力,高达 10 比 1。
Given the ongoing nature of many conflicts, voluntary repatriation was at a 20-year low, and resettlement needs surpassed the annual capacity of receiving States by a ratio of 10 to 1.
您需要与您所在院校取得联系,了解可获得 归国 支 持
You will need to check with your institution about
[...] any returning home support available.
[...] 织建议,教科文组织可以采取系统要求将难民 归国 者 和 国内无家可归者(IDPs)纳入国家教 [...]
育行动规划,以及采取提高对人道主义援助与发展之间在过渡时期的特殊问题的认识等方 法,更好地支持改进在教育部门开展的对话。
Another organization suggested that UNESCO could best support improved dialogue in the
education sector by systematically requesting
[...] that refugees, returnees and internally [...]
displaced persons (IDPs) be included in
national education action plans, as well as by raising awareness on the specific issue of transition between humanitarian assistance and development.
在您即将完成学归国之际 ,您可能会发现参加由某些院校举办 归国 研 讨会将十分有用。
When it comes time to return home, you may find it useful to attend a returning home seminar run [...]
by some institutions.
但 审计委员会还表示,审计委员会依然看到某些方面存在的不足之处,包括:(a) 库 存一年以上未使用的非消耗性财产损失/浪费风险高;(b) 在购买新资产之前, 没有彻底清点库存的资产,因此存在进行不必要采购的风险;(c) 消耗性财产实 物清点不充分;(d) 对“尚未找到的”资产差异调节不及时;(e) 资产仍在任归国的用 户名下;(f) 非消耗性财产和消耗性财产的核销和处置有缺陷;(g) 资 产库存管理方面的主要业绩指标存在缺陷(A/66/5(Vol.II),第 60 至 93 段)。
However, the Board also indicated that it continued to observe weakness in a number of areas. These included: (a) a high risk of loss/wastage in respect of non-expendable property remaining, unused, in stock for more than one year; (b) a risk of unnecessary procurement due to insufficient account being taken of assets in stock prior to new purchases; (c) insufficient physical count of expendable property; (d) lack of timely reconciliation of discrepancies in “not found yet” assets; (e) assets retained under the name of users who had repatriated; (f) deficiencies in the write-off and disposal of non-expendable and expendable property; and (g) deficiencies in the key performance indicators used in respect of stock control of assets (A/66/5 (Vol. II), paras. 60-93).
这一段似可回应劳工组织就第 6 条草案提出的批评意见,即需要考虑“国 际公务员法中规定的国家官归国际 组织支配的方式”(A/CN.4/637,第二节 B.5)。
This paragraph appears to meet a criticism expressed by ILO with regard to draft article 6, concerning the need to take into
account the “modalities
[...] in the law of international civil services under which national officials are put at the disposal of international [...]
organizations” (A/CN.4/637, sect. II.B.5).
不过,在该条草案的评注中似宜就这项规则的适用范围略作阐述,包括指明这项 规则不妨碍任何国家行使剥夺财产所有权或将财产 归国 有 的 权利,而且可在恢 复原样已无可能的情况下,通过赔偿方式对没收进行补偿。
The commentary to the draft article should, however, clarify the scope of application of this rule, including by stating both that it applies without prejudice to the right of any State to expropriation or nationalization, and that confiscation may be remedied by compensation where restitution is no longer possible.
(2) 依照现行法律,住房建设基金建设的不动产和建筑居住空间无论其隶 属于哪个部门、安置国家机关或其他国有农业企业的房屋 归国 家所 有,其中包括那些在关于私有化的法律实施后重建的住房以及由持有其 他形式财产的企业和组织用政府资金建造的房屋
(2) According to the present law, the housing found is real estate and housing spaces from the buildings under state property, irrespective of the department affiliation, housing of sovhoz and other state agricultural enterprises, including those that have been reorganised after the implementation of the Law on privatization, as well as housing built with state means by the enterprises and organisations with other forms of property.
其中,硕士以上学历占55%,海 归国人 员 占9.5%,高级职称技术人员32人,硕士生导师2人,博士生导师1人,初步形成了一支高学历、高素质、 [...]
Therein, 55 hold master degree, 9.5
[...] are overseas returnees, 32 hold senior [...]
professional titles, 2 postgraduate mentors
and 1 doctoral supervisor, which together form a team of high-diploma, highquality and young talents.
政府实施了2008 年千人计划等相关措施,继续吸引在西方接受教育并积累工作经验的华人科学家和工程 归国 发 展
Government initiatives such as the 2008 Thousand Talents program
continues to attract Chinese scientists
[...] and engineers back home from the West where they have gained [...]
education and experience.
委员会通过调查,还 收回了约 6 000 万美元的侵占资金,这一款项将 归国 库。
Through investigations the Commission has also been able to retrieve misappropriated funds of the order of $60 million, which will be returned to Government coffers.
[...] 之外的其他发展资金来源,包括国内资源调集、外国直接投资、负责任的贷款和 可持续债务、汇款和海归国人士 、民间社会组织捐助以及新兴的南南合作,作 [...]
Other sources of development finance beyond ODA, including domestic resource mobilization, foreign direct investment, responsible
lending and sustainable debt,
[...] remittances and diaspora returnees, contributions [...]
of civil society organizations, and burgeoning
South-South cooperation, could be expanded upon as promising sources of development financing or assistance.
利比亚员归国后, 公司的EAP团队策划,并组织了一系列的EAP关怀活动: 1.为在深圳地区归国人员 组织了一次现场的压力缓解、情绪疏导为主题的团体辅导活动; 2.将为没有参加团体辅导的同事和家属进行逐一的电话咨询,为同事和家人缓解压力疏导情绪; 3.编制心理危机干预自助手册,提升大家对自己身心症状的了解,帮助大家从危机事件尽快走出来,恢复正 常的工作生活。
Prepared a mental crisis intervention self-help book to help the employees improve their understanding of their mind and body symptoms, help them recover from the crisis as soon as possible, and restore normal work and life.
政府设立海外留学人员专项资金, 归国 海 外留学 人员科研项目、再度出国交流学习、生活条件和工 作环境等提供资助。
The government has built an overseas trained talent fund to provide financial aid to R&D projects for Nanjing citizens studying and living abroad and working environments for foreigners as well.
在联合王国,伦敦地铁系统 2003 年被转为公私合营,但这一合营关系在2007 年解体,因为成本过高迫使特许经营 企业退出了伙伴关系,因而该公司最终被重新 归国 有。
In the United Kingdom, in 2003 the London Underground rail system was transformed into a PPP that collapsed in 2007 due to cost overruns leading concessionaires to exit the partnership and its renationalization.
痛惜朝鲜民主主义人民共和国境内严重、普遍和蓄意侵犯人权的行为,尤其 是对政治犯归国朝鲜 民主主义人民共和国公民使用酷刑和劳改营的做法
Deploring the grave, widespread and systematic human rights abuses in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, in particular the use of torture and labour camps for political prisoners and repatriated citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Deeply regretting the refusal of the Government of the Democratic People’s
Gschwind 先生由于放弃争议财产而丧失了所有权, 这一权利归国家所有;并且认定,第87/1991 号《非经司法程序复原法》为纠 正这种情况提供了机会,但
It held that Mr. Gschwind had lost his ownership right to the contentious properties as a result of dereliction and that the said right had passed to the State; that the Act No. 87/1991 on Extra-Judicial Rehabilitations offered an opportunity to redress such situations; however, Mr. Gschwind failed to lodge a restitution claim under that Act and, instead, lodged an action under a general legal regulation.
只有当国家灾难,在流亡的高潮,有一段时间,打破了人们的光荣神权王国希望末世的个人成为突出,并与修复有一种倾向 归国 家 所 有点查看。
It was only when the national calamities, culminating in the exile, had shattered for a time the people's hope of a glorious theocratic kingdom that the eschatology of the individual became prominent; and with the restoration there was a tendency to revert to the national point of view.
此外归国企业 家和海外创业的企业家也可以 担任导师,带来新的见解和方法。
It was noted that such schemes could take on a variety [...]
of guises such as North–South (linking experienced mentors from the
North to young entrepreneurs in developing countries) and South–South (building local mentoring capacity and motivation) mentoring relations, as well as a role for return–migrant entrepreneur– mentors, and Diaspora entrepreneurs, bringing with them fresh insights and approaches.
[...] Casello担任首席执行官,是希望能够利用他与中国国有企业打交道的专业能力,从而弥补矿业传奇人物George Jones董事归国所产 生的中国人脉与经验空白。
It is perhaps not surprising that Sundance recruited Giulio Casello as CEO from Sinosteel Midwest, bringing in further expertise in dealing with
Chinese SOEs to complement the contacts
[...] and experience in China of the returning [...]
Chairman and legendary mining figure, George Jones.
委员会注意到,缔约国通过包括改进程序在内的各种努力,协助曾于1944 年遭苏维埃社会主义联邦共和国驱逐的人员回国( 其中包括 Meskhetian 土耳其 人) ,但委员会感到关切的是,有报道称,只有少量人员获 归国 人 员 身份。
While noting the efforts made by the State party to facilitate the repatriation of persons deported by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1944, among them the Meskhetian Turks, including through improved procedures, the Committee is concerned at reports that only a small number of them have been granted repatriation status.
在日本国体验旅行中,通过到Host family的志愿者家里进行访问交流,参加日本大学、高中的说明会等活动,圆满达成与日本人进行广泛交流的目的,于1月18日安全踏上 归国 的 旅 程。
During this tour, they stayed in the host family's house, visited Japanese high school and university to specifically communicate with Japanese natives and experience our culture.
作为未来爵士的代表人物,Croker 深受多种音乐的熏陶,他的爵士激情已经让上海 归国 际 爵士焦点,并为他赢得了今日“乐坛巨人”的称号。
Acclaimed as the future of New Jazz and influenced by a various of music, Croker’s passion and zeal have put Jazz in Shanghai back on the map and earned him reputation as one of today’s “music titans”.
2009 年 2 月,土改局发布了重组决议,命令将圣克鲁斯省科迪耶拉县四个庄 园主所拥有的 36 000 公顷土地归国有, 原因是有证据表明存在着奴役关系, 从而不符合经关于土地改革社区重组的第 3545 号法修正的第 1715 号法实施条例 第 157 条所确定的经济和社会职能。
In February 2009, INRA issued reorganization resolutions ordering the reversion to the State of 36,000 hectares of lands owned by four hacienda owners in the Cordillera province of Santa Cruz because of proof of the existence of relations of servitude and, therefore, of non-compliance with the economic and social function established under article 157 of the Implementing Regulation of Law No. 1715, amended by Law No. 3545 on the community reorganization of agrarian reform.
正泰太阳能拥有一支世界一流的光伏研发管理团队,以总裁杨立友博士为核心组建了一支“太阳能梦之队”,包括薄 膜太阳能电池专家牛新伟博士等多位海 归国 专 家
Astronergy owns a world advanced PV R&D and management team, and has established a “solar energy dream team” led by
President and doctor Yang Liyou, including
[...] many overseas educated professionals [...]
in thin film solar energy cell like Niu Xinwei.
德国赞成民间社会和教会的要求,希望增加对学 归国 的 支 持, 以防止机构人才流失,从而有助于加强其伙伴国家的学术阶层。
Germany echoes the demands of civil society and churches, and wants to increase support for repatriation in order to prevent institutional brain drain and thus help to strengthen the academic strata in its partner countries.
而埃克森美孚本身还处在与委内瑞拉对峙当中,之前该公司暂时从英国法院获得在全球范围内冻结委内瑞拉120亿美元资产的禁令,作为委内瑞拉将奥里诺科河(Orinoco)盆地的重油带 归国 有 的 部分补偿。
and Exxon itself, which is still in the confrontation with Venezuela, the company temporarily until the court received from the UK worldwide freezing the assets of Venezuela's 12 billion U.S. dollars The ban, as Venezuela Orinoco (Orinoco) Basin heavy oil belt nationalized part of the compensation.
说波多黎各在成为联邦领地时行使了其自决权 并非事实,这一点从美国的波多黎各问题机构间工 作组的报告中得到承认,报告中表示波多黎 归国 会管辖。
It was untrue that Puerto Rico had exercised its right to self-determination when it had become a commonwealth, as recognized by the reports of the United States Interagency Working Group on Puerto Rico, which stated that Puerto Rico was subject to the authority of Congress.




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