

单词 归于

归于 verb

go v


应归于 adv

due to prep


bury the hatchet
become reconciled

把...归咎于 v

pin v

See also:

belong to
go back to
marry (of a woman) (old)
(used between two identical verbs) despite
surname Gui
gather together
give back to
(of a responsibility) be taken care of by
division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor

External sources (not reviewed)

荷兰还注意到《反恐公告》引起关切,特别是其关于恐怖主义的广泛定 义、将举证责归于犯罪 嫌疑人以及刑罚过重。
It also noted that the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, particularly the broad definition of terrorism, placing the burden of proof on criminal suspects and high sentences, was a cause of concern.
约解释中的一般意义;演变解释与嗣后协定和惯例之间的相互关系;时际法问 题;嗣后协定和惯例的各种要素;包括:可能发生这一现象的有关期间的起点和
[...] 终点、确定各当事方的共同谅解或协议,包括沉默的可能作用、将行 归于 国家 的问题;以及嗣后协定和惯例作为条约修改的可能手段。
The introductory report addressed a number of questions including: terminological issues; the general significance of subsequent agreements and practice in treaty interpretation; the question of inter-temporal law; the relationship between evolutionary interpretation and subsequent agreements and practice; the various elements of subsequent agreements and practice, including: the beginning and the end of the relevant period within which this phenomenon may take place, the identification of a common understanding or agreement by the parties,
including the potential role of
[...] silence, questions of attribution of conduct to the [...]
State; as well as subsequent agreements
and practice as a possible means of treaty modification.
这是因为澳大利亚的所有学历资格都可 归于 一 个 国家体系澳大利亚学历资格框架(AQF)。
This is because all Australian education qualifications are included under one national system - Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
因此,如 果出现某特定行为应归于一国 或一国际组织或同时两者的问题,本条款草案为 确定是否该行归于国际 组织而提供标准,而国家对国际不法行为的责任条款将 就把行归于国家一事作出规定。
Thus, if an issue arises as to whether certain
[...] conduct is to be attributed to a State or to an international organization or to both, the present articles will provide criteria for ascertaining whether conduct is to be attributed to the international organization, while the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts will regulate attribution of conduct to the State.
[...] 当(例如,把设保人身份识别特征输入有担保债权人一栏),所载其他信息准 确、充分的通知便归于无效 ;(b)颁布国的取名惯例将予以适用;(c)登记处系 统的设计应当能够确保,按照已登记通知所确定的某一设保人的身份识别特征 [...] [...]
进行查询就能披露可确定所有其他设保人身份的已登记通知;及(d)为建议 21-25 和执行这些建议的条例的目的,设保人和有担保债权人的身份识别特征应当是 登记时的身份识别特征。
Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that the commentary will explain that: (a) if the information is entered in the inappropriate field (for example, the grantor identifier is
entered in the secured creditor field),
[...] a notice that contains otherwise correct and sufficient [...]
information may be ineffective;
(b) naming conventions of the enacting State would apply; (c) the registry system should be designed so that a search against the identifier of one of the grantors identified in the registered notice would reveal the registered notice in which all of the other grantors would be identified; and (d) for the purposes of the recommendations 21-25 and the regulations that would implement them, the grantor and the secured creditor identifier should be the identifier at the time of the registration.
如遇证据缺乏或证据不 足,法院必须按照疑点利归于被告 原则宣告被告无罪。
In the event of lack of, or insufficient, evidence, the court must acquit in accordance with the principle in dubio pro reo.
[...] 国际法委员会的以下看法:“该组织拥有独特法律人格并不排除将某一行为同归于该组 织和它的一个或多个甚至所有成员的可能性”。36 [...]
除非该组织自己授权 其成员(通过成员国)代表其采取行动,例如,在国际组织无法接受国际义务时(例
如,见 1993 年 3 月 19 日的欧洲法院第 2/91 号意见),或在条约规定了共同责任 时,似乎没有明确的理由要求成员国对组织机构作出的决定负责,尤其在这些决 定可能(而且通常是)由(多数)票作出时。
It is difficult to reconcile this position with the position of the Commission that “a distinct legal personality does
not exclude the possibility of a
[...] certain conduct being attributed both to the organization [...]
and to one or more of its members
or to all its members”.36 Unless the organization itself authorizes its members to act on its behalf (“through the medium of the Member States”) as, for example, when due to the impossibility for the organization to accept the international obligation (see an example of the Opinion 2/91 of 19 March 1993 of the European Court of Justice), or where shared liability is provided by treaty, there seems to be no clear reason why, for example, member States should be held liable for decisions taken by the organization bodies, particularly as they may be (and usually are) taken by a (majority) vote.
This is also the case with geographical indications, which may be used to protect traditional
products or crafts if particular characteristics of such
[...] products can be attributed to a particular [...]
geographical origin.
法采取认真和协调一致的行动,重新唤起人们对在 1967 年以前边界基础上落实
[...] 两国解决办法的憧憬,值此之际,占领国以色列的言行显示,以色列故意确保上 述努归于失败 ,继续肆无忌惮地藐视法治,藐视国际社会的立场和意愿,并选 [...]
At a time when the international community is fully and responsibly focused on promoting an environment conducive to the achievement of a peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and seeks serious and coordinated action to salvage the prospects for realizing the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, Israel, the occupying Power, in word and in deed is demonstrating
its deliberate intent to ensure the failure
[...] of these efforts as it continues to [...]
recklessly defy the rule of law and the position
and will of the international community and to choose continued occupation and conflict over peace.
总之,监察组认为,索马里海盗行为 归于 特 定 的民兵组织和“家族”的 一种严重犯罪活动。
In sum, the Monitoring Group considers Somali-based piracy to be a fundamentally criminal activity attributable to specific militia groups and “families”.
立陶宛已执行关于将酷刑罪列入国内法律的建议90.14, 酷刑的定义包含联 合国《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》第一条所述
[...] 的所有要素,因为《公约》列出的所有酷刑要素已在《刑法》之中被认定为个人 犯罪行为,而不是作为犯罪行归于 单 一酷刑定义之下。
Lithuania has already implemented recommendation 90.14 to incorporate in national law the crime of torture, defining torture as a crime comprising all the elements of Article 1 of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, since all the elements of torture identified in this Convention are duly criminalised by
the Criminal Code as individual acts, i.e. without
[...] combining them under a single definition [...]
of torture as a criminal act.
燕人返国可以算是个成语,但现在已经很少有人用了,而且这个故事主要是讨论道家的思想,所以我把这个故 归于 中 国 寓言,而不是成语故事。
But due to the fact that this idiom is rarely used nowadays and the complicated subject discussed in this story, I prefer put it in Chinese Fable stories instead of idioms.
在第三个世纪头几十年,罗马公正地击退反对异端邪说,只有那些确定一个模式的区别(Monarchians,Sabellians,“Patripassians”),和那些谁,相反,使基督的圣三一三人是个人,或似 归于 神 的 一个独特的从父,作为话语。
In the first decades of the third century, Rome impartially repelled opposing heresies, those which identified the three Persons of the Holy Trinity with only a modal distinction (Monarchians, Sabellians, "Patripassians"), and those
who, on the contrary, made Christ a mere
[...] man, or seemed to ascribe to the Word [...]
of God a distinct being from that of the Father.
经合组织示范公约》第 7 条对来源国征税范围的限制更多,只允许 归于 常设单位的利润征税。
Article 7 of the OECD Model Convention has a more restricted scope for source-State taxation and allows only profits attributable to the permanent establishment to be taxed there.
(2) 董事会可作出任何他们认为必要或快捷的行为及事情,令按照本条
(a)段的规定进行的任何资本化生效,董事会并有全权在股份可零 碎分派时作出其认为合适的规定(包括将零碎所有权全部或部分集 合一起并且出售而出售所得款则分派给有权获得分派的人,或予以
[...] 摒弃或向上或向下整数调整的规定,或让零碎所有权的利 归于本 公司而非有关的成员的规定)。
(2) The Board may do all acts and things considered necessary or expedient to give effect to any capitalisation pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Article, with full power to the Board to make such provisions as it thinks fit in the case of shares becoming distributable in fractions (including provisions whereby, in whole or in part, fractional entitlements are aggregated and sold and the net proceeds distributed to those entitled, or are disregarded or rounded up
or down or whereby the benefit of fractional entitlements accrues to the
[...] Company rather than to the Members [...]
腹泻和呕吐几乎总归于微生 物细菌(病毒、细菌和寄生虫) 通过口腔带到体内引起感染。
Diarrhoea and vomiting almost always are due to infections caused by microbes (viruses, bacteria, parasites), which enter the organism through the mouth.
当时,该地区首席 警官、一名中校抱住了正向广场上人群移动的自杀式 袭击者,并在爆炸中与他归于尽。
On that occasion, a Lieutenant Colonel who was the chief police officer in the area embraced the suicide attacker who was moving towards the people in the square; he exploded with him and died.
虽然条款草案实现了 很好地平衡并涵盖了该专题最重要的方面,但仍需
[...] 对部分条款草案进行进一步审议,尤其是关于将行归于一国 际组织和关于解除行为不法性的情况的 [...]
Although the draft articles were well balanced and covered the most important aspects of the topic, some draft articles
required further consideration, particularly
[...] those concerning attribution of conduct to [...]
an international organization and circumstances precluding wrongfulness.
2010 年期间,72%以上的预算外资金拨款 归于 教 育部门的项目34 ,远远高于传播和信 息部门(13,5 %)以及社会科学及人文科学(7%)、自然科学部门(6%)和文化(1 %)各 部门。
In 2010, more than 72% of extrabudgetary funds were allocated for education projects,34 well ahead of communication and information (13.5%), social and human sciences (7%), natural sciences (6%) and culture (1%).
Bellosi attributes to Guido a considerable [...]
number of works, including the dossal of Saint Peter in the Siena Pinacoteca
Nazionale, which are stylistically very consistent with the illustrations in this manuscript.
资金不足阻碍创 新,农民无法获得采用技术的资金,使技 归于 无 用
Insufficient financing hampers new innovation and the inability of farmers to access capital to adopt technology renders it useless.
燃料贸易被视为商品贸易,而能源的生产、发生和贸易一般认 归于服 务
While trade in fuels is regarded as merchandise trade, production, generation and trade of energy are
[...] generally considered as services.
归于基 地组织之下的青年党尽管面临压力,但仍然严重威胁 索马里和更广泛地区的和平与稳定。
In spite of the pressure it is under, Al-Shabaab
[...] with its recent affiliation to Al-Qaida remains [...]
a serious threat to peace and stability
in Somalia and in the larger region.
A'isha“(安拉她高兴)报道,安拉的使者(愿平 归于 他 ) 她结婚时,她7岁,和,他被带到一个新娘,当她9他家,和她的娃娃与她,而当他(神圣的先知)死亡,她18岁。
A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.
如果回答为“是",请指明它可 归于 以 下 哪个大类。
If yes, please specify under which of the following broad categories it can be classified.
2007 年三年度全面政策审查促请联合国各组织“在可能情况下,确保因共同 努力和协调而得到的节省费归于各 项发展方案所有”。
The 2007 triennial comprehensive policy review called on United Nations organizations to ensure, where possible, that cost-savings as a result of joint efforts and coordination would accrue to development programmes.
根据第 67/1(c)号决定,执行委员会决定请财务主任将俄罗斯联邦的欠款继 归于 基金账户的欠款类别。
By decision 67/1(c) the Executive Committee decided to request the Treasurer to maintain the outstanding contributions of the Russian Federation in the outstanding contributions category of the accounts of the Fund.
这是向前迈出的重要一步,在很大程度上 归 功 于本 组 织通过多项宣传活动、有关教育问题的高级别世界会议和对国家一级协调工作的积极参与 [...]
This is an important
[...] step forward that can be attributed in large part [...]
to the momentum created by the Organization through
its numerous advocacy actions, high-level world conferences on education and active engagement in country-level coordination processes.




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