

单词 归化局

See also:

归化 n

naturalisationBE n

belong to
go back to
give back to
marry (of a woman) (old)
(used between two identical verbs) despite
gather together
surname Gui
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor

External sources (not reviewed)

2011 年 4 月 5 日,3
[...] 名身着便装的非武装男子声称是前科特迪瓦士兵,他们 向 Maryland 州 Pleebo 移民归化局寻求难民地位,并被指示向难民署注册。
On 5 April 2011, three unarmed men in civilian clothes claiming to be former Ivorian
soldiers seeking refugee status
[...] reported to the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization office in [...]
Pleebo, Maryland County, and
were referred to the UNHCR office for registration.
专家小组与外交部、移民归化局和 利比里亚总统府的 高级官员讨论了有关旅行禁令的问题。
The Panel has held discussions with senior officials
in the Ministry of Foreign
[...] Affairs, the Bureau for Immigration and Naturalization and the Presidency [...]
in Liberia regarding the travel ban.
利比里亚移民归化局告诉 小组说,它目前在蒙罗维亚部 署了 17 辆(有“边境巡逻”标记的)车,而其余的 14 个州只有 [...]
15 辆巡逻车。
The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization informed the [...]
Panel that, currently, it has 17 vehicles deployed in Monrovia
(marked “Border Patrol”), leaving only 15 patrol vehicles for the remaining 14 counties.
[...] 纳入了特派团军事、警察和安全部门各单位与国际伙伴和利比里亚政府,包括与 利比里亚国家警察、利比里亚武装部队、移民 归化局 以 及国家安全战略和国家 安全战略体制规定的其他安全机构一起开展的活动。
As detailed in the frameworks below, the security sector component encompasses both security stabilization and security sector reform and incorporates the activities of the Mission’s military and police and security sector elements working with international partners and the Government of Liberia, including the Liberian National
Police, the Armed Forces
[...] of Liberia, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and other security [...]
agencies, under the
national security strategy and architecture umbrella.
因此,提议加强专门提供专业知识的联合国警务专员目前 10 个员额的人员 编制(1 个 D-2、1 个 D-1、1 个 P-5、4
个 P-4、1 个外勤人员和 2 个本国一般事务
[...] 人员),以便通过增设以下 10 个员额向利比里亚国家警察和移民 归化局 提 供 更 多专家技术咨询支持:警务改革顾问(P-5)、边境和移民事务顾问(P-4)、警务方 [...]
人力资源干事(P-3)、新闻干事(P-3)、后勤干事(P-3)以及电信和信息技术干事 (P-3)。
Therefore, it is proposed that the Office of the United Nations Police Commissioner, with its current staffing establishment of 10 posts (1 D-2, 1 D-1, 1 P-5, 4 P-4, 1 Field Service and 2 national General Service staff), be strengthened with dedicated professional expertise in order to strengthen expert technical advisory
support for the Liberia
[...] National Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, through the [...]
establishment of 10 additional
posts: Police Reform Adviser (P-5), Border and Immigration Adviser (P-4), Police Programme Manager (P-4), Police Training Officer (P-4), Finance and Budget Officer (P-4), Crime Adviser (P-4), Human Resources Officer (P-3), Public Information Officer (P-3), Logistics Officer (P-3) and Telecommunications and Information Technology Officer (P-3).
利比里亚 政府将移民归化局应急 股成员和边境巡逻官调至各主要边境站,处理各种事件 和普遍关切的问题,支持移民 归化局 一 般 官员和利比里亚国家警察警官开展工 作。
The Government had moved members of the Emergency Response
Unit and Border Patrol
[...] officers from the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization to various key border sites in response to incidents and general concern to provide support to regular officers of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and Liberia [...]
National Police officers.
得到加强的联合国警务专员将确保特派团实现授权目标,包括通过改革安全 部门,加强对利比里亚国家警察和移民 归化局 行 政一级的咨询支持,目的是加 强体制化和业务能力,推动安保职能向国家主管部门移交。
The strengthened Office of the United Nations Police Commissioner will ensure that the Mission attains its mandated objective, including through the reform of the security sector, through the provision of enhanced advisory support at the executive
levels of the Liberia National
[...] Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization aimed at strengthened [...]
and operational capabilities that would facilitate the transfer of security functions to national authorities.
正 是这一情报导致了美 国 移 民归 化 局认为,Arar 是基地组织的一名 成员, [...]
It was this information that led the United States
[...] Immigration and Naturalization Service to conclude [...]
that Arar was a member of Al-Qaida
after which he was deported to Syria where he was subsequently tortured.
联合 国警察将与利比里亚国家警察及移民 归化局 一 道 加快提高过渡规划期间确定 领域的业务能力,以便最终将责任移交给相关机构。
United Nations police will work with the Liberia
[...] National Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization to expedite [...]
operational capabilities
in key areas identified during the transition planning for the eventual handover of responsibilities to the relevant agencies.
移民归化局指出 ,当前,在 176 个边界入境 点中,有 36 个入境点配备了移民官员,而且只有为数极少的车辆,没有无线电 通信设备,有的没有办公室。
According to the Bureau for Immigration and Naturalization, of 176 border [...]
entry points, 36 are currently manned by immigration
officers with very few vehicles, no radio communication equipment and sometimes no office.
联利特派团继续支助利比里亚移民 归化局 的 改 组工作,具体办法包括在各 州重建该局的办事处。
UNMIL is continuing to support the restructuring of
[...] the Liberia Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, including [...]
through the rehabilitation of its offices in the counties.
发布入境禁令的国家主管部门 为移民归化局。
The competent national authority for ordering the [...]
entry bans is the Office of Immigration and Nationality.
然 而,利比里亚国家警察及移民 归化局 在 利 比里亚-科特迪瓦边境地区成功收缴 了少量藏匿的武器和弹药,还有少量武器和弹药自愿交给联科行动和科特迪瓦共 [...]
However, the LNP and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization have been [...]
successful in retrieving smaller caches of arms
and ammunition in the Liberian-Ivorian border region, and smaller amounts of weapons and ammunition have likewise been voluntarily handed over to UNOCI and the Forces républicaines de Côte d’Ivoire.
在一般庇护程序 开始前,接受身体检查,确保移民 归化局 考 虑到任何健康问题,包括心理健康 问题。
A health check before the general asylum procedure starts ensures that the IND takes any medical problems, including psychological, into account.
该委员会由外交部领事政策局局长、内政部移民 归化局局 长 及 秘鲁国家警 署外国人事务司司长组成,委员会按照以会议纪要为依据的一致意见,命令将该 [...]
外国人驱逐出境;根据驱逐的理由,可通过法院指令或作为行政上违反《外国人 法案》的后果予以驱逐。
This Commission consists of the General Director for Consular Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Director for
[...] Migration and Naturalization of the Ministry [...]
of the Interior, and
the Chief of the Aliens Division of the Peruvian National Police, who, by means of an agreement supported by meeting minutes, order the expulsion of the alien; depending on the grounds, this may be done by court order or as a result of an administrative violation of the Aliens Act.
据秘书长所述,拟设新员额的目的是根据安全理事会第 1938(2010)号决议第 9 段的要求,加强向利比里亚国家警察及移民 归化局 提 供 专家技术咨询支助。
According to the Secretary-General, the proposed new posts aim at strengthening expert technical advisory
support to the Liberia National
[...] Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, pursuant [...]
to the request by the Security
Council in paragraph 9 of its resolution 1938 (2010).
要开展的速效项目包括建造地方法院、派出所和补给站、医疗诊所、消防 站、社区资源中心、移民边境站、州缉毒办公室、拘留所,以及翻修移民 归化 局总部 并向一个技能培训中心提供工具与设备。
The quick-impact projects to be undertaken include the construction of magisterial courts, police stations and depots, health clinics, fire services buildings, community resource centres, immigration border post, drug enforcement county offices and detention facilities as well as the
renovation of the regional
[...] headquarters of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and the provision [...]
of tools and equipment to a skills training centre.
移民归化局在 3 6 个官方过境点部署了人员,但由于能力有限,无法在 176 个非官 方入境点全部部署人员,所以该局从内陆的战略地点监测人员流动。
The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is deployed [...]
at 36 official crossing points and, as there is limited capacity
to deploy to some 176 unofficial entry points, the Bureau monitors movements from strategic positions inland.
将目前由联利特派团提供的安保职责转移给国家主管部门,要求国家主管部 门,特别是利比里亚国家警察和移民 归化局 有 能 力实现自给自足和可持续发 展。
The transfer to national authorities of security responsibilities currently provided by UNMIL requires that those authorities, in
particular the Liberia National
[...] Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, have the [...]
capacity to be self-sufficient and sustainable.
移民归化局已敲 定其五年战略发展计划,不久将发布该机构的标准作业程 序。
The Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization finalized its [...]
five-year strategic development plan and will soon introduce
an agency standard operating procedure.
按照经修订的安全基准,为了确保这些基准可以运作,设想继续培训和部署 利比里亚武装部队、利比里亚国家警察和移民 归化局 人 员 ,政府也将制定一项 国家安全战略并建立安全机构。
In line with the revised security benchmarks, and in order to ensure that they become operational, the continued training and deployment of the Armed Forces of
Liberia, the Liberian National
[...] Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization is envisaged, [...]
as is the development by
the Government of a national security strategy and architecture.
同样,在 2010 年 3 月 12 日的会议上,移民归化局副局 长抱怨说,该局知 道旅行禁令和名单,但他们没有从外交部获得豁免和除名决定副本。
Similarly, at a meeting on 12 March 2010, the Deputy
[...] Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization complained [...]
that, while his agency knows
about the travel ban and the list of names, it does not receive copies of the waivers and de-listing decisions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
利比里亚移民归化局向小组提 供了 Howard-Taylor 进出利比里亚的记录,但没有 2012 年的记录。
The Liberian Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization provided the [...]
Panel with a list of HowardTaylor’s entries and exits
from Liberia, but it had no records for 2012.
法治部门将继续支持执行司法部、司法机构、立法机构、利比里亚国家警察、 移民归化局及惩 戒教养局的国家战略计划,并继续着力加强法治机构和机制的 能力。
The rule-of-law component will continue to support the implementation of the national strategic plans for the Ministry of Justice, the judiciary, the Legislature,
the Liberia National
[...] Police, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, and the Bureau of Corrections [...]
and Rehabilitation,
and continue to focus on strengthening the capacities of rule-of-law institutions and mechanisms.
在此方面,利比里亚国家警察和移民 归化局 建 立 体制进程至关重要。
In this connection, it is critical
that the Liberia National
[...] Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization establish processes that are institutionalized.
在每年可签发的10,000份投资者签证(即EB-5签证)中,有5,000份是留给那些申请投资于移民 归化局 指 定的“区域中心”这一试点项目的投资移民者的。
Of the 10,000 investor visas (i.e., EB-5 visas) available annually, 5,000 are set aside for those who apply under a pilot program involving an INS-designated "Regional Center.
由于利比里亚移民归化局无力 有效控制利比里亚漫长和漏洞百出的边界, 这种情况进一步恶化。
The situation is further exacerbated by a lack of capacity within the Liberian Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization to effectively [...]
control Liberia’s
long and extremely porous borders.
移民归化局已利 用捐助者们的援助,开始通过加纳移民局对其官员进行基本培训,后者将在两年 [...]
时间内对 200 名官员进行培训。
With donor
[...] assistance, the Bureau has begun basic [...]
training of its officers through the Ghana Immigration Service, where
200 officers are to be trained over a two-year period.
2011 年 12 月 28 日,移民归化局在收 到当地一位居民提供的情报后在大吉 德州 NikoBhai(Toe 镇)过境点起获了两个装有 12.7 毫米弹药的密封箱、两个 RPG-7 和一个 RPG-7 弹尾引信。
On 28 December 2011, two sealed boxes of 12.7 mm ammunition, two RPG-7s and one RPG-7 tail fuse were recovered by the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization after receiving information through a local resident at the NikoBhai (Toe Town) border crossing point, Grand Gedeh County.
[...] 的工作以及就该方案各项活动进行的主次排序,也导致对利比里亚国家警察、移 民归化局以及惩戒和司法官员的支助渠道更加重点突出和相辅相成。
This forum, together with the prioritization of activities in the programme, is also leading to a more focused and complementary channel of
support to the Liberian
[...] National Police, the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, and corrections [...]
and justice officials




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