单词 | 强硬的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 强硬的 adjective—iron adjExamples:(政策等)强硬的 adj—tough adj See also:强硬—unyielding • hard-line 硬 adj—hard adj • stiff adj 硬—firm • able (person) • doggedly • resolutely • good (quality)
首先,正如我们所说,需要更多的证据证明有关发展中国家引入 更为强硬的知识产权保护措施的效果,尤其是那些缺少可行技术基础的低收入国家。 iprcommission.org | First, as we [...] have noted, there is a need for more evidence on the effect of introducing stronger IP protection [...]in developing countries, [...]particularly those with low incomes, which lack a viable technological base. iprcommission.org |
对发展中国家来说,诸如教育材料和科技知识的著作对其发展十分重要,如果 著作权的规则过于强硬的话,这些国家使用这些著作就会受到影响。 iprcommission.org | For developing countries, affordable access to works essential for development such as educational materials and scientific and technical knowledge may be affected by unduly strong copyright rules. iprcommission.org |
从长远的角度来说,更为强硬的著作 权保护可能有助于促进发展中国家本国文化业的发展, [...] 前提是也必须具备其它影响此类行业发展的条件。 iprcommission.org | In the long term, stronger copyright protection [...] may help to stimulate local cultural industries in developing countries [...]if other conditions affecting the success of such industries are also met. iprcommission.org |
必须始终对所有这些做法采取强硬 的零容忍立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | A consistently tough zero-tolerance stance against all those practices must be taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一趋势让人担忧中国、越南和菲律宾 将在此问题上采取日益强硬的态度 ,从而威胁地区 稳定。 crisisgroup.org | This has led to concerns that China, Vietnam and the Philippines are growing more assertive on this issue, endangering regional stability. crisisgroup.org |
打击腐败需要采取强硬的企业规章和流程,包括第三方关系管理、内部合规计划以及调查就绪程度。 deloitte.com | Combatting [...] corruption will require the adoption of strong [...]corporate practices and procedures, including third-party relationship [...]management, internal compliance programs, and investigation readiness. deloitte.com |
虽然在某些情形中,一些发展中国家发展以著作权为基础的行业所带来的潜在利益可能是 [...] 诱人的,但根据从整个发展中国家世界得来的证据看,我们难以否认:更 为 强硬的 著 作 权 保护对世界大多数贫困人口的负面影响很可能更为直接和明显。 iprcommission.org | Although the potential benefits from the development of copyright-based industries in some developing countries may be enticing in some cases, it is hard not to conclude from looking at the evidence from [...] the developing world overall that the [...] negative impacts of stronger copyright protection [...]are likely to be more immediate and [...]significant for the majority of the world’s poor. iprcommission.org |
准军事部队对外交政策影 响了解有限,相比之下,海军军舰在采取行动时态 度通常更为克制,而恰恰是因为准军事部队政治影 响较小,在介入争端时它们往往采取过 为 强硬的行 动。 crisisgroup.org | Naval vessels are likely to behave with more restraint than domestic actors with a limited understanding of foreign policy implications, while paramilitary agencies often tend to take more assertive actions precisely due to the lesser political ramifications of incidents in which they are involved. crisisgroup.org |
2004 年通过的关于布隆迪、科特迪瓦和海地问题等措辞更 为 强硬的 决 议 ,呼吁把与武 装团体有联系的妇女和儿童的需要全面纳入复员方案。 un.org | In 2004, stronger resolutions on Burundi, [...] Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti called for the needs of women and children associated [...]with armed groups to be comprehensively included in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes. un.org |
27 在另一方面,工业界有人认为,如果实施更 为 强硬的 著 作 权措施,那么封闭源码所有权产 品的开发者可能会更愿意使发展中国家的软件开发者获得源码。 iprcommission.org | As another practical measure, more widespread use of the various open source software26 products, where source code is made available unlike proprietary software, may be considered.27 Alternatively, some in industry argue that with stronger copyright enforcement, closed source proprietary developers may be more willing to make source code available to software developers in developing countries. iprcommission.org |
我们满意地注意到,今年的决议草案对绑架和劫 持本地和国际人道主义工作者和联合国人员行为采 用了更加强硬的措辞。 daccess-ods.un.org | We note with satisfaction that this year’s draft resolution includes reinforced language on kidnapping and hostage-taking, of both local and international humanitarian and United Nations personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
面对着各方的政治立场在选举前 和选举期间变得更加强硬的风险 ,保持对话的必要性显得比任何时候都更重 要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The potential for the hardening of political [...] positions in the run up to and during the elections shows that it is even more [...]important than ever to continue the dialogue. daccess-ods.un.org |
在拉奎拉,八国集团领导人通过了一项措 辞 强硬的 反 恐 宣言,述及以下事 项:激进主义、招募问题、资助恐怖主义问题、尊重人权、国际法和法制。 daccess-ods.un.org | In L’Aquila, the G-8 leaders had adopted a strong counter-terrorism declaration addressing the following matters: radicalization, recruitment, financing of terrorism, respect for human rights, international law and the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着谈判的进展以 及卢范尼亚检查员继续要求开展超出最初约定范围的活动,托兰东道方开始对卢 范尼亚的要求采取较强硬的立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the negotiations progressed, and the Luvanian inspectors continued to request activities beyond the initially agreed scope, the Torland hosts began to adopt a firmer stance to Luvania’s demands. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于中国惧怕朝鲜 政权崩塌,担心成千上万朝鲜难民蜂拥入境,忧虑 [...] 韩朝迅速统一可能带来的战略后果,中国仍然会继 续保护朝鲜免受更严厉的惩罚,包括 更 强硬的 经济 制裁。 crisisgroup.org | Given its fear of regime implosion, or hundreds of thousands of North Korean refugees streaming across the border, or the strategic consequences of a precipitous reunification with South Korea, [...] Beijing continues to act in ways that shield the DPRK from more punitive [...] measures, including stronger economic sanctions. crisisgroup.org |
这样的比赛和友谊赛不一样,对抗乌拉圭这 样 强硬的 球 队 ,智利的小伙子们可能需要更多东西。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Against a strong and solid Uruguay team, these blokes might need a bit more than what they have now. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
它们认为, 制裁是一种强硬的工具,使用制裁会引发基本道德问题,即使目标国家的弱势群 体蒙受苦难是否是施加政治压力的合法手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | They maintained that sanctions were blunt instruments whose use raised fundamental ethical questions as to whether suffering inflicted on vulnerable groups in the target country was a legitimate means of exerting political pressure. daccess-ods.un.org |
第一,由于当前在发展中国家存在大范围的复制现象,同时其本国购买力的水平较低,因 此人们担心更为强硬的保护 措施及其实施是否会使此类技术的传播更受限制。 iprcommission.org | First, as there is currently widespread copying together with low local purchasing power in developing countries, there is a concern that stronger protection and enforcement could mean a more limited diffusion of such technologies. iprcommission.org |
就此项议题进行辩论的时候,有些委员建议对欠债常驻代表团采取最 为 强硬的 态 度, 强制执行有关条例和规定,包括总部委员会第一六一届会议(2006 年 6 月 22 日)上已经通 过的那些措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the debate on that item, some members of the Committee recommended, that time, the greatest possible firmness towards Permanent Delegations still in debt, and advocated the strict application of binding rules and instructions, in particular the measures already adopted by the Headquarters Committee at its 161st session (22 June 2006). unesdoc.unesco.org |
4.主要问题包括地区间工作不平衡;地区和部门联动不够;对“关爱女孩行动”的认识 还有待提高;对“两非”活动的打击尚需加大合力;部分地方工作未能体现以人为本,工作 方法停留在用强硬的行政手段开展工作上;部分地方考核方法不当、统计数字失实。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Besides, certain regions have maintained improper assessment methods leading to inaccurate statistical calculations. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
若干遭朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 特工绑架的日籍国民案件一直未得到解决,所涉国家必须采取 更 强硬的 措 施 ,以 确保展开全面的调查,得到有透明度且令人满意的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of cases concerning nationals of Japan abducted by agents of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea remain unresolved and require stronger measures on the part of the country in question to ensure a comprehensive investigation and a transparent and satisfactory outcome. daccess-ods.un.org |
进 口禁令对缅甸的强硬派来 说没有明显的压力,他们 既不制定政治议程,其经济利益也不在制造业领 域。 crisisgroup.org | The measure would exert no [...] obvious pressure on hardliners in Myanmar, who [...]are not setting the political agenda and whose [...]economic interests are not in manufacturing. crisisgroup.org |
并非所有的“强硬 派”在每个问题上的看法都一致。 crisisgroup.org | Not all “hardliners” will have the same [...] view on each issue. crisisgroup.org |
新的强硬相机防水(16英尺的TG – 610和- 310为10英尺的TG),防震(5英尺)和抗冻(14华氏度),可提供惊人的图像,即使你带他们到极端。 technologeeko.com | The new Tough cameras are Waterproof [...] (to 16 feet for the TG-610 and 10 feet for the TG-310), Shockproof (to 5 feet) and [...]Freezeproof (to 14 degrees Fahrenheit) to deliver amazing images even when you take them to extremes. technologeeko.com |
虽然中国的强硬作风和目前的海事冲突多半源于国 内无法克服的政府结构性问题,但政策上的模糊性 也有一定好处,即如有必要时给予中国实行 强 硬政 策的空间。 crisisgroup.org | While much of the assertiveness and incidents at sea to date are an outgrowth of Beijing’s inability to overcome structural challenges, there are benefits to ambiguity, which allows it to act assertively at times. crisisgroup.org |
如果说在科索 沃北部、在其他强硬派塞族人中间发生了一系列暴 力,包括烧毁 31 [...] 号门以及袭击米特罗维察地区法院, 那么所有这一切都是北部塞族社区 的强硬 分 子 干的, 而且不幸的是,他们得到了贝尔格莱德当局的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | If there has been a long line of violence in northern Kosovo and among other hardline Serbs, including the burning of Gate 31 and the attacks on [...] the Mitrovica district court — all of [...] that was done by hardliners of the Serb community [...]in the north, with the very obvious [...]support, unfortunately, of the authorities in Belgrade. daccess-ods.un.org |
最终,杜尔马丁和其他人决定在亚齐设立安全基地,认为既然反自由亚齐运动(Gerakan Aceh [...] Merdeka, [...] GAM)已在那里与印尼军队交战长达30年,这本身就说明亚齐确实具备合适的地形;而且,与印尼其他省份不同,亚齐有授权实行伊斯兰法,并且许多当地领袖都亲伊斯兰教法;一些在2004年海啸后在亚齐设立分支机 构 的强硬 派 团 体也是潜在的盟友。 crisisgroup.org | In the end, Dulmatin and the others went along with the idea of setting up a secure base in Aceh, believing that since the rebel Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) had fought the Indonesian army there for more than 30 years, it had suitable terrain; alone among Indonesian provinces, it was authorised to apply Islamic law and [...] many community leaders were pro-sharia; [...] and a number of hardline groups that had [...]set up shop in Aceh after the 2004 tsunami were potential allies. crisisgroup.org |
她有旁遮普血统,出生于新加坡,并在印度与英国接受教育,对于她成长的国家对政治难 民 的强硬 态 度 ,她有着不动声色的批判,尤见于作品“纸船”(Paper [...] Boats)(2009),作品邀请画廊参观者用1968年版的大英百科全书中的纸页制作纸船——Gill察觉到其中的讽刺意味。 artasiapacific.com | As an artist born of Punjabi ancestry in Singapore and later schooled in India and England who has been quietly critical of her adopted [...] country’s increasing intransigence on [...] political refugees—most notably in Paper [...]Boats (2009), which encouraged gallerygoers [...]to fashion vessels from pages of a 1968 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica—Gill is aware of the irony. artasiapacific.com |