

单词 强迫性



sexual obsession


compulsive hoarding

See also:

强迫 n

coercion n

强迫 v

drag v


force v

External sources (not reviewed)

这种情况可能会严重威胁到缺乏政治或法律手段对土地的偷窃 强迫性 流 离 失 所、非自愿移居或采掘业有害影响进行追究的那些少数群体。
This can create significant threats to minorities who
lack the political or legal means to
[...] challenge land theft, forced displacement, involuntary [...]
resettlement or the harmful impact of extractive industries.
国际和睦团契指出强迫性的长 期兵役已经成为厄立特里亚人权危机中的 一个日益严重的问题。
The International Fellowship of
[...] Reconciliation stated that enforced indefinite national [...]
service was an increasing element of
the human rights crisis in Eritrea.
例如,在新的第 4 条中规定:“绝对禁强迫性工作 或义务 工作……”。
For example, new article 4
[...] provides that “forced or compulsory labour [...]
is absolutely prohibited …”.
在本报告所述期间,联苏特派团监测了苏丹南方政府牵头在琼莱州、瓦拉布 州和湖泊州展开强迫性平民 解除武装进程。
During the reporting period, UNMIS monitored the Government of
[...] Southern Sudan-led forced civilian disarmament [...]
process in Jonglei, Warrap and Lakes States.
90.21. 修正现行法律,强迫性关系 和性剥削等性侵犯儿童问题纳入法律 [...]
( 斯洛文尼亚)
90.21. Amend existing law by incorporating sexual offences against
[...] children, including forced sexual relations [...]
and sexual exploitation (Slovenia)
修订相关国内法律,在保护妇女免 强迫性 关 系 方面给予已婚妇女与 未婚妇女同等的保护,并废除歧视妻子及女童财产继承权的法律
Amend relevant domestic legislation so as to
offer married women the same level of
[...] protection against coerced sex as to unmarried women [...]
and remove the law which discriminates
against a wife’s and female child’s right to inherit property (United Kingdom)
第 26 条补充规定: “不得强 制从强迫性工作 ,除非在依法成立的司法机 关宣布剥夺自由的情况下。
Article 26 in its entirety: “No one may
[...] be subjected to forced labour, except [...]
under a prison sentence handed down by a legally established court.
不雇佣童工或使强迫性、债 役性或非自愿性的监狱劳动力。
Does not employ
[...] child labour or forced, bonded or involuntary [...]
prison labour.
例如, 记录显示,该区域一些地方的性传播感染率是最高的(特别是 25 岁以下的感染 率);平均青春期生育率刚刚低于欠发达国家的 60 的平均水平,而马绍尔群岛等
[...] 一些岛屿的生育率却高达 138;太平洋青少年的性虐待强迫性 行 为的比率一直 很高;以及大量青少年经常有高危险性行为。
For example, the region has some of the worst recorded rates of sexually transmitted infections (particularly for under-25-yearolds); an average adolescent fertility rate that is only just below the less developed country average of 60, with some, such as the Marshall
Islands, as high as 138; consistently high
[...] levels of sexual abuse and forced sex among Pacific [...]
adolescents; and significant numbers
of adolescents regularly engaging in high-risk sexual behaviours.
除了心理强迫性扭 曲 外,这些重复性的行为还会占用很多时间,严重影响个人的正常生活。
In addition to the mental strain of the obsessions, the compulsive acts may take hours to perform each day, interfering with the person’s life.
(j) 应当促使从业人员、决策者和一般公众认识到:大脑功能的改变强 迫性行为和毒瘾发作的根源, 强迫性 行 为 和毒瘾发作又说明了为什么药物依 赖是一种疾病;鄙视、忽视和偏见始终存在,它们对吸毒者、其家庭和社区造 成不利影响; (k) 对吸毒成瘾者的护理应纳入主流保健服务
(j) Practitioners, policymakers and the general public should be made aware of the changes in brain functions that were at the root of compulsive behaviour and uncontrollable cravings, which, in turn, explained why drug dependence was a health disorder, and of the fact that stigma, ignorance and prejudice persisted and had adverse consequences for drug users, their families and the community
奥地利倡导为这些 高风险群体以及他们生活的社区提供无倾向性和强迫性的服务与资源。
Austria advocates the non-judgmental, non-coercive provision of services and resources to these at-risk groups and to the communities in which they live.
[...] 挥其潜能,使其成为未来社会中的知名女性,并帮助他们克服过早性活动 强迫 性活动 、少女怀孕、不安全堕胎、性传播感染(包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病)以及有害 [...]
Its mandate is to assist young people, especially adolescent girls, to live healthy lives, achieve their full potential and be very visible women in tomorrow’s society, as well as help
them overcome the
[...] risks of early and forced sexual activity, [...]
teenage pregnancy, unsafe abortion, sexually transmitted infections, including
HIV/AIDS, and harmful cultural practices.
《全国法典》第17章第2802 节对强迫性关系 案件,它给予犯罪人妻子 的保护没有与给予另一妇女的保护相同。
17 PNC §2802 does not extend to the wife of the perpetrator the same level of
[...] protection against coerced sex as it extends to [...]
another woman.
向前迈进的重要一步是在缺乏双重犯罪 的情况下促进协助采取强迫性措施
An important step forward was the promotion of
[...] assistance for non-coercive measures in [...]
the absence of dual criminality.
在这方面,据强 调,应当使从业者、政策制订者和整个社会知晓大脑功能发生改变 强迫性行 为 和毒瘾发作的根源,从而说明毒品依赖性为何是一种疾病。
In that regard, it was underlined that practitioners, policymakers and society at large should be informed of the changes in the brain’s functions that were at the root of compulsive behaviour and cravings, which, in turn, explained why drug dependence was a health disorder.
同时, 还提出了种族歧视、禁强迫性兵役和防止性骚扰等专题的法律倡议。
Mention should also be made of
legislative initiatives on such topics as ethnic discrimination, prohibition of compulsory
[...] military service and sexual harassment.
患有执着强迫症的人会因他们自己 强迫性 想 法而重复某些动 作、行为、仪式,例如不断的洗手,计数或反复检查,使他们感觉好些。
Individuals respond to their obsessive thoughts by performing certain compulsive acts/rituals, such as repetitive hand washing, counting or checking to make themselves feel better.
[...] 下情况表示关注:该国法律在继承问题上歧视妇女;而 强迫性 交 的 问题上没有 给予已婚妇女类似未婚妇女的保护。
It was also concerned that the country’s legislation discriminated
against women regarding inheritance and did not afford similar protection to married and
[...] unmarried women against coerced sex.
(强迫性神经 官能症、重度抑 郁综合症、心脏问题和高血压) 与其所称的虐待有什么联系。另外,没有一个报 [...]
Moreover, none of the reports refer to injuries
[...] that would be indicative of beatings [...]
or other forms of ill-treatment or torture.
关 于强奸问题,在保护妇女免强迫性 关 系 方面,法律给予已婚妇女的保护程度与 未婚妇女的保护程度不同。
With respect to rape, the law did not extend to married women the same level of
[...] protection against coerced sex as it extended to [...]
unmarried women.
当然,人们必须对任何将一个人遣返到一个处于索马 里动荡局势的国家强迫性持十 分怀疑的态度。
Of course, one must be very
[...] skeptical of any compulsion to return someone [...]
to a country in the precarious situation of Somalia.
[...] 个的条约机构对以下情况表示关切:据称使 强迫性和 暴 力措 施实施人 口 政 策 ;64 有报道 [...]
称 ,在拘留中心 发 生 对包括藏 族 尼姑在内的妇女施 暴 现 象;65 男 女 比例倒挂可能会助长拐卖妇女和女童;66 买卖妇女和女童问题和遗 弃老年妇女问题。
One or more treaty bodies raised concerns about the alleged use of coercive and violent measures to implement the population policy;64 about reported
incidents of violence against women in detention centres, including against Tibetan nuns;65 about the
[...] impact of the adverse sex ratio, which may contribute [...]
to the increase
in trafficking in women and girls;66 about the problem of the sale of women and girl children and of the abandonment of elderly women.67 CEDAW urged China to adopt a comprehensive law on violence against women and to provide immediate means of redress and protection to women and girls victims of violence68 and that China speedily complete, adopt and implement the draft national programme of action against human trafficking.69 A/HRC/WG.6/4/CHN/2 Page7
有迹象表明,对于一些社会 经济群体,如青少年和妇女,贫困可能与艾滋病毒感染率联系在一起,这是由于 在他们当中提早发生性行为更为普遍,同时 强迫性性 行 为 和交易性性行为的报 道。
Women living in slums were consistently found to have much lower access to prenatal and antenatal care than those in other urban areas with higher incomes.71 Furthermore, women and girls in urban poor populations also tend to be subject to a higher prevalence of HIV/AIDS than women living in rural and other urban areas, which is perhaps linked to the findings that suggest that, for women in the urban poor population, forced or traded sex is often more prevalent than for their higher-income or rural counterparts.72 There are some
indications that for some
[...] socioeconomic groups, such as adolescents and women, poverty may be linked to HIV prevalence, owing to higher rates of early sexual initiation [...]
and reports of forced or traded sex.73 47.
不使用童工,不以体罚、虐待 强迫性 方 式 对待员工;在聘用、报酬、培训机会、升迁、解职或退休等事项上,不会有种族、民族或社会出身、社会阶层、血统、宗教、身体残疾、性别、性取向、家庭责任、婚姻状况、工会会员、政治见解、年龄或其它的歧视。
We also do not engage in
[...] or support discrimination in hiring, [...]
remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination,
or retirement based on race, national or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, political opinions, age, or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination.
( 即,人身保护权) 此外,各国应促进和实施非监禁措施,例如保 释和假释,在入狱时进行医疗检查和在转移中进 强迫性 医 疗 检查,在审讯室采用 视听诉讼程序记录。
Further, States should promote and apply non-custodial
measures such as bail and
[...] probation, respect medical inspection upon admission and compulsory medical inspection [...]
during transfer,
and introduce video and audio recordings of proceedings in interrogation rooms.
记忆集团秉持着'维护员工的合法权益,履行社会责任,实现企业与员工、社会和谐发展'理念服务于社会,建立运行SA8000体系并遵守EICC电子行业行为准则,以国家法律法规要求为标准,严格履行社会责任,禁止使用童工、禁 强迫性 劳 动 、维护健康与安全、结社自由及集体谈判权利、禁止歧视、禁止惩戒性措施、工作时间、报酬严格按照劳动法规定执行。
Ramaxel Technology serves society under ESH / HSF policy, puts in place appropriate policies and procedures to meet the requirements of SA 8000 and comply with the EICC Electronic Industry Code of Conduct and national laws and regulations, takes social
responsibilities, prohibits
[...] child labor and forced labor; protects health and safety, advocates freedom of association and [...]
collective bargaining,
prohibits discrimination and disciplinary practices, and complies with the provisions of the labor law on working hours and compensation.
[...] 务组织理事会并呼吁人权理事会和各 专门程序 进一步关注迫性和强迫 性对艾滋病毒呈阳性妇女施 行 绝 育 术 [...]
的 情 况 并 注意将 艾滋病毒传播定为 刑 事 罪 行的影响,以及关注处于社会边 际群体所面临 的 风险和有选择性的进行法律追究的危害性。
also called for greater attention to be paid by the Human Rights
Council and the special procedures to the
[...] situation of coerced and forced sterilization [...]
of HIV-positive women, the impact of
criminalization of HIV transmission, exposure of marginalized groups and the risk of selective prosecution.
强调为充分按照《突尼斯议程》第 71 段规定的任务而加强合作的重要性和迫性,并强调需 要加强合作,以便各国政府能够在与因特网有关的国际公共政 策问题上,而不是在不影响这些问题的日常技术和业务事项中平等地发挥作用和 履行职责
Emphasizing the significance and urgency of the process
towards enhanced
[...] cooperation in full consistency with the mandate provided in paragraph 71 of the Tunis Agenda and the need for enhanced cooperation [...]
to enable Governments
on an equal footing to carry out their roles and responsibilities in respect of international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet but not in respect of the day-to-da y technical and operational matters that do not impact upon those issues
际社会在合作与信息共享的基础上做出协调一致的回应,并敦促所有国家为此 制定、实行和加强有效措施,防止、打击和消除各种形式的贩运人口行为,打
[...] 压对被贩运受害者的需求和保护受害者,特别是 强迫 劳 动 、受 性 剥 削 或商 业剥削、暴力和性虐待的妇女和儿童。
The Ministers recognised that trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants continue to pose a serious challenge to humanity and require concerted international response, based on cooperation and sharing of information, as appropriate and urged to that end, all States to devise, enforce and strengthen effective measures to prevent, combat and eliminate all forms of trafficking in persons to counter the demand for trafficked victims and to protect the victims, in
particular women and
[...] children subjected to forced labour, or sexual or commercial [...]
exploitation, violence and sexual abuse.




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