单词 | 强硬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 强硬 —hard-lineless common: unyielding Examples:强硬派 n—hardline n 措辞强硬—strongly-worded 强硬立场—tough position See also:硬 adj—hard adj • stiff adj 硬—firm • doggedly • able (person) • good (quality) • resolutely
然而,鉴于解放军常援引南海 的战略重要性作为预算增长的依据,它很可能会继续强 调更强硬政策的必要性(见第 IV 章,第 D 节)。 crisisgroup.org | However, given the strategic importance of the area as a justification for the PLA’s budgetary growth, it is likely to continue to emphasise the need for more assertive policy (see Section IV.D). crisisgroup.org |
首先,正如我们所说,需要更多的证据证明有关发展中国家引入 更为强硬的知识产权保护措施的效果,尤其是那些缺少可行技术基础的低收入国家。 iprcommission.org | First, as we [...] have noted, there is a need for more evidence on the effect of introducing stronger IP protection [...]in developing countries, [...]particularly those with low incomes, which lack a viable technological base. iprcommission.org |
另一重要因素是对强硬派领 导人的服从, 包括在难民营内外对他们的服从。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another important factor concerns [...] subordination to hardline leaders, including [...]within and around the refugee camps. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须始终对所有这些做法采取强硬 的零容忍立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | A consistently tough zero-tolerance stance against all those practices must be taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
该项目旨在促进社会和解,其运作基于这样一项原则,即实现 [...] 赚取收入的参与式和透明的方式,将为市民建立一种协作契约,在发展共同权益和缓解 “强 硬”政治主张方面开展合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project aims to promote community reconciliation and is based on the principle that a participatory and transparent approach to income generation will create a [...] synergetic bond for municipalities to cooperate in the development of common interests and [...] the mitigation of “hardline” politics. unesdoc.unesco.org |
各国政府可能也感到在突尼斯和其他国 家发生的事件打开了防洪闸,因此对抗议活动采取 了 强硬 手 段。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments may also feel that the floodgates have been opened by the events in Tunisia and other [...] countries, and take a hard line on protest. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一位坦率直 言,大力宣传强硬立场 的是解放军空军上校戴旭,2009 年,他在有民族主义倾向的《环球时报》上撰写评论文 章呼吁中国加快开发该地区的自然资源。 crisisgroup.org | Another outspoken advocate for greater assertiveness is PLA Air Force Colonel Dai Xu, who wrote a commentary in the nationalist-leaning Global Times in 2009 calling on China to speed up its exploitation of natural resources in the area. crisisgroup.org |
发言者忧虑地指出,歧视性措施和限制性政策 被强硬化, 新颁布的关于移民的法律文本和条例表 明了这一点,这些文本和条例鼓励种族主义、种族 歧视和仇外心理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Increasingly harsh discriminatory measures and restrictive policies were a cause for concern, as shown by promulgation of new laws and regulations on immigration that encouraged racism, discrimination and xenophobia. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于戈德斯通报告(A/HRC/12/48)的后续行动问 题,我们特别希望今后几个月中,在联合国机构再次 审议该报告的时候,安全理事会中那些完全不顾国际 人权和国际人道主义法准则和原则、顽固 而 强硬 地支 持以色列政权的成员能够调整它们的立场,顺应国际 上日益高涨的要求起诉加沙战争罪犯并将其绳之以 法的呼声。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the follow-up to the Goldstone report (A/HRC/12/48), we particularly hope that, within the coming months as United Nations bodies review the report again, those members of the Security Council who rock-solidly and unwaveringly support the Israeli regime in total disregard of the norms and principles of international human rights and international humanitarian law will adjust their positions to the growing international demand for justice and the prosecution of the Gaza war criminals. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿拉伯联合酋长国要求,国际社会——它以联 [...] 合国为代表,包括安全理事会和拥有各自职权范围的 本组织其他机构,以及四方的成员——加紧作出有效 [...] 努力,对以色列施加更多政治和经济压力,促其停止 侵略和建造定居点,放弃目前的强硬 政 治 立场,并遵 守各项国际要求,即纠正它在被占领巴勒斯坦领土, [...] 特别是在东耶路撒冷,制造的目前的非法局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Arab Emirates demands that the international community — represented by the United Nations, including the Security Council and other agencies of the Organization, each within its own field of competence, as well as the members of the Quartet — increase effective efforts and put further political and economic pressures on Israel to [...] cease its aggression and [...] settlement building and renounce its current hard-line political [...]positions and comply with the international [...]demands that it correct the unlawful present reality it has created in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially in East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
打击腐败需要采取强硬的企业规章和流程,包括第三方关系管理、内部合规计划以及调查就绪程度。 deloitte.com | Combatting corruption will require the adoption of strong corporate practices and procedures, including third-party relationship management, internal compliance programs, and investigation readiness. deloitte.com |
正如关于欧盟驻科法治团的报告(S/2012/72,附 件一)所指出的那样,塞尔维亚强硬派 分 子设置路障, 阻止律师和欧盟驻科法治团法官与检察官前往米特 [...] 罗维察区法院,从而使科索沃北部这个唯一合法机构 陷入瘫痪。 daccess-ods.un.org | As noted in the report on EULEX (S/2012/72, [...] annex I), Serb hardliners man barricades [...]that block lawyers and EULEX judges and [...]prosecutors from accessing the Mitrovica District Court, paralysing the only legitimate institution in northern Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
某些国家试图将执行决议与其他条件 挂钩,而由于以色列的强硬态度,即便从长期来看, 这些条件可能也无法实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | Certain Powers had sought to connect the implementation of that resolution to other conditions which, owing to Israel’s intransigence, might not be realized even in the long term. daccess-ods.un.org |
27 在另一方面,工业界有人认为,如果实施更 为 强硬 的 著 作权措施,那么封闭源码所有权产 品的开发者可能会更愿意使发展中国家的软件开发者获得源码。 iprcommission.org | As another practical measure, more widespread use of the various open source software26 products, where source code is made available unlike proprietary software, may be considered.27 Alternatively, some in industry argue that with stronger copyright enforcement, closed source proprietary developers may be more willing to make source code available to software developers in developing countries. iprcommission.org |
调 解人的看法得到了很多国际利益攸关方的认同,这些利益攸关方告诫说,在现阶 [...] 段任何惩罚性措施,包括定向制裁,都将使本已艰难的局面更加复杂,可能导致 关注的焦点偏离优先任务,并造成使目标当事方采取 更 强硬 立 场 的反面效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Facilitator’s view was shared by many international stakeholders, who warned that any punitive measures at this stage, including targeted sanctions, would further compound the already difficult situation, [...] possibly divert focus from the priority tasks and have the [...] opposite effect of hardening the stance of the [...]targeted parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
2004 年通过的关于布隆迪、科特迪瓦和海地问题等措辞更 为 强硬 的 决议,呼吁把与武 装团体有联系的妇女和儿童的需要全面纳入复员方案。 un.org | In 2004, stronger resolutions on Burundi, [...] Côte d’Ivoire and Haiti called for the needs of women and children associated [...]with armed groups to be comprehensively included in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes. un.org |
面对着各方的政治立场在选举前 和选举期间变得更加强硬的风 险,保持对话的必要性显得比任何时候都更重 要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The potential for the hardening of political [...] positions in the run up to and during the elections shows that it is even more [...]important than ever to continue the dialogue. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,越南愿重申其强硬立场,即审查和处理在执行第 1540(2004)号决议方 [...] 面出现的问题,必须基于下列原则:尊重《联合国宪章》和国际法、尊重国家独 立和主权、不干涉别国的内部事务、通过和平手段解决争端;扩散大规模毁灭性 武器的威慑作用不应被滥用到影响进出口活动以及为和平目的技术转让的地步。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, Viet Nam would like [...] to reaffirm its hard position that reviewing [...]and resolving matters arisen during the implementation [...]of resolution 1540 (2004) must be based on the following: respect for the Charter of the United Nations and international law, respect for national independence and sovereignty, non-interference into other countries’ internal affairs, settlement of disputes through peaceful measures; and that the deterrence of WMD proliferation should not be abused to the extent that affects export-import activities as well as technological transference for peaceful purposes. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 们遗憾地重 申,国际社会在这方面继续无所作为的情况显然使以色列更加肆无忌惮地采取蔑 视和强硬态度。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, we regret to reiterate that continued international inaction has clearly emboldened Israel in its defiance and intransigence. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年,联索政治处共与 7 个对话者联系——由伊斯兰法庭联盟组成的索马里再次解放联盟、 [...] 自由议员团体、支持索马里再次解放联盟的民间社会团体、散居者、过渡联邦政府、支持过渡 联邦政府的民间社会团体以及由强硬 派 组成的第三群体。 daccess-ods.un.org | During 2008, UNPOS interacted with seven interlocutors in total: ARS, comprising the Islamic Courts Union, the Group of Free Parliamentarians, civil society groups allied to ARS and the diaspora, together with the Transitional [...] Federal Government, civil society groups allied to the Transitional Federal [...] Government and hardliners forming a third group. daccess-ods.un.org |
硬盘暴露于 55°C(也就是 131°F)以上的高温条件下时,可靠性会受到影响。如果对系统通风能力或硬盘环境温度心存疑虑,请为硬盘托盘或系统箱体添加额外的冷却风扇,以 加 强硬 盘 通 风。 knowledge.seagate.com | Reliability will be compromised when the drive is exposed to temperatures above 55°C or 131°F. When in doubt of your system's ventilation capabilities, or ambient environment of your hard disk, add an extra cooling fan to the drive bay or system case to force air across the drive. knowledge.seagate.com |
新的强硬相机防水(16英尺的TG – 610和- 310为10英尺的TG),防震(5英尺)和抗冻(14华氏度),可提供惊人的图像,即使你带他们到极端。 technologeeko.com | The new Tough cameras are Waterproof [...] (to 16 feet for the TG-610 and 10 feet for the TG-310), Shockproof (to 5 feet) and [...]Freezeproof (to 14 degrees Fahrenheit) to deliver amazing images even when you take them to extremes. technologeeko.com |
倡导表达自由 :促进自由、多元化和独立的媒体与信息机构的努力,作为民主、 [...] 发展和对话的关键因素,其特征是形成全球对表达自由的认识 的 强硬 立 场。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Advocating for freedom of expression: Efforts to foster free, pluralistic and independent media and [...] infostructures have been characterized by a [...] strong stance in building a global understanding [...]of freedom of expression as a critical [...]factor of democracy, development and dialogue. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这样的比赛和友谊赛不一样,对抗乌拉圭这 样 强硬 的 球 队,智利的小伙子们可能需要更多东西。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Against a strong and solid Uruguay team, these blokes might need a bit more than what they have now. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
法国特别是正在与其六国集团合作伙伴(美国、 俄罗斯、中国、联合王国和德国)一道继续作出不懈努力,通过采用对话 和 强硬 相结 合的双轨做法,寻求通过外交手段解决伊朗核问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Together with its partners in the group of six (China, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America), it continues to pursue a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue through a dual-track approach that combines dialogue with firmness. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管一些来自美国政府的强硬言论 显然是出于政治,尤其是在只剩下一个月时间的美国大选期间,但是我确实认为对安全问题的担忧在一定程度上是有效的。 youngchinabiz.com | While some of the tough talk from Washington is obviously political, especially with a major US election only a month away, I do think the security concerns are valid to a certain extent. youngchinabiz.com |
4.主要问题包括地区间工作不平衡;地区和部门联动不够;对“关爱女孩行动”的认识 还有待提高;对“两非”活动的打击尚需加大合力;部分地方工作未能体现以人为本,工作 方法停留在用强硬的行政手段开展工作上;部分地方考核方法不当、统计数字失实。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Besides, certain regions have maintained improper assessment methods leading to inaccurate statistical calculations. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
她有旁遮普血统,出生于新加坡,并在印度与英国接受教育,对于她成长的国家对政治难民 的 强硬 态 度 ,她有着不动声色的批判,尤见于作品“纸船”(Paper [...] Boats)(2009),作品邀请画廊参观者用1968年版的大英百科全书中的纸页制作纸船——Gill察觉到其中的讽刺意味。 artasiapacific.com | As an artist born of Punjabi ancestry in Singapore and later schooled in India and England who has been quietly critical of her adopted [...] country’s increasing intransigence on [...] political refugees—most notably in Paper [...]Boats (2009), which encouraged gallerygoers [...]to fashion vessels from pages of a 1968 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica—Gill is aware of the irony. artasiapacific.com |