

单词 归化

归化 noun ()

naturalisationBE n


归化局 n

Naturalization n

See also:

belong to
go back to
surname Gui
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
marry (of a woman) (old)
(used between two identical verbs) despite
gather together
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by
give back to

External sources (not reviewed)

在一般庇护程序 开始前,接受身体检查,确保移民 归化 局 考虑到任何健康问题,包括心理健康 问题。
A health check before the general asylum procedure starts ensures that the IND takes any medical problems, including psychological, into account.
[...] 25(1A)条规定,对于依照第 16 A 条登记为公民归化为公 民的人,如果联邦政府确证此人接受、担任或履行联邦以外任何国家或该国的任 [...]
何行政区的政府的任何职责、职务或在政府供职,或在该国政府的任何机构供职, 只要这种职位、职务或就业需要宣誓、确认或宣布效忠,联邦政府即可剥夺此人 的国籍。
Article 25 (1A) of the Federal Constitution provides that the Federal Government may by order deprive of his citizenship any person who is a
citizen by registration under article 16A
[...] or a citizen by naturalization if satisfied that [...]
without the Federal Government’s
approval, he has accepted, served in, or performed the duties of any office, post or employment under the Government of any country outside the Federation or any political subdivision thereof, or under any agency of such a Government, in any case where an oath, affirmation or declaration of allegiance is required in respect of the office, post or employment.
[...] 次评估,申请者的法律顾问可借此机会向移民 归化 局 陈 述其意见,表明该案件 还需要更多调查。
The first evaluation is made after the first interview when the applicant’s legal
adviser has the opportunity to inform the
[...] Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) [...]
of his opinion that the case requires considerably more research.
因此,提议加强专门提供专业知识的联合国警务专员目前 10 个员额的人员 编制(1 个 D-2、1 个 D-1、1 个
P-5、4 个 P-4、1 个外勤人员和 2 个本国一般事务 人员),以便通过增设以下 10
[...] 个员额向利比里亚国家警察和移民 归化 局 提 供更 多专家技术咨询支持:警务改革顾问(P-5)、边境和移民事务顾问(P-4)、警务方 [...]
人力资源干事(P-3)、新闻干事(P-3)、后勤干事(P-3)以及电信和信息技术干事 (P-3)。
Therefore, it is proposed that the Office of the United Nations Police Commissioner, with its current staffing establishment of 10 posts (1 D-2, 1 D-1, 1 P-5, 4 P-4, 1 Field Service and 2 national General Service staff), be strengthened with dedicated professional expertise in order to strengthen expert technical advisory support for the
Liberia National Police and the Bureau of
[...] Immigration and Naturalization, through the [...]
establishment of 10 additional posts: Police
Reform Adviser (P-5), Border and Immigration Adviser (P-4), Police Programme Manager (P-4), Police Training Officer (P-4), Finance and Budget Officer (P-4), Crime Adviser (P-4), Human Resources Officer (P-3), Public Information Officer (P-3), Logistics Officer (P-3) and Telecommunications and Information Technology Officer (P-3).
如以下框架所详示,安全部门这一构成部分包括安全稳定和安全部门改革, 纳入了特派团军事、警察和安全部门各单位与国际伙伴和利比里亚政府,包括与
[...] 利比里亚国家警察、利比里亚武装部队、移民 归化 局 以 及国家安全战略和国家 安全战略体制规定的其他安全机构一起开展的活动。
As detailed in the frameworks below, the security sector component encompasses both security stabilization and security sector reform and incorporates the activities of the Mission’s military and police and security sector elements working with international partners and the Government of Liberia, including the Liberian National Police, the
Armed Forces of Liberia, the Bureau of
[...] Immigration and Naturalization and other security [...]
agencies, under the national security
strategy and architecture umbrella.
正 是这一情报导致了美 国 移 民归 化 局认为,Arar 是基地组织的一名 [...]
成员, 此后将他遣返到叙利亚,随后他在那里遭到了酷刑。
It was this information that led the United States
[...] Immigration and Naturalization Service to [...]
conclude that Arar was a member of Al-Qaida
after which he was deported to Syria where he was subsequently tortured.
然 而,利比里亚国家警察及移民归化 局 在 利比里亚-科特迪瓦边境地区成功收缴 [...]
了少量藏匿的武器和弹药,还有少量武器和弹药自愿交给联科行动和科特迪瓦共 和军。
However, the LNP and the Bureau of
[...] Immigration and Naturalization have been [...]
successful in retrieving smaller caches of arms
and ammunition in the Liberian-Ivorian border region, and smaller amounts of weapons and ammunition have likewise been voluntarily handed over to UNOCI and the Forces républicaines de Côte d’Ivoire.
为减少辍学率并确保语言课不会成为入籍 归化 的障 碍,委员会建议缔约国更密切地监督语言课的实施情况,以确定语言课的质量是 [...]
否统一,对于男女不同性别和原籍的特定群体是否生适宜,并且不会因搬迁居住 地而丧失资格。
In order to reduce the dropout rate and ensure
that the programme is not a barrier for
[...] citizenship and naturalization, the Committee [...]
recommends that the State party monitor
its implementation more closely to determine whether it is of uniform quality, is adapted to certain groups in terms of gender and origin, and that eligibility is not lost when changing residence.
[...] 训学院,在那里,我们与司法部长、警察总监以及 禁毒局和移归化局的 负责人讨论了法治方面的挑 战。
The following day, the Council visited Liberia’s National Police Training Academy, where we discussed rule of law challenges with the Minister of Justice, the
Inspector-General of the police, and the heads of the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Bureau
[...] of Immigration and Naturalization.
[...] 和各州通过了国民倡议:“驱逐外国罪犯(驱逐倡议)”;法国议会审议了关于移民归化和国籍问题的法律草案。
The interim period between the sixty-second and the sixty-third sessions of the Commission included both the adoption by the people and cantons of Switzerland of the people’s initiative: “Expulsion of foreign criminals (the expulsion
initiative)” and the French parliament’s consideration of draft legislation on
[...] immigration, integration and nationality.
获得常住权的人一年后有资归化为 英 国海外领土公民,此后 可以申请本地出生居民身份(相当于“当地居民身份”)。
Persons who obtain permanent residence will become
[...] eligible for naturalization as a British [...]
Overseas Territories citizen after one
year, after which they may apply for the status of a native-born resident (“belongership”).
利比里亚 政府将移民归化局应 急股成员和边境巡逻官调至各主要边境站,处理各种事件 和普遍关切的问题,支持移民归化 局 一 般官员和利比里亚国家警察警官开展工 作。
The Government had moved members of the Emergency Response Unit
and Border Patrol
[...] officers from the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization to various key border sites in response to incidents and general concern to provide support to regular officers of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization and Liberia [...]
National Police officers.
内政部下辖的移民归化局是负责执行移民政策,管 理、协调和控制移民事务归化事务,以及签发旅行护 照和外国人身份证件的主管机构。
It further establishes that no one shall be divested of the right to nationality or the right to obtain or renew his or her passport within or outside the territory of the Republic.
发布入境禁令的国家主管部门 为移民归化局。
The competent national authority for ordering the entry bans is the Office of Immigration and Nationality.
越南已经实施了经修订的立法,为无国籍人更容易归化和为 以前的公民再次获得国籍铺平了道路,其中包括那些在同化中没有获得 [...]
Viet Nam implemented revised legislation, paving the
[...] way for easier naturalization of stateless [...]
persons and for the reacquisition of nationality
by former citizens, including those who became stateless when they failed to acquire another nationality through naturalization.
因为被报告为新归化(公牛。 肤蝇等幼虫。 研究, 哈尔滨 26: 131. 2006), [...]
Because it was
[...] reported as newly naturalized (Bull. Bot. Res., [...]
Harbin 26: 131. 2006), this name appeared after publication
of the family treatment for the Flora of China.
山坡,路旁,田野,农业土地,河岸,牧场,废弃地区; 近海平面到海拔1600米辽宁,山东,新疆
[...] [哈萨克斯坦,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,土库曼,乌兹别克; 亚洲西南部,欧洲; 在非洲南部,澳大利亚和北美和南美洲 归化 ].
Mountain slopes, roadsides, fields, agricultural lands, river banks, pastures, waste areas; near sea level to 1600 m. Liaoning, Shandong, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan,
Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; SW
[...] Asia, Europe; naturalized in S Africa, Australia, [...]
and North and South America].
(d) 依据移民归化局战 略计划推进其改革,同时维持利比里亚国家警察改革的进 展
(d) Advance the reform of the Bureau of
[...] Immigration and Naturalization in line with [...]
its strategic plan while maintaining progress
in reforming the Liberian National Police
我认为利比里亚的 未来令人振奋的是,它拥有一大批富于才干和奉献精 神的官员和公务人员,从政府最高层到县一级再到区
[...] 一级、从司法和议会到独立的委员会、在利比里亚国 家警察和移归化局里、在民间社会和宗教社团里、 在媒体中,都是这样。
What I find encouraging about the future of Liberia is the great number of talented and committed officials and public personalities from the highest levels of Government through the county and down to the district levels; from the judiciary and Parliament to the independent commissions; in the
Liberia National Police and the Bureau of
[...] Immigration and Naturalization; in civil and [...]
religious society, and in the media.
在每年可签发的10,000份投资者签证(即EB-5签证)中,有5,000份是留给那些申请投资于移民 归化 局 指定的“区域中心”这一试点项目的投资移民者的。
Of the 10,000 investor visas (i.e., EB-5 visas) available annually, 5,000 are set aside for those who apply under a pilot program involving an INS-designated "Regional Center.
关于被国家外国归化决定 修订委员会吊销国籍,并之后被关押在递解出 境中心的人,委员会注意到缔约国的报告声称向这些人提供了司法保护的法律权 利。
With regard to individuals whose citizenship has been revoked by
the State Commission for Revision of
[...] Decisions on the Naturalization of Foreign Nationals [...]
and who consequently are detained
in the deportation centre, the Committee takes note of the State party’s report claiming that legal rights to judicial protection had been provided for them.
另据介绍和北美,非洲南归化,以 及澳大利亚,新西兰及其周边岛屿。
It has also been
[...] introduced and naturalized in North America, [...]
southern Africa, and to Australia, New Zealand and their neighboring islands.
然后由移民归化局决 定是否继续加速程序,还是将申请转交 一名负责处理的工作人员供进一步审议,并将寻求庇护者移交接待中心。
The IND then determines whether to [...]
continue with the accelerated procedure or send the application to a handling officer
for further consideration and refer the asylum seeker to a reception centre.
同司法部门的预算 一样,2011/12
[...] 年保安部门预算比前期有所增加:利比里亚国家警察和移民归 化局的预算分别增加了 9%和 8%。
As with the budget for the justice sector, the security sector budget has been augmented for 2011/12 from the previous years: the budgets for the
Liberia National Police and the Bureau of
[...] Immigration and Naturalization increased by [...]
9 per cent and 8 per cent respectively.
这项综合审查清楚指出,纵使受歧视和被剥夺,许 多土著妇女和男子维护了独一无二的生物和文化系统,有助于可持续利用并保全 生物多样性,包括成千上万的传统动物育种、传 归化 植 物 、土生品种和植物品 种,以及用于食品和饮料的微生物。
This comprehensive review has made clear that, in spite of discrimination and dispossession, many indigenous women and men sustain unique biological and cultural systems that help foster the sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, including thousands of traditional animal breeds, traditional domesticated crops, landraces and plant varieties, as well as micro-organisms used for food and drinks.
您也可以从Bell Language 学校转入美国移归化局允 许其录取F-1学生的一所新机构。
You can also transfer from Bell Language School to a new institution as long as it is permitted by the INS to enroll F-1 students.
尽管拉脱维亚不是苏维埃社会 主义共和国联盟(苏联)的继承国,其仍然向居住
[...] 在拉脱维亚的前苏联公民赋予特权地位和优 归化 入籍以及获得公民身份的权利。
Although her country was not a successor State to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), it had
granted privileged status and preferential
[...] access to the naturalization process and [...]
citizenship to former USSR citizens living in Latvia.
在今天的仪式归化的新 公民来自以下国家:阿富汗、孟加拉国、玻利维亚、巴西、柬埔寨、中国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、埃塞俄比亚、印度、伊朗、墨西哥、摩尔多瓦、摩洛哥、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、俄罗斯、索马里、圣基茨和尼维斯、土耳其、英国和越南。
The new citizens naturalized at today’s ceremony [...]
hailed from the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bolivia,
Brazil, Cambodia, China, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Somalia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Vietnam.
参 与机构包括国务院、酒精烟草枪械炸药局、司法部、移 归化 局 、 联邦调查局、 缉毒局、移民和海关执法厅、海关及边境保护局、国内税收署的刑事调查办公室、 国土安全部的联邦执法中心,国务院-外交安全事务局和其他机构。
Participating agencies include DOS, ATF, DOJ, INS, FBI, DEA, ICE, CBP, the Internal Revenue Service’s Criminal Investigation office, DHS’s Federal Law Enforcement Center, DOS-Diplomatic Security Services and others.
委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,确保充分执行目前这些建议,特别 是要将其转达缔约国的有关行为者,包括政府首脑、国防部、澳大利亚武装部
[...] 队、联邦议会、澳大利亚武装部队军校、移民 归化 局 和 卫生和老龄化部,供适 当考虑和进一步行动。
The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to all relevant actors in the State party, including the Head of State, the Department of Defence, the Australian Defence Force, the Federal Parliament, the Australian Defence Force Cadets, the Department
of Immigration and Citizenship and the Department
[...] of Health and Aging for appropriate [...]
consideration and further action.




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