单词 | 归功 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 归功 —give creditless common: give sb his due • attribution See also:归—belong to • go back to • gather together • (used between two identical verbs) despite • division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor • (of a responsibility) be taken care of by • marry (of a woman) (old) • give back to • surname Gui
这 一大幅增长主要应归功于一 些联合国实体,如西班牙千年发展目标基金、“联合 [...] 国统一行动”计划和与“联合国发展集团”的合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This considerable increase [...] can be mostly attributed to United Nations [...]entities such as the Spanish MDG Fund, “Delivering [...]as One” scheme and cooperation with UNDG which increased respectively by $3.7 million, $1.0 million and $1.4 million. unesdoc.unesco.org |
代表团列 举了柬埔寨在多个领域取得的成就,包括经济的显著发展,将 其 归功 于 国 家的民 主化、政治稳定和安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation cited Cambodia’s record of [...] accomplishments in many areas, [...] including remarkable success in economic growth, attributed to democratization [...]and the political [...]stability and security in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
这要归功于多 种原因,最 重要的是在2009年,波兰仍致力于GDP的 增长,预期在未来几年还会有一个乐观的前 景。 paiz.gov.pl | There are multiple reasons for this, the most important of which is that Poland is still targeting a GDP growth for 2009 with a positive outlook for the upcoming years. paiz.gov.pl |
在某些情况下,甚至难 以将取得的进展归功于国 家政府的具体行动。 wipo.int | In some cases, it is even difficult to attribute progress to the actions of the specific country’s government. wipo.int |
秘书长认为归功于实 施全球外勤支助战略的其他成就包括:秘书处有能力 加快建立联利支助团,与其实务组成部分相比,特别是由于全球服务中心提供支 [...] 持,因而产生的外来足迹较少(A/66/679,第 78 段);通过一个相对小型、产生 外来足迹较少的特派团支助结构为联阿安全部队提供特派团支助服务,利用了区 [...]域服务中心和南苏丹特派团的能力和设施(同上,第 79 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other achievements attributed by the Secretary-General [...] to the implementation of the global field support strategy include [...]the ability of the Secretariat to expedite the establishment of UNSMIL with a lighter footprint for support functions as compared with its substantive component, owing in particular to the support provided by the Global Service Centre (A/66/679, para. 78), and the delivery of mission support services for UNISFA through a relatively small mission support structure with a light footprint, drawing on the capacities and facilities of the Regional Service Centre and UNMISS (ibid., para. 79). daccess-ods.un.org |
这是向前迈出的重要一步,在很大程度上 要 归功 于本 组织通过多项宣传活动、有关教育问题的高级别世界会议和对国家一级协调工作的积极参与 [...] 所形成的势头。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is an important step forward [...] that can be attributed in large part [...]to the momentum created by the Organization through [...]its numerous advocacy actions, high-level world conferences on education and active engagement in country-level coordination processes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这归功于自 东向西经大西洋吹到美洲大陆的季风,以及从赤道流向挪威海的暖流, 挪威海岸线的角度以及北冰洋的开阔路径将温和的气流和水流引向更高纬度。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is due to the trade winds that blow east-west across the Atlantic to the American continent and the warm currents flowing from the Equator to the Norwegian Sea, where the angle of the Norwegian coastline and the open path to the Arctic Ocean guides the temperate air and waters to more northerly latitudes. daccess-ods.un.org |
农业银行IPO完成后,中国让银行成为盈利机构的努力展示出了积极的成果:香港证交所2010 年IPO 总值名列榜首( 很大程度归功于农业银行的IPO)。 australiachina.com.au | With the completion of Agricultural Bank’s IPO, China is showing the positive results of its efforts to make its banks profitable institutions – the [...] Hong Kong Stock exchange was on the top in 2010 in terms of IPO [...] value (in big part due to the Agricultural [...]Bank’s IPO). australiachina.com.au |
进步归功于: 对军事 人员进行更系统的部署前和部署后培训,定期向部队指挥官通报情况,以及在若 [...] 干情况下,将军事营地迁离城市和村庄(A/65/742,第 20 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | This progress is attributed to a more systematic [...] delivery of training before and after deployment to military personnel, [...]to the routine briefings given to Force Commanders and, in a number of cases, to the relocation of military camps from cities and villages (A/65/742, para. 20). daccess-ods.un.org |
现在可由100%的回收纤维制造柔软卫生纸, 这 归功 于 福 伊特(Voith)公司的ATMOS-技术(高级卫生纸成型技术)。 voith.com | Thanks to Voith's ATMOS technology (Advanced Tissue Molding System), soft premium tissue paper is now also being produced from 100% recycled fibers. voith.com |
这一出色的业绩归功于对 先进柴油和汽油喷射系统的市场 需求,归功于配 有电子稳定程序的汽车数量不断增加,同时也 归功于诸如启动/停止系统和电动助力转向等创新产品。 bosch.com.cn | It owed its good performance above all to the demand for advanced diesel and gasoline injection systems, to the increasing number of vehicles equipped with an electronic stability [...] program, and to innovative [...]products such as the start-stop system and electric power steering. bosch.com.cn |
军队和安全部队进行敲诈的问题得到了解决,这 要 归功于 2 008 年政府和 受让人之间进行的协商进程,达成了一种符合毛里塔尼亚人权利、伊斯兰价值观 以及国际公约和条款的解决方式。 daccess-ods.un.org | The matter of the abuses committed within the armed forces and the security forces was resolved through a consultation process in 2008 between the Government and the legal successors to the victims, which led to a settlement in accordance with Mauritanian law, Islamic values and international conventions and treaties. daccess-ods.un.org |
学校供餐所发挥的安全网作用也得到 强调,这要归功于学 校供餐在教育、营养、两性平等问题和价值转移方面带来的 多重好处。 daccess-ods.un.org | The safety net role of school feeding has also been emphasized, thanks to the multiple benefits that school feeding provides to education, nutrition, gender issues and value transfer. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有公正的观察员都会同意的是,伊朗在民主、 生活条件和法治领域都取得了前所未有的进展;这并 不是第三国施加政治压力的结果,而 是 归功 于 伊朗人 民的能动性和伊朗政府促进并保护伊朗人民权利和 基本自由的意愿。 daccess-ods.un.org | That progress had come as a result not of politically motivated external pressure, but of the dynamism of Iranian society and the Government’s commitment to the promotion and protection of the rights and fundamental freedoms of its citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球内陆水域捕捞量的增长要完全 归功 于亚 洲各国。 fao.org | Growth in the global inland water [...] catch is wholly attributable to Asian countries. fao.org |
DWDM的成功在很大程度上归功于掺 饵光纤放大器(EDFA)的发展,EDFA使用从激光泵浦获得的能量,在其以1550 [...] nm为中心的通带内,对输入端口接收到的各种波长的信号进行光学放大,无需将这些信号转化为电信号,然后再转化回光信号(光-电-光转化)。 exfo.com | The success of DWDM is largely due [...] to the development of the EDFA, which uses energy from a laser pump to optically amplify [...]all the signal wavelengths presented to its input (within its narrow bandpass centered at 1550 nm) without requiring that they be converted into electrical signals and back again into optical signals (O-E-O conversion). exfo.com |
其中大多数归功于康采维奇,从1994年他最初提出了同调镜像对称猜想开始,他不但重新回顾了最初的构想,而且对“什么是镜像对称” [...] 这个数学问题给出了更清晰的概念性的回答。 shawprize.org | Many of these are due to Kontsevich, who, beginning with [...] his 1994 “homological mirror symmetry [...]conjecture”, keeps revisiting the original [...]formulation to provide clearer conceptual answers to the mathematical question “What is mirror symmetry? shawprize.org |
此外,参与研究的一些患者在短短8天时间里就达到了明显的皮肤美白效果,这 要 归功 于 el ure直接分解皮肤黑色素的作用机理。 tipschina.gov.cn | In addition, some patients in the study achieved significant skin lightening results in as little as 8 days, which is attributable to the fact that elure's mechanism of action is to directly decompose melanin in the skin. tipschina.gov.cn |
特奥会的持续发展部分归功于全 球企业赞助商的支持,其中包括可口可乐公司、保洁公司、希尔顿全球、美泰和雄狮国际俱乐部。 specialolympics.org | Special Olympics continues to grow thanks in part to the support of global corporate sponsors including The Coca-Cola Company, Procter & Gamble, Hilton Worldwide, Mattel and Lions Club International. specialolympics.org |
2010年,亚洲在世界水产养殖产量中占89%,这主 要 归功于 中 国,其水产养殖产量在2010年占世界水产养殖总产量60%以上。 fao.org | Asia accounted for 89 percent of world aquaculture production by volume in 2010, and this was dominated by the contribution of China, which accounted for more than 60 percent of global aquaculture production volume in 2010. fao.org |
这一进展之所以能够取得,完全归功 于 黎 巴嫩和其他国家在调查中的持 续合作与协助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Progress was made possible only through the continued cooperation and assistance of Lebanon and other States in the investigation. daccess-ods.un.org |
特吕茨勒的这项新颖独 特的理念,在空间、运行成本、维 护费用上均有显著效果,能源的节 约,也要归功于根据需求的变化而 及时调整的风机速度。 truetzschler.de | The advantages of this new exclusive Trützschler concept are noticeable savings concerning space, operation and maintenance costs, as well as lowered energy consumption due to demand-controlled fan speed. truetzschler.de |
普莱尤迪将他用于自己学生的一些教学方 式 归功 于 自 己在澳大利亚的留学经历。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Prayudi credits his Australian study experience for some of the teaching methods he now uses with his own students. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
我们之所以能够在工作中取 得重大进展,要归功于他们,归功于 其 他予以支持的国家和提供了一笔慷慨赠款 的欧洲联盟委员会,并归功于法 庭每个工作人员的辛勤工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is thanks to them, and to other supporting countries and the European Commission, which contributed a generous grant, as well as to the hard work of each and every person here at the Tribunal, that we have been able to make substantial progress in our work. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管世界仍在遭受着源于发达国家的 2008 年经 [...] 济和金融危机的影响,但某些迹象表明全球生产和贸 易正在复苏,这一部分可以归功于最 近取消了各国政 府为应对危机所采用的限制性措施,以及加强了金融 [...]市场的监管和稳定。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the world was still suffering from the effects of the 2008 economic and financial crisis that had originated in developed countries, there were some signs of recovery [...] in global production and trade that could [...] be partially attributed to the recent [...]dismantling of restrictive measures applied [...]by Governments in response to the crisis, and to the greater regulation and stabilization of financial markets. daccess-ods.un.org |
奥地利欢迎西岸地区持续存在的日益稳定和经 济增长趋势,特别是因为这似乎不仅 要 归功 于 外 国援 助,而且也归功于整体安全局势的改善和巴勒斯坦权 力机构作出的若干成功改革努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Austria welcomes the continuing trend of increased stability and economic growth in the West Bank, in particular as it seems that this is due not only to [...] foreign aid but also to improved [...] overall security and a number of successful reform efforts by the Palestinian [...]Authority. daccess-ods.un.org |
在几内亚,9 500 [...] 名来自利比里亚和塞拉利昂的难民融入了进当地社区,这 要归功于国 际和国家的联合国志愿人员及人权高专办提供的广泛支助,从法律援 [...] 助和创收活动到提供基本服务和设计以及监测作物日历和该区域的农业计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Guinea, 9,500 refugees from Liberia and Sierra Leone were integrated into local communities thanks to national and [...] international UN Volunteers with UNHCR who [...] provided support ranging from legal assistance [...]and income generating activities to [...]delivery of basic services and design and monitoring of crop calendars and agriculture plans for the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
在肯尼亚,2010 年就新宪法进行了无暴力全民投票,这在很大程度 上 归功 于开 发署向有关议会委员会和各政党提供的技术援助,帮助它们在全民投票前就 宪法草案达成广泛共识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Kenya a violence-free referendum on a new constitution was conducted in 2010 thanks in large part to UNDP technical assistance to the relevant Parliamentary Committee and to the political parties, helping them to reach broad consensus on the draft constitution prior to the referendum. daccess-ods.un.org |
取得这一可 喜 的成绩 , 要 归功于王 国政府高度重视 这一问题以 及执行了一系 列 战 略 , 如 开 展教育预 算 政 策 的广 泛宣 传 运动 ; 取 消低年 级 学生的赞 助 费和其他不正当收 费;为贫困生(每年 17 667 人),尤其是女生提供奖学金;以及编制学校业务费用预算。 daccess-ods.un.org | This remarkable result is achieved thanks to the high attention paid by the Royal Government which implements various strategies such as the wide dissemination campaigns of educational budget policy, the abolition of contributions at the early school year and other unofficial contributions, the provision of scholarships for poor students (17,667 students per year), especially for female students, and the provision of school operational budget. daccess-ods.un.org |
这在很大程度上要归功于国际社 会商定以共同方法,通过行动和团结的机制来解决这些 [...] 全球危机,这些机制的基础是区域和国际层面的联合行 动机构,最突出的是联合国及其专门机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | In large part that is thanks to the [...] fact that the international community agreed on common approaches to addressing those [...]global crises through mechanisms for action and solidarity that were based on institutions for joint action on the regional and international levels, most prominently the United Nations and its specialized agencies. daccess-ods.un.org |