

单词 归入

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

他宣布,计划开展的墨西哥和阿根冷却器项目已撤销,原因是工发组织和 有关国家政府已达成协议,这些项目 归入 国 家 执行计划。
He announced that the planned chiller projects in Mexico and Argentina had been withdrawn as agreement had been
reached with UNIDO and the Governments concerned that the
[...] projects would be subsumed into their national [...]
implementation plans.
虽然大约40% 的建议不归入接受 或者拒绝的类别,厄立特里亚还是在这 一方面作了明确说明。
Although around 40 per cent of the recommendations were not labelled accepted or rejected, Eritrea had made clear statements in that regard.
粮食署改变其学校供餐方案,将学校供 归入 国 家 一级的教育、学校保健和 营养政策行列,纳入国家财政和预算程序。
WFP has transformed its school feeding to align it with
country-level education, school health and
[...] nutrition policies and embed it in national [...]
financing and budgeting processes.
所有这四个项目都归入各自项目所属领域的交流先进经验论坛,并有利于加强四个 地区在教育方面的南南合作。
All four regional projects will culminate in forums for the exchange of good practices in the area covered by the respective projects, therefore benefiting from strengthened south-south cooperation in education in the four regions.
这项战略将包括减少各个部委在提供社会服务和福利方面的工作重叠;将资归 入统一 体制和透明管理;制定机制,以便改进目前社会安全网的效率、服务范围 和影响;扩大和改进基本医疗服务的效率和质量。
The strategy will include a reduction in overlap
in the social services
[...] and benefits offered by different ministries; consolidation of funds under a single system [...]
and transparent management;
the design of mechanisms to improve the effectiveness, coverage and impact of the current social security net; and the expansion and improvement of the efficiency and quality of basic health services.
但是,有些委员认为,第三次报告是特别报告员描绘的总体情况的一个重 要部分,可以很方便归入第二 次报告的范围。
On the other hand, some members took the view that the third report was an
important part of the overall picture drawn by the Special Rapporteur and could easily
[...] have been part of the second report.
它迫使认可它的最不发达国家(绝大多数是 OAPI
成员国)在需要前就采用《与贸 易有关的知识产权协议》;它对强制许可证颁发的限制超出了《与贸易有关的知识产权协
[...] 议》要求的程度;它没有明确允许平行进口;它把国际植物新品种保护联盟 (UPOV) 1991 的部分内归入该协 议内并且提供作者死后 70 年的著作权期限。
It obliges LDC members (the majority of OAPI members) who ratify it to apply TRIPS in advance of need; it restricts the issuance of compulsory licences to a greater extent than required by
TRIPS; it does not explicitly allow
[...] parallel imports; it incorporates the elements of [...]
UPOV 1991 in the agreement and it provides
for a copyright term of 70 years after the death of the author.
讨论 的问题除其他外包括:㈠预期增设的 P-3 员额拟放在毒品和犯罪问题办公室各
[...] 区域办事处;㈡缩短巴勒莫实施情况审议组任期的可能性;㈢把某些工作归 入巴勒 莫实施情况审议组的可能性,条件是审议机制被采用;㈣减少文件量和 [...]
Several issues were discussed including inter alia (i) the anticipated P-3 posts to be placed in the UNODC regional offices; (ii) the possibility of reducing the duration of the
Palermo Implementation Review Group; (iii)
[...] the option of subsuming some of the [...]
working groups into the Palermo Implementation
Review Group, provided that the review mechanism is adopted; and (iv) reducing the volume of documentation and the number of country visits.
讨论了若干问题,其中包括:(a) 审议是否适宜将拟增设的 P-3
员额放在联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室各区域办事处;(b) 是否可能缩短巴 勒莫实施情况审议组届会的会期;(c)
[...] 如果审议机制获得通过,将某些工作归 入巴勒莫实施情况审议组的问题;(d) 减少文件量和国别访问次数;(e) [...]
拟培训政 府专家的人数;(f) 任何机制都应当具有成本效益。
Several issues were discussed, including the following: (a) the consideration of the expediency of the proposed P-3 posts to be placed in the regional offices of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; (b) the possibility of reducing the duration of sessions of the
Palermo Implementation Review Group; (c)
[...] the option of subsuming some of the working [...]
groups into the Palermo Implementation
Review Group, provided that the review mechanism was adopted; (d) reducing the volume of documentation and the number of country visits; (e) the number of governmental experts to be trained; and (f) the need for any mechanism to be cost-effective.
这一节可归入序言 和/或关于原则的章节中。
This section could be incorporated into the preamble [...]
and/or the section on principles.
在本双年度内,考虑到为了促进哲学和人文科学这一计划,并加强内在联系,已将其 从科技伦理中分离出来归入预测 计划,主要是为了加强这两个计划的活动之间的协调优 势。
At the end of the biennium, in order to give fresh impetus to the philosophy and human sciences programme and to strengthen its coherence, it was dissociated from the ethics of science and technology and linked to the foresight programme, primarily with the aim of developing the synergies between the activities of these two programmes.
大多数履约协助方案活动都可归入 政 策 援助这一大项目之下,包括履约支助、区 域内的联网和信息交换、区域性提高认识活动、关于特定主题的专题和联络小组会议以及 国对国援助。
Most of CAP activities fall under the broad heading of policy assistance including compliance support, networking and information exchange in the regions, regional awareness raising, thematic and contact group meetings on specific subjects and country-to-country assistance.
这些框归入几个 根据联科行动 的任务确定的构成部分:停火;解除武装、复员、重返社会、遣返和重新安置; 人道主义和人权;和平进程;法律和秩序;以及支助。
The frameworks are organized by component (ceasefire; disarmament, demobilization, reintegration, repatriation [...]
and resettlement;
humanitarian and human rights; peace process; law and order; and support), which are derived from the mandate of the Operation.
这些费用没归入管理 成 本项下,因为它们用于大会授权措施和(或)用作特殊用途非经常性费用。
These costs are
[...] not categorized under management cost [...]
because they represent costs to address General Assembly-mandated
measures and/or are incurred to cover special purpose non-recurrent costs.
开发署还以其他固定条目方案安排下的经常资源为员额和相关费用提供经 费,并将归入“方案”分类。
UNDP also funds posts and related costs from regular resources under other fixed-line programming arrangements and classifies these as “programmes”.
此外,道 德操守办公室同人力资源管理厅密切协作,更新道德 操守培训的内容,并将归入工作 人员正常培训的主 流,确保对道德操守培训加以协调,并争取满足不同 工作人员群体和特派团的具体需求。
Furthermore, the Ethics Office had worked closely with the Office of Human Resources Management to update the contents of ethics training and to mainstream it into regular staff training, to ensure that ethics training was coordinated and addressed the specific needs of different groups of staff and missions.
此项工程是由共和国国会提议开展的, 归入 属 于武装部队和国民警察队伍的 残疾队员复员国家计划中,这是抗击毒品犯罪斗争的产物。
This congressional initiative is part of the national plan to rehabilitate members of the armed forces and national police force whose participation in the fight against narcoterrorist criminals has left them with disabilities.
为了便于了解与审计结果有关的基本问题,内审办将所有审计意见分类归入下列五个原因类别之一:(a) 管理当局对内部控制的运作缺乏监督;(b) 缺乏 周详规划,导致无视可能产生的风险;(c) 缺乏关于如何识别和管理风险的指导; (d) 缺乏确定和管理风险的资源;及(e) 工作人员或管理当局的错误,包括对政 策和指导的误解。
As a means of understanding the underlying issues associated with audit findings, all audit observations were classified by OIA under one of five cause categories: (a) lack of monitoring by management of the functioning of internal controls; (b) lack of adequate planning, leading to failure to foresee likely risks; (c) lack of guidance on how to identify and manage risks; (d) lack of resources to identify and manage risks; and (e) errors on the part of staff or management, including misinterpretation of policies and guidance.
迄今为止促进妇女经济增长的一些重大方案 归入 四 大 领域:中 小企业发展、金融普惠和小额供资、劳动力发展以及经济政策和治理。
To date, some key programmes to promote women’s economic growth can be categorized into four main
areas: small and medium enterprise
[...] development, financial inclusion and microfinance, [...]
workforce development, and economic policy and governance.
(j) 有关的商标局应立即录入任何与其记录有关的判决或不利行政裁决或 其他裁决,并采取任何必要的行政行动;判决或裁决的核证副 归入 档 案即 可;(k) 如果强制执行是通过判决或行政裁决以外的手段触发的,当地法律应
(j) The applicable trademark office should promptly record the entry of any judgement or adverse administrative or other decision against its records and take whatever administrative action is necessary; the filing of a certified copy of the judgement or decision should be sufficient
开发署和人口基金目前以经常资源为全球和区域方案下的一些方案政策和 技术顾问提供经费,并将归入“方 案”分类。
UNDP and UNFPA currently fund some programme policy and technical advisors under global and regional programmes, using regular resources, and classify these as “programmes”.
D 节对统一概念框架和成本回收的计算方法作了进一步阐述。它们将对能在 多大程度上统一成本回收率以及如何以统一方式将组织成本按比 归入 核 心和 非核心资源产生重要影响。
The harmonized conceptual framework and cost-recovery calculation methodology are further discussed in Section D. They will have an important impact on the extent to which cost-recovery rates can
be harmonized and a
[...] harmonized proportional attribution of organizational costs between core and [...]
non-core resources can be achieved.
大多数的标准可归入以上 所述的四种标准 之一。
Most of such criteria can fit into one of the above four criteria.
受细则第153条所限,董事会报告之印刷本连同截至有关财政年度止 载归入明确 标题下本公司资产及负债之概要及收支报表之资产负债表及损益账 (包括法律所规定须随附之每份文件)及核数师报告以及股东周年大会通告,须根 据章程细则第56条之规定于股东大会举行日期最少二十一(21)日前,寄交有权收取 上述文件之每位人士及于本公司之股东周年大会上提呈,惟此章程细则并无规定将 该等文件寄交本公司不知悉其地址之人士或任何股份或债权证一位以上之联名持有 人。
Subject to Article 153, a printed copy of the Directors’ report, accompanied by the balance sheet and profit and loss account, including every document required by law to be annexed thereto, made up to the end of the applicable financial year and containing a summary of the assets and liabilities of the Company under convenient heads and a statement of income and expenditure, together with a copy of the Auditors’ report, shall be sent to each person entitled thereto at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the general meeting and at the same time as the notice of annual general meeting and laid before the Company at the annual general meeting held in accordance with Article 56 provided that this Article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any person whose address the Company is not aware or to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures.
尽管如此,仍有证据表明,若干管辖区域对定义 做限制性解释,将难归入从属 类别,权利较少,或根本不在国际保护框架之 内。
Despite this, there is evidence that restrictive interpretations of the definition in several jurisdictions are diverting refugees into subsidiary categories, with fewer rights, or outside the framework of international protection altogether.
哥斯 达黎加认为,联合国系统所面临的主要体制挑战之 一,是制定一项并不寻求将人权和反 归入 不 同 等级 的协调一致政策。
Costa Rica believes that one of the major institutional challenges to the United Nation
system is achieving a consistent policy
[...] that does not seek to organize human rights and counter-terrorism into a hierarchy.
其他原因可能包括:利用不同会计办法、纳税年 度、折旧办法、存货估价办法和国外税抵扣额的差异;将各项活动分开进行, 这些活动如归入单一的应税实体,可能在财务上不利;在某些活动中(如预 期的或潜在的销售、合并、清算或家族内馈赠或遗产)利用仅为某些运作方式 提供的优惠待遇。
Other reasons might include: taking advantage of differences in accounting methods, taxable years, depreciation methods, inventory valuation methods and foreign tax credits; segregating activities that if combined in a single taxable entity, might be disadvantageous in fiscal terms; and taking advantage of favourable treatment for certain activities (e.g., anticipated or potential sales, mergers, liquidations or intrafamily gifts or bequests) that is available for some operations, but not for others.
进一步分析表明黄山短尾猴与四川短尾猴之间存在着极显著的遗传分化(FST = 0.399,P<0.001),基于最大似然法和邻接法构建的系统发生树均将两者聚为不同的类群,支持将它 归入 各 自 的管理单元 [动物学报52(4): 724–730, 2006]。
The phylogenetic tree and AMOVA analysis demonstrated that there were distinctive genetic divergences between the two Tibetan macaque populations (FST = 0.399, P<0.001), supporting the treatment of the Huangshan and Sichuan Tibetan macaque populations as two different management units [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(4):724–730, 2006].
提交给论坛第六届会议的报 告(E/C.19/2007/5)所提出的最重要意见之一是:大多数 归入 “ 信 息和知识的 生成、管理与传播”这一类目下的建议已执行,主要原因是这些建议由经常预算 提供资金(见 E/C.19/2006/9,第 14 段)。
Among its most important observations made in the report submitted to the Forum at its sixth session (E/C.19/2007/5) was that most recommendations that could be clustered under the rubric “Information and knowledge generation, management and dissemination” had been implemented, mainly because they were funded through the regular budget (see E/C.19/2006/9, para. 14).
当前《宪法》共有 156 项条款,分归入 8 个 章节(一、总则;二、基本 权利、自由和义务;三、公共机构;四、经济与公共财政;五、宪法法院;六、 欧洲-大西洋一体化;七、《宪法》修订;八、最后及临时条款)。
The current Constitution has 156 articles grouped within eight titles (I General Principles; II Fundamental Rights, Freedoms and Duties; III Public Authorities; IV Economy and Public Finance; V Constitutional Court; VI Euro-Atlantic integration; VII Revision of the Constitution and VIII Final and Transitory Provisions).




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